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The Hardy Boys (1969–1971)
14 July 2003
My tag line says it ALL. This 1969 carton show is THE GROOVIEST cartoon show in all of history. It takes the characters of Frank and Joe Hardy and makes them rock stars AND as they are in the Hardy Boys books amateur detectives and mystery solvers. You have to see this show to believe it. The drawings are SO dated. The guys all have platform shoes, pink ties, and very trendy suits that make Fred from Scooby-doo look like a conservative dresser by comparison! On top of the clothes and character design, you get a very psychadelic music video in every adventure. Also the guys drive a vintage Rolls Royce that has been MOD-ified. The boys even have as part of the group a hip chick groupie named Wanda-Kay, a total ditz. The opening and closing credits of the show feature live action look-a-likes on a stage performing their rock Hardy Boys theme song. If you look close there is a shot of the actors from the back and you can see there is no audience.. just an empty sound stage they are playing too.

Overall the show is a lot of fun, very fast paced and SUPER GROOVY MAN!
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...And Then She Was Gone (1991 TV Movie)
Good tension and suspense for a Tv film
21 April 2002
I saw this recently on Lifetime cable. I looked at it to start simply because Robert Urich was in it, and had just passed away. I figured I wouldn't stay with it for more than a few minutes but ended up seeing the whole thing. I was surprised at how much tension and suspense this Tv movie had packed into it, even with the distraction of commercial interuptions! It also features an ending that is somewhat open to interpretation which is a nice change from the usual TV movie storybook ending. There were some logic holes ie like why didn't a character call the police ( but that would have watered down the climax) however this is a good film.
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The Shield (2002–2008)
An over the top Cartoon
15 March 2002
Warning: Spoilers
After a lot of hype I was disappointed in the premier episode of the Shield. I could not help but get the feeling that the show was "trying too hard" to be a hard hitting gritty cop show. What it is, is a show with over the top characters and a host of unrealistic dialog. For example ( and trying to avoid spoilers). One character spouts off with GROSS insubordination to the officer in charge, in front of the whole department. Hokey. Nobody in real life grandstands like that and stays employed for long. Also making such a scene doesn't make sense to do in real life, no matter how much you hate the boss' guts. This is especially true if your goal is to undermine him. I could go on with other examples of needless smart mouthing and overt stuff etc but bottomline: A better written show with good actors, can convey the fact that the one cop hates the other and build on that tension without resorting to such silliness. I was really hoping for a good show. One that was complex and realistically presented. Not this show. This is an over the top cartoon. Sadly, most viewers probably like and NEED this over the top stuff, just to get the point and understand what is going on. A more subtle show requires viewers to pay attention and even think once and a while.
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WOW! I'd like to match this Magic!
4 November 2001
This is great film. Based on the Poe poem it uses lots of camera tricks to create a magic and surreal world. Beautiful black and white cinematography. This was amazingly an "amateur" film that was made by some very talented film enthusiasts. If you have ever made your own independent or "amateur" film, as I have, you will marvel and REALLY appreciate the effort and time put into this film. This is one of the handful of films I wish I could say that I made it! If you like the 1920s German expressionist films etc, you'll eat this one up.
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Serious cool
3 November 2001
I saw this first run on tv in 1973 and I believe it was the second 90 min "pilot" episode to the six million dollar man series. I was a 1st grader at the time but I remember the action well. It was pretty James Bondish( even has bond girl Britt Eklund in it) It is the first time I remember seeing ole Six mil in action. Points that impressed me at age 7: there is the scene where Steve Austin breaks through stone wall. Very cool. Also there are some sinister looking black and white painted rockets/nuke weapons that moved around on wheels. Oh then there is Steve's super swim from the submarine. After seeing this I was hooked on the Six million dollar man show that followed. I would love to see this film again and if I ever do, hopefully I'll find it as much fun now as then.
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Under Siege (1992)
USS Alabama Fills in for Missouri, GREAT 16" GUNS!!
9 August 2001
This past weekend I visited the USS Alabama in Mobile Alabama. This great WWII battleship is on display daily for all to see. I had wanted to go see it for years and finally business brought me close enough to take a day and go. While there I discovered that the Alabama filled in for the USS Missouri in the film UNDER SEIGE.

