
16 Reviews
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Missed opportunity
18 December 2023
There was a cameo by Ellen Burstyn. Regan's mother, and THAT was the first mistake. The movie should have centered around her, and through her, all of the other characters could have been introduced. Why have her in the movie at all if you're just going to waste her appearance? The second mistake was the writing. For instance, "Oh, give us the strength to fight against this noonday devil - this reprobate dragon!" You've got to be kidding. The writer should have been fired as well as the director and editor for letting writing like this make it into the cut. It could have been good, but the focus here was on DEI and NOT telling a good story.
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That '90s Show (2023– )
Still fun!
19 January 2023
Going into this, you have to keep in mind that the stars of the show are Red and Kitty. These two are just like they were! There's a nice group of teens in the basement, and they take some getting used to. Right off the bat, the characters of Leah, Gwen, and. Nikki, and Ozzie are likeable. I'm still not sure how I feel about Jay and Nate. It's clear that That 90s Show has the same writers as That 70s Show. The humor is similar as is the timing of the comedy. All of this in spite of the fact that Netflix tried to sabotage themselves again by playing with identity politics. They lucked out by actually finding people who fit the political profile and are able to act. As long as you don't expect the new group of teens to do what the first group did, you'll have fun.
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Deadstream (2022)
A decent attempt
3 November 2022
The genrously high reviews convinced me this might be a movie worth watching. I must say, I have to disagree with all those who are calling the movie "perfect" and "brilliant." The lost footage idea has been done to death, but it still holds up, so I have no complaints there. The main actor was way over the top with trying to be as feminine as a man can be. It got annoying really fast. Imagine watching 2 hours of Dylan Mulvaney! When a new character came in, the one who plays Chrissy, I decided to stick with it because she actually has some acting chops. She was the best character in the movie, and they ended up making her participation really limited. The story's good. The acting will get on your nerves.
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The Accursed (2022)
29 October 2022
This was more fun than I had expected. First of all, the opening to the movie was great! Whoever came up with that idea was on the ball. The story throughout was spooky and the actors did an amazing job. As for the story.... my knowing there's something fishy happening but not knowing who to trust gave me a feeling similar to the one I got while watching The Skeleton Key. As a movie with a movie-sized budget (I'm assuming), it was okay. I didn't feel like I wasted my time and thought it was decent. As an episode of something like Supernatural, it would have been extremely well received and highly praised. If I come to learn that this was made on a small budget, I'll add a star to my score.
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Hellraiser (2022)
8 October 2022
This was bad, and all those involved (actors, writers, producers, director, etc) should feel bad! It seems that 100% of everyone's effort was put into making sure pinhead was recast, and zero effort was put into decent writing or acting. Within the first 20 minutes, I was already rooting for the Cenobites and hoping they'd clean house and just put everyone out of their misery - director and all! Then the Cenobites showed up, and it was clear that they weren't cut out for the job. I'm guessing the local high school AV club was in charge of that part of the movie. If you have a choice between this an any other movie, choose the other movie for sure!
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27 September 2022
Right off the bat, a close-up of two girls making out for the first 70 seconds of the film tells you what the director's intention was - to be EDGY. The problem is, it's not edgy in the least. Clearly the director is telling everyone, "Look at me! Look what I can do! See how open-minded I am?" This attempt to focus on identity politics took 100% of the director's attention, and no attention was paid towards good writing, decent acting, or any attempt at good storytelling. There is one thing this movie does perfectly - it sums up Gen-Z to a T! If you have a choice between watching this movie or another one, choose the other one!
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Dark Matter (2015–2017)
Truly great!
24 September 2022
I wasn't turned on to this show until recently, and right away I noticed a familiar face! Jodelle Ferland was in Stargate SG1 and Stargate Atlantis. I've noticed a lot of people compare this to Firefly, which is interesting considering the stars of each (Nathan Fillan and .Melissa Oneil) are both working together in The Rookie. I have fond memories of Firefly, but the memories are fonder than the actual experience. As much as I enjoyed most of the Firefly episodes, I enjoyed ALL of the Dark Matter episodes. I also felt the characters in Darm Matter had better back stories. I gave Darm Matter 1 star more than I gave Firefly because I see it as a better show. And I'm not happy that it ended on a cliffhanger!
