
116 Reviews
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Gloria Bell (2018)
A slice of life
9 May 2024
Gloria Bell is one of those quiet gems that when you discover it you realize it's a perfect film that you almost missed out on. Julianne Moore is utter perfection in her role as Gloria. Gloria isn't gloomy or pining; she has, in the words of the song, all her life to live and all her love to give. And then she meets and falls for a silver fox called Arnold, who has become a rather fine figure of a man after recent weight-reduction surgery, and is seductively played by John Turturro who gives a magnificent performance as a recently divorced man who can't seem to detach himself from his two very needy adult daughters. The movie is a perfect slice of life film but it's Julianne Moore who shines in this story. A must see film.
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Skin (V) (2018)
Another A24 gem
3 March 2024
It's 2024 and it's the first time I've heard of this movie. From the beginning it pulls you in and doesn't let go. One of the best movies I've seen in quite sometime. Disturbing but a necessary watch. It examines the true story of "Babs", a white supremacist who wants out. The lead actor performance is Oscar worthy, but everyone in this movie gives a solid performance. It's not an easy watch by any means but it's a necessary watch, especially now as we see hate and antisemitism on the rise once again. The lessons learned in this movie are things we all need to be reminded of: Hate never really goes away, it just comes back in different forms and it's always taught to the vulnerable. If you haven't seen this movie give it a go.
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Priscilla (2023)
Once again, ignore the low scores.
24 February 2024
It never ceases to amaze me how many people miss the entire point of near perfect filmmaking. This amazing movie is yet another example of it. Sofia Coppola directs this gem and is a personal filmmaker whose work follows a thematic through line: her pictures are all, in one way or another, about captivity and isolation. For the characters held captive the cage is often a gilded one, and the cage in search of a bird in "Priscilla" is Elvis Presley. Beautifully written and acted, Priscilla is one of the year's best. Sofia Coppola's movie, written by her and based on Priscilla Presley's 1985 memoir Elvis and Me, honors the author by giving us her perspective. This cool, unhurried movie is firmly anchored by a spectacularly modulated performance by Caillee Spaeney. The 25-year-old plays 14 so damn well that the viewer almost doubts that she'll be able to credibly age into a woman nearing 30. But she does, beautifully. As Elvis, Jacob Elordi towers over her; the contrast is an exaggeration from real-life but an effective one in a strong performance. If you're a fan and student of great filmmaking then give this one a go.
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Fired on Mars (2023– )
4 July 2023
I didn't even give this show a chance when it popped up on Max. Jump ahead two months and I'm on Twitter. There were a few people talking about it. I jumped in to ask about it and they all told me the same thing: just watch the first couple of episodes. So I did. I was immediately pulled in to the story. This is not a comedy. It's a story that examines corporate structure, relationships and show much more that I'm nit going to give away here. I immediately connected to Jeff Cooper and so many other characters on the show. I finished the eight season episode tonight and I must say, it's not only the bet animated show in a very long time but probably the best show of any kind in the last year. I only hope the show gets more attention because it would be a tragedy if it doesn't get a season two. Excellent from start to finish. Please give it a chance if you come across it. You won't be disappointed.
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All time top ten film
17 June 2023
Perhaps the most harrowing and disturbing movie about racism and hate you will ever see. Willem Dafoe is terrific but Gene Hackman is a revelation in what many would describe as his greatest performance ever. Not na east watch but essential viewing and the movie gets better with every rewatch. It shows the core and of hate, bigotry and racism and how it is a generational affliction. Mississippi is the centerpiece for the true story that revolves around the racial killings in the 1960s and the FBI investigation and response to the horrific crimes coming by " good ole boys". If you haven't seen this film put 8t at the top of your list. It is an all time classic.
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The Mother (2023)
12 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
They should've called the movie Mother F'er because why is Netflix so bad at everything now? I will admit I didn't finish it, I lasted an hour hoping it would at least get a little better so I could finish it but I just couldn't take anymore. Yes, it was that bad. Terrible writing and even worse acting. Netflix is content insulting subscribers with cheap, rushed and pointless originals that you would expect to see on the Lifetime Movie Network or Lifetime Channel with one difference: As bad as LMN is, the movies they do show is at least watchable til the end. Netflix? Not so much. Netflix just doesn't care anymore. They hit a subscriber ceiling and are content putting out generic products by the hundreds to make you think you're getting your money's worth. Ugh...I think I'm done with Netflix altogether. Don't waste your time with this movie. You'll never get that wasted time back.
