
26 Reviews
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Ash vs Evil Dead (2015–2018)
I have been dying to see this happen
18 November 2015
I have been a fan of AoD and Evil Dead since i first saw them in the late 2000's while on a cult movie binge and i have been a huge fan of bruce ever since.

Riami has had some rough projects since the original spider man trilogy but this has put him right back up there.

Best thing about this new show is how it connects the old movies together and not just expands on what we already saw but has some really neat new concepts as well.

The pilot is the best episode thus far but episode 3 is also really awesome.

TLDR: Groovy
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The Interview (II) (2014)
Worst comedy i have ever seen
24 December 2014
Lets get this out of the way first.

Sony DORPPED this movie because it was a complete turd, right after the screenings and critic/audience reviews... coincidence? This is the biggest marketing stunt since all those terrible post 911 movies Hands down this is the stupidest most insensitive movie ever made. Its not even funny its so unfunny that i cant even laugh at how bad it is the entire movie is cringe worthy and cheaply made to boot.

Rogan and Franco egos are so large you can barely watch the movie without cringing

Please god don't watch or pay for this pile of crap it is the most unfunny movie i have seen this year and probably this decade even little man was barely better
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Noah (2014)
Interesting and sets out what the director envisioned
29 March 2014
I was only recently made aware that Aronofsky had trouble getting his original directors cut through the studio's meddling hands.

This is not one of those movies that needs additional footage to make it better or the need to wait for a extended/directors cut or any other sort of edition.

Length wise it feels perfect clocking in at just under 3 hours.

It comes as the director intended and even though the movie in itself is fairly formulaic in parts this really helps it stand on its own in terms of artistic integrity, something that is taken for granted nowadays.

Now onto the actual movie.

Quite a hard one to judge, almost hit or miss, i for one liked it and something clicked with me both on a philosophical and visual metaphorical level but with that being said in short IF you liked Darrens previous movies, especially the fountain your going to like/love this.

Lets talk about the best part of the movie...

The visuals, cinematography and almost art house style of presentation.

From the mind blowing almost VCR fast forward like for the lack of a better word visual/cgi montages this movie is almost one of a kind, hitting 2001 a space odyssey sort of vein and sticking with it relentlessly.

The story is very self explanatory and considering its origins the screenplay gets about as much as wound could and would expect out of such a classic tale.

Acting is very VERY good in most parts especially Jennifer who gets effortlessly upstaged by Russel Crowe who i think personally his delivered his best acting to date, in stark contrast to Les Miserables which goes without saying was not his best work but i blame that mainly on miscasting... Anyhow now on to the only bad part of the movie.

Emma Watson, sorry i have to say it as a amateur actor i can safely say she has no range and either goes from flat twilight style line reading boring dialogue delivery to screaming overacting and or just blank staring, no effort made in part in regards to accent either.

If your a Emma Watson fan you probably wont mind but she was much better suited to Harry Potter and Teenager/Younger people movies.

Before i wrap this up i just have to mention the sound design, musical score and costume design was fantastic, CGI on some of the animals was a little uneven but a lot better than most but nowhere near the likes of Life of Pi.

Overall/TLDR +Visuals +Direction very smooth effortless +3 Hours go by VERY quickly +Gorgeous set design +Russle Crowe +Connely +Sound +Script -Emma Watson -Needs more watchers =8/10
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Jack Reacher (2012)
One of the worst movies i have ever seen
7 January 2013
But it was not without its charms.

Apart from the horrible slow pacing, the nonsensical character arcs, stupid writing and generally cliché story.

It has some VERY funny scenes, some where meant to be funny, others not.

Tom Cruise is good but i think the director for this movie wasn't seeing what the rest of us where. Just a woeful excuse for a movie.

Not only does it bash you over the head with the same infomation throughout the whole movie, its also very heavy handed with morals and makes absolutely no sense, even the ending doesn't really made sense since jack reacher is supposedly a cop/spook but nobody comes after him, the cops just forget he exists, the gangsters friends and bosses also forgot he exists and he rides off happily into the sunset with a stolen car with not a care in the world.

