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Beauty in simplicity..
24 March 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I found this film to be an excellent story told in a different setting. Boy finds love, love cant be returned by lover, boy dies before lover is able to admit his love....yes - we've all seen the story before but, it seems to have a fresh angle told in the army setting. Of interest is the way that the love story remains a mystery to all the other characters in the story and, how after the sad events of the movie, the characters remain in silence about the true nature of our protagonists relationship. This is a true love story - makes me proud to be gay and able to tell me lover each day. The soundtrack is nice and supports the primary direction of the movie, cementing some of the themes and ideas of the movie. Oh, both leads are very handsome and are excellent representations of gay Israelis's. Enjoy!
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Just a Movie Folks...
14 September 2004
Warning: Spoilers
Maybe SPOILERS are here.. I've just looked through the lengthy reviews and comments from others on IMDb. I religiously check out this site before jumping into the theatre to see a movie. To me, RE was just another movie.

Since I have some limited exposure to the game (I have no idea what you actually do in the game except wander around hopelessly looking for clues or whatever) it may effect my judgment of this film.

As I understand the story, there are a few things going on - some, a continuation of things that happened in the first movie, and other developments which are specific to this newer version. This is my breakdown/summary:

1) T-virus uncontained from first film has apparently migrated out of "the hive" and is now exposing residents of Raccoon City. Of course, this means that the virus will spread to the inhabitants of Raccoon City. In an attempt to stop contamination, the city (aka Toronto, Canada), is sealed. **I love this type of obvious plot development but if I remember correctly, "the hive" mentioned that the T-virus was airborn which was why she locked down the hive in the original movie SO - how would 20 foot walls surrounding dear Toronto. I mean Raccoon City...contain the virus?

2) Nemesis program initiated by Umbrella Corporation. This nemesis is the result of an experiment on one of the first movies survivors. Its only apparent purpose and function is to destroy members of the elite team now trapped in R.C. It seems that there is only one way to stop this Nemesis (sorry Star Trek Fans - it doesn't involve DATA) and that is our Heroine - Alice **Kids - I'm gay. Sorry, but neither Alice nor Jill get any nods up for looks, acting or anything else. As we all know, the true ultimate tough a** female action/horror lead is Sigourney Weaver - who is capable of getting us through some scary situations without the help of partial nudity or short skirts etc. With All that butch attitude from Jill, a gay person might even believe that she and Alice had time to engage in some lesbian know, between jumping motorcycles into churches etc etc.

3)Innocence - Although confined to a wheelchair, the Doctor who created the T-virus has apparently moved into Raccoon City - talk about living close to your job....anyway, his lovely daughter - the template which viewers will remember from the "hive" ("you're all going to die down here...) has become trapped in virus plagued R.C. and wants our key players (Alice. Jill et al) to get his daughter in exchange for their freedom from RC. He knows exactly how to get out of the city. ** Innocence is such a nice touch in an action/horror flick I always say. In RE1, this girl was hated by everyone because she was the representation of an inability to escape the situation whereas now, in RE2, we see that she's not evil, and that her father is not evil but the Umbrella Corporation is evil....folks, with products in "9 out of 10 residential homes" Umbrella has to be overseen by SOME agency.

4) Alice - Left over from the first film, our traitor Alice (willing to give up the security codes for some environmental group seeking to out umbrellas horrible bio-engineering division "for a price") has been experimented with and "modified". Apparently umbrella feels that the future of humanity lies in short skirts and people who can run vertically down the sides of tall buildings. Alice is also the lynchpin of the NEXT RE movie. **I say, forget Alice and lets focus on Jill and getting this whole umbrella Corp thing taken care of. Lets remember though, I bet umbrella has some connections - like George Bush which is why no person living in or outside RC even knows what's going on "Down under".....What would John Kerry say?

Well folks, that's it. I liked the movie overall and I now have this driving urge to go to Toronto to visit. Fans of the game might be disappointed because it is "loosely" based off the game but I enjoyed it nevertheless.
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Galaxy Quest (1999)
Great for a light hearted laugh
22 August 2004
An excellent tribute to science fiction fans – especially B-flicks of the 60's and 70's (yes, The Original Star Trek included kids so don't get offended…) this movie offers a good plot, excellent character building and of course Sigourney Weaver in a revealing crew uniform.

