
4 Reviews
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13 July 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Storyline ? Simple, common, and predictable like most of this kinda romantic comedies are. However i do not hesitate giving this film 10 stars, which does NOT mean this is equal to my other 10 star films like Godfather or Taxi Driver, but means this is at the highest for its own genre. Well scripted, superbly directed and paced, lots of funny scenes & emotional scenes, and the soundtrack is quite good also. You can laugh, think, and even cry in 2 hours, and you will feel good after the watch. What can we expect more for romantic comedy ?

And what makes this film more special is the heroine(Hanna/Jenny), Kim Ah-jung. Wow.. She's so beautiful, cute, sexy, can act and sing. She performed this difficult role PERFECTLY.

-- Spoiler --

And what makes me love this film even more is that this film DOES NOT forcibly try to give viewers clichéd messages. Yes, it says "The inside is important", but it does not say "Appearance is nothing but the shell" or something which most of general people like us cannot overcome anyway. Even after the watch of this film, most of us shall still like externally sexy person than '200 pounds beauty' if both has same insides. The film knows it and face it. A dialog between Sang-jun & his associate guy at the very last part of film is PRICELESS summary of all this.

Guy : Sang-jun, why do you like her ? Is it because she's pretty ? Sang-jun : SOB like you would say that Guy : Then it's because she's innocent ? Sang-jun : (Smiles and says) SOB like me would say that..
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I got a BIG BIG LESSON from this film.
5 February 2007
One thing is clear. Until i met a great educational flick called 'House Of The Dead' by Dr. Uwe Boll, there had been not a single film that i decided stop watching in the middle of viewing. Yes i mean it. I never quit a movie in the middle of watching it no matter how it sucks or bores because i'm a type of guy who is over-patient and likes the phrase "it ain't over til it's over". Once i play a movie, then i finish it by all means, only unless inevitable things happen and force me to quit it in the middle. That was basic cinema-watching attitude of mine for 30 years.

And then suddenly, one day about a year ago, i happened to meet this great educational flick and it broke my history just like a revolution. I played it, and Jesus can you believe, i quit and ran exactly at 40 minutes without any special situations or reasons.

Yogi, i'm afraid you're wrong. Something must be over before it's over...

That's not only thing that i learned from this great educational flick. I admit that i generally tend to ignore (or intentionally skip) others' reviews or comments on some films which i've not seen yet, and especially for majority of opinions i don't care for them at all. Yes it's just like "I don't listen to anybody before viewing it myself and valuating is just mine"..... But with this great educational flick, i learned that sometimes i need to be more open to others' WARNINGS at least.

After all, this film had such huge educational effects on me and i can't help giving it 10/10 for it.
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Suicide Club (2001)
Intelligent wannabe, but completely failed efforts.
5 February 2007
It should've chosen its way. If it made its way to an entirely goresome, bloodfull of entertainment, i would have given it at least 5/10 cuz i like to be entertained in that way. But it didn't.

What the hell those stupid philosophies and subtle dialogs all about ? Wanted to be intelligent ? Wanted to be said "wow it's not only a gory fun but also a thought-provoking piece of art!!" or something ? Jesus, then it should have needed A PLOT. I mean A SOLID PLOT.

Give a watch at the horror flick Ju-On. It's got almost no plot at all and i mean it. A scary dark black long haired woman-ghost suddenly appears with disturbing voice and kill people whoever visits the cursed house, and this is permanently repeated all again and again and again and that's all. But I LOVED IT. Why? Cuz i got horribly scared by it! It never challenges to art category and never wants to be intelligent. It stands there just to scare you and with that alone it's valuable for its genre, so called 'Horror'.

But what the heck is this film ? What's all those "questioning" kids and girls popband all about ? Well i won't force you not to view this film anyway cuz i know you're already curious about this trash enough to ignore my advice, so i don't want to spoil anything. But all i can say is that this rubbish looked just hilarious to me, in a very bad way, except for the grand opening which is definitely the max-bloody scene in cinema history and it alone was quite fun.
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Zinda (2006)
3 February 2007
Warning: I'm a German-Japanese / Poor English

Abnormally, i'd generally like to experience remade flicks. More so the if i loved the original. I know there are extremely few which equals or excels to the original but it's not a big problem for me 'cause i don't even expect them to. It is to me like a bonus track of a beloved album, no more no less.

So i got no hesitation in checking Zinda as well (i was even excited actually) 'cause the original must be in my all-time best 10, but, oh my..

I won't say any more about this XEROX COPY crap. (copied on retarded machine, moreover) Nough said by nough people.

Now one thing i just can't believe is how this could be legal. As far as i've read on internet articles, Sanjay and his people haven't even paid a penny to the original Oldboy makers for doing this, which means Zinda is not an official remake of Oldboy. Then what the h..! is Zinda's identity? Some's gonna say it's JUST BASED ON or INSPIRED thing but you know it's way beyond those kinds. Then what?

Sort of Homage thing ? Yea possible, but Sanjay and his company have hardly mentioned about the original on either official ads & reports or non-official comments. Instead, Sanjay's kept saying he's got a bit INSPIRED ONLY and Zinda is totally different from Oldboy or something like that. Besides, more importantly, while shamelessly copying scenes-by-scenes from Oldboy, Sanjay intentionally missed the KEY-POINT of Oldboy's story for his own audiences' taste, for COMMERCIAL PURPOSE in other words. Then how can we call it Homage anyway ?

My conclusion is : Zinda is not only a copy crap, it's rather A CRIME, LITERALLY. I don't understand why Oldboy makers let them make money with this stolen thing.

Am i disappointed ? No i'm fine i didn't even expect. I'm just p***ed and upset for this shitmakers' shamelessness that's all.
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