
1 Review
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Do you like "bad" horror movies
19 August 2006
Warning: Spoilers
If you like "bad" horror movies - you know the ones that make you laugh, when you are suppose to be "scared." Well, if you do - don't see this movie!

House of the Dead (which really takes place on an island full of "dead zombies") is not only not a good horror movie - it's not even a bad one. It was excruciatingly painful to watch. The only reaction that my friend and I had watching it together was looking at each other with our mouths hanging open. I think the only words spoken between us was "what?!"

We had to look up when it was made (trying to make excuses for it). Our only conclusion was "well if a 12-year old boy made it - it was a pretty good attempt." But when I couldn't resist looking up their trailer for the director/producer information and actual found out he was a grown man and had the guts to take credit for making this movie -including letting all us viewers know about his 360 degree camera (or whatever he called it) which, by the way, he over uses in the film. I was dumbfounded.

If I had made this mess - I would have legally changed my name after it's release, and maybe even undergone plastic surgery so I would not be recognized.

The (so-called) actors were terrible, the story was terrible the so-called special effects were a joke - I think the director was asleep during the taping. In one scene - seconds after killing hundreds of zombies a young couple (who just discovered they had "feelings" for one another) start making out - like nothing ever happened. Fast-forward a bit and the guy who was just making out sacrifices himself to save his 3 remaining friends and blows up the zombies (along with himself) with some kegs of gunpowder. The girlfriend and the others make it out alive - her reaction to this, when the smoke clears "Where are we?" Her nor his other buddies were even given one "line" to say about the poor slob that saved their lives. Anyway, she ends up dying anyway (boo hoo!)- and two remain to fight off the "leader zombie" who apparently can never die - even when his head gets chopped off. The last remaining female surviver gets stabbed with a sword - right THROUGH the middle of her chest - and guess what? - the special effects department must have ran out of fake blood! She's actually sitting there with a spot of blood where she was Peirce - but never bled out! Unbelievable.

I can't even stand talking about this anymore.

Please don't even be curious, don't even be tempted to watch this movie - I'm serious - You won't even get one laugh out of it - it is a total waste of time. Cleaning out the refrigerator is more enjoyable.
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