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Try again
19 March 2014
I think this movie would have been a lot better if they didn't try to write an actual plot in between. I would have laughed a lot harder if they just teamed up a kid and Johnny to go around pretending to be grandfather/grandson and mess with people. I appreciate the effort to make it something a bit more than just their usual Jackass style, but for me it fell flat. I kept asking if we could turn it off, my boyfriend kept insisting (even with 20 minutes to go) that it could get better...but it didn't. It seemed long, too...maybe because I was waiting for it to end. Don't get me wrong, it was funny and I laughed out loud more often than I'm probably letting on but I was still disappointed in them trying to make it something more than it was. Stick to your roots, Jackass! I'm still rooting for ya! (As long as Knoxville is still on board!)
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Prisoners (2013)
What a waste of time and brains
19 March 2014
My friends raved and raved about this movie so I was very excited to see and probably had too high expectations?

I. HATED. This. Movie.

First of all, it dragged on foooorrrreeevvvveeerrrrr. It felt like I was sitting there for 5 hours. Yes it was enjoyable to try and guess whodunnit but I am so angry about the ending that it ruined the rest of it for me.

Obviously I won't spoil it for anyone but be warned IT CUTS OFF! You sit through all of that, they don't show outcomes of a few characters, and you're waiting for your happy ending closure and then BAM! Credits. I can't believe I wasted that much time when I could have knocked at least 2 other movies off my list that night. Nothing, I repeat NOTHING makes me angrier than a movie with no closure. It's designed so that you can assume what happens but screw that, if I have to sit there and go through all that stuff just to leave it up to my imagination what happens in the end it's automatically failed.

My other pet peeve is that Jake Gyllenhaal was a terrible cop. Not that his acting was bad, but his character itself was retarded. He was ALWAYS alone, never followed protocol, never let anyone know where he was and that is just bad writing.

The only reason I didn't give it 1 star is because I've seen worse.

If you are like me and need closure and answers, DO NOT waste your time on this movie.
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Everybody calm the eff down
19 March 2014

I really liked this movie because I didn't look so far into it other than it's a sequel of a good movie that has hot lead roles and an excellent villain. It wasn't as good as the first but it wasn't bad by any means. It essentially had the same feel as the first one and that's good enough for me. I liked that it was set in London this time. Also, I liked that Kat Dennings got more screen time than the first because I love her to death and she was really funny. Speaking of which, this movie had a lot more laughs and I enjoyed that. It's always good to have stupid little laughs here and there in a serious-ish movie like this one.

Just go to the freaking movie, sit back and enjoy the ride. Don't get caught up in "the dimensions of the characters" (It's based off comic strip, are you guys serious right now?) I can't imagine a bigger waste of money than going to a movie in theaters and stripping it bare. Leave that up to the paid guys who hate their lives and love making everyone else feel bad about themselves.

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What was that?
28 August 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I was really not a fan of this movie. I love most of the people in the cast but there were a lot of very obvious parts of the plot that you had to have been really stupid to not see coming, and the characters were just plain annoying.

It's about a messed up family, De Niro and Keaton who are divorced with 2 kids (Heigl & Grace) and an adopted kid...that I guess was for some reason in touch with his real mom, who is Spanish and super religious and doesn't believe in divorce...anyway, the adopted guy is getting married to Seyfried, so the whole family is back together. When the Spanish mom and sister arrive, they decide that the best course is to pretend that De Niro and Keaton are still married even tho De Niro has a long time girlfriend.

What annoyed me so badly was that whoever directed this movie tried to make it one of those movies that keeps you guessing and they slowly reveal plot twists as they unfold...yet none of them are surprising or make the movie more fun to watch. Actually, it does the exact makes you bored to death and I had a very hard time paying attention, and when those plot reveals came I just didn't care anymore.

While it was refreshing to see Katherine Heigl play a character that is not anything like her norm, the character annoyed me to death. She plays a distressed, obviously pregnant (they tried to make that a surprise), slightly rebellious daughter that openly hates her father and overdoes the sarcasm and disdain. Topher Grace plays a virgin doctor that specializes in delivering babies...and for some reason his character missed the signs that Heigl was pregnant, even though she faints upon seeing babies and then throws up all over her dad. The whole thing was just so annoying I couldn't even stand it.

Robert De Niro was the biggest disappointment of all. I can't decide if I just hated his character or I hated his acting. This is the second movie he's been in lately where his character drove me insane (Silver Linings Playbook) and it was pretty obvious he was just there for the paycheck. Keaton, Sarandon and Seyfried were the only ones that held it together.

