
5 Reviews
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Columbo: An Exercise in Fatality (1974)
Season 4, Episode 1
I like it.
16 September 2022
This is a great episode, I know the ending is a bit flawed, but it still good. The story, the way Columbo develop his investigation. I Really didn't like that Milo Janus guy, and that's good because it shows that Bob Conrad did a great job at making him not very likeable, which is what you want in a murderer. It was cool to see Gretchen Corbett before her Rockford files fame, and she looked good too in a bikini lol. No you can see that she is a very good actress, very credible. For the victim, well he could have done a better job at defending himself, but if he had done it, we would not have had that great episode, and as far as the ex wife is concern, lay off the sauce a little bit lady lol. So again i think it is a very solid episode, it is definitely in my top 5 favourite episode, and I own all the Columbo box sets, from the first pilot episode to the last one in 2003. I watch them often too. Funny fact about " an exercise in fatality " as I was watching it last night, I noticed that it aired for the first time on September 15 1974, so exactly 48 years ago, funny. Hope you enjoy it, as much as I did, and still do once in a while.
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Columbo: A Friend in Deed (1974)
Season 3, Episode 8
Ok that's it
15 September 2022
Ok there one guy who always writes reviews here but he find everything stupid, I won't name him he and other people who read reviews will know who he is. First of all about this episode, it's not the caldwell wife who is millionaire, it the commissioner 's wife who is wealthy and the jeweller didn't say that the commissioner's wife was 36, but the Caldwell wife. Before you say that something is stupid, make sure that you watch it carefully. And if you find every Columbo episodes stupid, don't watch it, and go watch "the golden girls " or " made about you " reruns you ass. Ok I am done with that moron, about this episode, that always been and still is one of my favourite episode of Columbo. The story is great, the direction is great, I like the way Columbo develop his investigation. The ending is great too, no doubt that guy will be find guilty. Anyway I blowed my gasket at the beginning, but, hey, when someone says and write stupid stuff, someone got to call him or her out.
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Columbo: Lady in Waiting (1971)
Season 1, Episode 5
Good episode, not perfect but still.
29 August 2022
Obviously according the some comments, some people don't do the different between an enquiry and a trial. She was not acquitted of anything at the beginning, the inquiry found no evidences to go to trial and declared it an accident, but that decision can be reversed if the police or prosecution found new proofs of the person guilt. But other than that, even though it is not my favourite Columbo, it's still a very solid episode. Of course there still the little inconsistencies in it, but you know what? This is Columbo, it was never perfectly made but it's still enjoyable. I rather watch a t.v. Show with a few flaws but a good story, than watching something perfectly done with no story at all.
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Not good at all.
4 June 2022
Ok, where do I should start on that piece of garbage. This is supposed to be a true story, the people who wrote and directed that thing did try to pass Joe Hunt for a victim, he wasn't, he started the BBC, he came with the paradox philosophy concept, he defrauded a lot of people, and he planed and was a willing participant in two murders, and was planning more. This is a Hollywood piece of junk. Even without the problems that Kevin Spacey had, that movie would have drowned. That movie has no reason to exit, read the Sue Horton s book instead, it is true, and reading will make your brain works, instead of numbing it by staying in front of the t.v. Watching this idiocy.
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Piece of junk
23 August 2019
Only us, Canadians, çan take a well documented fact of american history, make a movie with it, and completly screw it up big time. This thing is so bad on every aspect, that it is not even funny. This is so embarrassing. Good thing i just watched it on t.v. i would have feel really dumb paying too rent it or something. I just lost an hour and a half of my life that's all.
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