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White Noise (I) (2005)
Some People Need To See More Movies
13 January 2005
Let me preface this review with my usual warning: I love Michael Keaton, so my view of this film may be a little tainted.

Now, I have read a lot of reviews about this movie and for any of you that have said that this is the worst movie you have ever said, I say, "You need to see more movies." Granted, this is not the best movie in the genre, nor was it the worst. Granted the script wasn't great, but there are very few 'horror' movies where the script is amazing.

Besides, I jumped a few times during this film (one in particular where I spilled Dr. Pepper on my lap), which is something I never did in some recent 'horror' films which I will not name specifically.

The amazing thing about this film to me was Keaton's performance. Most actors & actresses will act down for a movie like this, but Keaton puts in an amazing performance.

One last thing about the bad reviews of this film. Those of you that believe the hype will go into this movie and actually be surprised that it wasn't as bad as they all said.
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Ghostbusters (1984)
I Love This Show
20 September 2003
Unless someone is reviewing this movie at this exact moment, this should be the 200th review of Ghostbusters.

I hate to sound like my father, but they just don't make them like they used to.

I watched Ghostbusters again last night (I watched the commentary on the DVD, but I have the dialogue memorized, so it's almost like watching the movie) and I can't help but laugh out loud at this movie. Bill Murray, Dan Aykroyd and Harold Ramis are hilarious, Rick Moranis is classic, and Sigorney Weaver proved that she could do comedy long before 'Galaxy Quest'.

The dialogue is great, with some fabulous ad-libbed stuff from the actors. The special effects are not the greatest compared to today's computer-generated stuff, but I think it adds a sort of comic feel to the movie that deserves to be there.

Forget about the then-overplayed theme song. Forget about the 'He Slimed Me' and 'Back Off Man' t-shirts. Forget about the not-so-great sequel.

If you haven't seen this movie for awhile, go rent it and I'm sure you will laugh.
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Vincent (1982)
Twisted Fun
21 August 2003
Being a Burton fan, I had always heard of this short movie, but it wasn't until it was released on "The Nightmare Before Christmas" DVD that I actually had a chance to see it. I'm so glad I did.

As with most of my reviews, I won't go into the storyline, because you can read that somewhere else. I will say, however, that the story-telling by Vincent Price, together with great claymation characters, makes a movie that is hard to warped as this movie may seem.

I guess the reason I like this film so much is because it took me back to my own childhood, when I used to pretend I was Terry Bradshaw, Obi Won Kenobi and The Fonz. Never at the same time, of course.
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Not The Propaganda You'd Expect
14 June 2003
In the time since I wrote my reviews for "Singles Ward" and "The R.M.", I have watched most of the Mormon movies that are on video &/or DVD.

I first watched "Brigham City". LOVED IT! It was suspenseful and well-acted. I think it made a lot of people look at the LDS Church in a different way.

I next watched "God's Army". Being a former missionary myself, I didn't think it truly portrayed the missionary life. I also felt that it was too propaganda-like. Of course, it was a movie about missionaries who spend two years of their lives preaching about their church, so I guess that I should've expected that.

Because of "God's Army", I waited awhile before I decided to watch "The Other Side of Heaven". I figured that it'd be basically the same movie, except set in Tonga.

Boy was I wrong!

I know a lot of non-LDS people would disagree with me, but I really didn't think that this film was trying to push the LDS Church and its beliefs onto anyone. Of course, if you go into this movie thinking that it's a Mormon propaganda film, you will feel like it is, but if you go watch it with an open mind, I think you'll be pleasantly surprised with this movie about a Christian missionary and his desire to be with the people of Tonga.
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Funny Stuff
3 June 2003
I'll be totally honest with you. The previews for this movie did nothing for me. I just figured it was another movie in the continuing decay of the Disney masterminds, so I never took my kids to see it, nor did I plan to ever own this movie.

Last week, I saw the DVD on sale and thought, "What the heck! I might as well give more money to the Disney Corporation."

I'm so glad I did.

"Groove" is definitely not your parents' Disney film, and that can be a good thing. I laughed out loud so many times at this movie (the first time a Disney film has made me guffaw since "Alladin"). David Spade is perfect as Kuzco. Former Catwoman Eartha Kitt plays the villain in a beautiful way, and her sidekick, Kronk, played by Patrick "Puddy" Warburton, is my favorite character in the movie. His Devil & Angel conversations are hilarious.

