
19 Reviews
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K-PAX (2001)
Major spoilers (meaning of film)
12 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I haven't seen this movie in a while so I apologize for the vagueness.

Prot suffers a traumatizing event and attempts to end his life.

This can be seen as him succeeding in his attempt,(I'll explain later..) or though he fails to terminate his physical form his mental form is destroyed and he becomes someone new while still residing in the same "vessel" This is similar to the phoenix rising from its ashes or the concept of false self true self in psychology.

The major clues that tell you what's really happening is When prot tells the doctor (not verbatim )"why is a soap bubble round? It's the most energy efficient. On your planet I look like you (a human) on k- pax I look like a k-paxian."

The doctor, and the rest of the hospital staff is expending all of their energy trying to "cure" the patients. His marriage is suffering because of it.

One of the mental patients asks prot how he (the patient) can know he's getting better ( again not verbatim) and prot tells him to look for the blue bird

then the mental patients spot a blue bird outside the window. It makes them happy and giddy and the woman that wouldn't come out of her room comes out to see. You can see the other patients are better too but again I haven't watched this in a long time so I can't remember all the details, view it for yourself to see.

Later one of the mental patients tells prot she knows he was the blue bird

The blue bird was the most energy efficient form to help the mental patients feel better and to help save the doctors marriage by offloading some of the energy the doctor is expending.

When one of the patients tries to strangle one of the other ones, the victim of this altercation is "cured" of his phobia of germs. He says that they basically "brought him back" to life. This can be seen as the rebirth process that Robert/ prot may have undergone himself.

The reason the "k-paxian" takes the energy efficient form of Robert Porter is because the doctor whose marriage is falling apart can be seen as Robert/prots traumatic event of losing his family.

The ending is a little unclear and leaves me a bit confused. When Robert/prot is catatonic and unable to speak or move at the end it suggests that maybe Robert was "possessed" by "prot" the k-paxian. Or maybe it could suggest that prot was the doctor projecting himself onto Robert the whole time. When we see the light beam shining through the crystal projecting a rainbow of light into the doctors face this could be a clue for that , it could be sayinf that the doctor has multiple "personalities " but I'm really uncertain.

This is just purely my interpretation though so take it with a grain of salt I would highly recommend viewing it through this lens though in case you missed all of it and are just thinking what was it about??
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Silence is golden but it's also sleep inducing
1 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This is one of the coolest movies I've ever seen but it's also one of the worst I've ever heard. And that is to say I didn't hear it. Because it's a silent movie.

It has a dream like feeling with the set design and visuals, which is probably intentional to make the audience feel like they are paralleled to the sleepwalker. This is genius.

The silent era movies suffer in the modern age bc it can be difficult to watch. They have to move slower since it's often formatted as the scene with characters talking. Then a break for text on the screen to read what they were saying. And repeat. This actually works for this film through inducing tiredness and dreariness because the topic and focus is about a sleep walker. So is it fair to see it as a weakness when it's kind of the point?

Originally written on letterboxd.
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1 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Greg stinks. Him taking the heat for Rowley having ate the cheese might somewhat make up for the horrible way he treated him but it doesn't make up for it completely. Sure it could be a start but really I think Rowley would be better off with other friends. It's not like Rowley ate the cheese because he wanted to, he was forced to. I think he could definitely come back from the ostracization he would face due to that, if he just explained to everyone like yeah that was gross but he was bullied into doing it. He might even gain sympathy from it like he did when he was physically injured.

Originally written on letterboxd.
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27 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The leatherface in this movie looks like a goblinified Mrs. Doubtfire but the leading woman is attractive so I'm sure some people sat through this for that reason alone.

This movie feels inferior in many ways. Mainly most of the time its so dark and dreary.

The hitchhiker just doesnt work as effectively as it does in the 2003 version. In the 2003 version, they pick up the girl because she is in need of help; she looks beat up and abused. It goes to make us like the characters cause we can see them as caring.

In this version they pick up the hitchhiker so the women can oggle him and because he offered them 60 bucks. It doesnt make us like the characters it makes us feel like they're idiots and deserve whats coming to them.

The twist ending is visible from a mile away. Most of the gore scenes look really bad except for when the police officer enters the wine cellar.