Bottom line...don't waste your time, it's not worth it.
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Surprisingly good
28 August 2013
I'm not a fan of action movies, so I wasn't hellbent on seeing this one but I indulged my boyfriend anyway. I was actually very surprised at how it held my attention. It might be due to my fear of being invaded by another country, but either way I was on the edge of my seat.

Now, don't go into this expecting it to blow your mind unless you are easily entertained. The plot isn't exactly 100% on point, obviously some of the events that occur would never actually happen in real life. If you just stop trying to look at everything logically and realistically and just enjoy what is happening on screen, you might come to love this movie. Good gun fights, explosions, all the great man stuff.

The biggest bonus of all was seeing Gerard in his sexy black T-shirt attire running around like a boss. NOM!
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The Host (2013)
Well that was an epic fail
11 July 2013
I loved the book...because yes, there was some cheesy love triangle thing going on but it was so, SO much more than that. There was actual depth to the book beyond the catty romances and teenage problems...but Summit once again ruined it for themselves. They think their main audience is a bunch of screaming tweenagers, and yeah that might be the case but there are a lot of older, mature people who read these books by Stephenie Meyer and appreciate all the other aspects of them besides the love stuff. She would do very well to not use Summit to make her novels into films anymore, because they fail to grasp the true depth to the storyline.

I waited for this movie to come out on DVD because frankly all my friends hated Twilight and anything else Stephenie Meyer did, and refused to see it with me. I tried explaining that the book was amazing and not anything like Twilight, but they knew better than I did apparently. So the other day I was folding laundry on my couch and put it on, and in that sense it was watchable because I was alone and bored and doing stuff. However, if I had been in a room full of people, they would have had me turn it off. I was so disappointed that the only storyline they focused on was the love triangle. Yes, they touched on what else was going on but it wasn't the focus and because of that they completely failed. The actress they got for the main character was pretty bland. She wasn't good looking at ALL, she annoyed me to death and her Louisiana accent was abysmal. They should have done something else to the voice of Melanie because they sounded way too much alike and there were a couple of parts when I wasn't looking where I thought it was Wanda talking, not Melanie. All the guys looked too much alike, I didn't know which one was which. The kid that plays Jamie was so watered down with his acting, yes he's a kid but there are much better kid actors out there so I'm not sure how he got that part. The only great actor was the Seeker, who was in Inglorious Basterds and she rocked it.

Honestly, if you're a tween and love cheesy romances or you love aliens, then by all means go ahead and watch it. But if you have more going on in your brain or loved the book, then don't let this movie ruin it for you.
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Better than the original
26 June 2013
Okay I actually have not seen the original, but I really like this movie so I'm not going to bother ruining it for me. This was Lindsay Lohan's debut, and although she's a terrible human being now she honestly was a great actress. She does a great job at her young age of portraying her characters.

The movie is about twin sisters separated at birth when their parents divorced only to accidentally come face to face at summer camp eleven years later. At first they are rivals, and pull various pranks on each other until they are punished and forced into solitude for the rest of the duration of the camp. They slowly start to learn about each other and realize they are twin sisters. Each wants to meet their other parent very badly, so they switch places. They run into some unexpected problems when they discover their father is about to wed a beautiful young gold digger and work together to reunite their parents before the wedding.

This movie is good for people of all ages, and it is surprisingly not corny. Dennis Quaid does a fantastic job of being the goofy, lovable father that puts his daughter first and you come to adore him. Well done Disney!
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Rio (2011)
Not perfect but still good
26 June 2013
This colorful movie will delight young viewers and keep older ones from getting too bored as it takes you on a wild ride through Brazil.

Rio is about a rare Blue Macaw parrot named...well, Blue...who was raised in a cold small town in Minnesota by a bookstore clerk. Blue never needed a reason to fly until one day they were approached by a bird specialist working to repopulate the Blue Macaws. He brings them to Brazil and Blue ends up going on the ride of his life. It is fun, light hearted, and enjoyable. The music is great as well, especially with Will.I.Am lending his talent to the Brazillian beats.