My daughters have now watched this movie about 56 times in the past week (NOT an exaggerated number) and I still giggle uncontrollably when I hear him humming his own theme music. (See the movie and that last sentence will make sense.)

"Groove" is not the typical "classic" that you expect from Disney, but it is worth owning, and keeps you laughing throughout.
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A Fun Film
8 March 2003
I like Michael Keaton. In fact, I think I have a non-sexual crush on him. Wait, pretend I didn't just say that.

Let me just say, in an attempt to regain your confidence in me, that I think Michael Keaton is one of the greatest actors. He is, by far, my favorite. (Please Mike, don't file that restraining order against me again!)

The only reason I tell you these things is so you know that I may be partially biased in my review for this movie. It may not be as good as I think it is, but this movie entertains me thoroughly, and that should mean something.

The thing about 'The Dream Team' is that it's not just a Michael Keaton showcase movie, like some of his movies that were obviously made to show him off as an actor. ('Multiplicity' is one that comes to mind.) No, 'The Dream Team' is a group effort and the entire group performs well in their roles.

For a movie that I watch as often as I do this one, it should be getting old & tired, but I still laugh at the jokes as much as I did the first time I saw this movie.

I highly suggest seeing this movie. It truly is one of those under-rated movies that have been forgotten about.
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'Classic' Is Not A Big Enough Word
28 February 2003
First of all, before I start my review, I just read every review for 'The Muppet Movie' here and I can't believe that someone could give a negative review to a movie like this. (Fortunately there was only one.) I mean, I can understand how someone may not like 'Star Wars' due to the whole Sci-Fi genre, but to not like a movie starring some of the most lovable puppets in the history of mankind is almost sad.

Okay, I will step off my soapbox now and review this movie.

'The Muppet Movie' came out when I was seven. All of my friends wanted to see this as their birthday movie, so I think I saw it about four times in the first month in theaters.

As a child many things attracted me to this and all the other Muppet movies & TV shows. The singing was probably the main one. Most of the songs in 'The Muppet Movie' are classics. From "Rainbow Connection" to "I'm Going to Go Back There Someday", they're entertaining and thought-provoking.

As an adult I see 'The Muppet Movie' in almost a whole different light. Yes, the things that thrilled me about it as a kid are still there, but it's the little jokes and such that are just plain hilarious.

I mean, when you think about it, Jim Henson is a sick man.

Kermit is a frog and that is in love with a sweet pig that wears purple gloves and could karate chop you into two pieces. Fozzie is a stand-up comedian bear. Gonzo is a 'whatever' that is infatuated with chickens. Then you have two old guys that heckle, a piano-playing dog, a rock band with a maniac drummer, a Swedish chef that you can't understand and a number of other characters that are just plain eccentric.

Yet, for these reasons and more, Henson has entertained millions of children and adults, giving us all something special to watch and remember him by.

'The Muppet Movie' will always remain in my heart for many reasons, but I think the biggest one is because it's a movie, unlike a lot of recent children's movies, that I feel comfortable to have my kids watch. Plus, I don't get bored out of my mind with jokes that are dumbed down to my kids' level.

It's a great movie that is sure to be remembered forever.
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Spice World (1997)
What Did You Expect?
22 February 2003
You know, when I see the name 'Julia Roberts' on a movie, I usually do my best to avoid that movie. Why? Because I don't personally like Ms. Roberts. I'm sure she's a very nice woman, but she and her movies just don't do anything for me.

Now, I realize that Julia Roberts is not in 'Spice World', but I'm making a point.

If you see 'Spice World' starring the Spice Girls in your local Hollybuster video store and you've never really liked the Spice Girls, you probably won't like this movie. That's not too difficult to figure out, or so I thought until I read some of the reviews here.

Did they think that Baby Spice would win an Oscar for her performance? Did they think that a movie 'based' on the Girls' lives would be thought-provoking? Maybe they just thought that this would be the first PG-rated movie with full nudity. I can't figure it out.

I personally like the Spice Girls. They seem like they are a lot of fun, and their music is upbeat. To be honest, I think that they brought us out of the drudge of Grunge and Hard-core rap that we were experiencing in the mid-90's. They brought the happiness back to music.

