
17 Reviews
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I Don't Know What the Big Deal Was!
24 August 2003
This could be the most overrated film of all time, despite some good acting. For once, Robin Williams isn't annoying as psychologist who tries to get through to a boy genius with a bad attitude, who would rather work construction every day and drink beers w/his blue collar pals every night then get a high-paying job that puts his tremendous intelligence to use.

I really wanted to see this because SO many people told me I'd love it and I really didn't. I hope I'm not giving too much away but is the point of the movie: He had a huge chip on his shoulder because he was abused as a kid? I thought they said that 5 minutes into the movie but then it plays like some amazing revelation at the end. Big deal!! Lots of people are abused as children and DON'T grow up to be assholes.
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The Crow (1994)
Just an updated version of Death Wish
24 August 2003
I realize lots of nerdy comic books fans seem to worship this film, but there's really nothing special about it, besides the stellar soundtrack.

Basically, a crime is committed and the hero goes out and gets revenge on the bad guys. Gee, I don't think I've ever seen that plot before. ...Except for the four or five Death Wish films that Charles Bronson made in the 70s and the countless tiems they've all been ripped-off.

Maybe Brandon Lee could have become a good actor and not just a karate guy but we'll never know. Sure, this film looks kinda cool because it's so dark and raining every 2 seconds ... but we've all already seen Blade Runner and that gets ripped off almost as much as Death Wish!!

The girl that gets killed in the beginning is a total hottie and the soundtrack (NIN, The Cure, Stone Temple Pilots, The Jesus and Mary Chain, and a GREAT song by some band called For Love Not Lisa) are the real reasons to see the film ... unless you're a dorky comic book fan.
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Very powerful
19 April 2003
I have no idea what the hell Ted G. was talking about in his review but Halle Berry gives an amazing performance and so do Thornton, Boyle and Ledger. Mos Def also holds his own in his brief scenes w/Thornton. Because he seems to be such a kooky guy, I think Billy Bob's fine acting ability often gets overlooked and that is a shame but he's good in just about everything he does and this film is no exception.

I have to also that although he is the only Southerner in the cast, everyone does a pretty good jobs w/the accent. If you haven't seen it, you should. And you'll love the deleted scene on the DVD were Billy Bob Thornton brings back his "Carl" character from "Sling Blade" one last time while beating up his son Sonny in the bathroom. Absolutely hilarious ... and you'll need to laugh after this one!
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I can't believe people liked it! = (
6 April 2003
THis film was so boring. I have nothing againt 3-hour movies ... as long as they're interesting. There was nothing the least bit interesting about this film.

Like most people, I absolutely loved "The Shawshank Redemption," and I'm a big fan of Hanks, as well as David Morse ("St. Elsewhere") and even Bonnie Hunt so I had high hopes for "TGM."

Unfortunately, it could not have been more boring and frankly, it boggles my mind that no major critic or imdb reviewer) seemed to agree w/me. See for yourself. If you are suffering from insomnia, this would be the perfect movie to rent.
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Goodfellas (1990)
The best of all-time
18 December 2002
Even though I've seen it a couple dozen times, I always get depressed when it's over because I wish we could spend a few more hours w/these amazing characters.

As awesome a job as Costner did w/"Dance With Wolves," it's too bad Scorcese got no Oscars for this fine piece of work.

No mob movie (or any movie) comes close to matching this masterpiece - not even "The Godfather." It's an absolute joke that Ray Liotta didn't get a nomination for this. The then little-known actor commands your attention for 2 1/2 hours, even opposite legendary film heavyweights like De Niro and Pesci.

In a word - CLASSIC.
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Another Godfather??
7 December 2002
Seldom is seen a film sequel that surpasses or even equalls the greatness of it's original predecessor. Such a film is VIrtual Encounters 2.

It's about a couple guys in college who sell virtual sex to the entire campus. If you like seeing naked chicks, this one delivers. Six-foot tall Chrissy Styler is an amazing specimen and you will be dreaming about her for days if you ever have the good fortune to catch the unrated version. She wears just the right amount of body glitter in her multiple nude scenes and her giant cans appear to be real. ( = Giddyup!!

W/the exception of James Cameron's "Aliens," Francis For Coppola's "The Godfather Part II" and - of course - the Zuckers' "Airplane 2," this is the only sequel in movie history that takes a classic film and improves upon it.

It's criminal the way this film was ignored by the academy. Nikki Fritz and that broad who gets tied up in the beginning (as well as the brunette who gets a rubdown towards the end) all deserved Best Supporting Actress nods.

Shame on you, Hollywood!!!
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Titanic (1997)
Don't believe the hype
25 November 2002
It's really nothing special. The first half of the film is incredibly dull and when the ship finally sinks, that really doesn't do anything for me either. It's a great performance by Leonardo and it's a shame he didn't get a nomination because that's the one this film truly deserved. Sure, the special effects were impressive but so were the effects in Predator.

AND, James Cameron once wrote a letter to the L.A. Times TELLING them to fire their film critic because he didn't like TItanic -- that's reason enough to hate him and this movie.
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Boogie Nights (1997)
Overrated but it has it's moments
9 August 2002
This movie could have easily been about 45 minutes shorter and still gotten it's point across. PT Anderson takes himself way to seriously, and needs to shorten his movies a bit. Having said that, the recreation of the late '70s/early '80s is pretty great, as are all the performances. Burt Reynolds is a complete tool and so was Marky Mark (in real life) but they definitely bring It in this movie. The best job is done by Julianne Moore, as a coke-addicted porn star fighting a losing battle for custody of her son. If you ever rent this movie and get bored ('cause it is looooong!) hang in there because the drug deal at the end is one of the funniest moments in film history. I actually taped JUST that scene when this came on HBO a few years ago and I still have it on tape ... I can't think of any other scene in film history that's made me want to do that - wait! I taped the opening conversation between the sheriff and the store clerk in the beginning of "From Dusk 'Til Dawn." ANyway, "Boogie Nights" is worth checking out but not as good as some people think it was. "The Basketball Diaries" is still Marky Mark's best film.
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Not great but not bad
21 July 2002
There were several episodes of the MTV series of "Beavis & Butthead" that were funnier than this movie, but "Do America" is still better than any ofthe crap Jim Carrey, Adam Sandler or Will Smith try to pass off as funny.