Apart from some damn fine action scenes and some very funny stuff this is a bad BAD movie and one of the worst i have ever seen at the cinemas.

The rate at which you have to suspend your disbelief is just too damn high.
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Kon-Tiki (2012)
One of the Best movies i have seen
30 December 2012
I don't speak a lick of Nordish but my god this movie is excellent.

Everything is perfect, great cast, fantastic adventure, flawless direction, smooth direction, swelling enveloping music and a great sound effects.

There are few movies like this is existence, about the human spirit and what it means to have a real adventure.

Also i must say the best and most surprising part about the movie is the acting, not only are they perfectly suited to the characters they are the characters.

Hats off to the Special CGI Effects studio for their fantastic work.

for 16m this movie is a real surprise and if your reading this yes, go see it RIGHT NOW!
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The Average Spider-man 2012
27 October 2012
Why does this movie even exist? Sony cant even wait 10 years until remaking a modern classic and not doing it justice by letting too many subtleties slip through their fingers.

We are never told what happens to uncle bens killer, their is no real driving force behind what anyone is doing besides 'its just happening and i need to do this stuff because i want to bla bla bla' everything seems rushed.

The CGI is OK for the mostpart until we get to see the lizardman, wow they cant even get lipsync right in 2012 when the 10 year old original movie could.

I have seen older indie movies with better cgi, in this is was over the top and quite unessicary.

Some more practical effects would have been nice.

Sony get butthurt after their meddling of the 2007 Spiderman 3 movie.

Sam Riami quits and now they remake his superior movie in favor of this teen centric generic movie with more product placement then a 80's scifi.

Sure it got the basics right but it never tried to do anything new like Spiderman 2002.

On top of a equally generic story, music, themes and obviously predictable outcome.

There is just no point to this movie AT ALL.

Hopefully 2 will be better like 2004's spiderman 2 but at least they might fix whatever the hell was going on with Spiderman 3.

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Jack Irish: Bad Debts (2012 TV Movie)
As Aussie as a meat pie, Jack Irish pays off his bad debts
18 October 2012
From the people behind Rake, Jack Irish is the latest TV movie from Andrew Knight from Rake and SeaChange fame.

Guy Peirce is fantastic as Jack Irish.

This would be one of the few series i would recommend to non aussies.

if you like shows like rake, seachange and spooks as well as the edge of darkness.

Such a great story, full of great characters, fantastic locations, flawless cinematography and direction.

With 1 down and 3 more to go i will be keeping a close eye on Jack Irish's next adventures.

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Lockout (2012)
Lockout should not be locked up
4 September 2012
First of all this movie is not serious at all, it makes fun of a lot of tropes, some quite subtlety, others not.

For those of you unfamiliar with Luc Besson he's responsible for the classic action movie Taken and cult scifi hit 5th element, as well as the oddball french film Angel A, he sure didn't bother giving the script the same love and attention as 5th element but all his signature humor is still there and the characters really start to stand out by the 2nd act, sure its a predictable movie but its FUN, probably the closest he has got back to his old 1990's style of writing.

The rest of the crew are no names but Luc thankfully has seemed to have quite a lot of input, it feels like one of his movies even though he is not the credited director.

The pacing for the most part is pretty good, it doesn't slow down and most if not all of the movie makes sense in a whacky, comical cartoons kind of way.

i did hear this movie was terrible, mainly from critics, well yes technically this movie is a bit of a mess, uneven lighting, weird cinematography and predictable plot do take away a lot of the charm...

Its worth it in the end though because this movie is 1980-90's action movie written all over it, the bad costumes, cheap sets, ridiculous cgi and set pieces all blend together to create quite a nostalgia trip even right down to the one liners and unbelievable impracticable and impossible (gattling guns in space, sounds in space, falling to earth in 1 minute etc.) Honestly if i was to judge this movie by 1990's action scifi/comedy standards it would rate a lot higher, but its 2012 and just like this movies main character, its a bit of a relic.

