
9 Reviews
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The Cleaning Lady (2022– )
Steadily Declining
7 April 2024
This series started as an exciting journey into a world where a Doctor has to work for Gangsters. It has turned into a family based soap opera where each character seems to be dumber than a bag of hammers. The teenage boy acts like a 6 year old, the younger boy appears to be school aged but acts like a 3 yr old and the adults shift from cool headed intellectuals to irrational screaming panickers whenever the writers can't figure out how real people act. The writing in the first season was, in many ways, captivating ... but now it's just dysfunctional family dynamics and people doing things so unbelievably stupid that the show has lost all credibility.
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Quantum Leap (2022–2024)
12 October 2023
Season one was okay with some decent story lines ... but the writers have obviously run out of story ideas and by episode 2, season 2 they have already set it up to be "just another soap opera". If your main characters have to have a dysfunctional love life in order to be interesting, they don't have much 'character'. The first series avoided being just about moronic love lives by creating story lines with intelligible plots. It appears this new series is going to be more about what's happening in the present at home and less about what's happening in the 'leap' and its' impact on the world. Instead of being a cool sci-fi series with a creative "what-if" perspective ... it's becoming just another show about people who suck at relationships ... but these idiots are supposed to be intelligent so they get to do science stuff while acting like middle school morons.
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Captain Fall (2023)
Norsemen on a Cruise
26 August 2023
I'm so glad that the creative team behind 'The Norsemen' is continuing to produce hilarious sarcasm. There are many parallels here between the two shows and a couple of familiar voices too. Throughout, there are sideways jabs at current newsmakers and there's a constant unveiling of society's hypocrisies and shortcomings. Being poignant and funny at the same time isn't easy and these guys do a bang up job. You might have to watch it a couple of times to catch all the subtle cues and innuendos. Definitely created for a more mature audience and if you're easily offended you should avoid watching this one because it appears the only thing sacred here is humour.
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Decent Drama
26 August 2023
It will be hard for some people to accept this series as the most important roles are all women with power. The writing is decent and the acting is very good. Locations are beautiful and the wardrobe department outdid themselves. Is it utterly believable ... no, but it's not pretending to be 'reality tv'. It's entertainment and, as such, it succeeds. Let's face it, if shows are too good they never last ... and Netflix is famous for cancelling really good shows, so hopefully this one is good enough for the masses, but not so good that it only appeals to 'the few'. That was the end of my review but I was a few characters short so I added this sentence.
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Kung Fu (2021–2023)
Too Bad
20 May 2022
Unfortunately this show is a 'daytime drama' disguised as a martial arts quest adventure. Unnecessary emotional conflicts and interpersonal turmoil distracts from any plot, which is very slow in being revealed. It's written like a 'soap opera' with an endless stream of illogical secrets and betrayals. These heroes are supposed to be intelligent and accomplished yet there is no end to the unnecessarily stupid decisions made by each one of them. It makes no sense.

If you're willing to put up with 35 minutes of adults acting like intellectually and emotionally challenged juveniles in order to enjoy 12 minutes of actual story-line then you might enjoy this offering.

Production values are good and a decent cast does what they can ... but unfortunately intelligent scripts aren't commercially viable. People have become addicted to the fake relationship dramas of soaps and 'reality tv'. It's exhausting to me, but I'm apparently in the minority as many if the series I like get cancelled after 1 season.
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Star Trek: Discovery (2017–2024)
What Happened
19 December 2021
First couple of seasons were great but season 4 is a Bummer Trek. Slow, plodding, depressing story lines punctuated with long, life sucking soliloquies. The script is more suited for a stage play, not a sci-fi action series. These shows are supposed to be an escape from the darkness, not the darkness itself.
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8 November 2021
It seems most people either Love it or Hate it. I never read the novel so I had few expectations. I don't know what would happen if all men died but if half the world's population just up and died in the street you can bet that anarchy would ensue. Just as Lord of the Flies showed us that males, unchecked, can be abominable, "Y" shows us that females can be dysfunctional too. The writing is creative and explores more than just juvenile relationship drama like so many lazy new shows. There are plot twists and surprises and the actors have talent ... when so many productions rely solely on hot bodies. There are no 'heros' here (except a character actually named Hero). All the characters are struggling to make sense of this 'new' world and endeavoring to survive it. It involves the President's whole family and White House machinations so expecting it to be Non-political is unreasonable. I enjoyed all 10 episodes ... but it is a bit dark and it does make you think, so if you're looking for something light and fluffy ... this aint it!
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Too Good to Survive
18 October 2021
Only gave it 9 stars because it kept getting better and better ... and I think it would have continued to do so if it didn't get cancelled. Unfortunately it challenged some long established thinking and that sort of thing is seldom allowed to flourish. Great writing, great casting, incredible acting, directing and more. It was way too good to last. It has an edge, so if you're afraid of a less cookie-cutter perspective it may offend you, but for those of us that prefer plot twists to posers this was a great change from the average soap opera masquerading as something interesting. I hate that it was cancelled, I hope somebody with brains renews it, I'm grateful to at least have had 1 season of something innovative, fun, shocking, and truly entertaining. It was cancelled over a year ago and we're still singing its' praises. Hopefully somebody with pull listens to our song.
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La Brea (2021–2024)
Beware of "Soap"
18 October 2021
Only 3 episodes in and the soap opera is already being set up. I hoped this would be a sci-fi show but it looks like the writers are already preparing to have no real plot and devolve it into another teen angst relationship drama with a focus on cheating and broken hearts instead of exploring the unknown that combining science and fantasy can lead to. There are way too many shows that deliver nothing but people acting stupidly in personal relationships. La Brea is at risk of becoming yet another Daytime Drama polluting the Night-time programming. PLEASE be a sci-fi/fantasy and not another crappy soap opera. The next few episodes will reveal whether the writers are creative or just lazy. I live in cautious hope.
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