
10 Reviews
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Looking (2014–2015)
A magic little gem of a series look at gay life and love in the Obama era
6 July 2014
The show spoke to me in a way that QUEER AS FOLK never did. As a early 30 something I saw something in it that I could relate to. I know many did not and were hoping to see another campy gay soap opera filmed in Canada with guys who looked like Andrew Christian models that spent 8 hours a day at the gym. This was the first gay series that I ever watched that didn't feel the need to dumb itself down so the airhead club queens would get it. Nor did it feel as if it had to be political to the point of coming across like an ABC After-School Special. It just wants to tell a story about 3 (now 6) people living and loving in the magical city by the bay.
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A perfect time capsule of a almost lost era!
29 May 2009
This documentary gives us a look at the freedom and decadence that was a big part of gay culture between the repression of the 50s and 60s pre Stonewall era and the AIDS crisis of the 80's and 90's. What we had were the crazy 70s! The documentary acts as both a celebration of this period and as a cautionary tale about how too much excess can be dangerous and how many of the men discussed in the film had to eventually "Pay the piper".

There are some things to note for example. There seems to be more acceptance and tolerance of gays and lesbians in America now then there ever was even during the "sexual revolution" of the 70s. Back then if you were gay the only way you could truly live a free life was if you packed your bags and moved to a big city like New York, San Francisco, Los Angeles, or Chicago!
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A look at gay life during the Reagan years
8 January 2005
Parting Glances tells the story of two gay lovers living in the west village, Micheal and Robert! Robert is about to leave New York to spend a year in Africa, Micheal in the meantime is caring for Nick (Played by a very young Steve Buscemi) a close friend and a former lover now dying of AIDS. Complications arise when it appears that Micheal is still in love with Nick and is questioning his relationship "aka Marriage" with Robert. Also Micheal has captured the eyes of a Columbia student who works at a nearby record store who is very persistent. Robert in the meantime is showing signs of jealousy towards Nick because of his closeness with Micheal. Without a doubt a highlight in gay cinema. Highly recommended! This film shows far more depth and substance in an hour and a half than a whole season of the narcissistic queens on "Queer as Folk"
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Finally A teen show that doesnt insult the viewer's intelligence!!
3 February 2003
Eventhought I am a 20 year old college student I must say that for a teen series I think its great and realistic! A show made for the preteen to high school audience that isnt some 30 minute piece of trash full of vapid boyband crazy airheads like "Lizze Miquire" or any other peice of trite that airs on the Disney channel. I myself was a fan of the original "Degrassi" and I think this show lives up to its legacy. This show deals with realistic topics such as Drugs,Rape,alcohol and kids, Gay and lesbian issues (Especially with the character of Marco. Possibly one of the first homosexual 9th graders on a television series.)Abortion,hate crimes and so forth. And the kids on the show are shown as intelegent and compelling characters. Not bimbos with the valley lingo. Its sort of like a "ThirtySomething" for the late middle school-early high school crowd. Keep up the good work Canada!
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Full House (1987–1995)
The Show that was a sign of things to come for ABC's future!!
25 November 2002
Without a doubt right up there with "Webster" and "Teen Angel" as being one of the worst sitcoms of all time. The fact that the show lasted for 8 seasons is in itself nothing short of a segment that could easily make an interesting segment on "Ripley's: believe it or not!".It makes one wonder how a show that never finished in the Neilsen top 20, never had a single Emmy nod (let alone win) could stay on for 8 years? The answer is simple. The show was popular with kids aged 12 and under. while anyone over that age found it to be vomit inducing(Any adult that wasnt some extreme right wing republican christain right family values freak at least!). However by the show's 7th season many of the original fans from the earlier seasons had grown up and were starting to see why their parents and/or older siblings were feeling the urge to puke whenever it came on. And by its final season the show was near the bottom of the ratings heap. If you want a family sitcom from the 80's that wasnt preachy and stupid and completly void of any reality. I recommend that you watch "The Cosby Show". Hell even "Growing pains", "Whos the boss", or "The facts of life" would be better than this crap!!
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Its No American Pie!!
