
63 Reviews
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Cowboy Bebop (1998–1999)
Cowboy Bebop
12 November 2020
This is my second full anime watching and I think it's my favourite and is gonna be a hard one to top it's gonna be hard to top this and since this is a show I don't want to say anything to spoil anything important but every episode feels very original from really dark episodes like Real Folk Blues pt.1&2 to really fun episodes that are halarious like Cowboy Funk all the characters and plot keeps you invested I can't recommend this one enough so I give Cowboy Bebop 10 thumbs up
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Death Note (2006–2007)
Good show
5 October 2020
I don't feel like I need to say anything this is a movie you need to go into without seeing anything about it and watch this very interesting show now I give this a strong recommendation.
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American psycho
5 October 2020
It was so much better on second viewing you take In so much you didint notice last time like how this good be about Consumerism and Materialisim towards the yippie culture and also could be about feminism or both I won't get into too much that already has I t been said the usual Bale was fantastic great characters and all that jazz definitely a strong Halloween and movie recommendation as a whole
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Death Note (I) (2017)
Death note
28 September 2020
My plan was to watch the live action version then watch the anime for Death Note so I wouldn't get my hopes up after finishing up after watching the anime I would highly recommend this method because this movie is so garbagely done and the anime is so intense and amazing it makes the anime so much better then it already is this is less of a review then it is just a recommendation who knows mabye you might like this movie I sure didint I do not give this a good recommendation unless you watch it how I suggested
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Empire strikes back
28 September 2020
Went to go see this in theatres for the 40th anniversary and it did not disappoint I would argue that yes it doesn't all look real but for 1980 it is very impressive. The score for the movie is incredible on big giant speakers and I don't think I can really say anything that has already been said other then this movie is definitely worth going to spend some money on
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Tenet (2020)
28 August 2020
This will be hard to be spoiler free so here we go I won't go into the plot but just know that it's very tightly done and like most of Nolan's movies it's plot over characters so nothing supper interesting going on with the characters but the plot keeps it fresh and interesting the acting was good all around and visually is incredible this was my first Christopher Nolan movie in IMAX and it was insane the only problem is the sound mixing was a bit bad I had problems hearing dialogue I thought it was just my theatre but other people were saying the same thing and saying that's what it was like at other Nolan movies but I don't know. I feel this is a movie to watch a couple of times and all the science stuff was it as boring as it was in interstellar(still a good movie) I don't think this is his best movie but it's still really good and has a really interesting concept behind it I would it look into anything about this movie before you see it because that'll give you a better viewing experience if you are reading this and having seen the movie stop what you're doing and go now I strongly recommend this film to people and don't hurt you're head thinking about the movie
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Hamilton (2020)
14 July 2020
This is less a review and more so go and watch it right now I've listened to the soundtrack a lot of times and I still got the same reaction to it everytime and the show corsions is incredible the dance choreography is incredible like you look at satisfied and it's in reverse and it's just mind blowing don't even start talking about the music just watch it now
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The king of states island
13 June 2020
In short if you like Pete from SN' chances are you'll like this if you like him enough for 20$ and it was a lot longer and sadder then i thought it was gonna be but the trailer was pretty sad so should have seen that coming someone should also check in on Pete cause this isint a documentary but Pete Davidson In real life has his dad die and is a drug addict I give a solid recommendation for this support Davidson's first big movie directed by comedy director longed Judd apatow solid recommendation
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Space Force (2020–2022)
Space force
13 June 2020
It was good not anything too good but I would watch a next season I didint expect it to be really sad at some parts of the show it also hits a good amount of jokes Steve Carell and John malcovitch had pretty good chemistry together but something that was bugging me a lot us Carell keeps on going back and forth in like a deep voice accent and his regular voice and at times the show can be pretty cringey like that K-pop scene but I still enjoyed it soothing nice to watch during quarantine solid recommendation
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Booksmart (2019)
13 June 2020