There was great tension in the scene with the trigger happy cop investigating the wine cellar. He was actually likable because he was actually brave and trying to help but he's then made disposable because he opens up the box and doesn't have the trigger discipline and ends up shooting one of the innocent females! It's understandable that they would be on edge in that situation but shouldn't he have been trained to be disciplined with his firearm. What the heck!? It makes me torn between liking and hating him because sure he was too cocksure of himself at first, and his triggerhappiness makes him kind of justifiably dislikable but he was actually doing something instead of just scratching his butt! It sucks that he died because he was one of the best characters in the movie. His facial expressions and profuse sweating was so convincing I could swear he was actually at a real crime scene.

We get to see the de-facing process and it looks kinda funny. It almost looks like a thick slice of deli meat lol..I feel like when we see how Leatherface has such a steady hand while passing the thread through the eye of the needle was a nice subtle way to hint at the audience that maybe he isnt as deranged as we think he is. This scene goes hand In hand with the ending scene with the guy just constantly insulting Leatherface i guess maybe it was to show the real ugliness of the "good guys" but I just can't believe anyone in that actual scenario would stall that much. It felt really goofy,just the barrage of things they said at him.

Also the music during the end credits is awful.

3 stars because it at least attempts something different and for Alexandra Daddario's hot midriff and she does have some smart moments that let the audience root for her.

Also I just love Richard Riehle.
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Skinamarink (2022)
I can't believe I sat through the whole thing.
16 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This film tries so hard to make you afraid of the dark and be the kind of movie that has you jump into bed so the monsters under it can't grab your feet but never comes close to reaching that. It feels like someone got a new camera and wanted to record something with it but had no props and so just took long random shots of furniture and hallways.

The sound design is pretty interesting, doors slamming shut sound as if they're heavier than the look. More static noise than dialogue. The use of color is pretty to look at also.

But man oh man this will test your patience. After 15 minutes I was already considering turning it off and finding something else to watch. Unfortunately I fast forwarded to see if anything happened and when I resumed play I heard probably the best line in the whole movie and that made me want to find out what was happening so I went back and watched the part I skipped only to find out that no, nothing did happen.

I tried so hard to look for some deep symbolism but even if there was any it felt like it's not really saying anything that meaningful.

It's basically a more modern and creepy version of 1967 wavelength mixed with a little bit of insidious and paranormal activity. The effects of things popping in and out of existence reminded me of the twilight zone.

The little slices of stuff happening are not enough to justify the majority of the runtime being meaningless. It doesn't add tension or suspense it's just trying to be artsy.

The closest thing to being scary was a face with no eyes or mouth, a hand appearing on the door frame. Something falls off a wall. Creepy distorted laughing.

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The Video Dead (1987 Video)
A meandering corpse with a toothless bite.
22 July 2022
Really great costume design and some satisfying gore. The main characters are cheesy but likable. The story is really thin. Started losing me in the middle but the final acts were truly great. The music was eerie and more spooky than the actual movie.
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Don't Look Up (2021)
The Cassandra complex
30 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I like the idea for the movie alot. It could really work. I believed the main characters melt downs and the naive actors were infuriating and designed to be.

The beginning was kind of jarring and chaotic but it's hard to tell how much of that was by design or just weird editing or directing or camera work.

It took a weird turn at the end where the religious undertones came full blast. I draw comparisons with the main characters and the religious extremists that claim doomsday prophecies and stuff but are disbelieved ( kind of like the Cassandra complex) and the naive aloof fake crowds of people that disbelieve the prophets.

It reverses the whole argument of atheists claiming that theists only believe in an afterlife because they're scared of death by showing how at the end the smart scientists will turn to religion or god and just be glad to be with their family while they calmly welcome death. While the naysayers were so afraid of death they froze themselves to travel through space to find another planet to immediately die upon because they were the ones that feared death so much.

It's essentially 2+ hours of "I told you so" and pascals wager disguised in astronomer form.

Not sure why I needed to see naked old people randomly at the end.

Nevertheless I couldn't stop watching.
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The Interior (I) (2015)
Have you ever felt like you were being watched?
1 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The best thing about this movie is it's suspense. It's a short film and would be even shorter if it didn't have overly long slow motion running scenes.

I found the main characters acting to be pretty good but just about everyone else I hated. The gf the employer even the other guy in the woods.

It came across as a the Blair witch spin off sort of.

The score was great and gave the sequences that are supposed to be horror a whimsical feeling.

The feeling of being watched and being unsafe and restless are convincing.

