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Superficially "deep" conspiracy skulduggery
31 January 2024
RFK Jr tries and fails to explain why his conspiracy theories always fail to stand the test of scrutiny. It always goes back to "because it's a conspiracy to hide the truth!!" but... what's the truth? "It's a conspiracy!!".... but... why? "To hide the truth!".... what truth? "that it's a conspiracy!"... basically that is the logic the dude-brughs employ down this insane vaccine rabbit hole that can easily be explained rationally by actually learning about something without a confirmation bias in mind. If you go looking for conspiracies everywhere that's what you're going to find... and then when nothing turns out to be tangible real, it's just another conspiracy right? This is mental illness and at a time when there is a mental health and lonliness epidemic in America, I think it's irresponsible to pander to the delusions and exacerbate the mental illness. Shame on you Toe Brogan!! Shame on you Bob Kennedy JR!!! Shame!!
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The Joe Rogan Experience (2009 Podcast Series)
Not what it was
3 December 2023
Bro Jogan's podcast used to be great when it was less talking point driven. Now it seems like everyone is just competing to sound "profound" in a dude-bro kind of way and go viral in one those youtube clips. Ever since he went all in on the far right dude-bro culture his podcast has turned pretentious and shallow... and worst of all, shamelessly agenda driven. He can pretend to be "just asking questions bro" but you don't have Alex Jones and Elon Musk on your show regularly if you're "just asking questions bro"... Toe Brogan isn't that stupid, he knows what he's platforming when he has clowns like that on. It's just too bad, he was a pretty good interviewer at one time when he wasn't taking himself too seriously from inside a main-character-syndrome disorder. He's still better at podcasting than comedy though... holy crap, he shouldn't be doing specials, he should be telling jokes in the local gym locker room among other like minded dude-bro's.
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Morbius (2022)
The Great Morbing Has Finally Begun!!!
8 July 2023
I would like to thank Jared Leto for this performance personally. It'll fill your trousers 11 out of 10 times boy! Really none of it makes that much sense but it doesn't have to because of the morbing. Leto's character is a brooding edge-lord named Elon Musk and he's kind of a crybaby throughout the film but, he really does pull the morb off with a certain panache that only Jerad's Leto could pull off. I sweat through my drawers by the time the ending rolled around but I soldiered on so I could see the final morbing scene... let me tell you it was worth it. Jerad really get's his morb on during that last scene.

Basically, if you liked Underworld you'll like Morbius... more or less.

Just be careful out there morbing unsupervised kids!!! This ain't no game kidzzz!!
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The end has arrived
8 July 2023
This episode was basically just a vehicle for guest star appearances. And they weren't anything special beyond the name recognition. A whole show pretty much dedicated to a celebrity booze joke and no one really seemed to be into it. Devito just plays a disgusting animal, which is pretty funny at first but is seeming more and more like a crutch for lazy writers.

A few laughs but mediocre overall. I think it's time to end the show, it has become a caricature of itself. The botched plastic surgeries everyone but Charlie Day got doesn't help with the whole caricature aspect either. It's time for this show to wrap it up... it was a great run. But it's time.
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Segal is the laziest "action" "star" in history
6 March 2021
The action is very bad; even for a cheap throw away action flick to pass the time this is a very poorly conceived and executed film. When Segal's not sitting down mumbling lines he clearly just learned that day he's limp wristing an assualt rifle or handgun without aiming or even holding a little bit properly. There is one scene with a sniper rifle and, while wearing sunglasses, he's staring down a scope at a target less than 100 meters away. No one in this movie moves, talks, or comes across in any way as military trained (segal is in a seated position for most of the movie actually). There's not much of a story either and all the actors playing the special ops soldiers are in their 50's or 60's commanded by a lt. colonel that's in his late 70's. It's pure absurdity and would actually be pretty funny if the people involved had any self awareness... but they don't and are trying to take it seriously. Segal is embarrassing the human race at this point in his career. I'm not sure why he's still trying to make movies given his physical deterioration and lack of innate acting ability. Though, I have three guesses...1 - he really needs the money. 2- he really needs the ego boost and doesn't have the self awareness to realize he's just embarrassing himself at this point. 3 - these crappy movies are a front for some kind of money laundering operation.

IF you feel compelled to watch this be prepared for something categorically terrible.
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Good Comic Book Movie... Kinda Overrated Though
17 February 2021
If you're interested in comic book movies and equipped with the appropriate suspension of disbelief this is a good movie. But of the three of Nolan's trilogy this script is by far the weakest and the movie itself is far longer than it should of been.

Some things just don't make sense even for a comic book movie. The stock exchange heist makes no sense, even for this type of movie. Every single police officer in a city that size (would have to be around 50 thousand plus individuals) getting trapped in the same place for an extended period of time makes no sense, even for this type of movie. Bruce Wayne's company making no money for years while still maintaining a vast special weapons department is contradictory and makes no sense, even for this kind of...

The problems with the plot/script are too plentiful and the running time too excessive to call this a great movie. There are other issues with certain supporting actors that take away from the movie as well; such as Mathew Modine's character being very poorly acted and over the top with the stereotypical incompetent boss character as a prime example. And Anne Hathaway did not shine as Catwoman. These two examples really stuck out to me because I know these two actors to be quite good in everything else I've seen them in.

