
36 Reviews
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All I see are eight and above reviews. So how did this only get a 6+?
27 March 2024
I scanned through the reviews and maybe I am missing some of them but I don't see how the average fell below seven. This movie was in my mind and heart a 10+ but I only gave it a nine because the movie had special meaning to me which hit home but may not move others in the same way. So I was trying to be objective rather than subjective.

Brian Cox and Wes Studi, as always, bring incredible talent to the screen. And I have always believed that great actors bring out the best in unknown actors.

Consequently, the acting was superb and credit must also go to the diirector. A good director pulls the best out of any actor, seasoned or new. And this goal was accomplished.

Passing on this movie is a mistake. You can only be enlightened, entertained and, yes, saddened by what our military protectors go through but heartened by what the simple act of flyfishing can do for the soul.
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You'll Find No Heroes Here
13 March 2024
Stating the obvious, all that follows is my lame opinion. First off, this documentary could've been done in 90 minutes. There was just a lot of unnecessary dialogue.

Meeting the major characters who are trying to portray themselves as victims, you are introduced to two self-involved individuals who live a life of entitlement. They make multiple references to being just regular people but, yet, they go on about climbing mountains of the world including Everest. One of the characters is shown flying his own plane and it is quite a few steps above a Cessna 172.

As we get further into the show, we are introduced to an even more despicable character, Michael Avenatti. The old adage that you are known by the company you keep only confirms my view that these guys are out on a lark. And Netflix took the bait and I'm sure paid them handsomely to discuss how horribly they were put upon by corporate America. Full disclosure: I do drink Pepsi.
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Finestkind (2023)
Predictable but Done Better
30 December 2023
This starts out as others have said, a little slow. Some viewers may feel they can predict the plot line and some viewers will be right. But being from Maine and having known fisherman, the new Bedford filming location is perfect and the choice of actors was well done. Having two of the leads coming from the Boston area helped the other actors lend authenticity to their characters. Their performances were very strong. They portray the toughness of those in the fishing community very well. Adding Tommy Lee Jones to the cast was a good addition. I would have given this a 7.5 but I don't know how. Watch it. You'll be glad you did.
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Is There a Rating Lower Than 1?
25 December 2023
I feel bad for The reviewer who said he gave up over three hours of his life watching this. Didn't take me that long. I can't understand people who give these kind of movies a 7, 8, 9 or 10. Are we supposed to be moved by their intellect or feel that we are less than Intelligent or knowing because we find this stuff senseless? Joaquin Phoenix has always been edgy but these character actors think they are so avant garde doing this kind of crap. You would do yourself a favor and watch a foreign film which is animated and done in a language you do not understand. You will get more out of it than you will this total and complete waste.
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Ignore the Naysayers
27 November 2023
I must confess I truly don't understand these "professional" film critics who get paid to pick apart movies. This is an epic story and made more interesting knowing there is truth within the fiction. Can we just sit down and enjoy a movie for the entertainment value? I did not see anywhere in this film where the actors failed to give you the full feeling of the character they were portraying.

I have never seen a movie yet that Ron Howard failed to move the audience and this is no exception. Rent the DVD from Redbox or pay the $3.99 to Prime Video and don't be dissuaded by those pseudo-professional film critics who are no better than meteorologists who get the weather report wrong half the time.
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Incredible Performances
24 September 2023
I titled this Incredible Performances because the performances were so incredibly bad. I have watched many movies in my 70+ years where you may have top box office actors and actresses who give sterling performances and it seems to draw in incredibly good performances from their costars. I've now learned that the reverse is also true. The acting in this movie is so poor that it dragged John Voight and Jonathan Rhys Myers down with them. I don't know if they are strapped for cash or why they would stoop to doing such an incredibly bad movie coupled with incredibly bad acting on their part. On top of that, even if they had performed well, the plot and storyline is so ridiculous that this goes in the annals of one of the worst movies ever. Oh. Two stars because it was not overly long. Thanks for that.
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11 September 2023
I think any vote above a 3 was just a vote of devotion from fans of M Night Shyamélan. This movie had no point and went nowhere. Maybe I am not the brightest bulb in the package but I certainly am not stupid and this movie was stupid. I could not tell if it was more to do with anti-gay leanings or....