The way it blends dream and waking adds to the feeling of unease.

I did find the end a little blank and empty.

It did keep me interested and pulled me along.
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Tis the season
26 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Some solid violence. One of the kills in particular struck me as kind of bad at fist, but then redeemed itself. When the man and woman are in the room flying the drone, their reaction to M. M. is just bizarre to me. And even worse is the way Michael starts slamming the man's head against the door frame.

Shortly after though we're given my favorite scene of the whole film, where the woman who was impaled in the neck with a fluorescent tube light, with her last breaths, watches Michael stab knife after knife into the already dying man, with a stone cold demeanor. Never have I felt this depth of the heartlessness of Myers before.

Dialogue felt a little rough in places. Most of the cast was great but there's characters that come across as just so unlikable mostly due to the script itself not their acting.

Ramps up at the end with multiple twists but you can see them coming for a mile. Final cinematic shots pay off in the end to give it an above average rating.
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A bullet point structure-less analyzation of strength and weakness
10 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Strengths : Barbaric fight scenes.

Compelling story.

Drama and interaction between characters.

Character identity.

Ebb and flow of the story.

Not too gory.

Beautiful shots of architecture and landscape.

Good cinematography.

Humorous moments are there to revamp the story not quite gut busting funny and overplayed.

Story pulls you in and carries you along though the run time might cause some to drift off.

Music is good and suits the cultural tone of the movie without sounding overly stereotypical.

A hint of mystery, romance.

Fight scenes are great and build up imposing characters sense of suspense.

Bright vivid colors , (not boring to look at) and lots of different costume design that feels true to form.

You can see the different fighters styles without them being over the top does a good job making characters feel imposing but not overpowered.

Though it doesn't matter to me personally , i know there exists a set of people that care whether or not the blood in movies looks real or fake they will be happy to hear that the blood effects here look rather convincing

This is viewer friendly for people that just want to watch a fight movie and not see utter violence and a good choice in my opinion, too much gore could have cheapened the film or made it cheesy and i think they chose the right amount.

The final fight is evenhanded and doesn't make the protagonist feel like they have plot armor.

Both opponents take a beating and fight til they can barely stand anymore The acting along the way is convincing.

Weaknesses: A bit too many characters.

Might be better on repeat viewings than the first view as there's a lot going on.

Feels a little bit like the legend of the drunken master in how the protagonist is forbidden to fight by a parent.

Music/ dance scene feels kind of out of place and forced in but isn't boring to watch Some of the sound effects during fight scenes, like a boxer hitting their gloves together, or the whooshing of air during punches sound stock.

I felt myself becoming a little worn out half way through, but it wasn't too long before a big fight scene drew me back in.

There is a little bit of gore including weapons, but it is shot in a minimal way.

Does a good job using audio to simulate the disorientation fighters feel, but I feel they could have used quick zoom in /zoom outs to get light-bleeding and jar the viewer better to maintain the effect visually as well.

The movie doesn't offer much for an ending, preferring to end on the highpoint right after the fight and I don't know if this is the right choice or not. It kind of feels like there should be a big celebration afterwards to me.

To summarize this was an entertaining watch. There was a coherent and interesting story, well developed characters and motivations and only a couple cohesion breaks such as the forced in dance scene.

The sheer run time might turn some potential viewers away but if you have the time it's worth checking out. I do think that the 8.8 average is sort of high and feel more comfortable giving this a 7.4 rounded down to 7.

Did I enjoy it? Yes fairly so Would I watch it again? Perhaps in a few years, (due mostly to length)
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The Grudge (2004)
Some of the scares could be better but still holds up
16 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Horror movies sometimes have that trope where the first character you see sets an example and ends up dying very quickly and thats no exception here. The grudge quickly draws you in with 2 scares back to back in the first 10 minutes. However the first one, ( the man jumping from a building,) is sort of lackluster. The wife or girlfriends reaction to seeing him jump is kind of unbelievable.

The settings all look very believable and the sound design is great, the music has a suspenseful eerie feeling which works appropriately during scares and helps build tension.

We go through a handful of different characters quickly before we get introduced to the starring actress which is kind of weak because you expect to get to know the first people youre introduced to in a film.

A third scare is hard to judge because it comes in the form of a woman we know is sick and needs to be taken care of pressing her hands up to a glass window and then her hand slapping down on the protagonists foot as she goes to inspect it. I can see how some people might jump at the thuds but after having seen this movie a couple times it no longer affects me.