Sure its no Expandables 2 or Prometheus, what it is a whole lot of cheap fun.

i don't expect the average critic or viewer to even understand this movie and wheres it coming from, but for those who do i am sure you'll find a lot to like if you give it a chance.

I recommend this movie, it could almost be so bad/good that it might become a cult classic just like The Cabin in the Woods.

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Brave (2012)
Braveheart for kids, doesn't really feel like a pixar movie, more like a Disney flick.
17 June 2012
I might as well make it quite clear that i am a huge pixar fan and have lost count of how many times I've seen their movies and shorts... up till Cars 2.

Brave is one of those films that has a impact upon the animation genre, the problem is its not a very big one, especially when we remember what Toy Story did for the 3d CGI animated movie genre, Brave is more evolutionary than revolutionary, which isn't a bad thing, just slightly disappointing.

The Animation, characters, style and 3d are all fantastic and a massive step up from their last films what its what we have come to expect from pixar and they have mastered the Celtic style and location perfectly, even the lighting and mood is spot on, the problem is the story and what a shame that is because its mostly solid with some slow dragging parts in the middle.

Its more like Toy Story 2 compared to TS1/TS3 its good but not great, adults will find little to occupy themselves in the middle in act 2.

fortunately Act 1 and 3/4 are great, the problem is with the pacing of the middle part of the movie, a problem pixar faced with cars 2 and to a lesser extent cars 1.

Obviously kids will love this movie but even they might have trouble with the middle part of this movie because the pacing drops right off, but it picks up again quick enough.

Onto the rest of the movie, there's a lot of great Scottish and Celtic gags which should not rustle too many kilts.

The theme is also a great idea mostly executed very nice, although its a bit predictable Pixar have mixed things up enough for it to still be interesting, basically its a coming of age drama with some fun supernatural, highlander and old school slapstick thrown in, its all very well put together and very enjoyable, is the experience deep? In parts yes, but not in the middle (hence why this movie is only getting average scores) If i could compare this movie to something else thats similar i would say its like Tangled crossed with Mulan, which are both fantastic Disney movies.

now onto the controversial part the breaking/mixing of gender roles and stereotypes in this movie are not a problem, i am a male and i liked how the characters where portrayed, but it feels too... safe, i guess pixar didn't want a pg-13 rating which is understandable since they make most there money from kids toys and viewers BUT i did feel like they cut a lot out (the directors admitted it too for the interest of time and rating) hopefully the directors cut will give us more adult content.

Its not often a pixar movie feels short and rushed, this one did.

I give it 8 red heads out of 10 - needed more spark and less fizzle

this is not one of those movies which i could easily re watch again in 3D either.

On a whole this is a very solid movie, just don't expect Toy Story 3 or Wall-e and personally i recommend the 2D version as the 3D version isn't worth the extra money and if you struggle with 3d movies 2 hours is a long time.

If you feel the same way about brave, don't worry, there are still some excellent animated movies to come out, Wreck it Ralph by Disney's own animation studious also looks fantastic.
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Tenacious D Supreme
13 May 2012
I didn't watch it when it came out at the theaters because i was only 16 at the time, i watched it a couple of months later when the DVD found its way to me and my friends.

After years of hype and months listening to the soundtrack i was disappointed with the movie, mainly because i was expecting it to be, well a actual movie, all i thought i saw at the time was a music video and a repeat of what i had already heard/seen from there previous album.

The hype kinda killed it for me at the time, also the trailers didn't help and gave me the wrong idea about the movie.

I had only heard of them from friends in late 2004 so yeah, anyway.

Upon re-watching this massive underrated classic again in HD with some decent and speakers it completely blew me away.

The score/soundtrack and visuals in the music video like scenes where fantastic.

