
18 Reviews
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Rounders (1998)
Defnitely in my Top 10
22 April 2004
Rounders is a fantastic movie. I think the only reason people criticize this movie is because they know nothing about poker. Oh well, that's just their bad luck they can't enjoy this brilliant movie. The characters are great, especially Worm, and all actors did a fine job. There are so many excellent quotes in the movie, most of them narrated by Matt Damon's character, and I just love the philosophy that some of those quotes are about and how they are related to life. It's a movie about tactics, decisions, and risks. Great stuff. You can watch this movie over and over and never get tired of it, and if you are a poker player, it really gives you great hints. I beg for a sequal.
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Great movie. Now lets have Jason vs Michael.
2 November 2003
I really loved this movie and the dual between the two. But lets face it, I think an even better dual would be between Jason and Michael Myers. That would just be the ultimate confrontation. It would really decide who would be king of the horror, since the two are very very similar. This movie has now set a precedence, and hopefully there will more duals and battles to come between other horror figures. Bring it on!
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Only for the kids
22 July 2003
I was not expecting this movie to be a comedy, I was hoping for a more serious movie with realistic swordfighting scenes accompanied by some blood. I was kinda hoping for a Braveheart on the seas with high suspense and drama which the movie never had. It was just a kiddy movie with a few love scenes, a few fights, and a few scares from the ghosts, but nothing too scary. The only good things about the movie were the special effects and seeing the ships in action.
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In my bottom 10 movies for sure.
17 January 2003
This was just utter crap. Usually if a movie is not that good I can watch it until the end, but for this movie I just couldnt last all the way. I had to stop it half way through. The two lead actors were so bad they sounded like robots talking to each other. I was also sucked in by the cover thinking that Madsen and Hopper were gonna be the main two leads. Ha - big mistake that was. One viewer already mentioned the scene with the fat cop chasing the hobbling homeless guy. I have never seen a more crappy and dumb scene as that. The way the fat cop runs, the fact that he is outran by the hobbling homeless guy, and that he shoots and misses him from a few feet. Unbelievable! That scene alone summarises the whole crappy movie.

Also, a guy gets shot in the chest against a wall and from somewhere blood appears next to his head?!?! Figure that one. And a robber gets shot from behind, with the bullets going through his torso, and yet they just mysteriously vanish on the other side. Where did they go?? The only saving grace for this film was those hot goddesses at the parties. Where did they get these chicks? NEGATIVE 10 out of 10 from me!!
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Only watch first 35 minutes
30 October 2002
I have to say that the first 35 minutes of the movie is just great. It was everything I expected that a time machine movie would be about. But from then on it just collapsed. No more time travelling, just stuck in some boring future primitive setting. It was just like a different movie, like a bad version of The Mummy. I wish he travelled more and changed some events in the past, or see himself in the past, something more exciting. And I wish it focused more on the physics side, explaining how he was actually able to travel in time. Anyway, i give first 35 minutes 8/10, rest of movie -4/10 overall 4/10.
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Hard Cash (2002)
Not bad at all
10 October 2002
I dont know why so many people have written negative reviews of this movie. I found it really exciting with all the twists and the original heists. I hear people complaining about the fake background during the car chase scenes, so what, so did Pulp Fiction but I didnt hear anyone complain about that! The pace of the movie never lets up, and it has some really funny scenes, especially with the little dwarf and the Russian mafia. The last scene was a classic! The acting was not that bad, it didnt defer from the movie. Daryl Hannah looked hot for her age, and Christian Slater is still as cool as ever. I really enjoyed the heist scenes, especially the first one with the ambulance. That was really original and exciting. I cant understand how people can hate this movie and yet find something like One False Move so good, which I found to be long, boring and slow. 9/10 from me.
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Best war movie about balkan conflict
10 October 2002
This movie really depicts the atrocities that occured in late '91 in Vukovar. It tells how it really was in the way the Serbs invaded the town and the resistance the Croatian people offered in protecting their town for three months until they were eventually overran. Hopefully this movie will open up people's eyes to this event which was largely ignored around the world at the time it was taking place. The director did a fantastic job in settting the atmosphere and creating realism which really added to the movie. Vukovar was a symbol for the croatian people and their resistance against the advancing Serbian invaders. By the way, if you were curious to know what the Serb army was singing at the end of the movie it was - "bit ce mesa, bit ce mesa, klacemo hrvate" (meaning There will be meat, we are slicing up the Croatians!)
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Heist (2001)
Poor caper movie
11 September 2002
Coming out at the same time as Oceans 11 and The Score the Heist comes nowhere close as being good as those two. It has no planning or tactics on how they are gonna do the main heist. They dont discuss the risks or any factors which might come into play. Therefore, it builds up no suspense. And when they actually do rob the plane it was nothing special. There was no suspense or nothing gripping like in Ocean's 11 and The Score. They did it all in a matter of 5 minutes, like it was peice of cake. And then there was another half an hour to go of backstabbing and pointless action scenes. I could only give it a 4/10.
