
9 Reviews
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Day Watch (2006)
Excellent Movie, with one problem
26 January 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I'm note sure what to say. All of this film is excellent and a very worthy sequel to its predecessor. Only one problem. A very disappointing ending. It didn't seem like it was going to be, until the last minute or so, when everything unhappens. This was a fairly obvious possibility, but it makes me sad that they went for it. I suspect this very tired idea transcends culture. I haven't read the books, so maybe this was how it went, but it is not an original idea. The idea of undoing things is dangerous for a story to remain sound, but I felt cheated just as I have in various other films that have used this device. A story is a journey from one place to somewhere else, the characters who live there, the world they go through, and the changes that happen as a consequence of actions we take. We all make mistakes, and we must live with the consequences, and Anton is a very flawed person who makes many.

The film is still a must see, in spite of what is sadly a common Hollywood cliché.
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Night Watch (2004)
Modern Noir
7 January 2014
I have to say, expecting nothing, knowing nothing, I was impressed. This is one of those rare hidden treasures to run across, in its chaotic unnerving kind of way.

If you liked Let the Right One in, Hellboy, Neverwhere, and some of the more offbeat horror noir, like Close Your Eyes, this one should appeal to you.

There's a minor thematic anti-abortion, understandable if you consider Russia's population decline, but I suspect that's what earned the film its haters. That said, the criticisms are pretty off base, the acting is quite good. There's an intentional dry-noir feel, and something of a chaotic world out of control that you get from a film like District 9. This is a lower budget film, so don't expect any serious cgi etc., but for classic noir fans, it's not needed, and probably wouldn't help.

Overall it stacks up favorably against most good vs evil battles in that the characters and events have something real about them, not just strict servants of the story arc that you find so often in horror.

I was pleasantly surprised, anyway.
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A New Yorker's Perspective
21 November 2013
Okay, I watched this because it was on Netflix's list of films being deleted for instant play. I guess they ran out of server space or something. I'm not that familiar with Bollywood films, but this is not my first one.

I'll skip the synopsis. As an American, I found Yogesh's American-ness and Priyanka's (whichever version's) endless chicago references very entertaining. Outside of that, The Pros: 1. Priyanka. If you just want to watch her all day, it's a good movie for that.

2. It's actually funny most of the way through, even the awkward bits with the debt and the spying. The parents of Priyankas (Priyanki?) were also very entertaining.

3. The music, mostly. There are several good Indian songs, and maybe a couple western style ones that didn't work so well. There's one in there that reminded me of scandanavian metal.

4. Dancing. I get that this is the best part of a bollywood film. American movies haven't been up to this since the 1950s.

The Cons: 1. Length. At 3+1/2 hours, you have to have a lot of story, and WYR runs out after about 2 hours, like any romantic comedy. Everything about the situation has already been said, and we roll on with less interesting stuff. If it's too long for you, just skip ahead to the Priyanka scenes you're probably watching it for.

2. Social Messages. I see a lot of people saying this was a plus, but I felt like the film was hitting me over the head with political correctness. I suspect if I were an Indian I'd be actually offended. It's the movies job to entertain us, not reprogram us.

3. Not everything quite works in the story. It misses the opportunity for a play on Priyanka playing all the girls, and plot development threads don't really go anywhere. That in mind, it's okay to skip through them to browse for pure entertainment.

Overall it was as substantive as a western romantic comedy, but no more, so light on content, but very entertaining.
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Vampires for social commentary
10 October 2010
Warning: Spoilers
The film is slow "creeping dread" horror more on the level of Cat People, or the early 80s horror films than it is on a typical monster movie. It's subdued, subtle, and substantive with social commentary on the potent current problem of bullying. It's not strictly speaking a vampire movie, it's a movie with vampires in it. The acting is superb, as is the writing and direction, it's just all around impressive.

It's hard to write a review for this film without an extreme spoiler. I have not yet seen the American remake yet to see if they picked up on it, but


