
93 Reviews
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A nostalgic atmosphere for those who watch the series
1 June 2024
It's a fun family movie that has the flavor of the show with bad CGI that is below average when it could have been better. It has a nostalgic feel for fans of the show, but it looks rather simple. As for the acting, Max and Phoebe save the day. Colosso scenes are very entertaining and should definitely have been seen more on screen. Ms. Wong is quite funny and contributes to the laughs. Don't expect character development or a good plot. This is a production that will only please the followers of the series. A better script, effects etc. Could have made the movie a bit more interesting. Suitable for those who want to have a good time with their family and have some laughs.
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Disrespect not respect for the genre
30 May 2024
It looks like a movie made out of boredom. I don't know where to start, the acting is shoddy, the plot of events ridiculous and the production is quite boring. It's not an homage to the slasher genre, it's an insult to it. It is very clear what will happen from the beginning of the movie. There are a lot of death scenes, but they are uncreative, too sudden and not scary. A group of people sat in a camp and tried to make a movie with a story they thought was scary, but the result is meaningless, ineffective, sloppy. I'll give it an extra point for respect for the effort. I definitely wouldn't want to watch it again. Unfortunately, it is among those that can be called a waste of time for the genre.
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Chain Letter (2010)
Suitable for the watch and forget category
12 May 2024
I don't like over-analyzing or criticizing everything harshly, but the only thing I think positively about this movie is a few effective death scenes.

It gets off to a partially intriguing start, but what follows is a deplorable situation. The script, the plot is meaningless, weak and not effective at all. You don't feel sad when the characters die. The scenes where the killer is presented as if he were a superhuman person are boring. Even though Brad Dourif has a small contribution, the film cannot even fully explain its meaningless plot. The production, which already shows its predictable ending at the beginning, contains no surprises. Not one to watch again.
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Sick (2022)
Effective attack scenes ratchet up the tension
8 May 2024
It's a simple slasher, but the director's accomplished, high-intensity action, tense attack-stabbing scenes are effective.

It starts fast and good, but then the movie slows down a bit with the stupid dialogues of the spoiled girls. It is clear that the director knows what he is doing. The characters are few and underdeveloped, but the director manages to keep the plot from becoming boring. Although deaths are limited, the dose of high-tension scenes looks good. There is a little understated humor in between. The ending feels rushed and I can't say it leaves much of an impression. I think the memorable part of the production is the director's clever moves in the killing scenes.
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Kill Theory (2009)
Unfortunately, it's boring.
7 May 2024
Although it makes an effective entrance, the same cannot be said afterwards. Even though they had an interesting plot, it feels like they ruined it. The characters are extremely unlikable and you don't care if they live or die. The dialog is full of the typical nonsensical clichés about sexuality and the acting is not effective. When one of them has an exaggerated panic attack, the ineffective acting makes the movie even more boring and sub-par. The characters lack depth and their reactions and decisions are absurd. The death scenes do not leave enough impact. The message is don't trust even your closest friends.
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Tarot (I) (2024)
The design of the cards is interesting
4 May 2024
You should never play with someone else's tarot cards, but curious teenagers ignore this rule.

I can say that I find the young people's harmony with each other and their somewhat entertaining dialogue sincere. I expected the death scenes to be more gruesome and brutal, but some of them don't leave much of an impact. Fool card character is effective as a joke and spooky

The level of entertainment added to the horror could have been kept lower. There could have been some more creepy scenes. While the characters read tarot readings, the combination with astrology and the design of the cards are interesting, but everything in the story progresses in a predictable manner. Although it is not a surprising finale, not a very boring movie.
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Supernatural: Scarecrow (2006)
Season 1, Episode 11
Better and stronger together
27 April 2024
I can say that it is my favorite episode of the first season.

It has a dark and spooky town atmosphere. The scarecrow is extremely scary and the pagan town looks interesting.

Sam is rebellious, his older brother Dean is angry, and as a result they have an argument. What caught my attention in their discussions was that they were very realistic. In this episode, it is felt that the two brothers are better and stronger together, and how strong their bond is.

Dean's words to Sam on the phone, "I'm proud of you," and the funny words they say to each other at the end of the episode leave a strong impression.
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Downrange (2017)
Extremely boring
21 April 2024
The acting is bad, the script is bad, the characters make ridiculous decisions. There is annoying dialogue. The characters are immediately shot down without being introduced. The rest spend an unnecessarily long time together. There are no answers to questions such as who is the shooter and why he did this. There's not much on offer other than a high degree of exaggeration and copious amounts of gore. The most interesting part of the nonsense is that a group of trained police officers cannot help the survivors. It can be said that the most effective aspect of the film, which takes place in a single location, is that the music contributes to the tension.
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Supernatural: Man's Best Friend with Benefits (2013)
Season 8, Episode 15
Some dialogues are enjoyable
19 April 2024
My favorite episode of season 8

While Sam was trying to explain the dog in the room by telling his older brother to listen before getting angry, Dean's reaction when he saw a beautiful lady instead of a dog was very funny.