On the other hand, I blame them fully for the popularity of all these teeny-bopper singers that have invaded my radio, but that's not my point.

'Spice World' is just a fun little movie that is a guilty pleasure for me and many other people. Like I said before, if you don't like the Spice Girls, don't see this movie. If you do like the Girls, you should like the movie for what it is.
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Fletch (1985)
Funny in 1985-Funnier in 2003
22 February 2003
I was 13 years old when this movie came out. At the age of 13, this movie was one of the funniest movies I have seen. Eighteen years later, I still think this is one of the funniest movies I have seen. In fact, it may be funnier now that I understand more of the jokes.

'Fletch' is one of those movies that I have to watch at least annually, but usually it's every six months that I get in the mood to hear Chevy's sarcastic lines. I just laugh at everything in this movie, especially the Utah references- "Those are three names I enjoy; Marvin, Velma, and Provo." Very funny stuff!

I think if you have any sense of humor, you will enjoy this movie.

p.s. I know that Kevin Smith is working on 'Fletch Won' rumored to star Jason Lee as a young Fletch, but as much as I love Jason, I don't know if he will compare to Chevy Chase.

I mean, is Ben Affleck's Jack Ryan as good as Harrison Ford's?
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Gremlins (1984)
I Blame My Youth
22 February 2003
I grew up in the 80's. I look back at that time with great memories. From the clothes to the cars to the music and movies, my life was pretty decent back then.

I sometimes like to 'relive' my youth and watch some movies that I remember liking as a youngster. Some of the movies still hold up as being great movies...Indiana Jones, Back to the Future, Star Wars, Die Hard to name a few.

Others are not so great...Crocodile Dundee, Mannequin and Gremlins fit into this category.

The concept of this film is fairly great, and I give thumbs up to Chris Columbus for writing a decent script...well, half a script.

The first half of this movie isn't too annoying, but when the Gremlins start their wicked ways, I feel like I'm watching an overblown SNL skit. The amount of juvenile humor is just plain annoying. This is one of those movies that was well talked about back in 1984, but cannot stand the test of time.

The highlight of this movie for me this time around was seeing the Back to the Future set being used. Granted, Gremlins came out first, but the clock tower will forever be known for Back to the Future.
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I Don't Know How To Feel
22 February 2003
Has this ever happened to you? You see a movie in the early years of your life and you really liked it, then after many years you sit down and watch it again and wonder what was really in those Flintstones vitamins, because the show is really a pile.

I'm not saying that 'Close Encounters' is a pile, but it definitely is a movie that I will never watch again, and yet I own it on video. Before I bought my DVD player, I saw the video cassette in one of those budget bins at my local video store, and said to myself, "I loved this movie. It needs to be in my family video collection." I bought it and put it in my video closet, knowing that I would watch it at some point again. I watched it last night, and I'm glad I did. I will not spend the money on the DVD now.

Don't get me wrong, there's some really cool stuff in this movie. The acting is better than you'd expect, the special effects are fairly good for 1977 and the score by John Williams is fabulous, but the story shall I say this...BORING!

I know that I'm not the majority in this way of thinking, but this movie is really just a waste of time and money on all counts.

Go buy the soundtrack instead. It's worth the money.
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The R.M. (2003)
Very Funny Stuff
12 February 2003
Warning: Spoilers
Before you read this review, go to my name and read my review for "The Singles Ward". That will give you the idea about how I feel about these types of movies. I'm very skeptical going in, and come out pleasantly surprised.

I have to admit, I like 'The R.M.' more than I liked 'Singles Ward'. Maybe it's because I only went to a singles ward twice, and then decided that I'd rather chew glass than marry one of the obviously desperate ladies there. (I knew they were desperate because they actually wanted to date a dork like ME.)

I am, however, an R.M. (Chile Santiago South 1991-1993) and thought that most of the jokes were extremely funny. Yes, some were over the top, but as a whole, I loved it.

***MINOR SPOILERS*** My favorite part was the comparisons of Elder's quorum and Relief Society. I almost blew lemonade out of my nose I was laughing so hard.


I also thought that 'The R.M.' had less cheesy LDS-related jokes. Not saying that there weren't any, but fortunately they spared us any green Jello jokes this time around.

If you are a returned missionary, go see this movie. You will definitely see something that seems familiar.