I passed on this film when it was released in 1992 but went and got it tonight. Mainly just to see what I might recognize from my USS Alabama visit. However I was pleasantly surprised and entertained by the movie. I wish I had seen this film back in 1992 on the big screen. The "at sea " footage is I believe really of the USS Missouri but most (if not all) the deck action footage was shot on the Alabama. I was told at the ship that Alabama is the ONLY battleship on public display that actually has a clear OCEANscape behind her, thus making filming easier. Specific scenes in the film that are Alabama that a visited are: The engine room, particularly where the large valve wheels appear and the guy says "Twinkies". Inside the 16" gun turret and Barbette (sp). This is the area below the giant turret where the 2,500 lbs shells and sandbag sized powder bags are loaded up into the gun. The Alabama is also the ONLY battleship on public display where visitors can go into this very cool area. In the movie they fire the 16" guns (probably Hollywood pyrotechnics rather than a real firing). It is neat to see the loading and firing procedure. Also getting into the act is the USS Drum. A WWII submarine also on display with the Alabama. When I visited the Drum was being dammed and raised to put it on pedestal to prevent water damage/corrosion. I believe all the deck shots in the movie on the "French sub" were taken on the DRUM. The movie is worth seeing even if you haven't visited the USS Alabama. There is a lot of good action and Tommy Lee Jones steals the film.( Though Gary Busey is great as well) My only real criticism is that Seagal's Character is way too much of a wise guy when talking to superior officers. His character is supposed to be a bit of a wise guy but he comes over WAY WAY too much so. It strains the credibility of the film. Also there is a shot of Seagal and the girl walking along in plain sight on the deck. It is a logic flaw because there has been all sorts of gun fighting and then these two are just strolling along on the deck. Well it was shot that way to allow Seagal to turn and suggest using the 16" guns, visible over his shoulder.

Another interesting note. The leading lady, Erika Eleniak plays a character, Jordan Tate, who was "playmate July 1989". It is interesting because Ms. Eleniak REALLY WAS the playmate for July 1989. Her character starts of like a supper panicky female the suddenly gets very calm and cool helping Seagal dispense the bad guys. Despite this character inconsistency don't miss the cake scene. Also what was she, a civilian, doing at the end of the film in a sailor outfit? Maybe she enlisted? Also the crew is in dress whites one day and Navy blue dress (winter dress) the next. This might not be a flaw but actual Navy protocol for the ceremony depicted in the ending scene. I don't know)