Seemingly based on Star Trek `reunions' the cast of a cancelled 70's Sci-fi show are reunited again however, all the troops are not happy about it. The leader – Commander Taggart has broken the cast `reunion rules' by sneaking off behind their backs to do private reunion shows without the other cast members. Taggart is very self-centered on his wavering success and doesn't seem to care about anything outside his realm of life – that is, until aliens – REAL aliens, come to him for help in a crisis situation on their planet. The cast, thinking this is `just another gig' decides to join Taggart and a real space journey starts. All of the characters in this movie seem to grow from their small self centered personae into caring individuals, having learned from the journey they have taken up.

I am a major Star Trek fan and found the many seemingly background references to the franchise, respectful and funny. So many cast outlines are composites of Star Trek original series cast members and a smattering of other franchises – even though the movie is missing a `Robbie the Robot' but not to worry – that is covered by Sigourney Weavers character who `really doesn't do anything on the starship'. Well, kids – she lets us know exactly what she does so step back and recognize!!

You'll get a lighthearted laugh out of this film. Check it out and enjoy it like so many other have.
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Lost in Space (1998)
Ok, a midworthy remake of an American icon
22 August 2004
Lost in Space is a basic introduction to the series made popular in the 60's. Featuring an unusual cast, the movie is a prequel of sorts, by showing us how the Robinson Family ended up `lost in space'.

The storyline is strong and has a great layout but seems to have a lot of plot holes that science fiction fans might not appreciate. Remember, Science Fiction Fans need some base in reality to appreciate their films. That's why Star Trek became so popular – people could believe the stories that were told in that series. Here, we find that the Robinsons ship is sabotaged by their robot, nearly burned up in the sun but not to worry, there is a simple fix – to fly `through' the sun, and thus the `lost' part begins.

I was disappointed to know that despite all the achievements in technology the film boasts (including little Will messing with the holographic of his school principle – pay close attention to the cameo there)…that a ship of that advanced design wouldn't have any idea where in space it is located. Apparently, the ships navigational systems are in initially destroyed by the onboard robot and then when brought back online, it is unable to find any star reference to obtain a location. So this means that the cast will spend the rest of their lives trying to figure out how to get back to earth? But wasn't that the reason they were leaving the planet in the first place?

If it were me (or any NASA professional) I'd set the ship down on some safe planet and live out the rest of my life. Gas stations are difficult to find and since we know gas isn't cheap here on earth, imagine what it might costs millions of light years away.

CGI is used in this movie but I didn't find that it detracted from the actors or the storyline.

Overall, this an ok feature. Check it out and see for yourself.
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Broken Relationship Revenge 101
22 August 2004
You do not have to be a woman to appreciate this hilarious movie, featuring the talents of Bette, Goldie and Diane all giving realistic, charming and darn funny everyday kind of wives trapped in the modern broken relationship.

The ability and creativity required to make the movie a positive outcome for the ladies is very inventive. Literally, they get the guys by their B***s and all in the name of preventing abuse and neglect of women all over the city.

The supporting characters do just that – they support and offer additional movement in this film. Unlike many modern films, cameos are just for thrills. Not in this movie. The supporting cast: (Stockard Channing, Maggie Smith, Dan Heydaya et al) make the movie interesting and keep it moving at an excellent pace.

Ultimately, the underdog and dogged under woman leads, get to turn the tables on their unsuspecting ex-husbands. Any man in a poor relationship with his partner had better watch this movie and learn.
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Scary Holiday fun, great music, wonderful story
22 August 2004
Tim Burton's dark original story is brought to life in this rendition. This movie is what I strongly consider a musical. Meaning that the songs in this story move the story forward and unlike soundtracks from other modern movies which are used for background music, Danny Elfman's score is brilliant, creative, challenging and adds a level of otherworldly depth to the environment, story and characters.

This movie is timeless, indicating that as we watch, timeframe is not an issue. All that is important are two dates – Christmas and its opposite – Halloween. How unique of Burton to identify these as the only two holidays that are seemingly `opposite' of each other. This is where the core of the story rests. The lead character who has done the Halloween thing over and over and over as the King of Halloween wants a diversion. He wants to find himself or redefine himself as more than just another ghoul. Jack finds a `place' where the holidays are represented in the woods as trees. He is particularly attracted to one particular tree and returns from that visit – a new person. He is intent on bringing the new holiday land he has found – Christmas, with a dark, scary Halloween like twist.

Although Danny Elfman sings the lead role with his deep, booming voice – Chris Sarandon makes Jack loveable, caring yet confused with his soft and light voicing of the character.