Plus, it's fun to just see a movie that's a lot of fun.
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Eddie's Best!!!
12 February 2003
I admit, I haven't seen this film for a few years now, but I remember seeing it the last time and thinking, "This is as funny now as it was in 1984!"

I have always thought Eddie Murphy was one of the funniest people in Hollywood. From his days on S.N.L. to his comedy albums that I had to listen to with headphones to movies like '48 Hours' and 'Trading Places', I thought Eddie was fabulous. When I saw 'Beverly Hills Cop', I knew right then that his career could only down from there.

Don't get me wrong, he's done some funny stuff since then, but none of it comes close to Axel Foley in this movie. Not even the sequels came close...then again, very few sequels ever do.

Still, I'd have to say one of my favorite parts of this movie deals with Axel meeting Serge (Bronson Pinchot) for the first time. I laugh just thinking about it.

Do yourself a favor. Watch this movie. It is extremely funny and sure to please.

Oh, and by the way, remember that the Eddie Murphy in this movie is the pre-'Nutty Professor'/'Dr. Dolittle'/'Shrek' Eddie Murphy. This is not a show for your kids!
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Not As Good As The First...
25 January 2003
Warning: Spoilers
...but I still love it!

This is the 100th review for this movie. Actually this is a review for the entire Trilogy, but I decided to put it under Part II for two reasons.

1) Most people HATE this movie, so it'll be nice to actually read a nice review here.

2) I wanted to be the 100th reviewer.

Back To The Future (BTTF) is one of my favorite movies of all-time. I admit, it may have to do with the fact that I grew up in the 80's and this movie epidomizes the 80's: skateboards, Deloreans, Michael J. Fox, the casual use of '1985', etc. It may have to do with the fact that I thought 'George McFly' was one of the greatest characters in history. Maybe it's just that I had a crush on Lea Thompson. For these reasons and more, I loved the entire BTTF Trilogy.

I won't go into the details of each movie, but I'll tell you why I like Part II.

Yes, Part II was a little choppy, but I think it needed to be told the way it was told.

***MINOR SPOILERS*** There had to be proof, as they talked about in the original, that whatever you do in the past could mess up the outcome of future events. So the whole going back to 1955 was an integral part of the trilogy, because, really that is where all the time travel stemmed to in the beginning. I don't know if that makes sense, but just trust me on this one. ***END OF SPOILERS***

Besides Michel J. Fox and Christopher Lloyd, the rest of the cast (Crispin Glover, Lea Thompson, Thomas F. Wilson, etc.) were all great. I try to watch this entire trilogy at least once every six months, and I just enjoy all three movies thoroughly.

I admit, I enjoy the original and Part III more than I enjoy Part II, but I can't say I hate Part II, like a lot of people (including my wife).

Now that it's on DVD, there should be no reason for you to buy this movie.

P.S. While you're watching Part II, watch closely in the part where Marty goes into the 80's cafe and plays the video game. One of the kids is Elijah 'Frodo' Wood.
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Run Lola Run (1998)
Kept My Heart Pounding
4 January 2003
I usually don't watch 'Independent Films'. It's not that I'm uncultured, it's just that I don't like the 'Independent Film' crowd.

They're usually a bunch of pretentious film watchers that could never like a movie that actually made more than $30,000. I know I'm generalizing here, but that really is how a lot of these people act.

Now I know a few of those would even say that 'Run Lola Run' doesn't count as an 'Independent Film' because people like me have rented it from our local Blockwood Video store, but I'm telling you right now, if you haven't seen this movie, run (no pun intended) to your nearest video store and get this movie.

'Run Lola Run' is a great film that keeps you focused the entire time. When I saw this movie, I told every person I know about it. In fact, I was even telling complete strangers in the supermarket lines about it, until the nice security guard told me that yelling 'RUN, LOLA, RUN!' at the top of my lungs was disturbing the peace. Fortunately, I had time to tell everyone in the holding cell about it too.

Now I'm telling you. SEE THIS MOVIE!
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Worthy of The 'Disney' Name
4 January 2003
NOTE: The following is the opinion of a very tired person at work. He has a horrible head cold and has been 'doped up' on Nyquil for three days now. Please keep all of these things in mind while reading this review.

