
43 Reviews
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perhaps one of the worst comedies ever made
26 August 2006
i didn't get this movie and i don't know why so many people like it, its stupid. wes anderson has only directed one good film, the royal tennebaums, and this movie isn't near as good. its supposed to be a comedy? i saw more action in it than comedy, there wasn't one joke to where i laughed at. i have no clue why so many people like it, maybe some people like watching unfunny "comedies." the acting was good, but there was no jokes at ALL!!! i don't know if it is Wes Andersons imagination or what, the fish looked like crap. it made no sense, it wasn't funny, it was just a story about a guy trying to kill the shark that ate his friend, and it is all bunched up into a movie and it is god awful, stay away from this movie. it isn't funny at all. if you want something funny then watch a night at the roxbury, bad santa, AIRPLANE!, sixteen candles or harold and kumar, this movie i assure you, you will not like.
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one of the best movies i have seen in a while, and one of the best ever made
4 August 2006
Darren aronofsky directs this amazing film that centers around Sara goldfarb, harry goldfarb, Marion silver and Tyrone c love and their addictions. Jared leto gives a unbelievable performance along with Ellen burstyn who is breath taking. i warn you though, when purchasing or renting the unrated version, it gets very pornographic, but is still a awesome movie. i have heard so many people telling me how good it is, so i bought it one day, watched it, loved it. its one of those movies though that i can only watch maybe two or three times after seeing it. i highly recommend this film to anyone with any interest or are fans of the actors and directors. i loved it. 10/10
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11:14 (2003)
30 July 2006
i never heard about this movie or even knew it existed till a caught it on hbo. and man what a treat! this movie is so brilliant, you'll be watching it thinking, what is going on?! then it explains it from another persons point of view. with hilary swank and patrick swazey, the best known actors in the movie, leading the way, this is a great movie. just like pulp fiction, it intertwines people together through a car crash that happened at 11:14. this has some of the best acting i have ever seen in a low budget independent film and great directing and m night shyamalan type writing. i highly recommend this film to anyone who has ever thought about watching it, you will be surprised. 10/10
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i LOVED it
27 June 2006
Hands Down Best Super-Hero movie EVER!!!! this is just a amazing film... in my opinion better than all batman, spider-man, hulk, fantastic four, daredevil films. action, romance, bryan singer. let's be honest, can he EVER disappoint us? i bought my ticket hours earlier before the film and was in the theatre a half hour before the movie... worth EVERY minute. if u liked the original superman movies and comic books, you probably shouldn't see this because a lot of superman fans were disappointed, but i loved this film. kevin spacey does a great job as Lex Luthor and same with brandon routh as his character being Super-man. my friend referred to this film as "butchered". i refer to it as the best super hero movie ever made, over taking my last favorite batman returns with the pengiun. i highly recommend this film. way to go Brian!!!
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I Am Sam (2001)
a tear jerker
30 May 2006
this is one movie where i couldn't stop crying. Sean Penn gives one of the best performances of his career... no wait... one of the best performances i've ever seen in this amazing drama. Dakota fanning made me cry with her first on screen performance. I just happen to catch the last fifteen minutes of this movie on the television and was speechless as my eyes filled with tears from both the incredible acting and award winning directing. if u liked the notebook, finding forrester or any other tear jerking drama's, check this one out. Jessie Nelson does a brilliant thing, like in the movie thirteen and made the blue color incorporate into the film which makes it more dramatic. i absolutely loved this movie. 9/10
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X2 (2003)
just amazing
29 May 2006
i loved Bryan Singers movies since The Usual Suspects. But man this was just way too good for words. Unbelievable effects, speechless directing, very good acting, everything was perfect. seeing the first and third, i prefer this to them all. there is no way it could have been better. even though my favorite "super- hero" movie is batman returns i almost like this better. i was lucky enough to squeeze into the theatre to see this one and it was a delite. it shines along with the comic books and the first film. one of the onlys to serpast the first one. so i HIGHLY recommend this one to any move buff or X-Men fan. i loved this one. 10/10 good job Bryan!
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despite what you may think
29 May 2006
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May Contain Spoilers!