All in all it's a decent comic book movie that unsuccessfully takes itself seriously. Compared to the first two this is a poor closing act. But given the first two, especially the second, set such a high bar calling this movie weak in comparison does not mean it's a bad movie. It's still entertaining, very well directed, well produced, well edited, and worth watching. (being nearly three hours long kinda kills the re-watchability value though)
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Joe Rogan: Strange Times (2018 TV Special)
Someone needs to say this...
15 February 2021
He's not a very good stand up comedian. He's not the worst, but, without his crossover audience of UFC and podcast die-hards he wouldn't be seen as anything other than a slightly below average comedian. His delivery doesn't seem to be polished. He's just yelling most of the time which gets very annoying very fast. And if you've listened to his podcast you've already heard the material. I'm not sure if he's just pandering to his fans or if he really thinks that he's doing original, finely crafted material. At this point I think he's in such a bubble that he isn't really looking at his comedy with an objective lens or taking any kind of negative feedback seriously and all of his comedian friends that are legitimately funny won't give him honest feedback for fear of not being invited onto his podcast which would be a huge hit to them in terms of marketing their own career's.
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Aggressively Unfunny
14 February 2021
Schaub is simply not a stand up comedian. Or any kind of performer really. I've listened to his podcast's and listened to him on Rogan's podcast and he's not very charismatic and always needs to be carried by Rogan or Bryan Callen to keep the shows entertaining. But this special really shows you how incapable he is at entertaining an audience on his own. He simply is not capable of doing it. To be fair, he never should have been put in the position of having to do his own special. He obviously was only given one because of Rogan and the podcast he used to do with Bryan Callen. There is no other way to explain giving such a below average talent a special on Showtime over so many other far more entertaining acts... you can go to any comedy club in the country and find tons of more deserving acts. One of the reason's Rogan pumped him up so much to this point is because I honestly don't think Joe knows that much about comedy; he's simply not that funny and without his podcast and UFC crossover audience he'd just be another average comedian at the club. There's not a lot of self awareness when it comes to his standup. But I digress... Schaub's special is by far the worst comedy I've seen outside of an open mic night. That it was a special on Showtime just goes to show that it's not primarily talent that gets you up there.
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Not terrible but very overrated.
14 February 2021
It's been a while so I decided to watch V for Vendetta again. It's really not as good as I remembered it to be. It's mostly how painfully stilted the dialogue is that got me. I think we were all still high off the Matrix movies and didn't realize that the Wachowski's aren't as talented as the first two Matrix movies made them look when this one first came out.

Or maybe Jupiter Ascending had the opposite effect? It's possible. That was easily one of the worst big budget movies of all time. But no, really, watch V again... it's just not really that good of a movie.
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Out of Reach (2004 Video)
Comically Bad.... Really bad.
12 February 2021
The dubbing is hilarious, the body doubles are comically obvious, the writing is really bad, the editing is confusing, and the plot is um... a fully grown adult male is pen pals with a 13 year old girl he's never met that's in an orphanage that just happens to be a front for a human trafficking operation. What? Oh, and of course he has a background in some kind of covert special operations thing because it's a Steven Seagal movie. Ugh... it's so terrible. The terrible parts are pretty funny but, really this movie is just boring and poorly made on every level.

Seagal is easily one of our generation's great unintentional comedians. I'm glad he lacks any amount of self awareness or humility, he just wouldn't be as funny. I'm also starting to think that every direct to video movie Seagal makes is some kind of money laundering scheme. This movie had a budget of 8 million dollars with a box office return of 104 thousand dollars. Every movie he's been making for the past 15 or so years has had a multi million dollar budget but absolutely none of it shows up on screen as they are all terrible and quite sloppily made.
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The Equalizer (2021– )
Poorly cast, bad writing, annoyingly edited fight scenes.
11 February 2021
Queen Latifah is poorly cast in this role. She's just not believable as a skilled CIA agent. Also the writing is blah... absolutely zero nuance. You are directly told what pretty much every character's traits are.

The fight scenes are edited rather poorly as well. Jump cut after jump cut, it's not stylized it's just annoying.

It's unfortunate because the source material is quite strong, but, this attempt is very weak. Perhaps it'll get better after a few more episodes but the first two were bad enough that I'm not going to stick around to find out.
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Not a good movie.
8 February 2021
Another comically bad movie featuring Steven Seagal on the cover... it's really become the standard for anything with him in it these days. Poor quality film making featuring a man who has zero acting range or talent playing the same character over and over and over and over again. I watch his films for cringe laughter. Seagal probably doesn't have enough self awareness or humility to ever know this but, he really has become an unintentional comedy star these past ten years or so.

Unfortunately, Seagal has been doing less and less in his "movies" as time progresses. Probably due to him being in serious physical decline coupled with him being seriously too lazy in general to drop a few pounds or learn how to act. But if you're in this to watch Steven, even just to laugh at his absurdly fake hair, bizarre physique and comically bad acting, prepare to be disappointed. I would estimate he's got less than 10 minutes of total screen time and no action scenes to speak of.

I'm seriously starting to think that Seagal is laundering money for Russian mobsters because the movies he's been making for the past decade-plus can't be making any money.
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