Not gonna lie it was a let down people were comparing this to the next Superbad so expectations were pretty high but it was kind of boring there were some pretty funny stuff in it but I didint think it was all that original the two lead actresses in the movie were probably my favourite part they had a lot of good chemistry and I thought they did a solid job on what high school is like I thought it was nice not a masterpiece I'd still watch it cause it might just be me who doesn't really like it it's on amazon prime solid recommendation
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Knives Out (2019)
Knives out
13 June 2020
Definitely better then I thought it was gonna be even though it was praised a lot when it came out but even for a who done it movie that have been done to death and are pretty predictable this one is pretty original and it makes you feel kind of stupid when you don't see the twists and turns it was also pretty funny and people are now seeing that Rian Johnson is a good person and Won't be seen is last Jedi guy this was it my favourite movie of 2019 but still pretty good and enjoyable but my only big problem is if this is a movie you would be able to watch repededly it's kind of a that was really good watch once movie over time MABYE that will change still pretty good movie directing was pretty sweet actors were pretty sweet ending with that last shot makes you feel so good about how they got what they deserved strong recommendation
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Midsommar (2019)
27 April 2020
Probably not my favourite movie of 2019 there were a lot of bangers this year like parasite and the lighthouse but this is definitely way more disturbing then the lighthouse and I'd have to think about hereditary this deeply unsettled me and I would hope you think twice about watching this because once you see it you can't unseen it and it's not just one scene that's like this is the worst one just pretty much the last half of thus 150 minute movie is brutal I would have to question your sanity after watching this and Ari Asters who is a terrific director
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Hereditary (2018)
27 April 2020
My favourite movie of 2018 was a very disturbing one that was filled with sharp turns and twists filled with horrifying scenes incredible acting pagan cults and really great directing there's not that much I can say about this movie just don't go into it with a full stomach this is not your average horror movie I don't need to say that you should watch it you might regret it it's very unsettling
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Chapter 3
27 April 2020
This movie was A step up from the first it stepped up its writing quality and the antagonist(s) are pricks and I hate them so there good the action keeps getting better in all of them to be honest but my biggest problem was the end it felt so rushed and everything was going so fast like the director said ah guys were getting a bit long here let's wrap it up anyway I would give a high recommendation for some of those action fans out there
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Chapter 2
27 April 2020
The second in the series is pretty good but I would say nog as good as the first the first has more originality and this one has far superior action there still realitivally around the same they both have pretty weak main antagonist the in the second one it's a bit pacey in the middle overall still a good watch I enjoyed it good recommendation if you wanna non superhero action movie from last decade
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John Wick (2014)
John wick
24 April 2020
I heard this was one of the best action movies of the decade but I was still a bit skeptical at first because how action movies have been heading down far but it does not let down the action scenes were buetiful and I really liked their originality of it and of course you have Keanu Reeves not mad max fury road good but still shows how we can still make a good R rated action movie that doesn't have superhero's
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Birds of Prey (2020)
Birds of prey
4 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Entertaining yes good no this movie the more you think about it the worst it gets what I say bothers me the most is Ewans black mask is pretty much the joker and Jared letos Joker is pretty much joker I was really hyped up for this movie because Margot Robbie was the best part of Suicide Squad and I was thinking that they would have learned from there mistakes not do worst they also have Harley Quinn be like deadpool witch I hate superhero movies doing now the whole birds of prey part should be taken out because they only use all of them at the end overall if you don't think about movies a lot and you just want to stuff popcorn in your face and enjoy yourself you'll probably like this movie it's still funny and enjoyable just Incredibly flawed so high recommendation for entertainment
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1917 (2019)
1917 review
3 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Alright now this was a good movie but there are definitely some problems with it but we'll start with the good stuff obviously the directing was amazing by mr.sam Mendes I really enjoyed the concept of pretty much a 1 take film even though it's like 5 takes and I liked how they ended them like when the guy falls down the stairs the take ends then he wakes up to s firey blitz this movie had a whole lot of effort put into it to with all the action scenes alright the bad stuff this movie was pretty much only getting people to see it for the whole one take thing the story was not really the most investing of things near the end it feels a bit rushed to I didint like how his friend died so early it surprised me or they could of had some more bonding and chemistry for us to really know the characters before his offs one off because I was really enjoying their scenes together overall a good movie but im happy it didint get best picture at Oscars I would say good recommendation definitely should of seen it in theatres when it was out or I hope you have a good TV