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Dune (2021)
21 September 2021
All the high praises of this movie are from memebrs with only one review to their name. What does that tell you? I was really looking forward to Dune 2021, and was let down when it turned out to be a remake of the Dune 2000 miniseries. It's as if the director simply borrowed his favorite lines and scenes from that 2000 script. Everything about the Dune miniseries and Children of Dune (2003) was far better than this production. Thus the gaggle of fake reviews.
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No Man of God (2021)
This was good!
2 September 2021
There are no car chases, jump scares action sequences, or CGI. Just solid acting that mesmerises the viewer. This movie is well worth watching.
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Carrie (2002 TV Movie)
I prefer this version
11 June 2021
A lot of people praise the original as a masterpiece because it evokes nostalgia. If they were to go back and watch the original today, it wouldn't likely be the same movie they remembered. This version, however, was well done. It was made for TV, so it had limitations on both content and budget. Nevertheless, Angela Bettis is far superior in the role as creepy Carrie. Without even acting, she looks the part! The method of storytelling was also an improvement - the police questioning the witnesses to find out how 100+ people were killed at the prom, and the story told from flashbacks. And the overall acting by each cast member was very good.
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The Djinn (2021)
Well made
15 May 2021
This movie was made by a crew who knew what they were doing. I was especially impressed with the main actor, Ezra Dewey. This kid really knocked it out of the park! The story was original, which surprised me because someone posted that it was a knockoff of Wishmaster. Clearly, that person didn't see the movie. I wouldn't say it's a horror movie. Rather, it's an eerie movie with just the right amount of suspense. I would recommend watching this movie in the evening with the lights low.
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Kung Fu (2021–2023)
Stick with the 70s version
20 April 2021
David Carradine was able to fake his way through fight scenes relying on his Tai Chi training. He had balance and was able to pull it off. On top of that, the Confucian wisdom and parables played a large part of each episode. The flashbacks of REAL martial artists like Philip Ahn (Master Kan) were a great touch as well. In this new version, Olivia Liang has some physical ability, but she's far from a martial artist. It would have been a better choice to have her mimic something more traditional than push her into doing modern wushu. And the antagonist in this new series, Yvonne Chapman, with barely enough skill to walk by herself, was somehow able to defeat a small army of Shaolin fighters and kill off Olivia's Shifu. Someone like her should have to wear a helmet. Unlike the original, there are no training flashbacks. There aren't any interesting parables or teachings, either. Everything that made the original series fun is missing.
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FBI: Discord (2021)
Season 3, Episode 7
12 March 2021
I've missed the past few episodes, and after watching this one, I am reminded why. This was bad. This new character, Agent Tiffany Wallace, can't have any type of conversation without pointing out systematic racism - every dialogue she's part of! The writers must not have been paying attention because Agent Wallace spent the entire hour calling out Homeland Security for keeping tabs and notes on black activists, which was another example of systematic racism leading her to becoming the angry woman she is today, BUT it seems Agent Wallace relied on Homeland Security's tabs and notes on white activists to nab their suspect. Hmmmm. These woke writers should get their resumes ready because this kind of writing doesn't have much of a future. The trend will end.
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Not bad, but not great
3 March 2021
I watched this because I'm a fan of Denzel. The story was solid up until the last 30 Minutes. The idea that "Deke has a nose for the little things" was an interesting angle, but it didn't really help in catching the bad guy. And I'm afraid that Rami Malek is typecast. I kept thinking, "So, this is Freddie Mercury as a cop!" The movie goes all in on the actor playing the bad guy, but there's really nothing special about his character or what he does. Ultimately, the ending was weak.
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This was good!
24 January 2021
Not having heard anything about this movie, I expected a straight-to-video type martial arts film based on BJJ - considering there seems to be a few cash grabs out at the moment. I figured it would be half way decent because Sean Patrick Flanery is a solid actor. What I didn't expect was a damn good story with great performances all around. I was also surprised to learn that Sean is a legit BJJ black belt, which is obvious as soon as he gets on the mat. Seeing this movie more than makes up for having to sit through the last 5 bad ones.
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The Hunt (II) (2020)
A lot of fun
6 April 2020
The media would have you believe this was about liberals hunting Republicans. The fact there's a political divide is mere coincidence. The ones being hunted were targeted for a specific reason - and it wasn't for their politics. This was bloody and fun!
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