
9 Reviews
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Action though not all satisfaction
26 June 2015
1. That Sinking Feeling

This one started out good with a funny premise. Sqidward is annoyed by Spongebob and Patrick's noise in the yard. So the 2 build a tunnel in between their homes. Great, funny start. But then the episode goes off the rails. Squidward can still hear the 2 even though they're underground? Doesn't seem plausible. Then Squidward chases them through tunnels resulting in everyone's homes sinking?

This one was more about sight gags than keeping the story together and making sense.

2. Karate Star

Spongebob makes a candy for Gary and it attracts flies? Isn't this underwater, where flies can't survive? Is this show even trying to live in the real world anymore? But Patrick being stuck with a chopping affliction works well but there's not real resolution. The writers got lazy with this one.
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3rd Rock from the Sun: Two-Faced Dick (1999)
Season 4, Episode 10
Aliens can Act
25 February 2012
Okay let's all admit that Seasons 1-3 were nothing short of iconic television theater - far beyond the average sitcom fair.

But this one was a great episode that started out seeming like it would be gimmicky. But really John Lithgow and Kristen Johnston out-do themselves by essentially playing each other. It was a far fetched plot that was played to perfection by the whole cast. In the same vane you have to include Jane Curtain and Wayne Knight, who serve as the perfect foils to the switched gendered cast members. Curtain just keeps showing her comedic acting skills through completely bizarre scenarios, taking it seriously so that the comedic effect is enhanced.

The ridiculous business with the "bad-asses" at the restaurant. that's another story. The whole premise of Harry working in the restaurant this season just feels like forced jabs at new plots. The scenes with the bikers just weren't very funny and the payoff just didn't, well, pay off.

That's okay though. As long as the A-plot is perfect and the B-plot is sub-par, that's more than enough for me.

Long live 3rd Rock!
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Smallville: Collateral (2011)
Season 10, Episode 12
Okay its Cheesy but Kind of Cute and Fun
7 December 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I see there's a lot of people hating on this episode and I understand where they're coming from. First, to say that this is a rip off of the Matrix. I really don't think so. There's been a lot of movies, and TV shows that have had that theme of being caught in a virtual world. That twist really did catch me by surprise.

The episode itself. It was cool to see Chloe again. She's just as complex and tough and just... Chloe. I love how she just comes out of nowhere and has all of these technical explanations and just knows how to do a bunch of stuff because, well, she's Chloe.

I like this one because it reminded me of the fun of the first couple of seasons. It was just a good time and had some suspense. Of course at the end it was cheesy and wore out its welcome a little bit. But do you people forget that this is a superhero show on the WB in its 10th season? This isn't Spiderman 4. Just have fun and enjoy the final segment in the twilight of a great show.
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Medium: The Match Game (2010)
Season 7, Episode 2
There you go team!
13 July 2011
This season of Medium has been pretty clunky and at times dull and formulaic. They often seemed like they were mailing it in. Event he "Trading Places" one was nowhere nearly as good as it could have been. But this episode really pulled everything together and gave us what we want out of a good Medium chapter. Good murder mystery, interesting storyline, good and creative use of Allison's psychic abilities, and finally a fairly unpredictable plot. The guy from Arrested Development has a delightful cameo and shows a range beyond that previous show. Plus there are some universal themes of love that everyone can relate to. This was hand-down the best episode so far of Season 7.
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Smallville: Spell (2004)
Season 4, Episode 8
Most Fun!
29 September 2010
This was the most fun episode of Smallville to date. Almost every one has its playful side, but this season has been a bit more heavy handed, so this was really a breath of fresh air. It also gave several of the characters a chance to step out of their usual mannerisms. Kristen Kreuk stole the show by believably playing an ancestral witch with a grudge to settle. Allison Mack and Erica Durance, on the other hand, hammed it up too much, and were much less believable in their witch-possessed bodies. For instance, it's hard to believe that after 400 years, the witch in Lois Lane would be most enamored by her breasts. But still, the fish out of water humor was fun, too. Clark vs. the witches was also a good time. As an extra bonus, new glimpses of the caves and information about the stones was a good treat. Some fans might not like this playful departure, but I did (obviously)!
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Smallville: Stray (2002)
Season 1, Episode 16
Good but "Strayed" a bit
3 September 2010
There's a lot of good material in this episode. The ability this kid has is very cool and it's done well. Also, this is the first time that the "freak" in an episode was a child. That dynamic made it interesting. There are also some intriguing revelations about the different characters.