The amazing thing is the stop motion animation. We've all seen it – from king Kong movies in the 30's-40's, to `Land of the Lost' in the 70's. You'll be absolutely amazed at what you will see in this film. Running Water? Yes, actual running water. It didn't think that was possible but, you'll see it. All of the background characters have a story that we are all familiar with from Dracula, The Harlequin Devil and his trademark goatee but Burton also reminds us of other scary things that don't have to have a physical presence such as `the wind blowing through your hair' and `the thing hiding under your stairs'.

Parents are strongly recommended to check the movie out before setting it loose on younger kids. It does have a PG rating but some of the characters and the dark mood of the film can be overwhelming and very scary to some children. Preview the film.

Another Tim Burton Classic (along with Edward Scissorhands) you'll find this a charming holiday tale.
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High Anxiety (1977)
Another worthy tribute for Brooks' fans!
22 August 2004
Mel Brooks is at the top of his unique form, using High Anxiety as a tribute to the psychological thriller genre made popular by Alfred Hitchcock. In this hilarious parody, such original hits as `Vertigo', `Psycho' & `The Birds' are stitched into this comedy featuring Mel Brook's trusted cast. My personal favorite section involves Dick van Patton and the trouble with his cars audio system. Remember – `If you wanna say it – say it LOUD!'

Another thing I liked about this movie were the sets. Exterior shots of the institute were very believable and although it was funny to go to the `North Wing' I hate to admit that I've actually seen some staff treating patients in the way that Nordberg did – a classic representation of mental health institutions of the 70's – before government regulation and monitoring became mandatory (in the early 80's). Sorry Nurse Diesel, with a professional attitude like that – you'd never find a job in today's modern healthcare facility…although there are still plenty of rigid hard core nurses out there!

Fans of Mr. Brooks will not be disappointed nor I think, would Alfred Hitchcock.
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Classic Tribute
21 August 2004
Elvira! What can one say? Well for starters, this movie is a wonderful tribute to one of the Kings of horror and suspense films – Vincent Price. I think he would have found this tribute to be hilarious and well representative of the genre he so magnificently sharpened through the 40-70's.

This take was filmed in Romania on an admittedly `low' budget. Of course, ultimately, this is one of the things that make this movie a classic. Elvira is at the top of her game in this movie.

Having finally gotten a gig in Paris, Elvira and her maid (unpaid for quite some time and, showing the attitude of someone who hasn't been…) are on the way to Paris to open the act when they get sidestepped in Romania. To any fans of Vincent Price films, the rest of the story is a combination of such thrillers as `Pit & the pendulum' & `House of Ushers' with a taste of our heroine Elvira tossed in.

Check out the Herculean translation job used with the Fabio-like `Stable-Stud'.

Fans of Mad TV will recognize Mary Scheer (Cabana Chat) as the the adulteress Lady Ema Hellsubus. The movie boasts a terrific - albeit short - musical number which tells the story of Elvira's past. It's a wonderful tribute to the Paris Can-Can.

Overall, this movie will be enjoyed by fans of Vincent Price or Elvira. You'll find yourself laughing, snickering and remembering those scary films of your childhood!
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The Avengers (1998)
A Prequel of sorts.....
21 August 2004
The Avengers – a wonderful British spy series made popular in the 60's receives a prequel of sorts, giving some introduction of Ms. Emma Peel and how she gets together with Mr. Steed and `The Ministry'.

The story revolves around a simple plot involving Sean Connery (apparently in need of some pocket change) who wants to blackmail 10% the worlds nations international Gross Domestic Product or, they would be devastated by horrible weather.

Yes, Ladies and Gentleman – Emma Peel as portrayed by one (pre-kill bill) Uma Thurman. Uma was a classy choice to play such an enigmatic character but she wasn't consistent. Her attempt at the British `accent' is defined and clear at the start of the movie however, as the feature plows on, her accent became reminiscent of her role as Poison Ivy in Batman – sounding like another disgruntled Avon saleswoman. Her outfits in the movie however were classy and she honoroed the original Emma Peels of the original series.

Her counterpart – John Steed played by Ralph Fiennes, was an excellent representation of the role made classic by Patric Macnee who you'll recognize in a cameo if you are `looking' in the right place.

Gay Comedian Eddy Izzard plays a great thug whom I wish had more direct involvement in the action sequences. He does get to play with a pretty high tech toy in the movie though – check it out – just don't get stung!

Overall, fans of the 60's Avenger series will like this `prequel'. A sequel – well, maybe with a different director and a few more months of vocal coaching for Uma!!
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Circuit (2001)
Well, nothing too special...
2 May 2003
I thought that Circuit was an average movie. The plot was disjointed and at times confusing. It seems that this is another film with so much potential however, much of it gets lost in some oddly chosen actors and poor acting.