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Parasite (2019)
3 May 2023
I'm just laughing at some of the one star reviews on here. They actually admit fast forwarding through parts of the movie and then complaining that the movie made no sense or had no direction. Big LOL and that's why you have to be careful of some of the "reviews" here. Even some of the 4 and 5 star reviews makes it clear these people did not watch this film or partially watched it with one eye on their Instagram feed or simply don't know what they're talking about. Well, it won Best Picture of the Year at the Oscar's becoming the first foreign film to accomplish that, and well deserved. So much for the few low reviews. This movie is a rare moment in modern cinema considering how bad movies have been in recent years coming out of Hollywood. South Korea may singlehandedly save American cinema by reminding them how to make a spectacular movie. Let me be clear, it's the best movie of the last decade. Period. If you're a serious person and love top tier cinema then this movie is an absolute must.
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Abbott Elementary (2021– )
6 April 2023
I watched this show when it best out Barry for major Emmys last year. Barry is undoubtedly the best comedy (let's be real, it's a dark dramedy, it shouldn't even be in the same category as AE) on television and superior in so many ways. Directing, acting, writing, cinematography. When AE beat Barry in different categories I decided to watch to see what all the hoopla was about.'s exactly what I expected. A sappy, one dimensional and repetitive formula type sitcom with nothin new to offer. It tries to be The Office with its mockumentary style but falls far short. Predictable writing, sub par acting and an overall "fun for the kids" effort. How this show best Barry at the Emmys is inexplicable other than awards shows have made themselves irrelevant because they're too busy checking boxes and not giving awards to shows that are far superior. To many people's shock, the teo best shows on television, Barry and Better Call Saul were snubbed and lost to much lesser shows at the Emmy's last year and that's enough for me to stop watching awards shows.
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A complete surprise
5 April 2023
I was combing through Netflix library and gave up (as usual). I went to HBOMax and I saw this movie as a new addition this month. I thought "an insta-addict obsessed with an influencer in California? I'm a grown man, this definitely is not going to be my type of movie." But I saw it has Aubrey Plaza and I rather enjoyed her in The White Lotus so I decided to give this fifteen minutes. I hit play and I was instantly pulled in. I thought, "great start but this is going to get lame, I just know it." It didn't, it got better. And Elizabeth Olsen also gives a wonderful performance. This movie took me by complete surprise. Utterly enjoyable and entertaining all the way to its end which will...well, you'll just have to watch and see. "Never judge a movie by its cover" Today I learned a lesson. If you haven't seen it give it a watch.
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Creed (II) (2015)
Way overrated
30 March 2023
Not sure why such high praise. It was essentially a generic version of the first Rocky classic but reversal of characters. Directing was average at best and the acting was subpar with the exception of, surprisingly, Sylvester Stallone. He stole this movie with his performance and made it watchable. Everything else felt rushed, cheesy and stale. I didn't care about any of the other characters. The writing was as if a high schooler wrote the script. The whole movie just felt like the Director failed to develop any meaningful characters or relationships other than Sly. I understand he was up for an Oscar for this role. Should Sly have won it? Probably not but he definitely deserved a nomination and the Golden Globe was a nice little grab for him. He saved this movie. Ryan Coogler, Michael B Jordan and Tessie Thompson had an opportunity to make something special here but alas it was a failure.
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Carol (2015)
Near perfect
29 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
A magnificent film of forbidden love in the 1950s. Director Todd Haynes does a masterful job of bringing back the golden age of America with beautiful set designs, cinematography and masterful directing. The costumes, hairstyles, cars, buildings all make you feel like you're in that decade. Then there's the acting. It doesn't get better than Cate Blanchett unless you put the flawless Rooney Mara in the movie. Powerhouse performances by both actresses that leave you mesmerized as you watch the film. This is a movie for cinephiles who love a well acted well written and directed movie. It's a slow burn and you might be wondering "what is this about?" in the beginning but you will start to understand at about the 45 minute mark. What develops after is utterly beautiful to watch. My only complaint is that I'm just now discovering this film and I'm glad I found it.
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Kubrick's final curtain call
19 March 2023
I've read some of the few low reviews and it's clear a small portion of people missed the entire pint of the film. I would recommend watching it again. Then again. And then again. You'll get there. It's a Kubrick film and the more you watch the more introspection you get from the movie. It's an exploration of the darkest urges and deepest desires of the human condition. Disturbing, harrowing and glorious all at once. Stanley Kubrick is that rare filmmaker that can evoke many emotions from the viewer and delivers some of the most memorable lines and scenes in a movie. The most under appreciated film of his career and one of my top three all time Kubrick films. Pay attention and remember watch it a few more times. You'll be surprised what you find each time.
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The Knick (2014–2015)
The greatest show no one watched
21 February 2023
This is it. If ever you've wondered what is the greatest tv show in history that no one watched it's definitely The Knick. I couldn't believe what an utter masterpiece this show was when I started watching it on HBOMAX. It's near perfect. The acting, writing, set designs and cinematography is second to none. A Cinemax original to my surprise but HBOMAX has it now and there is talk of a revival and of a third season in the works. This is a show that is so unexpectedly great I couldn't believe what I was watching when I hit play. A period piece starting in 1900 about early medicine in New York City. An absolute gem and a must watch for people who appreciate great television.