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Shot in the Heart (2001 TV Movie)
Well acted but boring
10 September 2002
I agree with other users comments in that the two main roles were well acted, that being the guy that played Gary Gillmore and Giovanni's role. Too bad the story was so boring. Not hearing about the story I knew nothing of Gary Gillmore before the movie so I didn't know what to expect. I thought it would be something like Dead Man Walking or The Chamber but how wrong I was. The whole movie was just talking, talking and talking about their mom and dad. The only cool scenes were the flashbacks where the dad would lose his temper. That was the only interest I got from this borefest.
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One Way Out (2002 Video)
Almost as good as A Perfect Murder
10 September 2002
After viewing this I was really surprised how much I enjoyed it. If you loved A Perfect Murder you will love this. It was just full of suspense and intrigue, although a little predictible at the end. James Belushi played his role well as the corrupt cop and Jason Bateman also gives a good performance. I just loved the way they set out to kill the wife and how it all panned out in the end.
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Only good for the first half
6 February 2002
Turner and Hooch was only really funny and interesting when the scenes with them two were together. When they werent in any scenes together the whole movie was just mandatory and a bit boring such as the romantic scenes and the scenes regarding the actual plot. So it would be a good idea to fast forward through those scenes, dont worry about missing the plot - just watch for the chemistry and charisma between the dog and Tom Hanks.
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Hackers (1995)
Utter techno junk
3 December 2001
I would have to rate this heap of junk along the same lines as The Omega Code, which was marginally worse than this - which is not saying much for Hackers. The plot was just so over the top and had no suspense that I lost interest halfway through and was wishing it would end. It was agony watching this at the cinemas. I couldnt care less about any of the characters. For a good computer film, Anti-Trust is just 100 times better. Much more realistic and exciting. Give this one the flick and bury it for good.
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Ulysses' Gaze (1995)
Most Boring Film Ever
22 November 2001
I can't believe that this dullest of dullest movies (except maybe for Eraserhead) had an average rating of 7.3. How could people rate this over 2 let alone 7? This is just painful and agonizing to watch. I've never known so many scenes that have been stretched to the limit, without anything meaningful or interesting happening. Harvey Kietel looks bored, confused, and dazed. He has the same expression on his face the whole movie. How could anybody watch this over again? I wish I could give this a 0/10, because rating this a 1/10 is too kind.
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U-571 (2000)
Greatest Sub movie ever
9 November 2001
To all those people who criticized this movie - I guess you all lead dull lives. This movie was just full of tension, suspense and high drama of the highest calibre. Not once did I look at my watch. It just kept you on the edge of your seat. So what if there were some historical inaccuracies, it was just so beautiful to watch from beginning to end that the viewer had no time to contemplate the factual errors. It just sucked you into a thrill ride. 10/10 from me, i just wish it never ended.
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Barbarosa (1982)
Most Boring Western Ever
17 October 2001
As a western, this movie was so dull and tedious. It has none of the charisma of Young Guns nor the adventure of the Good, Bad and Ugly. There were no gunfire duals, in fact hardly any guns fired at all. What little action there was just showed people falling down after a few gun shots fired. No blood no wounds. Willie Nelson looked too old and too tired for his role. He looked nothing like the supposed "menacing and bloodthirsty" Barbarosa. My vote a 1 out of 10.
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Witness to the Mob (1998 TV Movie)
A good mafia film
13 July 2001
All mafia films seem to be excellent. They just have that edge, tension and suspense to them which bulids up during the movie and then which is all released at the climax. Witness to the Mob is no exception. However what was unusual, being a mafia film, was that I cant remember any swear word said during the whole film nor was there hardly any blood. Most of the killings were done with quick, clean silencers. Violence was very limited. But it did not detract much from being a good well done movie which will keep the viewer's interest from start to finish. Tom Sizemore is the highlight and is just great, especially when he loses his temper, and is perfect for his role. I would defnitely recommend Witness to the Mob to all mafia film lovers. 8/10.
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The Mexican (2001)
Boring and nothing special
27 April 2001
Well, if only Tarantino had directed this flick it would have been a lot more interesting and suspenseful. Instead there is absolutely no suspense nor is there anything exciting about it. It just drags on after the first half an hour and I was just hoping and waiting for it to end soon. I did not laugh once at Julia Roberts. Should have been less on the comedy side and more on the violent side. True Romance is so much better!
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L'ex (1996 TV Movie)
One of the best thrillers around
20 April 2001
I found this to a very enjoyable and entertaining thriller from start to end. The pace of the movie never slows down as scene after scene something exciting or dramatic occurs. The girl who plays the Ex girlfriend who I remember is from Drop Zone gives a superb performance especially as she is very attractive and is at times very intimidating giving the movie its punch. The only let down would be that it is a bit too short and the climax of the movie is nothing special. But nonetheless a movie that will not dissapoint and will keep the viewer enthralled.
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