I love Disney films. I always have. When I was a kid, my family used to go to every Disney film when it was released. I was in awe of the animation and the songs. Even now as I watch the Disney Classics over & over & over again with my daughters, I still think they are some of the best movies ever made...even after watching them five times in one day, like my daughters like to do at times.

But, sad to say, during the 1980's, Disney released some movies that I would not even try to call 'Classics'. Movies like 'Fox & The Hound', 'The Black Couldron' and 'The Great Mouse Detective' had some redeeming moments, and I still feel are decent movies, but they lacked most of the things I expected from a Disney movie.

Then there was 'Oliver & Company'. To be totally honest with you, the only reason I even saw 'Oliver & Company' is because Billy Joel's voice was in it. That's it! I still enjoyed it, but did it deserve to wear the Disney name? Not in my opinion.

Along comes one of the greatest years of my life...1989. I'm a Senior in High School, a 'Batman' movie had been released earlier that Summer and I happened to be playing Orin Scrivello, the Dentist in the school musical 'Little Shop of Horrors'.

We hear that Howard Ashman, the man who wrote the music for 'Little Shop of Horrors' wrote the songs for Disney's 'The Little Mermaid', so we decide to go see it for that reason alone.

When I left the movie theater on a cold winter night in December 1989, I realized that the Disney that I grew up loving was back in a big way. 'The Little Mermaid' had everything I have grown to love about Disney films. A princess, beautiful colors, singing and dancing animals and a really evil villain. I loved it!

'The Little Mermaid' is my favorite Disney film and ranked in my personal Top Ten of All-Time Movies. It was the beginning of a bunch of Classic Disney films that are worthy of wearing the Disney name.

FUN FACT: The song "Part of Your World" is very similar to the 'Little Shop of Horrors' song "Somewhere That's Green". When you see 'The Little Mermaid' with most of the cast from 'Little Shop', you catch things like this.
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Oh My Heck! I LOVE This Movie!
4 January 2003
Warning: Spoilers
You can read any review about this movie, and you'll see the same thing: 'Classic!', 'My Favorite Movie!', 'Amazing!', 'Rollercoaster Ride!', 'The Best Ever!'

Let me add my own phrase into the mix. "Oh My Heck!"

Okay, so I didn't actually make up that phrase, since it is the official phrase for the State of Utah, but I remember, at the age nine, sitting in the theater after the whole beginning sequence of 'Raiders' and turning to my brother and saying, "Oh my heck! This movie is so cool!"

TRUE STORY (with some minor Spoilers): The large popcorn that my brother & I were sharing was gone before Belloq even stole the golden idol from Indy. For those of you who haven't seen this movie (shame on you) that means within the first fifteen minutes.

Harrison Ford did something amazing in this movie. He made me forget that he was Han Solo. All I saw was a man named Indiana Jones doing things that any nine year old would want to do when they grew up.

I'm sure that most people who are reading this review have actually seen 'Raiders', but to those of you who haven't, what are you waiting for? Get off your duff and run out and buy this movie. It is seriously a "Classic, Amazing Rollercoaster Ride" that is truly "my favorite Adventure movie of all time!"
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A Classic Movie
4 January 2003
I am one of those fans of the 'Star Wars' movies that continues to enjoy the "prequels". I know that our numbers are dwindling, but I still stick by my reviews of 'Phantom Menace' and 'Attack of the Clones'. (Click my name to see those other reviews)

At the same time, I can't help but watch those two movies and think that Lucas did more in the original trilogy with little sets and little toy spaceships than he has done with computer systems.

Even while watching the 'Special Edition' original Trilogy, I think Lucas messed up putting all that new computer generated effects in it. The movies were basically perfect, why mess with them?

I hope that Lucas follows the example of Disney with 'Beauty & The Beast' or Spielberg with 'E.T.', in the sense that when I purchase the original Trilogy on DVD in 2006 or so, I have the choice to watch the original releases or the special editions. I doubt that will happen, but I keep my hopes up just in case.

I was five when 'Star Wars' came out. I am not a big 'Sci-Fi' fan. Never have been, but there was something extremely special about this movie. Yes, I contribute some of it to the special effects. I contribute some of it to Han Solo and Darth Vader. I even contribute some of it to my crush on Princess Leia, but I think the real reason that I, along with millions of other fans in the world, absolutely love this film is because we had never seen anything like it before 1977.