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Three Kings (1999)
The greatest anti war movie ever made
5 February 2023
You know the drill, see the few low reviews from the knuckleheads, scroll by and ignore them. This app always has some jokers. Now look to the majority high reviews and you will get the real story. Three Kings is that rare movie you can watch over and over again and it never gets old, just better with each watch. George Clooney, Mark Wahlberg, Ice Cube and Spike Jones are perfect in their roles as a sort of soldiers of fortune during the end of the gulf war looking for Saddams Gold. The story and the journey that ensues is nothing short of miraculous. It really is one of the ten best movies ever made and I don't say that lightly. The journey is magnificent and the ending is perfect. Probably director David O. Russell's best work. If you haven't seen this classic masterpiece then your movie buff resume will never be complete. Watch it.
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2 February 2023
I don't use that word easily. This movie is a masterclass of acting, writing, cinematography, directing and story telling. Probably the most original movie I've ever seen. Michael Keaton, Amy Ryan, Edward Norton, Emma Stone and Naomi Watts are at their absolute best with powerhouse performances. What Alejandro Inarittu achieved here is nothing short of miraculous. I put this movie off for so long because of the title but I finally watched it tonight and I get it. Four Academy Award sweep of the top categories for Best Picture, Best Writing, Best Cinematography and Best Director all well deserved. But I was shocked there were no Oscar wins for any of the actors. The actors would go on to win SAG awards and Golden Globesand other awards for acting but the academy really should have awarded Oscars for at least three performances. If you haven't seen this film give it a go.
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Glass Onion (2022)
It's a Netflix movie, what did you expect?
24 December 2022
I watched it in three parts because I was so utterly bored and hoping each time I came back it would get better. It didn't. Terrible cast, acting, writing, story progression with no clear purpose. I could find no good reason to recommend this movie to anyone. Just a bunch of one liner cringe acting scripted type crap. Netflix just can't seem to do anything right anymore. I feel bad for the people that actually paid to watch this crap in a theater. Like a slow moving tortoise with no direction. Trust me on this one, skip this. There is no story value, no entertainment value and it's just a mess from top to bottom. Major disappointment.
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Amsterdam (2022)
A conundrum
19 December 2022
I could not decide if I liked this movie as I was watching it. I knew it was unique with fully loaded star power and great performances but the pacing and story had me scratching my head and even bored at times. I kept checking how much longer the movie had (HBOMax) more than a few times but didn't give up on it. I'm glad I stayed with it. It's a 2 1/2 hour movie but when I finally reached the two hour mark all of a sudden the two previous hours I invested paid off. The story came together quickly and had a surprisingly satisfying ending. This movie is definitely not for everyone. It requires a lot of patience and your full attention but I found it a worthwhile endeavor. Much of it is based on real events. A who's who of A-list actors throughout giving solid performances. Critics panned this movie unfairly in my opinion. What Director Russell created was no easy task. Beautifully filmed with many memorable scenes. I would definitely recommend watching it.
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Perhaps the greatest romantic dramedy ever made
26 November 2022
It's the rare movie that leaves you gushing in your couch and at the end you just know you're going to watch that movie over and over again. 500 Days is one of those movies. An absolutely delightful story about love at first sight with a person that tells you up front "we're just friends". A love you're told you can't have but you go all in, ignoring the early warning because you've finally met the person of your dreams and you've instantly fallen deeply in love. The movie skips forward and backward in time but does it well by informing you which day of of the relationship it is. Masterfully written and spectacular performances by DesChanel and Gordon-Leavitt. Even if you don't like romantic comedies this movie will be on your list of favorites. So much story packed in to just 90 minutes. Perfection that we just don't see with todays movies.
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The Wonder (I) (2022)
Perhaps the best film I've seen this year
21 November 2022
If you're an impatient action movie fan skip this one. People who appreciate great cinema only need apply. This is a deeply disturbing story of child abuse and how organized religion and fundamentalists are dangerous, especially to children. Everything about this movie is top notch. The acting, the writing, the directing and the set designs and costumes. Looks for this movie to nab Oscar noms and most likely an acting award or two. Florence Pugh is perfect as usual. Easily my favorite actress out there. But it was the spectacular performance of newcomer Kila Lord Cassidy that blew me away. An actress that is still too young to see this movie for another two years. What she accomplished here is nothing short of amazing. If she doesn't win the Oscar for Best Supporting Actress it's safe to say the Academy is pointless. I'm looking forward to see what she does next as she will have an A-List future in the movie business. Stellar performances all around and a story that will haunt and disturb you. A rare gem for a Netflix original. Well done and more of this please.