If you've put off watching this or re-watching it, or just not sure about how to let jay-bee blow your mind for the first time i recommend you give this another look, yes even if you didn't like it the first couple of times.

Now how is the actual movie? Well its basic, it has what some more seasoned movie goers would say 'a predictable plot' but thats just it, everything outside the plot such as the crazy characters, hilarious dialogue and awesome music just make you forget about the 'story' its weird because once i just accepted this fact i enjoyed it a whole lot more once i saw it for the 2nd/3rd time.

The direction and cinematography is actually pretty good for whats essentially a full length music video movie and the special effects and stunts, while basic are used in such a way that it just enhances the already crazy level of slapstick awesomeness to a whole level.

I only have a small problem with the movie as it currently stands, as a fan is that there could have been some more new material that wasn't on the album, i guess i just want as much TD as i can get.

9.5/10 PS. its better than school of rock, you should watch go watch that too.
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A Delightful Aardman departure from Wallace and Gromit
23 April 2012
Ardman Animations and Sony Pictures Animation have done a absolutely fantastic job on Pirates.

First off lets talk about this films unique visual style (combining delightfully old school stop motion clay animation with modern CGI) It looks absolutely gorgeous, very similar to chicken run but with a lot more variation in terms of scenery and characters.

I had the pleasure of seeing it in 2D so while i cant comment on the additional effects that 3D would have brought it still looked fantastic, the colors, brightness and cinematography where perfect, no weird HD noise here, absolutely flawless camera work, this is not your average 2D film ,especially if your cinema has Digital 2-4K Projectors, mine did and it looked awesome.

As for the story, well suffice to say it doesn't stray far from the average Aardman stock but there is absolutely nothing wrong with it, the characters stand out much more than they have done in the past and the writing, comedy and bombastic style are very much still intact.

If you want a funny, pretty and interesting movie to keep your kids and you very much entertained for the 2Hours~ it takes to watch this wonderful movie nothing in this would should stop you

5/5 Visuals 5/5 Sound 5/5 Story

= 5/5 Stars overall

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South parks worst episode ever
19 April 2012
I could talk about how shallow, boring and repetitive Southpark has become on a whole since 2010 but no.

I instead want to talk about what the hell Matt Stone and Trey Parker where thinking when they came up with this episode.

First of its not funny, its not even remotely clever, interesting or stimulating in any way.

Its jokes, gags, references and themes have been done many times before by far less famous and recognized shows/people and random internet people SO MUCH BETTER.

Now lets jump into the actual episode and the 'story' Basically our four now not so funny heroes have this idea to go zip lining.

LONG STORY SHORT XD LOL (you'll get this when you watch this episode god help you) they then end up breaking the 4th wall more times then i can count, including a terrible live action scene which made no sense and felt rushed, unnecessary and honestly dragged the whole episode and the series (particularly this season) down on as a whole show.

After the excellent Cash for Gold which i personally think is one of their funniest and most clever episodes ever with so many messages about whats wrong in this crazy world that had arguably the most brutal yet funny and truthful message to bestow by the end.

Yet this episode is the most shallow SP episode i have ever seen, it absolutely rips out my heart as a SP fan to say this but i think if episodes like this become for frequent maybe it would be best for the show if it no longer existed past this season.

After 15 years they seem to be running out of idea's and frankly why should we have to put up with episodes this bad.

I wish i could get the time back i wasted waiting for this episode to load, then watching it and now writing this review about it.

0/5 They should have known better.
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Immortals (2011)
It should be called "Immortal Combat"
22 January 2012
Gods Vs. Titans FIGHT! As awesome as the action scenes are with the fantastic fight choreography and awesome stylistic flairs this film is basically a very good looking hot mess.

Huge plot holes, slack editing and inconsistent pace, feel and visual effects ruin what could have been a modern classic like 300.

First It falls short on the most basic elements of film making, its biggest mistake is that it doesn't grab the audience at all outside of the action scenes, when the characters are not fighting they are boring as hell.

