
4 Reviews
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Open Water (2003)
I Did Not Like This Film, And, In Fact, I Really Hated It.
6 September 2004
I'd heard that this was a pretty decent little film. I also knew about the real life story it was based on, and I followed the same story as it went through the news. I am also a champion of people trying to break into the business, making small films, etc. I went into the theater really wanting to enjoy this movie. That said, I must then say I thought the end result was awful. I wondered how this particular story was going to be made into a film -- and, now that I've seen it, I can honestly say that those responsible for this film were not up to the task. To list a few points: 1) It went on way too long (and it is already pretty short for a feature)... there was a real feeling that scenes were just padded with visuals (and visuals that did not make good use of the exotic locale, either) and the thing just dragged. I wanted those two eaten and eaten fast. And the sharks just kept hanging around... I thought those were the most boring and peace-loving sharks to ever appear on screen. 2) The script was truly dreadful... particularly painful to watch were those endless scenes of dialogue where the couple snip at each other... it all could have been created in the most mundane of first year acting classes. I did not care about these characters. I felt sorry for the actors and I felt even sorrier for the poor people to whom this happened. What a way to be remembered! This actually seemed more like a film without a script (but not in any good or creative way). 3) This could very well be a good idea for a feature film, but I am not yet convinced. If a movie using this story had started with how the couple met their fate -- for about the first 15 or 20 minutes only -- and then it showed the subsequent trial and the various tour employees and lawyers and family members telling bits about the couple in flashback... well, that might not have been a much better film, but it would have been an easier one to watch than the manifestation I saw. The upside? Well, I guess I was taught that Australia is a completely boring place where you have to torture the lethargic sharks just to get them to eat someone. It must be the perfect locale for a nap.
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Perfect mixture of Hope comedy and Western movie nostalgia
18 March 2001
This is one of Hope's best movies. Along with its precursor, PALEFACE, it would make a great part of a double evening in front of your vcr or dvd. Russell's affectionate/condescension towards Hope works like a charm. The presence of Roy Rogers in this film is a stroke of genius. He plays a perfect lampoon of his own screen image here...and it may very well be his only film appearance in a movie not strictly in the Western genre (you could argue that DARK COMMAND was not only a Western, but a civil war film, but it hardly matters). Roy has a perfect sense for his part of the chemistry of the film and he plays it to the hilt...which is so much fun to see. It was one of the last movies Roy made (as he was now focused on becoming a TV cowboy star), and (with his entire film career supporting this appearance) watching him onscreen here not only makes you laugh, but tugs at your heartstrings as well. This makes SON OF PALEFACE a special movie on many levels. My favorite scenes: Hope trying to impress Russell in the saloon in the beginning; Roy Rogers on Trigger to the rescue as Hope's jeep runs amuck without a wheel; any scene where Trigger is bothering Hope.
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This is a memorable B Western
27 February 2001
As the sun was slowly setting on the age of the B Western, this was at least one final shining moment. Not only does this film contain one of Johnny Mack Brown's finest performances, but it also has the benefit of supporting performances of equal caliber by some of the B Westerns' stalwart survivors (not the least of whom are Lyle Talbot, Christine McIntyre, and Myron Healy). Myron Healy also wrote a particularly strong and moving script. This now obscure film deserves a wider audience.
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Though I enjoy old westerns, even very old westerns, this one had so many silly things in it that I would place it in the "Plan 9 From Outer Space" category.
21 October 2000
This is one of a handful of starring roles for Buddy Roosevelt (real name Kenneth Sanderson), who actually had a very long Hollywood career (his last film was "The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance" in 1962). Unfortunately, it was neither a good vehicle for him, nor did it show him to good advantage. I recently saw a chopped up version of it on the new America One network. Chopped-up or not, the production values were so paltry that the viewing of this film soon had me laughing aloud. And I am sure laughter was not the original intent of the movie-makers. Just some of the moments I could not help snicker at (and, mind you, I am quite the opposite of a mean-spirited person, so this is not some attempt to make fun of anyone long gone and unable to defend themselves): * Some camera transitions were done with what must have been some kind of shade pulled sideways across the camera lens, opening and closing certain scenes, but done with such a shaky hand that it looked like someone was dragging a piece of cardboard across the lens. * A fire set in the weeds (to burn down a house with Buddy Roosevelt inside) suddenly moves completely inside with no trace of a fire outside at all -- and the outside of the house is completely untouched by fire. Did the fire climb in through the window? * Buddy goes to fetch his horse that has run away, and retrieves it by "untying" the reins from a bush -- who exactly tied this horse to the bush? * Someone really should have coached Buddy Roosevelt physically. He seemed like a skillful rider (he performed stunts for Marion Davies in the silent films), and he performs a couple of really dangerous stunts near the end, as he fights with the bad guy on a buckboard that is clearly racing along an actual cliff with the actual actors aboard. But the man ran like Jerry Lewis screaming "Hey, Lady!" and he fought with little noodly punches and leapt down a cliff like a four year-old jumping into a pool full of cold water. I was embarrassed at myself for how much I laughed out loud. There are moments like this literally every couple minutes of the film. All in all, I would want to own this movie for its unintentional humor, as in "Plan 9 From Outer Space." The big fight at the end made me laugh so hard I pulled a muscle in my lower back. I'm not kidding.
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