this was awesome. and out of all of the other people here who say it's bad, i have no idea where they are getting it from. although i HIGHLY prefer the second X-Men better because Bryan Singer is just a awesome director, Brett Ratner did a very great job as well. and i have a very important message to those who do see this, WATCH THE MOVIE EVEN AFTER THE CREDITS!!!!! it is SO important to do so. i did really enjoy this movie i just felt there wasn't as much action as the first and second one's. a lot of critics say Brett Ratner couldn't direct this one because he does movies like the family man, rush hour, rush hour 2 and red dragon which are all good. Bryan Singer did the usual suspects, x-man, x2 and the new superman which are all awesome so some people are going to think Bryan would do a better job, which i am unsure about. Anyways i highly recommend this film to anyone it is very good. 9/10
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The Punisher (2004)
now THIS is a awesome movie
25 May 2006
this was one of the best super-hero movies i've ever seen along with the Batman's, spider man's and xmen films. this has everything. action, blood, gore, great acting, john travolta. i want to give props to the director and screenwriter for putting this unbelievable film together. i was on the edge of my seat from beginning to end blown away by it all. it was WAY more than i expected. it was a little hard to watch the piercing removal part and the beginning, other than that, a great movie. i highly recommend this film to anyone who loves good action like terminator 2 or the other superhero movies. this was a great theatre experience. i love this one! 10/10
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Fantastic Four (I) (2005)
what a waste of time
25 May 2006
and no, the thing doesn't rock! this movie was Horrible. DO NOT GO ANYWHERE NEAR THIS. it has horrible acting, pretty bad special effects, stupid screenplay, all the elements to make a bad movie which this is. the only thing decent about it was Jessica alba. i cannot believe Tim Story went from a classic comedy like barbershop to this piece of crap. spider-man, batman and x-men are almost all put down by this. just watch either them or the punisher, because that is AWESOME. i highly DO NOT recommend this movie to anyone. if u love movies, stay away from this. it's a put down to both the comic books and all super hero movies. i hated it! 1/10
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balled my eyes out
23 May 2006
in my comments, i compare other movies to give you a good idea about them. for this one, i balled my eyes out just as i did on i am sam. Gus Van Sant's finest directing ever in a movie. i just basically LOVED this movie, i loved the way it started up, and loved the way it ended. sean connery and rob brown give breath taking performances in this movie. All elements of great film making are in this movie, music, directing, acting. it isn't boring at all despite all the reviews you've heard, this is a awesome movie. i HIGHLY recommend this film to anyone who likes gus van sant's movies or sean connerys movies. i loved it, but i warn you, if u watch this buy a box of tissues. 10/10
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Barbershop (2002)
I LOVED this movie
23 May 2006
always comparing, this is not as funny as bad Santa or the classic, Airplane! but i seriously could NOT stop laughing on this movie. Eddie cracks me up with his discussion on racism and Jesse Jackson. "Man fu@% Jesse Jackson!" This is more than just a comedy, it has a meaning to it. one of the few comedies with a meaning to it, and a good one. if you liked Friday, next Friday, any of Anthony Anderson's films of any comedies, check this out! i watched this over and over the first time i bought it. i HIGHLY recommend this movie to any movie buff or anyone period. Tim Story's best film by far with the only films i know by him being fantastic 4, which i hated and taxi, which was OK. 10/10
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The Ring (2002)
how was this made?
23 May 2006
seriously... how was this made? how could the production companies make this film. here is the pros and cons.... good directing, decent acting, horrible ending, stupid plot. can you even call this a "horror" movie? i call horror the hills have eyes (2006), or halloween, those are HORROR movies. this sucked. its ironic because gore verbinski directed this Stupid film, but directed the awesome hit pirates of the Caribbean. do your self a favor and skip over this film and just check something else out, this isn't worth the time or money. and i am sorry for any crew worker that helped out with this film. i hated this movie! 1/10
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Batman Begins (2005)
20 May 2006
i prefer the tim burton versions of batman, but this was just as good. Action packed from beginning to end and just a awesome movie. Christopher Nolan redeems himself with his great directing and professional screenplay writing. Christian Bale is the second best batman, Mikael Keaton first, and does a really good job. if u liked any of the batman films, check this one out, it is great. cool gadgets, awesome car, great acting, superb directing, and i have to say, finally, besides Tim Burton's work, a on the edge of your seat- action packed film! i HIGHLY recommend this to anyone who liked the other batman films. 9/10
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best super hero movie ever
