436 Reviews
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The Others (2001)
A different kind
6 June 2024
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Of Ghost story. The Others takes a very unique approach in storytelling with plenty of red herrings but towards the end it all comes together in a natural way. (SPOILER: it's told from the perspective of the ghosts ... who are not aware they're... dead... locked in the house). But this is not the only aspect separating this gem from other mystery thrillers. Mrs Kidman's performance is yet again a treat to watch. Nuanced, deep and ultimately captivating....all actors deliver great performances. There a no cheap thrills, no action sequences, no gore, not a single drop of blood or fancy effects. Instead an eerie atmosphere created by the smart use of light and shadow as the perfect backdrop for the emotional, surprising and believable plot.
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3 June 2024
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Colors of evil: red Mankind can deliver the worst kind of evil as shown in this ultra dark and seriously grim thriller. If u're up for a gritty and unpleasant ride, buckle up. The movie does not duck out at any point of time and is sometimes very (too ?) graphic and realistic. The story itself is not necessarily highly original and the super villain revealed rather early and a bit stereotypical but u're still hooked due to the very tense story telling, believable characters and decisions plus ultimately due to the red herrings u probably wanna know how it's all connected. Overall a -sometimes- hard to watch crime but for crime lovers not a bad choice.
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Malice (1993)
Caught me off guard
27 May 2024
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Stumbled upon this great little thriller I haven't heard about at all... well, I was positively surprised and entertained. 1st and foremost, the story is highly original (I can not recall any other movie with a similar plot)it starts rather uneventful and almost stereotypical but evolves soon into an unpredictable and nasty story... plenty of red herrings and rabbit holes included. On top, an amazing and multifaceted Nicole Kidman, who shows manipulative, evil and sinister aspects I've not seen to this extend before (or after) probably one of her darkest roles. A twisted and highly underrated mystery thriller with great performances and almost Hitchcock'vibe.
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Expected more
15 May 2024
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...considering the hype, the glowing reviews and a stunning 8+ rating I was entertained but not blown away by the usual suspects. It's a decent noir crime, sure. It provides an interesting and complex plot and partly fine acting - but in the end I thought... that's it? Really? The twist (and let me add, a great twist doesn't make necessarily a great movie) is somewhat ok but again, nothing which shocks u to the core or turns the complete story upside down. In quite a lot of movies (including classic Agatha Christie storys) the least suspicious person can easily be considered as the bad guy. So in a nutshell, good entertainment but doesn't live up to the hype in my opinion.
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The Piper (II) (2023)
Not convinced
5 May 2024
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Taking Lore as inspiration is a common tool in creating movies esp in the mystery genre. Unfortunately it ends here most of the time with the innovative aspects. The curse of the piper is not really that much different in m my pov. Too many cliches ruin any originality. Flickering light bulbs, things covered in bed sheets, cars which don't start, kids seeing dark entities and not to forget the obligatory dream sequences - leave alone jumping to conclusions which solve any problem in a heartbeat .... U get the point. I clearly missed suspense and a stronger story / plot the rich Hamelin heritage could have easily provided.
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Ghost Ship (2002)
Eerie and with an interesting plot
3 May 2024
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The infamous opening scene is what people usually remember and refer back to when there's talk about 2002 Ghost ship. And I have to agree, it's coming out of the blue and cuts right through - no pun intended. But in my pov there's more to this mystery thriller worth mentioning. It's very atmospheric - The use of light and shadows create an eerie setting. The ship itself is an amazing location and is the perfect backdrop for the original story. Actually, I'm surprised there's not more appreciation for the plot. It's original, logical and all elements add up to a twisted and unexpected finale. It reminded me a bit even on the (outstanding) movie, triangle(9/10) - as well located on/around a ship. An additional star for the spooky and well executed movie poster.