As a previous reviewer stated, there is something missing to this movie, but I just can't put my finger on it. Its not perfect, but it is a great movie that the whole family can enjoy.
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Finally something that can stand up next to Superbad!
26 June 2013
I didn't see any previews and therefore had no expectations for this movie, but 21 Jump Street had me falling out of my chair laughing. I am so glad I saw this one in theaters, because comedies are best enjoyed with lots of people laughing right along with you. I thought Tatum and Jonah were comedy gold and executed their lines perfectly. I love that this movie called out the new generations of kids and their weird trends that don't even make sense. They referenced the old show, and even had a big surprise cameo at the end that had my theater screaming with delight.

It's about two high school rivals who become best friends when they join the police academy. They get sent undercover to a local high school to uncover a drug ring for a new type of drug being introduced. They end up rediscovering themselves in a hilarious journey. If you liked Superbad, this movie might finally live up to your comedy expectations. It does happen to be one of those movies that are split with opinions...some people really love it, some people don't.
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Black Mamba strikes
26 June 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I was a little young when this movie came out and had not seen any other Tarantino movies, so you can imagine I was a bit shocked by it. At the time, the gore and violence was a bit extreme (not unheard of, just not as common as it is in films today) and it took awhile to get used to. I had to watch it several times to come to love it the way I do now. Tarantino is a genius and one of my all time favorite filmmakers on earth. His mind is simply genius.

Kill Bill is about an ex assassin who had a formal love relationship with her leader, Bill, that resulted in a pregnancy. To protect the baby, the Black Mamba fled the team and was about to get married to a safe guy when Bill shows up on the night of the rehearsal dinner with the team and they kill everyone. Black Mamba narrowly avoids death and is put in a 4 year coma. She wakes up to find her baby did not survive and sets out to seek revenge on all of the team members, saving Bill for last.

It is an epic, violent journey that keeps you on the edge of your seat from start to finish.
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Ice Age (2002)
A fun and original movie for all
26 June 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Ice Age was a completely original story when it first came out, and in this last generation it is hard to be original in the film industry.

Ice Age is about three prehistoric creatures forming an unlikely friendship over something unexpected. Manny the Mammoth believes himself to be the last mammoth alive (having watched his wife and child lose their lives to the savage human tribes that kill for meat and fur to stay alive) and unwillingly befriends an idiotic sloth named Sid. A group of saber tooth tigers seek revenge on the human tribes for attacking their pack and the leader tells Diego to kill a woman and her baby, and asks that he bring the baby to him alive. The woman flees into a river with the baby, and having washed onto a rock, sees Manny and Sid watching her. She slides the baby before them and disappears into the river. Manny and Sid set out to return the baby to the tribe, and run into Diego who pretends to befriend them in order to steal the baby at the right time. They end up going on an adventure and form a pack of their own.

This movie is full of laughter, emotion, and life lessons that people of all ages can enjoy.
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Madagascar (2005)
26 June 2013
Madagascar is about four animal friends that reside in the New York Zoo. Alex the lion is the star and enjoys it. His best friend Marty the zebra yearns for open space and freedom, and on his birthday goes missing from his cage. Alex teams up with Gloria the hippo and Melman the giraffe to go looking for Marty and end up on a wild ride that lands them on the island of Madagascar. They slowly come to realize they have no idea what life in the wild is really like and begin their desperate attempt to find their way home.