20 May 2006
this is, in my opinion, better than all xmen, spider-man, fantastic 4 which i hated, superman and hulk movies. along with big fish, this is Tim Burton's best film, packed with action and i believe to be the best batman film of all of them. Michelle pheiffer did a outstanding job playing cat woman, which was almost all taken away by the HORRIBLE- MUST STAY AWAY! film, cat woman. Mikael Keaton also does a great job playing batman. Danny DE Vito also did a great job as well. Tim Burton takes all his elements, Danny elf man music, dark directing, and a little humor and makes this a truly AWESOME film. i HIGHLY recommend this to anyone. watch batman then this then just skip batman forever and batman and robin, go to batman begins. i loved it! 10/10
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the best action film of ALL time
19 May 2006
this and 2 fast 2 furious are the only films to surpass their original, that i know of. this is just a awesome movie, action packed, and james cameron's best film ever. edward furlong gives his best performance along with arnold schwarzenegger and linda hamilton. it is about a cyborg sent back from the future to kill edward furlong because he is to be this great war leader when he grows up. then arnold, the protector is sent, and it is a matter of who gets to him first. this is by far the best action film of all time, right there with the matrix and bad boys 2. so just sit back and watch this film and prepare to be amazed. great movie, 10/10
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Grandma's Boy (2006)
not funny at all
19 May 2006
this is not a funny movie at all. bad Santa and the 40 year old virgin are by far the funniest movie's ever made, and this sucked. i only laughed on 2 parts which wasn't that funny. don't watch this movie, it's a waste of time. i made the mistake of buying it, and i am being VERY generous giving this a 4. it's just another comedy, if that's what u call this, about smoking weed and playing video games. horrible acting, decent directing, stupid writing, and just not funny. this is a "comedy" when no one laughs at it. i feel sorry for anyone that helped make this film, except for the writers. i DO NOT recommend this to anyone because it was horrible. 4/10
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Friday (1995)
i loved it
19 May 2006
this is one of those movies that i could watch over and over.... i loved it. it's basically about craig (ice cube) and smokey (chris tucker) smoking weed on a Friday when something bad happens, big worm, smokey's business man finds out he's been smoking all the weed and not selling it. Beyond that, see for yourself. i couldn't stop laughing when smokey had to go number 2, basically couldn't stop laughing through the whole movie. next Friday isn't as funny, and Friday after next is no comparison, rarely have sequels surpast their original, and this isn't one. so,relax, put on the movie, sit back, and begin to laugh. i loved this movie... 10/10
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Elephant (2003)
whaste of time
17 May 2006
Warning: Spoilers
may contain spoilers this is one movie i can safely say was made probably without re-shooting scenes if a mistake was made, it was hurried to be made, the director just picked kids that couldn't act except for John Robinson and they didn't care to perfect the lighting. this was one movie where Gis Van Sant just said, whatever that is fine, i don't care. this movie had so much potential. put fourth a couple dollars and at least make the bullet holes go through the front when someone is shot. and also, when that one kid was shot in the group after talking about soda, this is what happened. kid got shot from the front so the bullet entered through the chest and exited through the back. for one, there is no mark on the front of his chest at all, and if the bullet exited, where oh where is it at in the door? then the students so casually stand up and walk out. they don't run and scream in panic like normal, they act as if nothing happened. then a teacher shows a little compassion and kneals down to make sure the kid is OK. but then is told to stand up as if he was doing something wrong. this budget was a respectable 3,000,000. you think with that money they could correct the problems, which there we're a lot, that we're made. on a light note, it was actually decent writing. just not the kind of writing to be put on film. Gus, stick to movies like finding forrester, and never ever do a HBO school shooting movie AGAIN. if u are reading this and have heard something good about this film other than the writing, it isn't true. this movie is a piece of c-r-a-p. i HIGHLY recommend you stay away from it at all costs. if you don't believe me, here is a little example of how stupid the movie is, so i will tell you a scene from the movie and you decide. the two shooters enter the library and stand there. a nerdy girl looks at them and just stands there as if it we're her lost brothers. then a guy holds up a camera and the shooter makes a face as if the pic was going on the cover of people magazine. then he shoots the two people and continues on. now... what do you think? sound good or bad?
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actually.... the second best in the series
14 May 2006
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May Contain Spoilers this was a highly enjoyable movie, not as enjoyable as the 1st, but i still liked it.