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Dangerous (III) (2021)
A nice mix
2 May 2024
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Overall I didn't mind dangerous. Even if it's rather tame and not overly suspenseful ... the movie weaves thriller, crime, action and towards the end even a bit adventure sequences ok'sh together. This is done mainly in a convincing matter. Is it groundbreaking ? Clearly not, but it is original at times and I liked the overall pace and storyline. Focus is clearly on Mr. Eastwood , the sociopathic (anti) hero who struggles with his inner self (hence the occasional check-ins with his psychotherapist) but tries hard to connect again with his estranged family is an interesting and witty add on. The villains are unfortunately too much paint by number and disappoint a bit.
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Talk to Me (I) (2022)
Should have not let it in.
30 April 2024
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Over the majority of its running time I perceived it pretty much as the usual generic, unpleasant and annoying story (troubled teens, obligatory party, questionable decision making) Paired with overly simple tropes (e.g.who would have thought connecting with the other world is as easy as shake hands and light a candle - done.) On top of all, it's just never captivating, really. This said, there are a few aspects which could be called redeeming quality. (E.g the partly original Ouija board inspiration or the dark entities mimicking loved ones). In a nutshell, there are other mystery thrillers out there which provide a stronger story in my pov (e.g. Actually investing some time into the background/origin of the artifact) and more likable characters u actually care for.
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The Vanished (2020)
Unusual story
21 April 2024
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The generic poster (and title) didn't set the right stage for this intelligent and tense knit mystery thriller in my pov. Some complained that the movie does not make sense or that the twist at the end is far fetched and unrealistic... well, I couldn't disagree more! In a sea of sameness and paint by number productions the vanished stands out. It dares to take its time to develop a twisted story, paints multiple suspects in vivid colors just to turn everything upside down literally in the last minutes. (Spoiler) the girl existed only in their imagination as they lost a child years ago and still can't let go. The parents are both right in the middle of their grieving process ... A fascinating and different narrative, solid played and ultimately suspenseful.
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Standing ovation
8 April 2024
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The international title (and cinema poster) is rather generic and expected. In any case it doesn't do this extraordinary mystery thriller any justice ! This one deserves better and should also have a bigger audience. Why? Well, it delivers on all levels in case wanna experience an intelligent, disturbing, twisted and suspenseful psycho thriller. In a sea of wannabes this one stands out on so many levels. Great acting: convincing & raw. The plot: one of the best ones I've seen in a long time. The motive: reasonable. The solution: unpleasant but adequate. And not to forget the final twist: absolutely unexpected. If it would have been made in Hollywood with an A list actress/actor it could have become an instant classic.
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You were looking into the blue
8 April 2024
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... like there was a door. A wonderful line from an extraordinary song (should have been awarded with an academy award in my pov) Daniel Norgren's haunting lyrics (from the 2015 album) and voice are the real treat next to the stunning shots of the ever Uber beautiful mountains... his songs manage to transport a very profound, rich and emotional story. More, unfortunately than the actual movie. I read the novel and liked it, the movie, well... i applaud the close and nuanced look on companionship and how the bond between the two male leads developed but ultimately I hate to say, I was not completely involved or convinced. It felt at times uneven ...Still, a quiet and recommended movie due to its personal story and efforts...
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Smile (V) (2022)
Nothing to smile about
2 April 2024
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In this upmost tense mystery thriller. Smile starts very grim and keeps the level of unease, doom and foreshadowing pretty much till the end credits roll in. It's a dark trip into someone's mind and the audience becomes part of all the cruel visions...things u see are probably not real- or are they? It's a sick mind game the dark entity plays with our lead character. I appreciate the strong focus on the psychological and emotional side vs an elaborated CGI dog and pony show. There're some very graphic scenes but again, the most disturbing one was the gift scene in my pov. The showdown was fine and the open end a good exit for this nasty little story.
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Hypnotic (2023)
A solid action / mystery mix
1 April 2024
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Agreed, the movie takes inspiration from cinematic classics such as matrix, inception, shutter island or even x-man (the great ones with Famke Jansen and the idea of Zerebro). It never actually reaches the intensity, the flow or the major twists these movies wowed the audience with. This said, Hypnotic is in my pov still entertaining and if u don't watch the trailer and refrain from reading too many reviews it might give u a good level of surprise, action and tension (plus, a rather unexpected showdown). Acting is solid, effects adequate (not sure though where the 70 Million production costs went into...)all in all a nice watch.