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Good Time (2017)
Good time
29 March 2020
This was a two in one combo show casing Robert Pattonson being a good actor after being a vampire boy now redeeming himself in films such as this and the Lighthouse and the other in the combo is the Safdie brothers who have also made a movie called uncut gems that movie is better then this but good time is still really good these Safdie brothers I think are gonna have their movies studied in film schools in a few decades from now just watch I don't wanna get into too deep spoiler territory but the only problems I have with both Good Time and Uncut Gems is that there are one or two uneeded scenes like the kissing scene in Good Time if you've watched Good Time you know exactly what I'm talking about and I see movie reviewers like Chris stuck man saying that it's bold and something you never see go that far in movies well yes but sorry it doesn't really make you like you're characters other then that this movie was breathtaking high recommendation
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Quadrophenia (1979)
29 March 2020
I saw this from how much I liked Tommy and this movie does it let down either I don't wanna spoil to much but if you like the album it's based on it all makes the album make sense you get are real feeling for Jimmy and I was very happy to see sting this movie does it drag super good high recommendation
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Toy Story 4 (2019)
Toy story 4
18 March 2020
Warning: Spoilers
A bit of a lit down to an extent kinda disappointed me at the end but first let's get through the good stuff the animation was incredible really had a huge ton of effort put into it there was so much detail it's insane the pacing was also pretty good there was always something interesting going on and I was never bored the antagonist doll I thought had a lot of charrecter and I really liked her she was pretty original I also liked the whole plot of Bonnie being scared to start school so she makes a toy out of garbage who wants to kill himself all the time and it impresses me that Disney made Forky toys... people are buying literally garbage for there children I dunno I just think that's just funny alright time for some bad stuff so I liked the whole plot of it I just don't like how they converted Forky so fast from wanting to kill himself to being all happy and it was kind of annoying but the biggest problem of all was that ending a lot of people liked it but I thought it was just stupid why would Woody do this to me also watching toy story 3 there is only one mention of her in the beginning that she was gone who actually noticed she was gone before seeing the trailer for this movie also there was like no Buzz what's up with that those are most of my problems overall it was okay worst in series though oh and Keanu as Duke Kaboom was stellar I would probably suggest to watch this if you like the rest of the series the majority seem to like the ending more then me
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Once upon a time in the west
18 March 2020
What's not to like about this movie it's a 3 hour western directed by Sergio Leone and starring Henery Fonda it was garuntied to be good from the start if you're into film or Sergio Leone high chance you're gonna like it
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Fargo (1996)
28 February 2020
Warning: Spoilers
To start off the Cohen brothers genius they did silt you can't get away with now they made people believe in this crazy story and said it was based off a true story because we can do a easy google search to prove if it's write or wrong The screenplay was also fantastic but I knew about the whole wood chipper scene but it was still brutal but it would have been way better if I knew all the acting I'd good especially from Buchemmi who I thought was just gonna be how he is in his Sandler movies anyway this is a high recommendation Goff job Joel and Eathan
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Uncut Gems (2019)
Uncut gems
26 February 2020
This is probably my second favourite movie of 2019 I think Adam Sandler definitely redeems himself for being an actor after he's been in a lot of bad movies recently and I'm pretty upset that it got mega snubbed at the Oscars these Safty brothers make some really good movies like Good Time witch was there last movie before this and I'm hyped for there next movie
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Far From home
18 February 2020
I think this was really bad and overrated almost comparing to US as in let downs of 2019 I thought this was boring and predictable and uninteresting my favourite part of this movie was probably the mysterio action scenes where he gets in his head I probably would have enjoyed this movie more in theatres but I just think nobody will remember this movie in a few years I don't really recommend this movie but I mean people seem to like it pire then I did
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