It starts out with the graduating class of a local high school. The heroine believes when she was a child, she was almost killed by Jason. When Jason sinks the boat, many kids die, but some run off in Manhattan, and Jason follows. If u liked any of the Friday the 13th movies, see this one. If u didn't, then don't. To me i prefer it all back at camp crystal lake, but somehow got changed to new york. I consider this movie to be probably the second best in the series, if not then the third best. For a cheap, low budget horror movie, i really liked it. I recommend this one to horror fans. (8/10)
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Poseidon (2006)
13 May 2006
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MAY CONTAIN Spoilers! this is one of the worst movie's I've ever seen. i guess i realized this about ten minutes in the movie when Josh Lucas, or whatever, jumps into water that is about one hundred feet down, covered in fire, metal poles and sharp object sticking out of the water, and survives saying, "How am i doing now?". Wolfgang Petersen always does a great job with his films but this almost ended his career, literally. This film has way too many scenes where everything is just perfect. a huge wave tips over the boat, people inside are safe. they have no way to cross to the otherside of the boat, good ole' josh lucas jumps one hundred feet down with a water hose. the propellers need to be stopped... so they put them in reverse. and the ending is just a little cheesy. there was about 6 or seven other boats out there and you would think one of them would have either been hitten by the wave as well, or seen a boat upside down and decide to do something about it. if you love action movies.... stay away. if you love movies that are just repeating what other movies have already done.... see this. this was a waste of money and i could have seen united 93. 2/10, horrible
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Fight Club (1999)
1 May 2006
this film has to be the most confusing movie i've seen right up until i figured it ALL out. At first i HATED this film with a passion, but David Fincher has always been one of my favorites with Se7en, and the game and panic room, he know how to direct very well. If u don't like complicating movies that are just plain weird, don't see this. Brad Pitt and Edward Norton totally are 2 of the BEST actors on the planet. I'm not going to tell you what this movie is about because i want you to see for yourself, but just remember, be WIDE AWAKE because it is long, confusing and weird. it has a NON original ending, but probably one of the best of it's series. it's OK. 8/10
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High Tension (2003)
aren't we all tired of these kind of movies?
1 May 2006
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SPOILER! ENDING BELOW! i did love this movie, but i am so tired of these kinds of movies...fight club, psycho, remake of psycho, identity, hide and seek. i mean it's enough already! i will tell u i really love this film, it's better than most of those kinds of movies, and better than movie people might think. It's grueomse, especitally the stairway scene. With great directing and writing, this is a great HORROR movie, not a thriller, because it is gory. If u have a week stomach, you should probably not see this film. Alexendre Aja really kicks a$$ in his next film the hills have eyes, I'm just gonna say this was practice, because it is not original at all, psycho started it all. but i did love it... 8/10
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Scary Movie 4 (2006)
1 May 2006
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SPOILERS BEWARE!!! STORY BELOW MAY INVOLVE SPOILERS!!! from director David Zucker, the king of comedy who directed Airplane!, the naked gun, scary movie 3 and this film,and BASEketball comes a hilarious film about a girl named Cindy Campbell who takes a job looking after a invalid, from the movie he grudge, living next door to Tom Ryan. Tom Ryan, like tom cruise in war of the worlds, is divorced and is taking care of his kids. While taking care of them the world becomes under attack by TRipods, so Tom is on the run with his kids to get away from these alien attackers. A little boy, from the Grudge, tells Cindy he knows where to get the secret to stop the attack, which leads into Cindy and Brenda going into the woods, from the village. While there, hilarious things happen involving a blind girl taking a NASTY dump in the courtroom, thinking it's her room. While in the village, aliens attack them, so Tom, Cindy, Brenda and Tom's 2 kids, all get stuck in a basket holding on the tripod. They get sucked into a room where it turns out being like saw 2, and Tom has to defeat a challenge to prove the love of his kids. This comment may not help you to see the movie, but trust me, if u liked the third one, u will love this one. i loved it! 10/10
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1 May 2006
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along with Halloween, nightmare on elm street, scream and the remake of the hills have eyes, this is a top notch horror film that has a great ending. The sequels are decent, but not much can pass it's first film, except for a few.

SPOILERS!!! It's about a camp called camp Crystal Lake that's opening up after a brutal murder took place there. Already while opening, murders have taken place. The kids get picked off one by one, and leaves you with a really good ending. Kevin Bacon is really young and does a great job along with a whole bunch of "unrecognized" actors. i loved it. 10/10
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Waiting... (I) (2005)
way funnier than you might think
30 April 2006
this is a hilarious film about working at a resteraunt. Ryan Reynolds really makes this film funny, along with Luiz Guzman, and he had me cracking up when he said, "man you got to make it conspicuous, don't just come out and say look at my di@k!" if u want to see something that had me shocked, rent or buy, i prefer buy, the DVD, and on disc 1, play the behind the scene's feature. at the very end, the director and Luiz are arghuing HORRIBLY BAD, watch it, you'll see what i mean. other than that, this film is one of the funniest film's I've ever seen. it's original, and actually has a meaning to it, it's not all about drugs and sex. 10/10
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