You don't have to be a dummie to like "B + B" ... you actually have to hate stupidity, which this show/movie is actually making fun of. A lot of people that deplore the show don't realize that.

I just thought they might push the envelope a little more on the big screen and take a few more chances but it's just like a typical episode s t r e t c h e d to 85 minutes. Letterman is pretty awesome in it.
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21 July 2002
How this film only rates a 6.9 with imdb users is beyond me. It's by-far the best thing Eastwood, Costner or Dern have EVER done. If you've never seen it, go rent it right now. It's one of the best films ever made and the little kid is outstanding. Costner always gets a lot of flack for his acting (some of it justified) but anyone who thinks he can't act has never seen this film.

I've seen it 10 times at least but my eyes are still glued to the screen every time it comes on again.
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Lake Placid (1999)
Not enough eatin'!!
14 July 2002
This movie isn't THAT bad but it could have been so much better: I dig Bill Pullman and Bridget Fonda a lot (for different reasons) and it was written by David E. Kelley, who used to be great (Picket Fences) but has turned into a woman by writing ALley McBeal for too long. How else can you explain a movie ABOUT a man-eating crocidile who only eat ONE man in the whole movie?!! Did he not want it to be too violent?

Contrary too what some think, the perfomrances are good and the croc does look very realistic - I just expected more excitement/carnage and I think most people watching this will too. Remember that girl who gets killed while skinny-dipping in the beginning of Jaws? Could you imagine if she was the ONLY victim in the entire movie? That would have been awful lame. SInce I like the concept and Pullman and FOnda are so appealing, I would love to see a sequel, but since it bombed at the box office, I guess there's no chance of them trying to get it right the second time around.
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An absolute laugh-riot
14 July 2002
I haven't seen it in years but remember it as being one of the funniest movies I've ever seen it. If you think it's stupid and don't laugh, you're completely missing the point and you're probably an uptight conservative. I can't imagine anyone not digging this dopey, fun movie. Just thinking about it now makes me me want to see if I still have the copy I taped off HBO in the '80s. The entirely punk soundtrack kicks ass, as well. "You'll watch your tongue if you like this job!!"

"LIKE THIS JOB?!?!?!?"
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Almost Famous (2000)
Probably the coolest movie of the century
19 April 2002
Everything about this movie is great. If you've ever loved rock n'roll, this is the movie for you. Even if you don't like rock 'n roll at all, you will appreciate the writing, directing and impressive acting as Cameron Crowe takes us to long time ago (1973), in a galaxy far, far away (San Diego).

I haven't said this about a film in a looong time, but this is a movie that I didn't want to see end! I was honestly sad when the closing credits came on. I was still in my 20s when I saw it but immeditaley wished I was a teenager again falling in love with my new favorite rock band.

I read that Brad Pitt and Sarah Polley were originally chosen for 2 of the main roles (which would have been great) but Billy Crudup and Kate Hudson really shine in (probably) career moments. Newcomer Patrick Fugit makes a fine deubt and "Chasing Amy"'s Jason Lee and "Fargo"'s Frances McDormand are absolutely hysterical.

I usually think The GOlden Globes are a bunch of hooey, but the fact this won Best Picture (Comedy) at the Globes and barely got any Oscar nominations makes me think less of the Academy.

Easily Cameron Crowe's best film, so far.
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Midnight Run (1988)
Funny as hell
19 April 2002
One of the funniest films ever made. DeNiro is generally accepted as the best dramatic actor around but if you doubt his comedic skills, check this one and you'll be amazed.

Even though he later became a cable TV crackpot obsessed with O.J. SImpson and Howard Stern, Charles Grodin was once a very humourous person and delivers some of the greatest deadpan lines you'll ever hear in this comic adventure.

Although it plays for laughs almost the whole way through, Dennis Farina is one scary dude as the villian and the climax at the airport is really riveting and will have you on the edge of your seat.

GREAT supporting work from Yaphet Kotto (Alien, Homicide) and Joey Pants (THe Sopranos, The Matrix, Risky Business).
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Goodfellas (1990)
30 March 2002
This movie was good.

I liked it a whole lot.

Fun for the whole family.

If you don't like this movie, you're crazy.
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Kingpin (1996)
An ALL-TIME classic!
13 October 2001
Anyone who didn't like this movie or was offended, needs to lighten the hell up! It's one of the funniest comedies in history ... much better than other more revered films ... For some reason, this was the only Farrelly brothers flick NOT to be a big hit.

Woody and Bill are at the top of their game, with one hysterical moment after another and knockout Vanessa Angel is even suprisingly good at comedy.

If you've never seen it, do yourself a favor and rent it right away. I can't imagine anyone not laughing their ass off at this one, from begining to end!
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The best!
13 October 2001
This is probably the funniest movie I've ever seen ... the Coen brothers are geniuses!

Nic Cage is brilliant and Nathan Arizona steals every scene he's in. (the babies are real cute, too)
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