
5 Reviews
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Just so strange
27 July 2002
As a child this movie scared the living begeses out of me (Large Marge?) , and I must admit the clown-doctors operation scene still completely freaks me out, being a clown phobic. However, there are so many hilarious, great memorable parts, that it must be watched anyway (even if I have to leave the room or turn my head). I have so many jokes with old friends from this movie. Paul Ruebens is just a comical genius, despite his shadiness as a person. Personally, I prefer Big-Top Pee-Wee, but this is a good movie too.
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12 July 2002
I'm not sure what I would rate this movie, but I can say that it scared the begeeses out of me. I bought it previously viewed from Blockbuster because it was really cheap, and Christian Bale is just beautiful, and I thought it looked like an interesting psychological thriller. I really didn't know the plot, but it was cheaper than renting it, so I bought it. I think one of my main mistakes was watching it alone in my apartment last summer. I actually sat through the whole thing, but I did fast forward through one graphic scene. Graphic is a key word for this movie. I don't think of myself as easily grossed out or offended, but this movie disturbed me in a way that no other movie has. I will give credit that it was a very beautifully done movie and the psychological part was definately there. I'm still not really sure what exactly took place and what didn't, but I'm too much of a wuss to watch it again. I don't know why this movie creeped me out so bad, but even writing about it makes my stomach turn a little bit. Go ahead and see it and form your own opinion, but you have been warned as I was not.
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Caddyshack (1980)
What a classic!!!
22 June 2002
This is such a fabulous movie. I have been watching this movie repeatedly for as long as I can remember (probably since about age 3). It is one of the only movies that ever came with us on family vacation, so our families have nearly every line of the movie memorized. I think that everyone should watch this movie at least a couple of times. It deserves a certain amount of appreciation. Here is my favorite 'Shack memory. The year was 1997. Our family friends, who share the appreciation and respect for this film, had moved out to Oregon. We went out for a visit and decided that it was only appropriate that we watch Caddyshack for old time's sake. The only thing was, their big screen was not set up in the house yet, so we rolled it to the garage entrance and really sat in lawn chairs in the driveway and watched Caddyshack outside. It was wonderful, an experience every true fan should try. We still knew every line and the passing cars thought it was pretty great too. I love it!
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just gets funnier
10 October 2001
Ok so i have to admit that the first time i saw this movie i did think it was pretty lame, but every time that i have seen it since then, it has just gotten funnier. i was raised on the griswalds and just have a special appreciation for that humor, not to mention the fact that maybe i have a little bit of a super-crush on ethan embry aka rusty. i think it is just a fabulous movie and everyone should give it at least two shots. i mean really, the small casino, pick a number, what more do you need.
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Desert Blue (1998)
i liked it!
10 July 2001
i really did like this movie. it's totally cheesy and teeny-bobberish, but it's cute. casey affleck is great and so is kate hudson. i rented this movie and watched it like 5 times over the course of my 5-day rental. gotta get my money's worth and i feel like i did.
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