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That '70s Show: That Wrestling Show (1999)
Season 1, Episode 15
That Wrestling Show
1 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I enjoyed this episode quite a bit. It gave me fond memories of the real wrestling we watched as a kid growing up in Wisconsin. The AWA or All-Star Wrestling was our promotion back then. We had the Crusher, Baron Von Raschke, Mad Dog Vachon, Bobby the Brain Heenan, and Nick Bockwinkle. It was a reminder of what used to be. The end with Red and Eric wrestling and ending with a hug and a bond was so special and was great to see. Red always harping on Eric is funny but seeing a bonding moment was great to see! Great episode.

While the W. W. W. F was the name of the W. W. F. At the time they were NOT the wrestling promotion in Wisconsin as I said above. The WWWF was a eastern promotion, while the AWA ran the Midwest. In the 70's there were territorial promotions not a "Global network".
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WandaVision (2021)
WandaVision series finale.
5 March 2021
Well the first run of WandaVision ended. I won't spoil anything, but the ending was anticlimactic. While I enjoyed the series as a whole, there were issues that made it amazing on one hand but frustrating on the other. Elizabeth Olsen is incredible as Wanda, as always. Paul Bettany is also great as Vision. These roles seem to fit them very well and they nail them every time. The costumes upgraded a bit and I really liked the new looks. I was hoping for more of a "reveal" as far as the "who" and the "why". They addressed them but again, they were a bit anticlimactic. Each episode did advance the stories and added Easter eggs that brought more confusion to the series, but was also cool as well. While the Mandalorian was for me a more enjoyable series, ESPECIALLY the ending, this was fun but didn't end with a BANG!
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