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The Remaining (I) (2014)
Didn't enjoy at all
20 March 2024
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There're plenty of movies out there with faith / religion / armageddon - or related topics - as a source of inspiration. I've seen a movie (The Remaining) which I simply didn't enjoy and this has absolutely nothing to do with its, quote on quote, source material. In my opinion it's simply from a story pov not strong. It has no flow. It lacks completely to build a level of suspense and relies solely on jump scares and effects. Even the showdown left me cold as it was not possible to build a connection with any of the protoganists. So, once the dark entities came pouring down I wished, I had re-watched the mist instead. This gem tackles a similar topic way more convincing and original, plus it gives the audience a finale as bleak, unforgiving and horrific as it can possibly be.
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Damsel (2024)
A wonderful fairytale
18 March 2024
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The grass seems to be greener, the sky is of an almost lucid shade of blue and the pittoresk mountains steeper than the famous Dolomites. An enchanting setting for a picture perfect fairytale. That's what I found watching Damsel and I truly enjoyed it. And as in every good tale, u have to have a few surprises next to the usual components (e.g. The bridge situation I didn't see coming)... and since i also didn't waste any time on the trailer I can just say I was pleasantly surprised how the story was told, how CGI have been used and ultimately by the compassionate alliance by the princess and the dragon to serve justice.

The movie might not become an instant classic (nor does it deserve to be ripped apart), but I felt it's a very entertaining tale with a dragon design i haven't seen that good since Smaug...(or even better).
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Jane (I) (2022)
I have seriously no idea.
17 March 2024
Is it a a cruel intention sort of thing? A revenge story? A ghost story? Some sort of possession or mental illness? Or even a modern Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde interpretation? I have seriously no idea.

Yes there are components which are very important to be adressed in our current society, in the way we act and interact with each other: topics such as PTSD, suicide, bullying, cyber mobbing etc. However the movie does not deliver a coherent picture, nor does it manage to create tension or to come up with a plausible solution. Unless, of course, u would rate the proclaimed self-set goal of the hero/anti hero as an appropriate solution.
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Cry Wolf (2005)
Be careful what u wish for
26 February 2024
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Lies, Manipulation, deception and gaslighting at the highest level pretty much from all involved parties. If you're into crazy cat and mouse - or wolf and mouse play, cry wolf is the right choice for u. Sure, it might appear at the 1st sight a bit as the usual paint by number teeny - slasher, but it separates itself quickly into a much more intelligent and twisted thriller. The big reveal / twist happens literally in the final four words in the very last seconds. The acting is solid, the setting on campus of an elite college a good choice, soundtrack works ... a plus also the cinema poster which captures the dark vibe very well.
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Rear Window (1954)
Timeless classic
20 February 2024
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The macro shot of the uber-beautiful Mrs. Grace Kelly at running time 0:15:35 alone is worth a 10/10. Rear window is simply a timeless classic. In the meantime, 70 years old - and still a masterpiece. Classy, smart, elegant, with witt, a wonderful cast and precise acting. The costume design by Edith Head is absolutely fabulous, the setting unique and the story (based partly on true events) captivating. Some of the conclusions are maybe a bit far fetched but nonetheless a very special movie u have to see at least once to understand what outstanding filmmaking looks like. My vote is nine out of ten.
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Missing You (2016)
A grim ride
18 February 2024
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I've seen quite some thrillers / mystery / crime and it's hard to pin point a movie which manages to provide something new to this genre. Hands down, missing you does so on multiple levels. The true strength is the upmost twisted, crazy and tense woven storyline! It's a grim ride - hard to watch plenty of times, pitch black and shocking to the core. I've been looking for some sort of Seven successor (as this movie is quite often referenced as a northern star...) Missing you did for me this job. It never copied (only one scene is a nod to the silence of the lambs in my POV...SPOILER: ambulance car) but the rest is original, captivating, bleak and with an emotional finale which might be engraved in your memories for some time.