It works almost more as a detective mystery movie than a horror movie at points and the story can be kind of lost upon you from how it jumps from character to character; you dont know who youre supposed to be following.

Most of the scares are okay but you can see them from a mile away and when they finally happen it wouldnt be as strong as it could be if it wasnt drawn out so long.

Some of the special effects such as the hair creeping down from the corner of the room and then forming a hair demon look pretty dated but not terrible.

One of my favorite scares in this movie comes in the form of a man reaching into a tub of dark water to pull the drain and then a childs face rising to the surface as a cry lets out You expect it coming and its a bit jump scarey but it's one of those things thats engrained in human behavior to be on edge about.

Theres a missed opportunity to get what i think would be a great looking shot when jennifer goes to inspect the stairs. We know somethings going to be up there by now by how they prior scares are set up. We see jenn in the left side of the frame and a mirror reflecting the stairs before the camera rotates and shows us another angle. We could have a shot that scares the audience but not the actress by having the kid ghosts legs flash by on the mirror. It would work well because we the audience see the mirror but not the actress. Instead we get a fake scare in the cat hissing and then a real scare with the boys pale arms reaching to grab the cat. Since theres an expected scare missing and then a fake scare it sort of weakens the effect of this one.

When the sick lady's son comes home and goes to check on jennifer we get some good foreshadowing of the iconic rattley vocal fry sound that this movie is known for. We see jenn lying in bed in a catatonic state unable to form words; only the undulating vocal fry.

I like the scare of the boy standing up at the side of the bed and then his meow that sends the male actor falling back, but the scare that follows is kind of not great. We see him look up and the boys face crawls into view and then he meows and lunges forward a bit and then the scene cuts out.

I feel like this could have been done a bit more effectively and I don't like this scare as much as when he just stands up from the side of the bed.

The gore effects are not great . When see matthew and jennifers corpses in the attic they look more like dummies. Also when we see the severed jaw it looks like its made of wax.

I like the scene with matthews sister at work we feel paranoid with her . I like how the hair demon is climbing up the stairs instead of down them. If it were coming from above she could just run down the stairs and escape but since theyre coming from below it cuts off her escape and traps her in the building. This is something that could have been messed up but is done right. This whole scene is good except for the shots of the ghost demon itself. Its jittery movement doesnt really look scary more like someone trying to be scary and when it grabs at the thing dangling from her phone from the door way it isnt really scary and the face in the darkness looks kind of silly.

With a different make up approach for the ghost face it could be scarier.

The special effects of the shadow girl materializing on the security camera screen is not great looking but its disguised in the pixelated security camera screen so its not a huge fault.

It plays a trick on the audience when we see susan get a call from matthew. We just saw his corpse in the attic so how could it really be his voice on the phone. The audience knows that it must be a trick so when she looks through the peephole and sees him standing there we know its not really him . The next scare is one this movie became known for with the hair demons face appearing under the covers but then it copies a nightmare on elm street with her dragging susan into the bed and them both disappearing.

The scare with the ghosts face appearing in the bus window is pretty bad and just pointless. We get an obligatory scary movie shower scene with the ghosts hand appearing in the back of her head in her hair and then she gasps and then nothing happens. I have a huge gripe with this because where it is in the film ruins it and it had potential to be good. If it was nearer the beginning of the movie, before you really knew there were ghosts, and the same scene happened and then just had karen investigating and finding nothing, it would lead the audience towards what to expect from the film effectively. But because it's thrown in later on after we already know theres ghosts and there's no follow up, it doesnt really work as effectively as it could if it was just placed better in time in the story.

The next scare is actually pretty good with the bloody jawless shambling corpse slowly revealing its mangled face. But the actors reaction to it is kind pretty comical. This is one of the better gore scenes of the film but its still kind of computerized looking.

One of this movies biggest faults is that were halfway through it and although theres all these strange and scary things happening we still have no idea why theyre happening and it works more as a setup for whats to come in the future movies than as its own stand alone film.

We dont really get to know whats going on until karen goes researching on the computer literally 2/3rds of the way through the whole run time when we see an article showing about the family murder which set the curse in motion in the first place. This is just bad writing to me having it finally revealed all at once why its happening, there could have been hints and clues along the way but instead we just get the words at the intro when someone dies in rage they leave behind a curse and then 1 hour into the 1 and a half hour long movie we finally learn all at once that the ghosts are victims of a domestic violence case.