The Winchester brothers are doing an interesting astral travel with the male witch. Even though some characters are given too much space within the plot, there are still enjoyable dialogues.

In this episode, Dean is worried that his brother will not pass the difficult exams. Sam, on the other hand, thinks that his older brother does not trust him. They realize that the only way to be successful is to face challenges together.
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Supernatural: Regarding Dean (2017)
Season 12, Episode 11
Fun and dramatic at the same time
25 March 2024
My favorite episode of season 12

Dean's beginning to forget himself because of the spell, his speech in the bathroom and his acting leave a dramatic and deep impact. Sam shows concern for his older brother. It should be noted that there are also tragicomic moments, such as Dean comparing himself to Dory. Rowena gives another great performance. Every sentence the powerful and sympathetic witch says and every scene she appears in is enjoyable.

As I always say, the realistic and harmonious chemistry of the Winchester brothers is combined with Rowena's ability to adapt to the situation quite well.
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Brother Bear (2003)
A different perspective with its meaningful story
25 March 2024
I'm not a keen follower of animated movies. I think old-school cartoon productions look more sincere. Among the things I've watched so far, a few caught my attention. This movie stands out from others with its meaningful story. It deals with the totem belief, Alaskan culture and nature well. The dialogues and attitudes of some characters make the movie entertaining. The emotionality between Kenai and Koda seems balanced with the humor of the other characters. Their music can also be said to be effective. It has beautiful messages about brotherhood. A different perspective from the eyes of both humans and animals.
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Faithful to the game
22 March 2024
I can say that it is completely faithful to the game, the characters and their actions. Despite the weak storytelling, they handled Ryu and Ken's friendship well. The fight between Ryu and Sagat in the opening scene makes an impressive start. The fight between Chun Li and Vega was interesting. Ryu and Ken's last fight against Bison can be called the best. The fights are short and some characters have little role or story. Since anime productions mostly satisfy fans of the games, they can add this movie to their to-watch list. There could have been more fighting and action. However, overall it wasn't boring. My favorite move in this game, the hurricane kick, was fun to watch a few times.
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Ready or Not (I) (2019)
Tasteless, exaggerated, ridiculous plot but the lead's performance is effective
21 March 2024
Movies that mix horror and comedy don't interest me at all. I don't think the two genres are compatible. It doesn't contribute anything to the movies. I see them as productions that are unpleasant to watch. The most effective aspect of this black comedy movie can be said to be the strong performance of the leading lady. Members of the family are not compatible with each other. They just contribute a little to the comedy. Some characters seem contrived. The house design is suitable for a hide and seek game, but it is very weak in terms of fear and tension and has a ridiculous, exaggerated plot. It's also not very funny. There's just a lot of blood.
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It progresses as youthful aches instead of being something more
19 March 2024
It starts off dark and mysterious but it takes a different turn in the following episodes and seasons. It is becoming a popular youth ache. Overall I think it lacks a bit of fun. Sabrina acts irresponsibly and autonomously most of the time. Even though her intentions are good, she doesn't give much thought to the possible consequences. I found the aunts very interesting. Hilda, in particular, is a loving, fun, sweet character and brings joy to the series. Zelda, on the other hand, has a somewhat rule-governing nature and wants to take a strong stance. Ms. Wardwell is a very interesting character and manages to be both scary and funny. I can say that it is one of the strongest performances of the series. Her walk, facial expressions and speaking style are very effective.
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Supernatural: The Mentalists (2011)
Season 7, Episode 7
Psychics' attitudes are funny
15 March 2024
My favorite episode of season 7

The psychics' attitudes add a lot of fun to the episode. It is not clear whether they are real or fake. Especially the line "No child, you have to thank the spirits" still makes me laugh every time I watch it:-)

Sam is still angry at his older brother. Dean continues to dominate as always. The tension between them sometimes becomes entertaining. This emphasizes how strong the bond between them is.

The episode makes a different contribution to the events of season 7 with its ghost theme, similar to previous seasons. Some episodes like this always add color to the seasons.
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Resident Evil (2002)
Powerful music keeps the fast pace and story alive
8 March 2024
The film loses nothing of its tempo, action, speed, excitement and energy from beginning to end. The few sequels I watched did not interest me. The music is very effective and keeps the story alive. What caught my attention critically was that many characters died quickly before they were fully introduced. Also, why does the leading character have to be naked at the beginning and end of the movie?

The scene where the axe-wielding zombie arrives is quite effective and the director knows his job well. It is a very successful production in terms of atmosphere. I think the others in the series were not this good.
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The most notable of the Halloween sequels
7 March 2024
It stands out among Halloween movies. Considering the recent fiascos, I think the value of the old ones increases.

It captures a creepy atmosphere despite the weak dialogues and young people with weak characters who are not interested in anything other than sex. Jamie Lee Curtis gives a good acting performance as both a worried mother and an authoritarian principal. It cannot be said that there are many creative death scenes, except for the ice skating death scene at the beginning of the movie. Scene transitions could have been better. Although it does not have a very fast flow, considering the sequel series, it can be said to be the best among them.
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5 March 2024
Although it is a little more fun than the first movie, it is not as mysterious.