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Raging Bull (1980)
5 November 2022
The facepalm is for some of the more recent reviews with nonsense takes "I didn't like the plot" "Rocky was better" "I don't understand the hype." Big Oof. This is definitely not a movie for anyone born after 1990. How far we've fallen as a society. This isn't some cheesy Rocky movie with a cheesier plot. This is art. Peak cinema masterpiece. Masterful directing, cinematography, acting and make no mistake, Robert DeNiros performance as LaMotta is without a doubt the single greatest acting performance in the history of cinema. This is NOT a boxing movie in the style of Rocky but a movie about a boxer who has deep seated sexual insecurities and the consequent rage and jealousy that come with it. This is a true story about Jake LaMottas life. He was the middleweight champion of the world in those days and he was a consultant onset throughout the film in order to create a historically correct record of his life. Brutal to watch at times but no punches were pulled in the creation of this movie. If you're a squeamish, sensitive person then skip this. Stick with your Netflix crap. What Martin Scorsese has done here will never be replicated nor will DeNiros perfect performance. One of the three greatest films ever made. Period.
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Less than meh
28 October 2022
Typical Netflix formula: Hire big name actors, mediocre budget and bam, more Netflix garbage. It had potential but the movie has no pulse. Yet again a Netflix film you could watch on Lifetime Movie Network for free and LMN would do it better. Netflix just can't get anything right anymore. Chastising and Redmayne are minor actors in the movie that had bigger ambitions but missed the mark and never stuck the landing. It's based on a true story but the details have been changed to the point of fiction. It boggles the mind as to why it's so difficult for Hollywood to put out consistent quality. It's all repetitious and unambitious generic filmmaking anymore. HBOMAX seems to be the only streamer that still knows how to make quality. Watch it if you must but don't blame me when you realize what a waste of time this movie was.
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It's perfect
24 October 2022
Mare of Easttown will be remembered as quite possibly the most perfect miniseries ever created. Every single detail that seems unimportant becomes wholly relevant and everytime you think you've figured it out it leaves you stunned. Every performance is spot on but it's the performances by Kate Winslet and Julianna Nicholson that will blow you away. I've never said this about any tv series except for this one: the writing, acting, storytelling and directing is absolutely perfect. Do yourself a favor if you haven't watched this yet and watch it. Then watch it again. Then do yourselves another favor and ignore any bad reviews. They're obviously fake by people who clearly did not watch this show to its end. There's no shortage of idiots on this app who are just trolling. Trust me on this one, you won't be disappointed.
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The Stranger (II) (2022)
Finally a Netflix offering that doesn't suck
23 October 2022
Okay, Netflix doesn't really get credit for this. They couldn't make a film this good if their whole company depended on it. This is an Australian import and Netflix payed to slap their label on it. That said, it's an incredible film. This isn't for superhero movie fans or simpletons. If you love real cinema with great acting and storytelling then this is it. It requires patience but the movie draws you in right away. You won't fully understand what is going on until around the 1hr20min mark. I know, it sounds bad but it's not. The time invested pays off and the final 40 mins make you love every minute you've watched. Check this out if you appreciate real movie making. Unfortunately we will likely have to wait another year before Netflix puts something out this good again.
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The Wrestler (2008)
Nearly perfect
7 October 2022
So I see a few bad reviews for this film from the you-know-who's and that's to be expected, they always come to this app to post nonsense. Fortunately the overwhelming reviews are what they should be, positive reviews which explain why this film was universally loved by critics and audience. It's a center piece for Mickey Rourke in a role he was born to play. That's why it was a no brainer for the Oscar academy to award him with Best Actor. Then there's Marisa Tomei. Again, the perfect role for her which would garner her an Oscar for Best Actress. The movie would go on to win The Golden Lion award for Best Picture, several Golden Globes, Film Festivals Awards and numerous other awards that I won't bother to list. You get the idea. Do do yourselves a favor and ignore the knuckleheads that come here and post nonsense reviews. The movie is a haunting portrayal of loss, pain, regret and ultimately demise. It's easily the best film of 2008 and certainly one of the twenty best films of all time.
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Top notch horror
5 October 2022
I'm writing this in 2022 and it's the first time I've seen this film. Incredible. This is not for horror "genre" fans (Halloween, Friday the 13th, Nightmare on Elm Street). This is for true horror "cinephiles" (The Shining, The Omen, The Exorcist). This is a psychological thriller at its finest. Much of the script is ripped straight from actual diaries, court records and writings of the time of Puritans and the Salem Witch Trials. All of the performances are fantastic but the performance by a young, yet unknown actress by the name of Anya Taylor-Joy is a revelation. Maybe you've heard of her. A Spectacular performance which put her on the map to A-List actresses. Director Robert Eggers has created a horror movie for the ages. I will certainly be doing a rewatch soon. If you haven't seen this and truly appreciate cinema and horror then this movie is a must watch.
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