It is funny, colorful, and enjoyable for all ages. The actors voices are paired perfectly with their characters. 9/10!
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The Lion King (1994)
"Masterpiece" is a gross understatement
26 June 2013
Saw this movie when it came out in theaters...saw this movie in 3D in theaters...own this movie in 3D at home. Have seen every sequel, saw the Broadway show twice and plan on seeing it again. What more can you say about this movie? It is timeless, Disney's first original full length animation that was completely their own story, and they may not ever be able to top that. The Lion King will be an all ages favorite for generations to come and people will be singing the music for their whole lives. The Lion King teaches you so many life lessons and all the while you're singing, dancing, and crying along with it. It also was backed by Elton John on the soundtrack which just makes it more epic.
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The one time Disney failed
24 June 2013
I'm sorry, but I am a Disney fanatic, freak, whatever you want to call it and I cannot stand this movie. This is the one time Disney has failed in my eyes. I don't see why anyone would like this movie. And it's not because the main character is fugly and gross, it's because of the end. I thought it sent a terrible message to kids. The guy totally falls in love with Esmeralda, goes out of his way (I mean above and beyond the call of duty) to rescue her and be the good guy to prove his love for her...and she ends up with the handsome one?! What kind of message is that? To me that is Disney saying "the hot girl belongs with the hot guy and the fugly hero can never have true love". I don't know if this movie is based off a book or a true story, so if that is the case then I could kind of forgive it...but if not, Disney made a huge mistake. There are some good songs, the villain is very easy to hate, and the handsome soldier guy does provide some comedy relief along with the gargoyles, but other than that movie pretty much sucks.
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Even skeletons never die
24 June 2013
I don't know a single person who doesn't love this movie. Tim Burton nailed this one in my eyes, and this is the movie that introduced my generation to him and to claymation as well. I was very young when this movie came out, and yes it scared me but it was the greatest movie ever. This the go-to movie when it's time for Halloween, and Christmas as well, to get you in the spirit! The soundtrack is gold and every song is fantastic and you know most of the words from the first time you see it. It has been almost 20 years since it came out and it still has a cult following, a mega franchise and screaming fans of all ages. Disney was right to pick up the rights for this movie because I guarantee you it has done nothing but given them more money for years to come. It may scare very small children but they will either get over it or come to love it in a couple of years.
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A wonderfully refreshing film
24 June 2013
I haven't read the books but it is definitely on my reading list. I highly enjoyed this movie and was surprised at how non-kid oriented it was. That isn't to say kids won't enjoy it at all, it just wasn't watered down the way most animated movies are nowadays so that the kids can follow along. The animation was breathtaking, the plot was a lot more detailed and intricate than I expected, and you felt like you were being taken on a journey into another world...which is exactly what movies should do. I loved the accents for the owls and their different personalities. My favorite animal happens to be owls so I was very excited to see this. All in all: kids will love it, adults will be entertained, and its just a good all around movie.
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Not bad
24 June 2013
I didn't expect to like this movie, but I actually did and would recommend it to anyone. Was it perfect? No, but it didn't slaughter the name of Dr. Seuss like most people expected it to. It's hard to take a children's book, especially a Dr. Seuss, and create a more elaborate storyline for it and it turn out to actually be good. I will say that as much as I love the actors that play the main characters, some of them didn't seem to fit their characters. That doesn't mean it still wasn't enjoyable, it just seemed a tad bit off to me. But I do recommend this for a good rainy, movie night type of day. It will keep you entertained from start to finish and you do begin to care about the characters and what happens to them.
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Pitch Perfect (2012)
A ca Awesome!
24 June 2013
I didn't know what to expect from this movie, the previews didn't give you a good idea of what it was about, so I kind of skipped seeing this one in theaters and waited for it to come out on DVD. I threw it on my laptop while my boyfriend was playing video games because I like to catch up on my girly movies when he does that...needless to say, he stopped playing halfway through and made me stream it to the TV. This movie is gold! It's hilarious, it has great music AND mashup music which is my favorite, awesome actors make appearances at random (MCLOVIN!) and it by no means is a girly movie. My boyfriend is the manliest they can come and he likes it so much that just last night I caught it on HBO while he was on his way to bed and he stayed up to watch it for our third time with me. It's hard to say what the best part of the movie is...the hilarious commentators, Rebel Wilson who makes me geek out even when she doesn't say anything, the music or the disgusting (yet funny) vomit scenes. This movie will inspire younger people to get into A Capella, without it being too much of a corny musical. This is now one of my new favorite movies and I highly recommend for teens and up!
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Still blows me away
24 June 2013
I watched this movie when I was a kid, and now at 25 years old watched it just last year again and am still totally enchanted by it. This movie got me in the threshold of the world of Anime, and although I'm not really THAT into it, it did open doors for certain movies for me. Having re-watched it recently, I found myself wishing it had gone on longer and was still totally captivated by the magic that is Totoro. It plays perfectly to your imagination and delights you to no end. It is 25 years old though, so don't expect the dubbing to be perfect. Great for young kids and parents watching with them will not get bored. Highly recommend!
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Do not see this movie if you liked the first
24 June 2013
I was beyond obsessed with the first Mummy when it came out. I was about 11 years old and saw it in theaters, and went back to see it three more times (this was when movie ticket prices were actually affordable). I LOVED that movie, so you can imagine my excitement when they released the sequel. As stated in my headline, if you loved the first one...DO. NOT. SEE. ANY. SEQUELS. They completely ruined it. I have seen every sequel and all of them were terrible. Of the rest of the sequels, this one is the better, so if you feel compelled to see them then only stick to this one because it is semi-decent, but again none of them are anywhere close to being good.
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Coraline (2009)
24 June 2013
I don't understand how people could like this movie. That being said, I was actually surprised that I DIDN'T like it. It has everything I like...animation, Tim Burton-style darkness and weirdness, and plays into your imagination. However, I just couldn't seem to drag myself into it. I tried! I think I've attempted to watch this movie at least 3-4 times by now but I never make it all the way through. I just kind of lose interest and walk away around the same time. I don't even really know what it is about that I don't like, it's hard to pinpoint. It just kind of falls flat for me. But everyone has different interests and tastes, so this is just my opinion. I know a lot of people who love the same kind of animated movies like I do and they didn't like it either, but I know others who love it a lot. I guess it just is one of those movies that speaks to certain people.
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Oh my Django!
24 June 2013
If you are a Tarantino fan, prepared to be blown out of your seat. This movie is beyond epic, so much so that it needs to invent a new word for epic. This has to be beyond a shadow of a doubt the greatest movie Tarantino has ever done (and if you've seen one QT movie you'll know what a huge statement that is) and in my opinion the greatest movie of this century. If you are sensitive to the use of the N word, this might not be something you should watch, because it reportedly gets dropped over 110 times. The actors were completely mesmerizing, with Leonardo DiCaprio outshining all of them with one simple scene. I was very happy to see Christoph Waltz play a character that didn't scare the crap out of me but by no means did that make him a soft guy in the movie. The soundtrack is phenomenal, with a perfect balance of old-timey music and newer music. The song "Freedom" is the best, because it sounds like a slave song but written in modern times and I love jamming out to it. Absolute, hands down, 10/10!!!