Overall though UNDER SEIGE is a fun film, if only to get a nice view of the actual insides of a real WWII battleship.
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Zulu Dawn (1979)
Bogus Garbage to avoid
12 July 2001
This film is awful. The characters are real flat. The British are portrayed as selfish conquering snobs. By the time you get around to the battle you could careless that they get wiped out( if you buy into the political correctness pandering from the director.) If the point of this movie was to show that "colonialism is bad" then that is fine. However don't insult me with a parade of silly stereotypes purposely made out to be overtly distasteful. Bottom line: avoid this film and rent the original 1964 Zulu.
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Beware the Hyper edited version!!!
17 June 2001
Warning: Spoilers
I saw this movie when it was originally aired on TV in 1972. It was aired in two parts, each night 2 hours long. It was either October 30 & 31 or October 31 & November 1 1972.( I think it was the later) Anyway I loved it. Even though this film was made by Universal, it is a different kind of film from 1930s the Karloff incarnation. Anyway I was delighted to see it available on video and snatched it right up. Ugh! It was a 2 hour edited version that was shown theatrically in Europe back in the early 1970s. AVOID this version! If you have only seen this edited version, you don't know what your missing. Unlike a lot of what today we call "mini series'" Frankenstein the True story really moves and the story is not padded. The screenplay by Christopher Isherwood is much better than the usual mini series. With the movie cut by 40% you miss so much. In fact watching it edited, it seemed just plain choppy. The full version significantly adds to the audiences' understanding of the monster's actions and reactions to his maker and the female creation Prima. Possible spoiler:(Jane Seymour plays Prima as part of a dual role. She is very good in this film. I have been a fan of hers ever since. You'll swear Prima has real evil in her eyes. Also in a small part is the fourth Dr. Who, Tom Baker as a Ship captain.) Bottom line: If possible find the COMPLETE version and avoid the 2 hour video. If you liked the edited version, finding the full version( if its even commercially available) will be well worth the search.
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This is a wonderful film to enjoy.
15 June 2001
Warning: Spoilers
I screened a 16mm print of this film, Bob, Verushka & the Pursuit of Happiness as part of the Atlanta film Festival. It was presented in (and I believe shot in ) 16mm. The film revolves around ` Bob' played expertly by Michael Waite. No real spoilers here but the gist of the film is this: Bob is a somewhat nerdy guy, 33-ish, that lives with his sister and her kids. He has a nothing sort of job selling car air fresheners. Due to slumping sales he is sent by his boss to spend an afternoon following a visiting leading sales lady. Through a mix up he ends up with a Russian woman, Verushka, that has some pretty wild ideas about getting ahead. Thinking Verushka is the top sales lady, bob allows her to completely make him over with a new wardrobe and hairpiece. Before long Bob wises up but by then he has fallen for her. The two of them embark on a mostly harmless "fun with Dick and Jane" petty crime rampage to get enough cash to get " really" started in business.

The real charm of this movie is the culture clash. I visited the USSR back in the 1980s and saw the old Soviet system first hand. Some of the actions and behavior of Verushka may seem wild but in many ways her logic is right on the old communist money. The interaction of Verushka and Bob is really entertaining on several levels.

Yelena Danova who plays Verushka is an absolute delight. I believe she really is Russian( if not she is an even better actress that I thought) She truly looks and acts the part. She is pretty and looks very Russian. She is a little thick around the waist and voluptuous but this only adds to her beautiful and vibrant character that is both very sexy and very passionate. I think it is good that Versuhka was NOT played by an actress with a supermodel figure. In fact as a couple Bob and Verushka look about right for each other. No matter how crazy or off the wall the plot gets the fact that both leads( and everybody else in the film as well) look like regular people that you might actually run into, adds a lot of credibility to the film.

If you haven't guessed yet, the film had a modest budget, however in no way does it seem cheap. In fact being shot on 16mm in real rooms and parking lots etc further adds to the authentic ` real life' feel that makes this story work. Eventually Bob is brought back to reality after wounding a crook they have ripped off. He decides that he is not corrupt and not going to accept Verushka's moral relativism about getting ahead anymore. Fortunately, she is in turn affected by him and becomes interested in him for himself, rather than the made over Bob she created.

I enjoyed this film a great deal. I hope that it gets the exposure it deserves. I found it humorous, touching all with a nice dash of satire on the old & new Russia contrasted against the state of American business. It is truly refreshing to see an independent film with a modest budget masterfully succeed at character development & audience connection in an age where we routinely have mega million dollar films that can not. I fully recommend seeing Bob, Verushka & the Pursuit of Happiness.
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Early American Funny Man is worth a look.
26 May 2001
I saw a nice Blackhawk print of this film not too long ago. It is a good representation of John Bunny's comic persona. He was a very heavy set man and was frequently paired with very slender ( and a good bit taller) actress Flora Finch as his wife. The films they made together were often referred too as Bunnygraphs( A play on the title of DW Griffith's Biographs). A Cure for Pokeritis runs about 11 minutes or so when projected at silent 18 frames per second speed. It is a cute little film and some of John's facial expressions are quite funny. This is worth seeing if you are interested in early American cinema comedy and would like to see something from a star that PRE-DATES Charlie Chaplin.
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