See what I mean? I can't even figure out how to finish the prior sentence.

Don't waste your time with this. You won't end yet trying to figure out the point. You'll just be pissed off that you wasted that part of your life watching this crap.

And why I have to keep putting down words for this review because IMDB wants a minimum number of characters is beyond me. I could've said all I needed to say in two sentences.
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The Night Agent (2023– )
High Hopes but No Luck
26 March 2023
Well, I took a chance and followed the ratings from IMDB but shouldn't have. This comes across as a very low-budget drama. Acting was subpar for half the actors involved. Maybe the acting could have been elevated if the writing had been better. As one other review mentioned, there was so much about this series that was just plain implausible if not farcical.

I'm no prude but I don't know why writers think throwing F bombs into the dialogue in almost every conversation is going to elevate the program. It did just the opposite for me. It dragged it down.

So my suggestion is if you have nothing to do on a rainy day some weekend and don't mind binge watching, go for it. Otherwise, clean the silverware or drive to town and buy a new pair of gloves or something more worthwhile.
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The Terminal List (2022– )
Jury Is Still Out-Rating May Change
12 March 2023
I am still watching the series but thought I would post an early review with no spoilers. It is difficult to watch Chris Pratt in this and not think of his character Andy in Parks and Recreation. So seeing him in such a serious role with nothing to compare it to as I haven't watched every movie he has made makes it difficult.

The thing that bothers me the most is that I can sit here and watch each episode with my thumb on the fast forward button jumping 10 seconds ahead with each press and feel I have not missed anything. There are too many long, delayed screen shots, and I have to assume this was done just to be able to create multiple episodes. I timed one scene where Chris Pratt climbed a flight of stairs with dramatic music playing and no dialogue, and it took him over a minute to do so. Still, if you have the time, it is probably worth tuning in. At least I intend to go to the end.

OK, finished a few more episodes and I only have two left. Changed my rating to eight. If you were thinking like I did initially, stick with it. It gets better. Chris Pratt shows his wide range of talent. If he keeps it up, he is headed for big box-office stardom.
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Physical: 100 (2023– )
Hopefully There Won't Be a Sequel
30 January 2023
I only gave this a two. I'm sure I would have given it a three but, for some reason, their mouth's didn't sync with their words. What's up with that? Poor post-production?

OK, seriously, as others have said, this was quite pathetic as a reality show. The hokey dialogue and voice inflections maybe go over well in Korea but not something the American market expects in a high-quality reality show.

Is it just me or does Netflix seem to be importing more and more shows from foreign venues with stilted dubbed in English? I would rather hear it in the native language and read the subtitles than go through this. I can only assume it is Netflix's way of saving a dollar.
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Burnt (I) (2015)
Well-done Performances but....
10 December 2022
I tuned in to watch Burnt solely because of the characters involved. These are gifted and talented performers.

To justify a high rating, I felt you had to be more into this lifestyle. So my lower rating is based on my lack of awareness regarding what I almost call fine dining but should be termed exquisite dining. And that is on me, not the plot line.

I was enjoying watching but at the end wondered why I am only giving this a 4. Upon reflection, what I came up with is that this movie could have been even shorter than one hour 40 minutes. It took me over three hours to watch because I kept finding excuses to press the pause button and find something else to do. I did watch it to the end but there seemed to be no surprises.
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Retaliation (2017)
What'd You Say???
16 April 2022
I checked the trailer and could not understand even 10% of what was being said. Hats off to our British filmmakers but if you want to broadcast in American theaters or homes, the dialogue needs to be understandable. Don't waste your time on this.
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Excellent Performances
17 March 2022
Upon first watching episode one, I had to quit and only gave it a three. Then sometime later I tried again and realized I was too impatient. This is an excellent movie.

Other reviewers may disagree but I think it is one of Colin Farrell's (if not his best) best performances. It was hard to even believe it was he with the way he changed his physical appearance. Most every thing he did was through his facial expressions and to create a performance that good just using your face to me is remarkable. Well worth watching.