One of the things that DID stand out as a positive thing would be the films ability to catch the essence of the Circuit Party. The music (soundtrack is unavaiable as I serach now - I will continue the search though) is fantastic and really sets the stage. The climax of the film happens at the Palm Springs (CA) White Party.

For any who are into the (Gay) Circuit Party scene, you'll find this movie interesting but...just average.
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It Figures!
18 March 2003
Well Folks, this is another stereotypic portrayla of Gay life however, the additional downside includes poor acting, horrible script, no budget, terrible sound and let us not forget the impossible storyline.

It is Christmas in New York City and our story immediatly "focuses" on two male individuals, apparently lovers for some time. One of them has not let his parents (the right wing, religious zealot types) know that he is gay (adding to the impluasability of the story 'cause this guy is as efeminant as gay guys come these days) and his parents are coming to viusit him. They will stay in his New York apartment where he and his lover have just decorated for Christmas.

The story continues to develop around the arrival of the parents, who noone will like anyway and - how through only obvious and predictable ways - they come to learn there son is gay. Tears are shed as was my interest in this movie.

The cast of charecters, seemed like an intro acting course at the local community theatre. The lovers in this film are mismatched, and there does not appear to be any cohesion to their union.

The landlord is flat and her attempt to be humanistic in the situation are undercooked and certainly didnt help move the plot any further.

The dragqueen friend who steps to the aid of one of the lovers in his "time of need" is stereotypic and gives a bad name to the unique art of drag.

Although some guys night find one of the lovers to have a nice body (again, stereotypic imagery) it does not help this story.

Stay away from this film, especially if you are considering a purchase. You'll shoot yourself if you do!
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Excellent storyline and character development!
3 August 2002
I was introduced to this film by a Jamaican friend who insisted I see the movie. It was a choice I was glad to have made. The story introduces us to normal, everyday people who are all well written and well acted. The storyline is about a woman who wants more for herself and wants more for her small family. Some people may have trouble with the language. I dont speak of the content of language but, the dialect. Some Jamaicans speak with the strong dialect known as "Patois" (pronounced pah-twah). This film is flavored with it. I did notice that at the start of Dancehall Queen, the language is difficult to understand but seemed to become much easier as the film progressed. Through the movie, we are exposed to some great Raggae music and some pretty intensive dance sequences. The setting and locales of the film are very scenic and adds character.The sub plots served to support an already strong story. I recommend this film to any fan of Caribbean or Jamaican culture.
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La squale (2000)
Viva la France!
29 July 2002
I found this movie to be an excellent portrayal and representation of the struggles todays young people must endure.

The players in this film were very east to relate to however, challenging to understand their experience.

The movie is fast paced and has a very action oriented base to it. There is certainly plenty of Romance, as well as intense and sometimes graphic sexual violence. Unlike some other American films, this violence does actually help move to story along to its conclusion.

The ending is a representation of friendship and sincerity through a tragic betrayal.

Wonderfully acted, filmed and written - I found this movie to be wonderful as well as deep, thought provoking and interesting.
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Tons of Tongue Twisters
25 July 2002
Anyone who is a Gilbert and Sullivan Fan will undoubtedly love this version of the Pirates of Penzance. One of the features that stands out strongly in this edition of the musical is the seemingly flawless execution of the lyric filled chorus'. It is amazing to listen to the performers tackle the high tempo lyrics as they bounce to the quick pace of the songs yet, there are many romantic melodies as well.

Its great to hear Rex Reed add his innocent voice to the role of Frederick. Linda Ronstadt adds a smooth and romantic touch as the maiden Mabel. Kevin Kline is an excellent and talented choice as the Pirate King and Angela Lansbury adds her matronly talent as Ruth. Additionally, George Rose was excellently cast and performs the very comedic yet intellectual role of the Major General.

The sets are simple but, added charm and atmosphere to the movie. Additionally, the costuming of the performers is very authentic, placing us in late 19th century England (despite the video box claim that there are "modern twists" to the musical).

One of the things I wasn't supportive of in this fine musical is that a few of the minor roles had visual performers who did not sing and, had a voice dub - over. I don't know why performers were not hired who could not only act and dance but, sing as well.

Overall, I feel that his is the best performance of the musical that has been made. I hope you agree after you take time to check this "fast-paced, full bodied model of a movie musical"!!
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