One of the worst parts of the first one was that the rich guy in the group was manhandling one of them while the others just watched. It was quite frustrating. Anyway, one of the most important details of the second movie is Jack Black's humorous contribution.

No great acting performances, no great plot, no shocking death scenes. Despite all this, it can be said to be somewhat entertaining. The characters, who go to the Bahamas, are not interested in anything other than sexuality, and often behave in irrational ways, this time they do not seem as vulnerable, helpless and powerless as in the first movie. It could have had a different ending. The weakness of some slashers is that they have unsatisfying endings.
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Supernatural: Changing Channels (2009)
Season 5, Episode 8
Very funny and entertaining
23 February 2024
My favorite episode of season 5

The events that Sam and his older brother Dean experience while being trapped in the television world are quite entertaining, and even though I've watched it many times, I still have a fit of laughter every time. One of the best episodes with its parody beginning, music and amazing performance of the actors:-)

Trickster! He plays with the Winchester brothers, but he has to be careful who he plays with.

Dean's buddy Castiel also contributes to this fun episode. It is necessary to appreciate such incredibly enjoyable and unforgettable episodes. Very cleverly well prepared and directed.
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Follow Me (2020)
Quite boring
22 February 2024
The movie knows no bounds of boringness. It's full of unlikeable and selfish characters. Cannot establish a connection with any of them. It doesn't leave any impact in terms of acting either. Since it started the escape room incident very late, at first we watch ridiculous dialogues and unnecessary scenes. The message of the movie is about the stupid things people do to get more likes and followers on social media. The ending is more or less predictable. Those who expect fear will not find what they want.

What can people addicted to social media do obsessively in the name of greater popularity? It is a dangerous platform unless used properly.
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Supernatural: Various & Sundry Villains (2018)
Season 13, Episode 12
Rowena and zombie mother fight is very enjoyable
17 February 2024
My favorite episode of season 13

Like Sam and his older brother Dean, the powerful witch Rowena gives a great acting performance. Her facial expressions, attitudes, words and movements add a very entertaining atmosphere to the episode. Her deep conversations with Sam about despair are touching, and her fight with the witches zombie mother is delightful. Ruth Connell does justice to the role. She brought a wonderfully humorous edge to the character from the beginning.

There is effective harmony, emotion, depth and sometimes fun in every scene of the Winchester brothers. They always find a way to solve problems together.
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Flawless Victory
15 February 2024
In this animation, MK is as it should be. Live action movies unfortunately are not of this quality. It has high-paced action. It's definitely not boring. There isn't much character depth. But the fights in the tournament will satisfy fans of the game. Although the fights are a bit short, many characters are given enough space. Considering the duration of the animation, the stories are partially handled well. There are humorous dialogues. They stayed true to the story in this successful production. The good news is that there's plenty of blood and gore, just like in the game. Mortal Kombat fans should definitely watch this production. They won't regret it. The character I choose most while playing this game is Scorpion.
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Supernatural: Just My Imagination (2015)
Season 11, Episode 8
An enjoyable episode
13 February 2024
My favorite episode of season 11

Sam's emotionalism, his older brother Dean's sense of humor, and Sully's kindness are in harmony. Maybe this section may seem childish, but some such sections contribute greatly.

Seeing that the Sully character was not Sam's imaginary childhood friend, Dean's aggressive and funny reactions were quite entertaining. The idea of characters named Zanna helping lonely children was nice. I wish Sully (like Missouri in the first season) had appeared in more episodes. A very enjoyable episode focusing on Sam's childhood. Dean's explanation that Sully was there when I wasn't around my brother leaves an emotional impact.
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The Conjuring (2013)
It would have been more interesting if they added video footage of the actual event at the end of the movie.
10 February 2024
It can be said that the film, which is claimed to be based on real events, does a relatively good job in its genre. Although it progresses slowly, the tension rises towards the end. It is a successful production in terms of directing and acting. Other than Ed and Lorraine, the other characters have no depth or development. There are some boring dialogues. This event, which is said to have occurred, may seem exaggerated, but it will be impressive for those who believe in paranormal events. Some psychics may be frauds, but it should not be forgotten that some have natural abilities. It would have been more interesting if they had added footage of the actual event at the end of the movie.
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Ouija (II) (2014)
Subpar and boring
9 February 2024
The spiritual world should not be tampered with too much unconsciously.

They could have made a potentially entertaining thriller based on the oujia board plot, but the movie was even below average. Even the person who says you should never play the game alone plays the game alone. Nonsense and meaningless. Bad acting, extremely slow, the flow of events is boring and long. It lacks tempo. Making a movie that takes place mostly in the dark does not make the atmosphere of that movie scary. They couldn't tie the ending well either. It could have ended differently. They spent this issue. Would I watch it again? Definitely not.
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