The movie has a strong big finale ending where the worst part is just when a book flips open by itself. The rest of the final act is the best part of the whole movie with the reveal of the murder the most consistent shots of the ghosts which is genuinely pretty creepy this time.

All in all its not bad, the acting is good most of the time but has some blunders, particularly reactions to things happening could be stronger. The romantic scenes are pretty cheesy and the scares could have been done more effectively. The whole movie works better as part of a series than as a standalone movie but its still interesting to watch and might leave you sleeping with the light on The feelings left behind once its over of being stalked by a supernatural presence is strong and one of the reasons i believe this film was successful and had people talking about it.

Its slightly above average to good. Its not terribly scary and could be filed under the mystery section instead of horror.
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Drake & Josh: Pool Shark (2004)
Season 2, Episode 5
18 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Josh Peck, the actor who plays loveable goof Josh Nichols on Drake & Josh, shows some great acting skills in this episode. While first Drake is tricking other people and his brother to benefit himself by hustling people out of their money, later Josh turns the tables (pun intended) on drake and pulls a really convincing act of cockiness to teach drake a valuable lesson about tricking people.

The brothers go into a more serious bar with some tough looking biker guys and they stick out like a sore thumb. The way Josh acts with such confidence and cockiness scares Drake because he doesn't want to get into any trouble with these unknown strangers. Unbeknownst to the audience, and to drake, josh had staged a game with some people he knew where they would hustle the clubbers, and it would be so blatantly obvious, that the clubbers would take retaliation out on them with physical violence.

When the bikers that they hustled take drake up by the shirt and threaten to beat him up, he cracks down and confesses that he was wrong to hustle people and it is revealed to him and the audience that it was all a set up to teach him a lesson, that screwing over the wrong person can end badly for you.

If you've never seen the episode before it really does trick you into thinking that josh has gotten cocky and really is trying to hustle these guys out of their money.

The rest of the episode is really just a regular goofy episode but this moment shines as how this show can have something more to it.
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Sometimes good sometimes too cheesy to bear.
10 February 2021
As much as I cherish Alfonso as a host, it disheartens me that Tom no longer hosts this show. My favorite parts were when they would shoddily crop his head onto clips making funny faces. It was just geeky innocent humor.

It's hard to really rate this show because it's mostly just a show of video clips and so the quality varies widely. Sometimes the videos feel like they were trying to do stupid stuff on purpose just to submit it to AFV. Alot of times I find myself thinking, "and they just happened to be recording that because?" It feels disingenuous.

