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Game of Thrones: The Dance of Dragons (2015)
Season 5, Episode 9
A mockery of A Song of Ice and Fire's best written character.
17 February 2024
This was the episode Game of Thrones died for good, and although people weren't able to see how atrocious their writing was in 2015, thankfully D&D got what was coming to them after season 8.

Some may read this and roll their eyes, because I'm about to say what has been said about this show a million times before - the books are better.

For me and many others, Stannis is one of the most compelling characters in the entire series. A man who breaks before he bends, fights his own wars, and most importantly, would die for his daughter. A quote from Stannis himself:

"I was told you would die, or worse, the Greyscale would go slow and you'd grow just enough to know the world before taking it away from you. Everyone advised me to send you to the ruins of Valyria to live out your short life with the stone men before the sickness spread through the castle. I told them all to go to hell."

If you've watched the episode you should now know all that's wrong with it and how it is a complete assassination of the most interesting character in favour of Jon 'muh queen' Snow and Daenerys 'let's kill a million people for Missandei' Targaryen. Read the books, or just listen to some of Stannis' speeches, like Renly's Peach, and you'll understand although this episode was the nail in the coffin for Stannis' character, he had been wronged for the entire series.

I know GRRM loves Stannis and will give him the ending he deserves, if the books are ever released.

The little actress is good.

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Rick and Morty: Unmortricken (2023)
Season 7, Episode 5
Outstanding! It's all coming together!
14 November 2023
Just when I thought the show was eclipsing on a point of no return, this episode swoops in as a lifeline. The overarching story in this show is absolutely brilliant; shrouded in mystery. As long as this story continues (with the familiar morty ;)) I will be watching.

I won't spoil the episode. The animation is stunning, probably the best the series has seen yet. The story is brilliant. The ending is gut-wrenching. Give it a watch, even if you havent yet watched the beginning of season 7.

There's no doubt this show has been experiencing its ups and downs lately, but I fully trust the process. We have 3 more seasons at least and seems they've had it all planned for a while, so I am excited for what's to come.

I'm just thinking about this seasons finale now. This show doesn't have a great track record when it comes to season finales, typically throwing the most important episodes halfway through the season (like this one) but I really hope it goes out with a bang.

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Final season dragged this show down
5 November 2023
The first 3 seasons of this show were spectacular; a triumph in storytelling. But after the story was taken outside the walls, which I know was inevitable, the show lost a lot of its charm for me.

Season 4 obviously had its moments, Eren being the one to force Grisha into taking the Attack Titan, seeing more of interesting characters like Floch and Zeke, and just some brilliant animation.

But from this point onwards the story just felt incredibly overblown, many characters nullified due to there being too many characters, no sense of fear or horror anymore and horribly predictable fight scenes. There's far too many deus ex machinas in this season, and it seems a certain character, who started as an interesting foil to Eren, was introduced purely for the purpose of unexpectedly saving our heroes (Gabi!)

As for this episode, the animation was great, voice acting is great, and some brilliant character moments (Zeke and Armin). But, however you think the rumbling will play out is exactly how it plays out. I don't want to give spoilers, but the ending of the rumbling may catch you off guard until... you'll see. It feels like the aftermath of The Long Night from Game of Thrones. There's plenty of moments where our friends were saved at the last second, of course once by Gabi (Why was the 10 year old girl brought to the rumbling???) I felt the character conclusions were a bit lacklustre too, but can you expect anything else when there are so many characters and the creator was so reluctant to kill any of them off?

You'll probably enjoy it. It is Attack on Titan after all, but it could have been so much more.
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Quantum of Solace (2008 Video Game)
Great Game!
12 May 2023
I came to look at the reviews of this great video game adaptation of the Quantum of Solace movie, only to find a plethora of bumbling idiots who mistook this for the movie back in 2008! The rating of this game should be much higher.

It's made by Treyarch who by now are veterans in the video game industry, making classics such as Call of Duty: World at War and Call of Duty: Black Ops 2. This game will surely also be regarded as a classic. Gun play is smooth and satisfying, the story mode is a great mix of the Casino Royale and Quantum of Solace movies making for some of the most enjoyable FPS missions I've ever played. I played the multiplayer (although it was nearly a decade ago when I was 7 or 8 lol) and it was surprisingly enjoyable and I found myself playing it more than the Cod of that year. There's even a gold camo grind for those who are interested.

Great game!

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Vinland Saga: Way Home (2023)
Season 2, Episode 17
2 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
A lot happens in this episode. We get to see the duel between Snake and Thorfinn, resulting in a "victory" for Snake as he ultimately achieve his goal of killing Gardar as he lay unconscious in the wagon. Gardar didn't go down without a fight though, and rose from his supposed grave to strangle Snake unconscious. That sequence was great and suspenseful, but it's the next 10 minutes or so that make it one of the best episodes in the show.