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Mirrors (I) (2008)
Objects in the mirror
18 February 2024
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Are closer than they appear. And this mirror reflection goes under your skin.

Absolutely loved the caleidoscope like intro. The unnerving score underlined well the horror u can expect. An unique and in most parts original haunted house / ghost story with an eerie setting - interesting and convincing backstory. Be prepared for some disturbing visuals and by disturbing I mean truly shocking. This said, towards the end it ducks out of the grim and unapologetic vibe into a much more tame and a bit disappointing family-happy-end kind of thing. The final twist in the last minute closes this good mystery/horror with a cliffhanger though.
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Dull light
16 February 2024
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It's sort of interesting - esp at the beginning - let's say the 1st episode when u find yourself in this captivating mystery / crime / mass-suicide plot. But then.... Not sure which direction the story went. Subplots, endless repetitive conversations, verbal fights and accusations, time jumps, red herrings which fizzle out and left me completely lost. The script seems to me the weakest part since the inspiration is fine. But instead of holding everything together it leaves a lot to be desired. CGI was ok but nothing groundbreaking. Was the cat like creature ment to be a demon? Scary? Or the dark webs? Maybe. Ultimately I couldn't connect nor did I care about the fate of the characters.
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The Gray Man (2007)
Mikes your heart sink
16 February 2024
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To the lowest and darkest possible place. Let me get it straight, there's absolutely no uplifting aspect or positive sign in this story. It's a sad, chilling, shocking, horrific journey into the abyss of a deranged mind. The matter of fact this is based on true events makes it even harder ... almost unbearable. What's lore? What's fiction? What's the truth? Hard to tell almost 90 years after the events happened...ultimately a slow paced thriller with a despicable backstory. Luckily it does refrain from graphic images instead it predominantly hints - but as said, that's more than enough.

Shoutout to the set design, costume etc which captures the vibe of NYC 30s so well.
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Oderbruch (2024– )
Lost steam
27 January 2024
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Yes there's something about Oderbruch -at least in the beginning. An atmosphere of doom, decay and hopelessness. Dark, brooding, unpleasant and absolutely nobody cracks a smile or says a single nice word. What appears 1st as a small town crime / conspiracy with the usual suspects takes slowly but surely a rather unexpected twist towards a supernatural mystery... you'll find yourself right at the center of an (at times) eerie and (at times) original ..... SPOILER: vampire story. Overall, the pace is rather slow and unfortunately looses steam episode after episode after episode. Maybe a 3 hr movie would have been a much better choice to avoid the somewhat repetitive dialogues and heavy handed storytelling.
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The book was great
25 January 2024
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...at least in my memory ...back then when I read it 20+ years ago. I remember it lively. It was fun, quirky, unusual, full of energy and optimism... but the movie, well not so much. It felt to me disjointed, confusing and despite the strong -or desperate?- attempt to create emotional bonds with all of the family members and characters in general -somewhat lifeless and rather heavy. The dialogues did not help either... are they meant to be deep, profound or even philosophical? Maybe - but it never got me, really. I watched it till the end credits kept rolling in - disappointed mainly that a fond memory has been erased.
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Stranger than fiction
25 January 2024
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This documentary shows yet again life can be stranger than any elaborated movie or novel - regardless how refined it might be. What this couple (and their families) went through is truly heartbreaking. Completely incomprehensible and ultimately a disgrace. My highest respect to Mrs. Huskins and her husband for surviving all of this...the fear, the kidnapping, the assaults, the insults, the trauma. I simply can not understand why and how people do this to each other - nor how the whole case was handled. The three-parter is tight and tense and gives the victims time to tell their important story. Mrs Carausu was the northern star and thanks to her skills, determination and intelligence some answers at least were given.
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