Where this show succeeds is in its lightheartedness. It's not obscene for the most part and thus it's good for gathering the family around for a couple chuckles. Alfonso's commentary and standup is kept to a bare minimum and I'd love if they gave him more jokes to display because he is a great host.
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Home Made Charm
25 November 2020
What's more hilarious than hearing someone rant and rave about the mundane frustrations we as a species collectively share daily? Oh I don't know maybe if the character in question has bull-feces for a face. This series has a very home made feel to it with some videos being little more than slideshows of pictures, but that's not really what we come here for, what we come for is the hilarious narration of a guy that just cant take it anymore. He's bursting at the seams with annoyance at these trivial things that most people can relate to. We've all been boiled to the point of exploding over something simple but man this guy really knows how to dissect it. You start to wonder if in real life he's really this misanthropic, but from what I can jest, nah this guy is actually incredibly wholesome. This huge contrast only draws more highlight to the character played and adds some merit to his acting skills. This might be my favorite Cinemassacre series purely for the relatability. It can turn things that you don't really ever think about into something of catastrophic proportions. The way he just rips and tears into the people that designed these faulty apparatuses is entertaining to watch and I find myself going through the whole catalog from time to time, as they are very short and can be consumed quickly and easily without much thought. Where I might be afraid to say something to a customer service person for fear of being deemed a jerk at least I can always live vicariously through The BullS**t-Man. A hilarious segment that I wish there was more of
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Board James: Nightmare and Beyond (2015)
Season 3, Episode 8
Very aspirational, but hard to follow.
7 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
In the series finale things get a little convoluted/confusing. In theory/ on paper this idea is fascinating and full of twists and turns but in execution it falls a little bit flat. I mean if you have to make a separate video just to explain it then it might be a little too confusing. It is insisted upon that this is intentional and the aim was to have people discuss their own concepts about it. I don't doubt that it's meant to be this way and its going over my head. It goes hand in hand that the episode be a bit hard to follow, as it's even mentioned therein that the board game this installment centers around is confusing and is compared to a math problem. Visual-wise this one is incredible with lots of gory special effects showing off the many skills learned through their prolific careers. The whole graveyard scene/set looks fantastic. Mike is his usual cheating self and bootsy is his usual aloof self and james delves deep into the sinister evil doppelganger version of himself that's been hinted at all along. visuals work, like when bootsy's face is melted off in the fire but it could still be a little better. Everything works fine until characters start dying and it jumps from "game world to game world" a tad haphazardly with little explanation. James really delivers a heart felt performance here and all his lines feel natural and he plays a psychopath convincingly. stakes don't ever really feel too high with the energies a little mismatched between actors. It all works well into the home made charm and isn't necessarily a bad thing. The musical-score works well and builds tension and is honestly on par with multi million dollar studios. But the rapid fire nature is what hurts this finale the most. Still an utterly fascinating concept with enormous aspiration. One just wonders if maybe this could be split into different episodes, it falls victim to trying to do a little too much at once. You have to give them credit for working with what they have though and other creators would never be able to pull this off to this degree. I dont even think more mainstream huge film directors could have done even half this good though.
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A brilliant contrast between the rich and poor
2 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Will smith plays a young man that grew up in West Philadelphia where things are rough. When he is shaken up by some guys on the court, his guardians suggest he go stay with his aunt and uncle where they feel he will be safer. When he arrives at bel - air he sticks out like a sore thumb. The sophisticated lifestyles of his relatives aren't unbeknownst to him, he just sees it as not being hip. His cousin Carlton is a prime example of what Will detests. Sometimes they bond closer together and sometimes the differences between them are too vast for them to get along , and they often try to get eachother in trouble. Hillary also portrays a carlton type character where she is obsessed with spending her father's money and shows visual discomfort to anything but a life of luxury. Ashley is open and enthusiastic about the background of Will and paints the horizon between the open minded(herself) and the closed minded (hillary) Uncle Phil is stern and will sees him as the father figure he never had which provides for some genuine heart breaking moments. Over time they come to understand eachother better. He sets will straight when he thinks hes putting his future in jeopardy and also shows compassion when will needs it. I think for this reasoning Uncle Phil is my favorite character. Sure they take a lot of cheap shots at his weight but he always handles them expertly and puts his assailants in their place. Geoffery and vivan and jazz are all great characters too, everyone feels authentic and vital. Sure will endlessly flirting with women tends to get tedious but its written well into his character type. theres variety to episodes with some being extremely dramatic and some just being lighthearted but theres usually a lesson will learns in the end or sometimes the rest of the family learns from him. Im not sure if i've seen every episode but I've seen quite a few and binge watched them often. I dont really think every episode is necessary as they all stand alone and you dont really need to know any background information to watch an episode as all the story elements make themselves evident immediately. This way it's easy to jump in at any time and watching episodes sequentially isnt really going to add much. Some of my favorite episodes are the one where carlton accidentally takes drugs, the one where uncle phils in the hospital, and the one where will breaks down about his dad. The less important episodes that revolve around will flirting with a girl are still fun to watch but i prefer the dramatic episodes to the comedic ones just a little. All in all i think theres something for everyone to enjoy here.
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Dora the Explorer (2000–2019)
Every episode follows the same format with barely any variation
26 October 2020
If you compare one episode of dora to the next there will be 3 differences. these differences are just the locations they stop at. thats it. theres no variation. The most exciting thing that will happen is when swiper comes. The only reason this gets 2 stars and not 1 is because its bilingual and can teach you simple spanish. she talks in such a slow way that its sleep inducing. I get shes trying to enunciate so kids can understand, but its an insult to children thinking that theyre this slow.
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I like these guys
20 October 2020
They talk about some interesting things and mirror off each others energy well. Have some pure silly fun skits or light scientific aspects with their experiments. They make funny songs and tackle difficult topics like religion in an easy to understand and friendly way. They are some of the most relatable, charismatic people on youtube.
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where can i get one of those thermoses
16 October 2020
Move over iron man move over captain america hubie dubois and his trusty thermos save the day
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