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Choujin Sentai Jetman (1991–1992)
Best Sentai Show
8 August 2002
Chojin Sentai Jetman (The Review)

Chojin Sentai Jetman is the 1991-1992-sentai presentation of Toei Production. It has 51 episodes. Jetman is the best sentai series Toei has ever produced as far. Jetman is the live action version of Tatsunoko's Production's Gatchaman. Hence, instead of being just a plain imitation of the said anime, Toei presented Jetman in a way that it could capture the hearts of all ages (not just little kids). And though, Jetman had been dubbed for different languages, some dubbing were not exactly its meaning, the story is still stunning and firmed. You can still appreciate the story and the over all presentation. Jetman also is a mixture of novel, epic, and soap opera genre. And only Jetman has done this so far.

The Story

A lot should be considered in order to make a conclusion that a thing stands-out from its contemporaries. And Jetman proves why it is called the Best Sentai. The way this sentai presents its plot is indeed incomparable among others. From the 1st episode alone, this sentai presents a series of climatic scenes that would make one think what will happen next? Unlike with others, Jetman members become heroes by accident. (Well, every accident has a reason). And as these climatic scenes reach its end, another peak is introduced making you continue watching the series and never let to miss a single episode.

In spite of having good story, Jetman didn't go in details on why this or that happened? Most especially in introducing of a new weapon or a new robot. One particular episode is the Jet Striker is converted into Fire Bazooka in order to save a trap teammate. The conversion is done out of necessity (actually out of intense love also). That's how Fire Bazooka is introduced. Hmmm, simple enough!

Jetman introduces their second robot, Jet Garuda, in a usual way. The dimensian group from an invaded planet brings Jet Garuda to the team. But Jet Icarus and Jet Garuda can't fight the giant monster, Sikada Kid. So the two groups decide to make a program that will unite the two robots, and Great Icarus is born. Well, this one is good enough unlike Tetra Boy's first appearance.

The only impact Tetra Boy's introduction gives, is the hyperactive and automatic way of fighting. Thus, it can be converted also into Tetra Bazooka.

Last weapon that is introduced is the beak smasher. It's not that great either. But the story is a touching one. Proving that Jetman is done to captivate every individual's heart. Well, I guess the writers realized that violence should be lessened and focus more on giving moral lessons and humanity.

The story for each episode just only speaks on what character and attitude the writers have. Musicality is one. Most of the characters (the heroes and the villains) are involve in Music; Gai plays saxophone, Kaori plays keto, piano, and violin, Ako is a member of school's choral group, Grey plays guitar and piano and loves listening classical music, Toran plays flute, and Maria plays piano.

This series presents family relationship episodes as well. It shows a father-daughter relationship twice also relationship between sisters. The series also presents a great story of friendship most especially between Gai and Ryu who at first have a `mutual annoyance' to each other. And as story flows and different circumstances come, they develop a strong bonding. All these episodes are deeply presented.

But what really stands out throughout the series is the romantic flow of the show. I'm talking about, Jetman's love story episodes. It is normal, that Toei came out with a love story sentai, because the characters are young adults who have feelings and know how to love. Thus, this is the most appreciating part of the series. Each love story episode is presented with light romantic flow but with intense emotions.

The Actors

The actors didn't give enough effort to their acting. Well, It's better to under act than to over act. Good thing the whole scenario covered-up the whole series. I think the main characters just acted naturally. And in fairness, they were able to give justice to the characters they were portraying although they were inconsistent with that. But, It would've been much effective if they did their best most especially on drama scenes.

The Music/Costumes/Weapons

The entry of musical scoring is important to introduce fight scenes, drama scenes, hilarious scenes, and romantic scenes, Jetman did it well.

Jetman also benefited for having the best costume among sentai heroes. Some might disagree. Well, this just a personal opinion. They based the color of each costume on a bird-type. And instead of linking the team's individual name to Jetman, they came out with Red Hawk, Black Condor, Yellow Owl, White Swan and Blue Swallow.

Jetman has several attacks in destroying Vyram monsters such as Jetman Cannon (combination of bird blaster and bringer sword), Jet Striker, and Smash Bomber (combination of Jetman Canon and Beak Smasher). Not counting the individual attack.

What makes this sentai the best?

A lot of sentai fans all over the world, I believe, has watched almost all sentai presentations and has their own favorites. Jetman among other sentai, is the only one which gives moral lessons not just for each episode but generally as a sentai series. This also is the only sentai that sticks on the `series' thing because you couldn't miss a single episode. As I've mentioned, this is a fast-phased story and you won't get bored in watching this show. Unlike with other sentai, after introducing the main story, the succeeding episodes are kinda far from the original one and would just go back to the original plot once the series is coming to its finale.

Jetman has a very serious villain, the Vyram. They're not that funny unlike with other sentai villain. But, it doesn't mean that there's no laughing moment once you watch this show. Probably, Jetman is one of those tearjerker sentai. But, Vyram monsters take over being the hilarious thing of this series most especially the talking monsters. Great thing if the dubber is a creative in making ad-libs.

But, I believe what really makes this sentai the best, is the way it separates the real world from the world of imagination. Jetman may lack action-packed scenes that every sentai fans follow. But Jetman focuses instead on reality of life not on what sentai series is all about. It gives emphasis on what is the human side of a hero. It's pretty much better, especially to younger ones for them to be enlightened that life is a struggle. They should know where to stand. This is a sentai of hope, faith and trust. Some may say that the ending episode is a tragic one, but objectively speaking, it has sense. It was done with reason/s. And even the last episode brings a climatic scene the reason why after three years, Toei came out with a sequel novel of Jetman
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