Everybody knows Gardar is going to die anyway, so Arnheid takes him on one last trip down memory lane. As they ride around Ketil's farm, Gradar slowly bleeds out and dreams about his past: how he met Arnheid, the birth of Hjalti and the day they were taken from slavers. The whole sequence is absolutely detestations and helped me develop further sympathy for Gardar's character that wasn't there before. I thought Snake was absolutely right in wanting to kill Gardar, but after this episode I was gifted with a new perspective.

Now that Gardar is dead, I assume we will now move on to the battle between Iron Fist Ketil and King Canute, which I am very excited for.

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Monster: The Real Monster (2005)
Season 1, Episode 74
Who is the real Monster?
21 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Who is the real Monster? Is it Johan Liebert for committing a myriad of unforgivable crimes? Is it Franz Bonaparta for being responsible for the creation of Johan? Is it Inspector Lunge who sacrificed many during his ruthless pursuit of the killer? Or is it Kenzo Tenma who could've prevented the deaths of many innocents had he killed Johan? It's up to you decide.

This episode is a great conclusion to a fantastic series. It wraps up many stories perfectly, Lunge's, Grimmer's, Eva's, Heckel's and (maybe?) Tenma's. However, it leaves one massive question; what happened to Johan? The final frame of the show is Johan's empty bed, the window beside it wide open and the wind gently caressing the curtains. There are three leading theories on what happened, only two of which I find realistic. One is that Johan died, and his body was removed from the bed. I find this one unlikely as he wasn't wired up to any machinery and Tenma failing to save him would kind of ruin the message that the previous episode (Landscape of the End) was trying to convey. Another theory is that he escaped which would be interesting and another that he committed suicide. They're both viable options and equally possible which really keeps you wondering.

The whole show is a complete masterpiece, an example of slow burn done right. There are few action sequences and shocking moments throughout the show, but when they happen, they're excellently executed. Additionally, the dynamic between Johan and Tenma is fascinating, similar to that of The Joker and Batman.

It's a story of morals, the human condition, and the meaning of life all 3 of which are portrayed in an near flawless manner.

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Vinland Saga: Cursed Head (2023)
Season 2, Episode 10
3 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This season has been banger after banger, and it's starting to look like one of my favourite seasons of TV ever! Although Thorfinn and Einar finish cutting down the trees, this episode is all about Canute as his story takes a disturbing route. As he visits his dying brother King Harald of Norway he is haunted by the head of his late father King Sweyn who torments him throughout his journey. Although Canute himself is unfazed it's still genuinely creepy to see, and it reminds us of how cold hearted Canute's character has become. Anyhow, Harald leaves the throne in his brothers name leaving the door of possibilities wide open for the remainder of this season and the rest of the show.

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Call of Duty: Black Ops III (2015 Video Game)
31 March 2023
The franchise definitely died with Cod Ghosts.

This game is just terrible in every way. The campaign had some cool ideas but none of it made any sense. I understand that Tteyarch had to cut a lot of content from it but what we got was just unacceptable. It was also completely unrelated to the previous 2 games, it shouldn't even bear the Black Ops name! The multiplayer was terrible too with poor maps, broken weapons (Brecci) and riddled with micro transactions to make the game as unfair as possible. The only redeeming factor of this game was the zombies, but even so, you need to spend around £60 on dlc to unlock it all, with two of those maps (Zetsubou no shima and Revelations) not even being worth the buy! Not to mention, the only reason people bought this game (Chronicles DLC) is just a compilation of maps from previous games!


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Attack on Titan: Midnight Sun (2019)
Season 3, Episode 18
21 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Don't get me wrong, it's an excellent episode by all definitions. The voice acting, dialogue and tone of the episode is amazing. The premise of the episode itself is also great, with it basically being the scouts deciding who they should revive from the dead, Armin or Erwin?

I wish they revived Erwin. I think it was the logical decision. However, Levi eventually picks Armin which I find to be the most cliché and predictable outcome. I knew Armin wouldn't die, and as soon as the dilemma was presented I knew Erwin was finished. Erwin was by far the best character in the show, and to have his story cut short this early is a crime. I'm not sure how on Earth Armin survived being incinerated alive by the Colossal titan, the guy was literally black from head to toe. Armin surviving also takes away from the emotional impact of the previous episode (Hero) but at least Erwin's sacrifice maintains its impact. They better do something incredible with Armin's character in the next season

Perfect Game: 10/10 Hero: 9/10 Midnight Sun: 9/10.
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Black Ops 4: Dead of the Night (2018 Video Game)
This will be regarded as a classic
11 January 2023
I feel like the reason it has such a low score here is due to its difficulty and the fact it's on Black Ops 4. But this map is easily one of the best in the franchise once you learn it. The wonder weapon is phenomenal with a complex but rewarding upgrade process. Pack-a-punch is tough to unlock but the steps to getting to it are fun and fit well with the tone of the map. The characters are unique and well acted, the map looks great and has a style that no other map in the series can equate to. The map also includes exclusive boss zombies such as vampires and werewolves which are hard to deal with but it matches the tone and style of the map so well.

Take your time and learn the map, and you will realise it's greatness.
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