By the way, don't give me that "'Star Trek' was on TV blah blah blah cannot even match the talent blah blah sang 'Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds' blah" bull. I'm aware of the Sci-Fi TV shows and movies that we had prior to 1977, and I still stand by my statement. There was nothing like 'Star Wars' and to be honest with you, there really has been nothing like it since.

It is a movie that deserves to include the word "Classic" in every review given about it.
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Superman (1978)
1978? Are You Serious?
1 January 2003
With all the Superhero movies that have hit the theaters in the past few years (not to mention 'The Hulk', 'Daredevil', and 'X-Men 2' hitting screens later this year), it's hard to believe that this was the first big-budget Superhero flick. It's even harder to believe that this movie came out in 1978.

Recently, I've been trying to get all of my favorite Superhero movies on DVD, and I was lucky enough to get this one for Christmas. After watching all of the extras included on the DVD, I watched the movie for the first time in years. I have to tell you, I was blown away! I still can't believe that this movie came out in 1978. The special effects were actually quite extraordinary. He's really flying!

Now, granted, if you compare this movie to the "extreme" Superhero movies of today, with all of their computer generated effects, it will almost seem bland and old, but this movie is a classic in all senses of the word.

Now, I know there are rumours floating around everyday about making a new Superman movie starring __________ (insert your favorite actor here), but I'm telling you right now, Christopher Reeve is the perfect Clark Kent/Superman.

In fact-and I know I'm typecasting him here-when I saw 'Somewhere in Time', I just thought it was Clark Kent starring as Richard Collier...and that was just yesterday!

Do yourself and your offspring a favor and purchase this DVD/VHS/Beta/LaserDisc. It deserves to be in your collection.
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Evita (1996)
'Oh What A Show...'
19 December 2002
I'll be totally honest with you. I'm a huge Madonna fan. I like the fact that she can reinvent herself so many times and still stay popular. I like the fact that even though she's not the world's most amazing actress, she can still get parts in movies. I like the fact that I still get teary-eyed when I hear 'Crazy For You'. Wait, forget the last thing I said.

Having told you that, when I first heard that she was going to portray Eva Peron in the movie version of 'Evita', I thought somebody had really messed up. I knew that if she was given a chance, she may be able to pull it off, but I really had my doubts on whether the rest of the world would fall for it.

I was also extremely terrified when I heard that Antonio Banderas was going to play Che. When I heard that this movie was in the works, I figured Mandy Patinkin would star as Che, but when I heard Antonio's name, I about fell off my chair.

So the movie came out, and my wife and I decided to see it. I was quite shocked and amazed at what I heard. "Is that really Antonio singing?", I'd ask my wife on every song Mr. Banderas belted out. I was floored, to say the least.

Then entered Juan Peron, portrayed by Jonathan Pryce. I knew him from 'Something Wicked This Way Comes' and that was the only movie I knew him from, and I was even more in awe that he could sing than I was with Antonio.

'Evita' is an amazing movie. It is visually stunning, especially the funeral scenes. (You do know that Eva is no longer alive, right?) All of the actors are fabulous! There is nothing in this movie that I was disappointed with.
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My Life (1993)
Keaton Gets Overlooked Again
18 December 2002
In my personal, yet almost humble opinion, Michael Keaton is the most underrated actor out there. It seems like this man could star in a movie portraying himself and the critics would still claim that he wasn't believable.

The first time I ever saw Michael Keaton was in 'Night Shift' and I thought to myself, "This guy is one of the funniest people on Earth". He put in terrific performances in 'Beetlejuice' and 'Clean & Sober' in 1988, but yet wasn't even nominated for those roles.

MY THEORY: Maybe the judges felt that his portrayal of a recovering alcoholic in 'Clean & Sober' would strike too close to home for many of the recovering alcoholics in the Shrine Auditorium, but that's not my point.

From his portrayal of Bruce Wayne/Batman in 1989 (and again in 1992) to his remarkable bad guy in 'Pacific Heights' in 1990, Keaton has continued to amaze me with the range of acting that he has.

In November 1993, I saw 'My Life' and I could just feel that he was going to win an Academy Award for it.

Come February 1994, the nominations are announced and Keaton isn't even on the list. What the...? I guess cancer wasn't the cool disease that year, since in the end, Tom Hanks won for 'Philadelphia'.