Tip: DO NOT MAKE THIS INTO A DRINKING GAME IF YOU DON'T WANT ALCOHOL POISONING. My friends and I invented one and the rules were (this was for our first time watching)...1) drink every time there is a slavery reference 2) the N word is dropped, and 3) they say Django. We had to stop playing halfway through.
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24 June 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Be still my beating heart...this movie is one of my all time favorites, and it breaks my heart that it seemed to skip the Disney mega-hits list. I guarantee that is because it was not voiced by an all star cast, which is more than half the reason why any animated movies get attention these days. However, I thought the cast they did get for this movie was perfect. All voices matched their characters and all of them were excellent.

This movie is about an orphan named Louis who is a huge lover of science and inventions. He tries to win over prospective adopters by showing off his inventions to them, and it usually backfires on him. He takes a memory scanner invention to a science fair and a kid with black hair named Wilbur shows up in a time machine and whisks him away to the future because of a crisis. He asks Louis to try and replicate the time machine due to a villain stealing one of the two, all the while trying to hide Louis from the sight of his eccentric family, in which he totally fails.

There is a huge plot twist at the end, some moments of roaring laughter, and a sob fest at the very end. The part that gets me crying every single time though, is the quote from Disney along with the song "Little Wonders". I am a sobbing mess for that part. I don't know how anyone couldn't love this movie and I wish it had been promoted more to gain a greater audience.
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The Notebook (2004)
Has yet to be topped
24 June 2013
The Notebook is, by all accounts, the greatest love story of all time. I have yet to see anyone top this movie in terms of romance. It is a necessary date night/Valentines Day/anniversary movie to remind us all that true love can yet be imperfect and in fact does exist. When I saw this in theaters, I was crying very hard. At the time, I was NOT a person who cried during movies (that is completely opposite now). Its not just about the way it makes you cry though, it teaches anyone a deep lesson about how even the greatest love has flaws and that it has to be worked on every single day, and is always worth it in the end. I can't imagine that this movie will ever be outdone in this century, and I firmly believe that it is the new Gone With The Wind...minus the extra 2 hours. This is the one and only time I think I will ever say that the movie is better than the book. What the book lacked, the movie changed for the better and did a flawless job with it. 10/10
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Australia (2008)
No...just no.
24 June 2013
If you have nothing but patience and time, maybe I would suggest giving this movie a try once you have exhausted all your options. But otherwise, just don't even bother. What a waste of time.

This movie was SO boring, long, and confusing. I don't know how I sat through the whole thing but I was disgusted that I did when it was FINALLY over. I honestly had no idea what just happened. It was a whirlwind of...well, crap...and it just never seemed to end. I loved Moulin Rouge and who doesn't think Nicole Kidman is gorgeous, so I was looking forward to this movie. I had no idea I was in for a long ride of history that just kept going and didn't really seem to have a conclusion. After it was over I just kind of sat there confused and annoyed to death. Let us all try to forget this movie was ever made!
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