20 October 2002
Instead we get a gripping tale of college life in the middle of the Reagan 80's. I think the problem the the reviewer "Judy" had with the film is that she was expecting some stupid beer and boobs explotation piece of crap like "slackers", "Van Wilder" and "Both American Pie films". True I would be lying if I said that "Rules of Attraction" didn't feature "some":) of those things. But instead we get a gritty,sarcastic and even realistic view of college life from the genius mind of Bret Easton Ellis. As a college student myself I can safely say that this film is a more realistic display of my current college life than any stupid "Van Wilder" movie any day. Its doesn't have to rely on any crap jokes or pie humping to get its message across. This movie very much requires a more intelectual mind set. Sadly however there are a lot of stupid people out there in this great world that just wont get it!!
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Tom Green needs to get a life!!!
14 February 2002
I do not see how anybody can see anything funny about this film!!! It sucks even as a shock film. Hell I think even John Walters would be disgusted with this piece of crap that no one with an IQ over 6 would find funny. As a film student This film actualy makes me more confident. Confident that anybody could make it in Hollywood especially if big studios like 20th Century Fox are actually willing to throw down cash for retarded trash like this!!! If you want a good shock value movie Id recommend "Pink Flamingos" (This crap makes PF look like "Gone with the wind.") The only good use for this DVD or Video would probably be as something for my dog to crap on in substitute for a newspaper whenever we go on walks!!
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Daria (1997–2002)
Without a doubt one of the best TV shows of the 90's!!! Sadly(sniff) Its all over now!!
23 January 2002
Daria was a very unique and interesting little show that was orignaly spun off from "Beavis and Butthead" However the show itself would start a live of its own. not only spawned a cult following but stayed on the air for five seasons! Daria was without a doubt a trully original series that was practicly a complete opposite of its originator(Beavis and Butthead.")> The begining of the end for the series was during season 4 when the morons at MTV desided to move this beloved show to the deadly friday at 10Pm spot. Plus the show started to get a little "Dawson's Creek"'ish especially when they had the whole Daria, Tom, Jane Triangle. Fortunetly the show picked up steam again during the last season when the show was wisely moved back to the Wednesday at 10 slot. Plus when the new storylines that involved Daria Wondering if it was time to lose her virginity with her boyfriend Tom or not ("My night at Daria,") or coming face to face with old childhood insecurities("Boxing Daria") it was obvious that our heroin had grown for the better and had obviously matured from the 16 year old mistfit of season 1. Eventhought I am sad that the show had ended!! Im at least happy that the show is ending at its prime and not doing the standard "wait untill the show starts to wear out its wellcome routine!"!! Its been a fun ride we're gonna miss you girl!!!
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Hey Paul Walker!!! Ryan Philipe Called He wants his look back!!!!!!!!!!
21 January 2002
Without a doubt a bad movie! If your into Fast cars but dont mind acting at the level of your friends old rusty and beat up 84 Ford Tempo then this is the film for you. I have to admit the cars were pretty cool but if I wanted to see fast cars Id watch Nascar on ESPN. It would sure save a hell of a lot more money!! Pretty much everybody in the movie should go back to acting school! Desiel and Rodriguez are the only ones in this complete piece of crap that have any potental whatsoever!! Walker in my mind is just simply a Brad Pitt, Ryan Philipe clone only without the TALENT!! Just another Pretty boy blond who will soon be just another came and went!! As for Ja Rule.... Dont quit your day job!!!!! If you want a good car movie skip this crap and rent "Bullit","Days of thunder", hell even the cheesey "Crash" would be better than this trite!!!
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Pearl Harbor (2001)
Whats next? A Vietnam film staring NSYNC and Brittney Spears?!?
4 December 2001
This has got to be the most distorted WW2 film I have ever seen! The love story made it completely stupid.Teeny Booper stupid!! They could have made the "love during chaos(Bogart and Bergmen in a REAL classic come to mind!!)" thing work but instead we get some 9th gradeish "Like oh my god she likes him but that guy like likes her like oh my god!!!" kind of triangle straight out of "Dawson's Creek"(Now the annoying Paula Cole song comes to mind!) If your intrested in watching a good WW2 movie I would suggest watching a soon to be classic "Saving Private Ryan" and ingnore this crap!! 0.2/10
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