
4 Reviews
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8 Simple Rules (2002–2005)
It's never going to be the same without John
4 November 2003
8 Simple Rules was a great show, but i am sad to say that it will probably get worse now that John Ritter has passed away. John was what made the show funny and without him, it will just be a sad reminder of what the show used to be. i will probably still watch the show, just to see how things turn out, but i am sticking with my thoughts. John would not want us grieving over him, but i don't know how anyone can watch this show and not think of him. When i watched the tribute to him, i cried the entire time, and i dont know how they are going to continue without him. John brought happiness to everyone and we will always remember that. JOHN RITTER- WE ALL LOVE YOU AND MISS YOU WITH ALL OF OUR HEARTS!!!
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Paradise Hotel (2003–2019)
Pointless show, but fun as heck to watch!!!
9 August 2003
Paradise hotel is about 11 sexy singles that are living at an exclusive hotel for the summer. the only rule of the hotel is hook-up or go home. OK i admit, the first night i sat down to watch this, it looked pretty stupid, but that was because nobody had stabbed anyone in the back yet! when people start making up lies about each other at the hotel, thats when things get good. I've been watching this show for about 4 or 5 weeks now and it only gets better as it goes on. Every week someone gets kicked out then a member of the opposite sex is invited onto the show. The people of the hotel have been forming cliques now and things are beginning to turn ugly. I dont wanna give away the whole show but ill say this, u hafta see it to believe it!!!

id give it 9/10 stars
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According to Jim (2001–2009)
Funny Funny Funny, And Oh Yeah, FUNNY!!!
6 July 2003
Okay I'll admit it, the first time I saw the commercial for this show I didn't think it looked all that great, but I decided I'd watch it anyway, and I'm glad I did. Courtney Thorne- Smith plays Jim's wife, shes kinda annoying but she also makes the show really worth watching. Larry Joe Campbell who plays Andy is absolutely hilarious and him and Jim make a great comdedic team. This is the only tv show that I have actually fell off the couch laughing to. I give this show 11 out of 10 stars. This show is staying put and not goin anywhere!!!
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It left me in tears...
14 October 2002
Anne Frank. When many people hear this name they think of the horrors of the Holocaust. For me it just reminded me of what a talented person this girl was. How her life was based on her dream of becoming a famous writer and movie star. Well, she has the writer part flat out. The movie starts off with Anne leaving school with her friends and about 45 minutes into the movie is when her life is shut out from the rest of the world when she was confined to an attic for two years until she was discovered. Some of the moments in the attic were a little dull but it all comes together when they are discovered. The whole bunch is in a train on there way to a "camp" as they know it as. Anne is marked with her number and is told that she will never see her family again. This is when the tears started coming. Just imagine how that must've felt! When Anne's sister dies in her arms, I just cried through the rest of the movie. This is a great movie. The little ones may not understand and there is some nudity. This movie really helps you to understand Anne and everything she went through in her short life period. I gave it 10/10.
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