
13 Reviews
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cinematic brilliance
30 October 2002
An all-time favorite. The same subtle hilarity that permeates all Wes Anderson films. A good film for me is one in which you can feel the heart and soul that went into making it. From the intricate sets and the painstaking dedication to even the smallest peripheral details, I can feel the filmmakers' passion.

Of course it's not the zaniest comedy ever made, but just as in life, sometimes it's the subtleties that are the funniest parts. You almost have to watch the film multiple time in-order to absorb everything that's going on and to really get to know the characters. This is not typical studio fare, and apparently that has turned a lot of IMDB reviewers off. I understand if it's not your bag, but you almost have to respect how well it's made. To each his own, but for me this is in the rare class of films that gets better with each viewing.

Another awesome soundtrack, too.
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hilarious (watch the "R" rated version)
5 August 2002
I don't know why I expected so very little from this movie (probably that since "American Pie" we've been getting bombarded with really weak rip-offs of the "teen, gross-out" comedy), but I shouldn't have; it's actually a hilarious movie. Jack Black & Steve Zahn are two of the funniest actors working today (and, I guess, Jason Biggs isn't so bad), and they carry this movie. There are so many funny jokes and situations, this movie truly is one of my favorite "stupid" (as opposed to intelligent, I guess) comedies. But please, oh please, if you plan on seeing this, you MUST get the R-rated DVD version, not the PG-13 one that was released in theaters and on most VHS copies. There are so many funny jokes and moments cut out of the PG-13, you'd be doing yourself a disservice. It's still funny, but you miss some good stuff.

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Rushmore (1998)
5 August 2002
When I go to watch a Bill Murray movie, I have certain expectations. I expect to see a zany, wacky, laugh-a-minute comedy, dominated by Bill's crazy antics (i.e. "Kingpin" or "The Man Who Knew Too Little" - both very funny, BTW). "Rushmore," however, was a little more subtle and it had a little more heart and soul than I expected. Therefore, when I saw it the first time in theaters, I was a little taken aback. It wasn't what I expected, therefore, I was a little let down. However, after watching it a second (and third and forth...) time, it's one of my favorite movies.

Now granted, there are some very funny moments in "Rushmore," but they're not of the "guy gets hit in nuts and bowls over in pain" ilk. Some of the jokes are a little more subtle, but just as hilarious if your into that sort of comedy - i.e. "Sure Central America and whatnot. But moving on." The plays that Max puts on, the music and the witty dialogue is what makes this movie great for me. And the last shot is probably my favorite ending of any movie (keeping with the Wes Anderson slow-motion trademark). It's not necessarily a gut-busting comedy, but a very funny, witty and beautifully written and directed film by Wes and Co.
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Memento (2000)
very, very cool movie
31 July 2002
Great movie. The first time I saw it, I was totally caught up into trying to figure out what was going to happen next - or what already happened, I guess. It's really fun to watch. I highly recommend it.

When it's over, you're probably going to be left scratching your head, trying to figure out what the heck happened. It can be done, but this is a movie you have to pay close attention to; you can't just sit back and relax. This movie involves you and makes you feel just like the main character does, because you pretty much know just as much as he does.

If you're still a little confused after it's all done, there's a feature on the DVD that allows you to watch the movie in chronological order... puts a whole new spin on the movie.

Based on it's originality and it's "fun factor," I think it's deserving of it's place on the IMDB chart.
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Best in Show (2000)
29 July 2002
It's not often that I laugh out loud at a movie, but this one made me several times. I fell in love with Parker Posey in this movie. I don't really know why since she's completely mean and pretty much unlikeable, but she's just so good. The "busy-bee" exchange with the guy in the pet shop makes me crack-up every time. And what can you say about Fred Willard and Eugene Levy...

It's a mockumentary about a dog show and a bunch of wacky dog owners. Don't expect to be moved in some epiphanatical (I might have just made up a word) way after watching this movie, but if you just let yourself get caught up in the absurdity, you'll probably have a few good laughs.
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whoa, daddy...
29 July 2002
Man, after I watched this I felt like I'd been in a train wreck. I loved it. I had heard very little about this movie until I caught it on cable, and I immediately had to go out and buy the DVD to show all my friends. I loved seeing them react to it in the same way I did. Simply state, this movie doesn't give you warm and fuzzy feelings.

Darren Aronofsky (director and screenwriter) uses a lot of visually stylistic moves in this movie (i.e. the "hip-hop montages," split-screens), but they are all done for reason; it isn't style without substance. I don't expect his next movie to use all the same moves. Some have said it doesn't paint a realistic portrait of drug addiction, and I guess I can't really comment on that since I've never experienced it, but after seeing this movie, I can guarantee it'll stay that way. This movie kicked my butt.
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Magnolia (1999)
happy, funny, sad... runs the gauntlet...
29 July 2002
Paul Thomas Anderson (writer & director of Magnolia) can sign me up for a lifetime membership. Any movie he ever makes, I'll be the first in line to see it.