Stepping down from my soapbox: 'My Life' is a great film. It's funny, thought provoking and yes, VERY SAD. I love this show and I hope that you check it out when you get a chance because I think you will be pleasantly surprised.
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Not Like I & II...and that's the problem
18 December 2002
I've read most of the reviews for 'The Godfather Part III' and for those of you who hated this movie, I have something to make you think about.

Pretend that this movie was released with a totally different name, like 'Mobsters Inc.' Could you honestly say that it was the worst movie you've ever seen and just plain dull?

The reason it was such a disappointing show was because it contained the word 'Godfather' in the title, so we all assumed that this would be another Oscar-winning movie like it's predecessors.

'Part III' is not a bad show in any sense of the word. It's a great story. It has great acting. It's just not a 'Godfather'.

If you go into this movie thinking that way, I'm sure you'll enjoy it.
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Galaxy Quest (1999)
Not What You Think
13 December 2002
Let me preface this review by saying something that is going to shock you...I have never, ever seen a "Star Trek" movie or TV show. Not one!

(This is where you pelt me with your "'The Wrath of Khan' is the greatest movie ever made" comments.)

Having said that, it took me quite a long time to decide to see 'Galaxy Quest'. I figured all of the jokes would be references to Star Trek in some way and would totally go over my head. Boy, was I wrong.

I could not believe how funny & enjoyable this movie was. The entire cast was perfect. I was shocked to see Alan Rickman in a humorous role. The script was extremely hilarious. There was a part of this movie that I literally had to push pause on the VCR and wait until my family all caught their breath from laughing so hard. (HINT: It's the 'take out the garbage scene')

I'm telling you as a non-Star Trek fan (and really, with the exception of 'Star Wars', I'm not a huge Sci-Fi fan either) that this movie is worth renting if for nothing else to laugh out loud.
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Now This Is Funny
21 November 2002
Whenever I watch a "comedy" that hits theaters now, I can't help but wonder where the humor really is. Don't get me wrong, there have been some recent movies that have given a chuckle here & there, but I can't think of one that has made me all out guffaw.

"Planes, Trains & Automobiles" does just that, every single time I watch it.

This movie is a Thanksgiving tradition for my family. Usually in the morning, before the football game, we'll all sit down in front of the TV and pop this video in and just laugh, while the smell of turkey is filling our home.

You know the story: Neal Page (Steve Martin)wants to get home for Thanksgiving, but everything goes wrong and it takes a lot longer to get there than he expected. Meanwhile he meets up with Del Griffith (John Candy) and gets more than he expected.

The script by John Hughes is brilliant. The characters are perfectly played by Martin & Candy. They work so well together, and there are scenes that I still have to pause because we are laughing so hard we can't hear the dialogue.

Make this movie a tradition with your family. You won't regret it.

NOTE: I know that it has an 'R' rating, but that is due to one scene where Steve Martin has had enough at the car rental agency and he lets the 'F-word' fly. If you're watching it with your family, when you see Steve walking up to Edie McClurg, press Fast Forward.
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Arachnophobia (1990)
Scariest Movie Ever!
16 November 2002
I've seen a lot of movies in my life...too many movies some might say. I have never been so scared in a movie than I was with "Arachnophobia".

I'm terrified of spiders. I think everything about them is just evil. And don't give me that "They eat bugs" bull, I don't care, spiders are still evil. My wife kills the spiders in our home. I know that's pathetic, but she earned that duty.

See, I would've never seen "Arachnophobia" had it not been for my wife, then fiance.

While it was in theaters, my buddies all wanted to see it, but in fear of wetting myself in front of them, I told them that I had other plans.

Fast forward four years, my fiance & I were at our local Blockwood video store, looking for the perfect scary movie, and she finds "Arachnophobia", knowing darn well that I'm terrified of spiders.

She asks if we can get it, and I agree, trying not to look like a pansy in front of the girl I want to spend my life with. By the end of the movie, I was as white as a sheet and gripping her hand so tight, she couldn't feel anything in her hand. I seriously spent most of the movie with my eyes closed.

For that reason, she kills the spiders in our home. She felt so bad about scaring me like that.

I know that there are quite a bit of you that think this movie is too humorous to be scary. That's biggest load I've ever heard.

If you hate spiders, DO NOT SEE THIS MOVIE!
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