But this episode was a bit flawed in a few respects. The most glaring flaw is the lack of explanation about how Ryan got his abilities. Up until now, every ability in Smallville was somehow traced to the meteors. However, there is no such explanation here. This alone makes this episode veer into Twilight Zone territory. That's still a great place to be, but give us some logic in this madness. Another flaw was a lack of motivation by the villains in this one. Seems to me that if this kid was helping them out like he was, they'd be a bit nicer. That rage and the violence wasn't explained either. By the end it got very jumbled.
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Lost: 316 (2009)
Season 5, Episode 6
Big Revealing Episode. Yawwn.
13 May 2010
Warning: Spoilers
This episode really should really have been a 10. Crazy revelations, mystery and intrigue, twists, turns and another plane crash! That was unfortunately also the problem with it. I felt like they were practically begging for attention by serving up doses of cheap thrills. The 6 return to the island. OK great, but I still don't feel they've made a good enough case for each of them wanting to go back to that God-forsaken place. The fact that the rest of them are suffering on the island might be a reason NOT to go to the island. All being on the same plane? Laughably implausible (which is saying a lot for this show) Instead of intrigue, I find myself dreading the convoluted explanations that are to come explaining how each was convinced to go back. Finally, when Kate said "don't ask me about" why Aaron isn't with her, I felt it was the writers who couldn't figure that one out. This is another mystery that I know will take a full episode of flashbacks to reveal. Great mystery or a desperate grasp at new plot lines?

All that being said, after watching and loving 80+ episodes of LOST, this less than stellar one amounts to little more than petty theft.
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Medium: Allison Wonderland (2006)
Season 2, Episode 16
Eerie on so many levels
21 January 2010
Warning: Spoilers
This is really a gem of an episode on many different levels. Seeing David Caradine as an apparition was enthralling enough. He was a great addition to the show and was part of a very unique plot and brainy storyline. His words are mysterious and thought-provoking with his trademark understatement. I was surprised to see him, and any fan of his should watch this right away. Meanwhile, a subplot involving Ariel and an author is charming. The "Medium" writers deftly reveal things to the audience, while we get to watch these supernatural suburbanites reveal extraordinary things about themselves. Allison's husband also has some classic lines and stays a strong character in his own right. (as opposed to the forgettable male counterpart in "Ghost Whisperer". Jim continually vies for the most- understanding-husband ever award.
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Arrested Development: Development Arrested (2006)
Season 3, Episode 13
Lazy and Crazy
4 January 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I was so juiced to see this final episode of Arrested Development. However, it was extremely disappointing. I felt that instead of relying on humor and original plots - their bedrocks - the writers relied almost entirely on shocking revelations.

Michael and his twin aren't really twins! Michael's sister is three years older! Gob is sleeping with Ann! These were completely unbelievable plot twists that were actually extremely UNFUNNY. Lindsay finds out she and Michael aren't related and immediately tries to sleep with him? Then Gob tries to have sex with Lindsay? Then Gob is secretly dating a 16 year old? Exactly what's funny about all that? Those things were just plain disturbing.

One of the things I love about Arrested Development is its ability to be edgy without going completely over the edge. But I thought in this last episode, they gave in to sensationalism and shock instead of doing what they did best - giving us the best plot and jokes on TV!
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