
9 Reviews
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Hightown (2020–2024)
Hightown is highly underrated
5 June 2021
Hightown is at least twice as good as Mare from Losertown. I gave Hightown an "8" but could easily have awarded HT an 8.5 if such a score existed. I look forward to a captivating season two unless Starz give the series a premature boot like it did to "Magic City" (9 stars) and "Boss (9 stars).
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Cane (2007)
A brilliant fade out to episode #10
1 December 2007
I think the fade out scene in episode #10 ("Time Away") with Alex Vega (Jimmy Smits) gazing into the Gulf wondering just how he got himself into his present situation, accompanied by the pulsating sound of "Outside" by Staind, is the single most captivating and meaningful scene that I have seen in television in recent years. CBS just has to stand by this show and accept the fact that it is simply too good to ever command a high ratings audience. In fact, CBS president Les Moonves ought to take Cane's less than stellar ratings as a compliment. This show is terrific.

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Action (1999–2000)
Special Features
16 March 2007
Hey "Action" lovers...remember to check out the Special Features link on disc 2 of the "can't live without it" boxed set of ACTION. The "Getting Into Action" feature is terrifically informative and hilarious. Chris Thompson, Joel Silver, Jay, et al really set the record straight about their battles with "Standards and Practices," "The Fox Network," as well providing insights into the origins of story lines, and the camaraderie between the writers. While all those involved with ACTION has moved on to other things, everyone's a little sad to see it go, although its early demise was somewhat inevitable and may have in fact added to the show's legacy and timelessness.

The ACTION boxset is probably the best bargain out there. Amazingly, and I'm not obsessive/compulsive in the least, ACTION is so fresh, that every three months or so, I re-watch it from start to finish and laugh out loud all over again. It's THAT good! I've given each cast member my own personal EMMY, although Peter would probably donate his to one of the Wayans Brothers. I only wish that there were some "Lost" episodes of this terrific series.
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The Longest 96 minutes in the History of Celluloid
30 September 2005
Instead of two thumbs up, I give this movie the finger. The pace of the film is comparable to that of an elongated Catholic wedding. I've nothing against Viggo Mortensen, (after all, I hardly know the man) but he is implausible in the role of a human assault weapon. Frankly, I think half of Phoenix can whip the guy. And what about the sex scenes? Couldn't the film crew have at least carpeted the staircase for Maria Bello? I know that's she's not very statuesque, but she should be treated with the level of respect that the wife of a trained killer deserves. At least the story had an educational component to it, as evidenced by the dad teaching the son one of the most important lessons in all of parenthood: And that is the ability to kick the holy hell out of two people at once.
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Line of Fire (2003–2005)
On hiatus or is it history?
3 February 2004
Now that February sweeps are upon us, it appears that "Line of Fire" has been put on the injured reserve list for awhile if not banished from the airways permanently. It's too bad, because its 9th episode, (broadcast on on Feb. 3) "The Senator," is the best in the series so far, in my opinion. All three of the major story lines were compelling, and it's nice to see Jonah be a part owner of a minor league baseball team. I guess good things happen to those that are bent on revenge, I guess. Maybe he will be the George Steinbrenner of the bush leagues. I don't know if it's coincidence or what, but another factor that made this episode so good was the near or complete absence of the show's most annoying characters: chain-smoker Lisa, mother-to-the-world-Paige, puncher of the heavy bag Jennifer, and the one FBI dude who's always mad about everything. Hopefully, we'll see a new and improved version of this show in the future.
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Line of Fire (2003–2005)
A Series Gone Wrong
31 December 2003
Judging by the decline in ratings/shares after the first five shows, (from 6.2/10 on Dec. 2 to 4.1/7 on Dec. 30) I think "Line of Fire" needs an immediate change of direction in order to survive. For starters, I think the Lisa Cohen (Leslie Hope) character needs to go a near permanent hiatus. Her character in completely unbelievable, and she is about as qualified to lead the Richmond F.B.I. taskforce as I am to be the head of the U.N. She doesn't even 'fake smoke' in a convincing fashion.