"Magnolia" is a beautiful, painful and often funny movie. When I watched it the first time, I had no idea where the story was going to end up and how it was going to end, and how the heck it was all going to come together, but it did, and boy was I surprised. At first I was a little turned off by the seemingly wacky twist of fate, but now I get it and it's great. I don't dare try to explain it in a few sentences, but I do.

PTA puts himself out there and takes big risks. I like that. Sometimes a big risk pays off, sometimes it misses big, but for me "Magnolia" is superb. Some people say it's too long... and the blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, something, something...
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Boogie Nights (1997)
fearless sophomore effort from a very talented writer/director
29 July 2002
One of my absolute favorite movies. Relaxed by the opening circus theme and then blasted by "Best of My Love," no movie has ever grabbed my attention so fast as with Boogie Nights. The opening steady-cam shot is one of the best. The rest of the movie doesn't drop off a bit. The music, the costumes, the shots and the drama are all phenomenal. The humor is great, too, and what makes it truly funny is that most of the time the characters aren't even trying to be funny. Just when it seems like PTA won't be able to top himself, the next scene brings with it something even more brilliant. And of course the ending...

What else can I say, I love this movie. Paul Thomas Anderson, you got "the touch."
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gets funnier every time
29 July 2002
Warning: Spoilers
Every time I watch this I catch something new. Like last time I noticed (super-small spoiler) that during the Dude's second acid flashback, the carpenter outfit that he wears is the same thing that Karl Hungus wears as the cable guy in "Log Jammin'." That's what I love about this movie. There are so many subtleties, it makes for prime re-viewing action.

Jeff Bridges is awesome. Steve Buscemi is awesome. John Tuturro is awesome. John Goodman really should've been nominated for an Oscar. What the heck the whole movie is awesome. The Coen brothers are excellent filmmakers, to say the least.

You can't go wrong with "The Dude."

But I guess, yeah well, that's just, ya know, like, my opinion, man.
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Fargo (1996)
great writing + great acting = great movie
29 July 2002
The Coen brothers are excellent filmmakers. Their writing here is so precise and so spot on. "Fargo" was well deserving of it's academy award for best screenplay. And the acting by everyone involved is nothing short of fantastic. I couldn't begin to do justice to everyone's performances, so I won't even try.

A lot of people I know don't dig this movie, and I can see why, it's not everyone's bag. It's a pretty normal story, but made great by fantastic writing and acting. I admit I wasn't blown away the first time I saw it, but like most of my favorite movies, I didn't fall in love with it until I watched it a second time.

"Maybe it's a subconscious type thing."

"Yah, that can happen."
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Bottle Rocket (1996)
love it more each time...
29 July 2002
This movie is so much fun. You honestly need to watch it more than once to truly notice all the subtle and hilarious jokes. It's a story about a group of upper middle-class 20-somethings (with way too much time on their hands) who, inspired by Dignan's (Owen Wilson) 50-year plan, decide to pursue a life of crime. I can't tell you how much I love this movie. The dialogue is so simple, yet so funny. It's hard to believe it's Owen and Luke Wilson's first feature (Wes Anderson's, too), because they are so good. I can't say everyone will love it, as some of the humor is so subtle, but I guarantee you'll catch more on a second viewing. If you dig Rushmore and TRT, do yourself a favor and check it out.

By the way, I saw this one after Rushmore and Royal Tenenbaums, so it's very fun to go back see where it all started. Kumar never disappoints.

Anthony: Did you see what he had on?

Dignan: Yeah, it was pretty cool.

Gold. Pure gold.
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pleasantly surprised...
24 July 2002
I went into this movie with zero expectations, as I expected it to be fairly lame. However, there were a lot of very funny moments and it ended up being very entertaining. It has a great cast. All the girls were great (esp. Brittany Murphy), and the judges were my favorite-- especially the pervert one and I also like that the writer was one of the judges (though she never said one thing). My only complaint is that the trip to nationals and state dropped off a bit--I wish it would it ended after the local pageant--, but even they were pretty funny. The filmmakers weren't trying to change the world with this one, just provide a few laugh, and I think they succeeded. If your looking for a few laughs give it a look.
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Not for everyone, but I love it.
12 July 2002
I love this movie. The jokes are quirky and clever, not slapstick. Not everyone gets it, and even if they do, not everyone thinks it's funny. I for one, think the jokes are hilarious, and I think the dramatic, familial aspects are quite touching. I'm a Wes Anderson fan. I love the style he uses with the FUTURA BOLD font and the overhead shots. All of his movies have awesome soundtracks, and I just seem to connect with the stories. Not everyone does, and that's what great about film...there's something for everyone. If you didn't like Rushmore or Bottle Rocket, odds are you won't like Royal Tenenbaums. I for one could watch this movie over and over again and still get swept away by the sets, the music and the original ideas. The "Hey Jude" instrumental is perfect.

Go, Mordecai!
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