I'm not actually going to tell you specifics about what the spoiler is, but I don't think you should read this paragraph if you haven't seen the film. The film contains an aha moment that suddenly makes you realize that maybe the film was not quite what you thought it was about, and nothing was quite as it seems, and that it was filled with clues all along, something along the lines of the sixth sense or the usual suspects, and I'm not talking about when you find out one of the characters is a vampire. If you reach this point (I got it about five minutes before the end of the film, so I felt slow) the story is suddenly much much scarier. If you feel there was an aha moment on this level, that's probably because you missed it. Enjoy your happy life, don't go back looking for it ;) When I see "Let Me In" I will see if it is still there, and while I would like this aspect of the film to remain, I would rather that it disappear than to have an American director hit us over the head with it.
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24 December 2006
If this were to be upgraded to about 10 times what it is, it could be called a turkey. Instead, it's leftovers, maybe some moldy stuffing. Definitely no cranberry. Possibly some over-mashed potatoes. in the form of reused footage from the first movie, and some shots that presumably ended up on the cutting room floor for a good reason. The rather limited plot is interspersed with nonsensical scenes one only assumes are the result of acid trips, since that would be the only conceivable way they could possibly be bearable. WIthin the first five minutes is a Russian circus dance scene, which has no reason to be there, and is the only thing worth watching, unless you want to fast forward for brief bra-less shots of Leia, or watching her sing, in the last 5 min of the dare I say "film" See it, and kill you love of Star Wars forever. Bury it, and move on with your life.
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Something for everyone
1 July 2004
I saw Fahrenheit 911 on opening night, and I'm just now posting as I read through these. Though more people are trying to review this now than were (discarding all the partisan babbling) There are still some things to say

1) Most of the film is fast paced and entertaining. There are points where I find it overly melodramatic, but overall it's at least an 8.0 (I think partisan voters who vote 10 or 1 are dragging the film down as they average 1+10/2 = 5.5)

2) There is definitely new information here for about 90% of the population. While most of this has been in the press before, much of it is not something that anyone even someone who watches politics would have run into before. The informaiton is decidedly one sided, but I'm sure the Bush people will put something out before election to give you their side if you haven't heard it already

1) I'm a conservative independent reformer, not a democrat or republican, I think I'm an otherwise neutral but I have to say something for the record: Which ever side your on the concept of Moore as a lying profiteer is absurd. This is a fiction created by far-right extremists who are bent on stopping moore's free speech directly before this film came out. Anyone who has been following Moore's career knows him to be an ultra-pragmatist known for telling like it is, or as he sees it.

This film is Moore's biased opinion. He doesn't pretend it's anything else. But whereever you're coming from there's information here that people should experience, and it's presented in an entertaining method, whether or not you agree with Moore's conclusions.
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EuroTrip (2004)
Good clean fun for the family that plays together
13 March 2004
This is what happens when children of the 80's make a movie. Aside from the slightly dated world view, who cares right? This is good clean fun if you don't count endless amounts of sex. Very reminiscent of 80's films. A definite recommend for Buffy the Vampire Slayer Fans (Michelle Trachtenberg makes a lot more screen time than does Lucy Lawless. Some missing scenes are hopefully coming soon on DVD. There are points where the absurdities go too far, but it's all good. Watch out for religious revelations that put Passion to shame. Plus it has more laughs. Actually this is a pretty awesome movie, very funny and full of nudity. I'm waiting for the cheesy sequel. 10/10. It'll have you humming Scotty doesn't know all the way home.
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An excellent telling of classic early sci-fi
14 March 2002
This film is truly spectacular. Everything is so amazing, from visuals to situations. I feel that half an hour or so was cut from this film, it does seem lie the conclusion is too abrupt, but it's so completely different from anything you get now adays. It's the best thing I've seen on screen in a long time. I see 6.0 represents the mass market. If you appreciate first generation sci-fi, this is far more innovative than anything you'll see from the genre. Like 13th floor, which also didn't get a decent Imdb rating, and serial experiments Lain, this film is diferrent. So many movies are the same story retold. People will look at this and see too much of the planet of the apes, and some other films, but remember this story is from 1898 or some such time. As different from the norm as existenz and as visually impressive as apes or spirits within, for any fan of real sci-fi, this is a must see. If your idea of sci-fi is star wars, star trek or even matrix, you're probably more likely to have rated LOTR as the #1 film, and this will entertain you, but if you own your own copy of metropolis, thought the original apes was better, (those the first half of Burton's was very impressive) and prefer blade runner without the narration see this film. If The quiet earth is on your top films list, see this. It's a different kind of sci fi. It's what AI could have been, if it weren't so ^$%(% Hollywood.
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A fun mix of Firestarter, Carrie, and Escape from Witch Mountain, millennium style.
10 March 2002
Thought not irascible and infernally neurotic as drew would have played the role, the smoldering scintillating arson brings an interesting contrast, a less familiar feverish anti-hero, but with all the fury branded within her adds spark to the scarlet pyrokinetic pyromaniac . The rest of the cast, her unwitting foe, friend and flame, and especially McDowell who plays the bane of her element, and represents the ember that forged her tumultuous tortuous past. And of course the pyrotechnic effects explode across the screen as she immolates everything combustible. The film is fueled with the warmth and friction in every relationship, and is ignited by the glow of the flamboyant heroine as she melts the screen. Though I've only seen the first part, I can't wait for the rest. I dare the rest of you to put as many fiery words into your description as this.
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