Secondly, the Jennifer Sampson character should migrate over to "Dr. Phil" for a nightly cameo so she can get Phil's homespun advice on how to raise her bratty kid. Frankly, I'm a bit tired of watching her mismanage her son for fifteen minutes of eash episode each week. And what happened to the Jeffrey D. Sams character? Has he been written out of the script completely? Maybe he's leading a groudswell effort to reform the cast of "Breaking News" so he'll have a replacement series to fall back on once "Line of Fire" reaches its inevitable demise.

In order to save the series, the writers need to make Jonah (David Paymer) the main character and let his twistedness take over the direction of the show. He is the only character compelling enough to allow "Line of Fire" the luxury of a sustainable viewing audience. And from his secondary business, a little more brothel action would be nice, as well.

There are two more episodes scheduled to air and five more in the can. I have a suspiously sneaky feeling that A.B.C. will bump this show for another lame 'Fake/Reality' series or counter program "The Simple Life" with something equally dubious. As Sam Cooke would say, "Somebody Have Mercy."
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Music Playing as the credits roll
3 August 2003
I stumbled in to "The Mind of the Married Man" after HBO had the unmitigated audacity to cancel it, so critiquing the show is pointless post-mortum. Nonetheless, I absolutely love the TMOTMM, and it cuts deeper than practically anything I've seen of late on television, despite the fact that it's a comedy, black as it may be. Tell me, does anyone know where I can get a list of the songs that play in the background during the closing credits? I've heard about five songs that I really like, but I don't know the name of the songs or the artists. (I recognize the Marc Cohn sings the terrific title tune) I think "U2" sings one of them, and, I must confess, I have never jumped on the U2 bandwagon.

I think the reason that the TMOTMM didn't make it is because wives wouldn't let their husbands watch it, which is perplexing since husbands don't mind if their wives watch the predictable pretentious, "Sex in the City." Since married Johns didn't watch it, who's left to tune in? I guess I'll have to listen to someone other than Jake to get advice on my marriage.

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Kingpin (2003)
Yancey Arias on "The Sopranos"
10 February 2003
As you may know, HBO is replaying "The Sopranos" in its entirety (years one through four)at the rate of one episode per week each Sunday evening. Sunday, February 9th, marked the second episode of year one and in the most timely fashion, Yancey Arias (Miguel of "Kingpin" fame) makes a brief appearance as a gay car thief (Arnaz). He almost took a bullet, but was spared the indignation so he could star another day, apparently.

After having enjoyed the first two episodes of "Kingpin," I was a bit disappointed in the third installment of the series, although it had its moments, the canine shootings not being among them. Unbelievably, at least to me, "Kingpin" finished third in its timeslot, as it appears that the networks can continue to feed the masses predictably lame, tired and predictable programming and the herd will flock to it as if it were Aunt Bea's homemade apple pie. I'm expecting a very compelling fourth edition on Feb 11, which will serve as set up for the home stretch next week. If the last three episode are real strong, I think viewers will have found memories of "Kingpin," although daring to be different is not a guarantee of everlasting popularity.
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Kingpin (2003)
Let's make Kingpin a regular show
6 February 2003
I can't believe that "Kingpin" is getting thumped in the ratings by the usual sludge that nets like Fox dumb us down with every night. I think "Kingpin" is simply too hip and too ethnic for the masses. Well, it's their loss. I think the show is riveting, intriguing and I'm really looking forward to the next episode, but I am disappointed that "Kingpin" is just a six episode miniseries as opposed to twelve or more. BTW, Marlene is somewhat of a babe, but I wish she'd quit giving Miguel advice because he is obviously the most cerebral and wise of all those competing for domination of the cartel. Since NBC owns Bravo now, maybe they'll continue new eps. of "Kingpin" on Bravo next season if the ratings merit it. That would definitely bring some life to a network that most certainly needs it.

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