I won't comment about the ending. People will have to make up their own minds.
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Frontier (2016–2018)
Only Okay
13 March 2022
This series could have been done and would have received a higher rating with just 10 or 11 episodes in one season. The acting itself also only averages a 6, meaning many of the performances only deserved a 4 while others maybe rose only as high as 7 or 8. The rating would have been higher for a shorter miniseries because it was obviously dragged out unnecessarily over three seasons.
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Warrior (2011)
A Sleeping Giant
6 March 2022
It's a shame people don't realize how incredibly good an actor Tom Hardy is. He doesn't just play a role. He moves you to the point you forget you're watching a movie and makes you feel as if you're watching a documentary. I can't express strongly enough how much I appreciate talent of this caliber.
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True Grit (2010)
Better than the 1969 version
30 January 2022
Although in my 70s, I still found this better than the 1969 version. Bridges deservedly was nominated for best actor. I would have given this a nine except I am not fond of liberal actors who voice their politics publicly. Sorry, Mr. Damon. You should speak less when off-camera.
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Maybe Better Than Presumed
9 January 2022
Only got halfway through episode one of season one. Horrible audio and unintelligible for this average American. Gave up on it. Yes, it's a dark movie but it didn't have to be literally so dark. Good luck if you watch it.
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What A Waste
17 December 2021
I won't pretend to be well-versed in critiquing movies. I will just say this movie started nowhere and went even further to the end getting to nowhere. Just floundering with no plot line other than fear of....what??? I watched this with my finger on the jump 15 seconds ahead button. So I only lost 60 minutes of my life instead of 90 but it was still 60 minutes wasted and lost.
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Death Proof (2007)
No Acting Performed Here
11 December 2021
I can't say this movie was all bad. That's because I couldn't get through the whole thing it was so bad. What a waste of talent.

The only possible explanation for such a bad movie as this can be summed up in two words: Quentin Tarantino. This man needs therapy. He hasn't made a decent movie beyond Pulp Fiction.
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The Invisible Man (I) (2020)
Not Another Invisible Man movie!
27 November 2021
I saw the title and passed on it numerous times. Then I saw the 7 out of 10 rating and thought I would give it a try. I have to say I thought this was the best of all the attempts at this plot and maybe the way it was presented made it so. Technology in the making of modern movies and utilization in the plot line didn't hurt.
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Tenet (2020)
Not Understandable
27 November 2021
Watching this movie is like opening a 500 page book on page 300 and hoping to understand it. One reviewer suggested watching it more than once. No movie should require multiple viewings to understand it.
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Spartan (2004)
Who's to Blame for Ty his Failure?
13 November 2021
I don't know if it is Mamet's style to have his performers deliver lines that sound like ice cubes dropping into an empty tray but the performances from all, including masterful performers like Macy and Kilmer, are stilted. And the plot leaves a lot to be desired. Really not worth the time.
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Infinite (2021)
Is Mark Wahlberg going the way of Bruce Willis in his role choices?
1 November 2021
It cannot be this script that would draw two big-name actors to take on this project. Apparently Wahlberg and Ejiofor needed quick cash. There is no other explanation for why they would stoop to being involved in such a worthless endeavor.
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Wind River (2017)
Hate cliches but....this really is a must-see movie
2 September 2021
The performances were outstanding. And there aren't enough movies about native Americans (American Indians if you prefer) showing the suffering they still endure.
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Jack Reacher (2012)
Good Movie but....
22 August 2021
This is definitely an entertaining movie. And I have no problems with Tom Cruise. In fact, I am a big fan. But I have read every Jack Reacher story written by Lee Child. The Reacher character in the books is about 6 foot 5 and 250 pounds. His ethnicity is not importabnt to any of the book plots.

How you take a sub 6-foot actor and place him in this role without considering other novel-correct actors is beyond me. My pic for the perfect Jack Reacher? Dwayne Johnson, the Rock. He fits the bill in every way. So it made it difficult for me to get beyond that miscasting while watching this movie.
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