
7 Reviews
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Mama's Boy (2022)
15 November 2022
Best movie I've seen all year. I've seen good productions, but a really great film is different. A great film has to tell you something that you didn't know before. Or, rather, to make you feel something, something deep, to reach inside you and touch something that resonates deep into your soul. I know that some people will not feel this way after seeing it, but I found that, in one way or another, my own journey has mirrored Dustin's. I wonder if many young people will understand and really feel the emotions that this films evokes. So much has changed since I made my journey. Things I never thought would happen... happened. And they happened because of people like Dustin. We owe him more that we can ever repay. And this film shows how & why. All I can say to him is: promise kept, promise fulfilled. Well done.
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Perspective, Please !
1 October 2022
The documentary on the attempts to screen A Clockwork Orange in Spain in 1971 under Franco is VERY VERY INTERESTING.

Oddly, many of the young people were not only disturbed by it, but didn't think it could be made today.

But one older man said, "Wrongness isn't erased by removing the reflection of something that is wrong." It was a film of its time about a time by a man of its time.

I, too, lived in and through that time. I doubt that many of those who criticise, either the film or this documentary, did. Chaplin's The Great Dictator would resonate MUCH more strongly with those who lived during WWII than those millennials who probably don't even know the century in which it was fought. Today is not THEN. Stop judging THEN by the standards of TODAY. Perfect knowledge and perfect perspective do not exist.

Many of the themes in the film foreshadowed the racial violence that happened in the 1990s and later, perhaps even the rise of violence and neo-fascism in the Republican Party.

The film has as a theme the unchecked prevalence of violence in society by self-satisfied mobs of those who feel that the violence they inflict is justified.

The film does not glorify violence. It is a reflection of the people and the society of the time, particularly in England. Except for some subversive political parties, we have, for the most part, moved forward. Not completely, not perfectly. But we humans, are, for the most part, a work in progress.

Don't shoot the mirror; don't shoot the messenger.
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Elvis (2022)
Willie Wonka
29 September 2022
Willy Wonka was wrong: when you get everything you want, you do not live happily ever after.

It's so classic: too much, too soon. Perhaps if his mother had lived, his excesses might have been moderated. But it is like, for example, how the rappers of today suffer because of their "entourage ", a gaggle of no-talents who cling like leaches to the talented one.

But truth be told, it is the artist's fault as much as it is the leaches. The hunger that drives them forward is like a black hole of insecurity constantly rotating within them. It has great force, great gravity, and draws in both good and bad.

But ultimately, it is a large, aching empty hole in their personality that neither fame, money, drugs or women will ever be able to fill.

And getting everything you want only exacerbates the ache and the hole.
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American Crime (2015–2017)
20 August 2022
I see why this series was canceled. It shows things that people don't want to see, that things... problems... aren't black and white, that bad people are everywhere and don't care, and good people sometimes do bad in order to do the good that bad people prevent them from doing. This was and series with EXCELLENT writing, better than anything I've seen in years. The stories are broad in their scope and deep in their plots. Whoever wrote them is a GREAT writer and I hope they are able to do more. Just wonderful. Congrats. Many many kudos to you.
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Dirty Harry (1971)
Going to the BofA building
30 June 2022
After Harry leaves the Holiday Inn, he walks to the Bank of America building. But the hotel is NORTH of the bank building. The scene of him approaching the bank is from the SOUTH side of the building.
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A Plot-less Waste of Time
26 December 2021
Just finished watching the new Matrix movie. And once again, Hollwood provides another reason why paying to see these new movies is a gigantic waste of time. And money.

Incomprehensible story filled with excessive and plot-numbing kung-fu BS. Once again (and again and again), a plot that is thinner than rice paper, but, since it was obviously made for those foreign markets where simple, story-less action is the sole purpose of the endevour, I'm sure they'll like it in those eastern, mind-numbed markets. Just another crouching tiger martial arts movie, and not a good one at that.

So save your money; the reviews were correct: it's a movie made by the daughter so that someone else couldn't make it. It's even less than a vanity pic. Too many inside jokes. Too much winking at the camera. Sound and fury signifying nothing.

To say that the plot is threadbare would be a very kind compliment, one that film doesn't deserve.

If they put as much time and effort into the story as they did into the plastic surgery of the so-called stars, they might have made something worthwhile.

Instead, we're left with a kung fu movie that is like a parasite on the long-dead corpse of what were good stories and films.

This movie is an abomination. The walking dead matrix.

Someone should be merciful and put a stake through its heart. After all, it's already dead. Two stars is twice what it should get. It's Christmas. I'm being kind. Consider the extra star and a half my gift to whatever hack wrote this P. O. S.

Please. Put it, and us, out of our misery.
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Infinite (2021)
Glad I didn't pay to see it
21 June 2021
This is perhaps one of the stupidest films I've ever seen. Obviously made for the Chinese market where action and violence is all that matters and plot counts for NOTHING. If I made this film, I'd be ashamed to have my name on it. Wahlberg should have stayed as Marky Mark. At least that was silly; this is an abhorrent was of money as well as two hours of my life that I'll never get back. The only thing infinite about this film is its lack of any creative or artistic merit. No wonder it played for free on Paramount. Someone knew it was a schlock production. Shameful. Just shameful. I'd rate it zero stars if it was possible.
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