Overall it is really quite patchy, i expected more but at least it was not a 300 rip off, it does do its own thing but it should not have been marketed to have any connection with 300.

Maybe it had a good story before it got butchered and cut into oblivion, most of the characters don't even have names or are not clearly defined and a lot of the scenes are either too slow, not needed or are not clearly explained to the viewing audience It was clear Immortals was not finished in time so it got rushed so it could ride the curtails of the action flicks.

At its core its just not solid.

This film is far from Immortal, its barely mortal.

Would i recommend it? Only if you want to see insane video game style fight scenes.

Its much worse than 300 but butter then clash of the titans.

I personally recommend you go watch all of Spartacus Blood in the Sand and Gods of the Arena and keep an eye out for Vengeance.

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Wilfred (2011–2014)
An unusual Trip
19 July 2011
We enter the mind of Ryan, a out of work pot smoker who ends up taking care of a dog.

Alfred is no ordinary dog, to Ryan he appears as a man in a dog suit.

Things just get weirder from the first episode in.

Lets just say this is a very imaginative and original series with plenty of laughs, genuinely funny and thought provoking.

Yes it is a remake of a Australian TV show of the same name (and the same actor that played alfred) but the American version is a lot better in many ways.

From the cast to the crew thre is a lot of talent here.

If you want to watch a cookie cutter comedy this is not for you, but if you liked Flight of the Concords then this is right up your alley.

Be warned this is like nothing you have ever seen, a cult classic.
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Transformers 3D is flat.
1 July 2011
As a fan of the 1st and 2nd movie (in that order) i was expecting more from T3D but its just more of the same Bayness.

First of all lets talk about the editing.

This movie has the WORST editing of any blockbuster i have ever seen.

First of all, the bulk of the action is between the terrible 'story' scenes which are just awful to watch.

If this movie was only 2 hours long and cut out all of the CRAP between the real action (and the transformers story) this would have been a better movie.

The pacing between scenes (especially the action and story scenes) is slow and jarring, one minute your looking at gorgeous CGI scenes and the next your watching Shia have a meltdown over a junker.

Anyhow enough about the ho-hum editing lets move onto the real reason everyone came to see this movie.

The 3D and the CGI (in my case RealD) The graphics are FANTASTIC, the cinematography is good and the 3D is actually worth paying the extra for because it makes the few good scenes in this movie (the action scenes and the cameos) more enjoyable.

Also a surprising amount of detail from ILM (who made rango). Put into this film is amazing, every dent, scratch and the many explosions (as well as the transformers themselves) look fantastic.

Its worth just seeing this movie for the awesome action scenes and out of this world graphics, but i have not talked about the acting yet.

The hot chick was bland, annoying and a total buzz killer, she looked great while standing still but any time she moved or spoke i felt horrified, oh and did i mention Sams stupid parents are back and more Witwickish then ever? Onto the other characters, Sams bosses, fantastic, John Tuturro fantastic, the auto bots and deceptions, great.

this movie only falls short on the acting department when it comes to Sams ridiculously hot girlfriend and some of the extras.

Ah now the story you ask? Well this film has a story, shame its spread as thin as you can get without there being hardly any story at all.

In short without spoilers, BIG EXPLOSION STUFF CRASH ON MOON! EARTH IN DANGER OH NO! Sure their are some twists but anyone who has seen the last 2 movies will probably know what is going to happen and why.

Now onto the man himself, Michael Bay and his band of merry men.

First of the Direction is VERY solid, not great or different from what Bay has done before but the action is the best yet, the score swells to the occasion and everything else (apart from the crap editing and thin story) works okay.

TLDR a slight improvement from T2 but nowhere near as deep or meaningful as T1, if your a fan of either go see it, if your new to the series you should see it if you want to.

Rating: *****/********** Not Great, not terrible, not as good as Transformers 1
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Cars 2 (2011)
Cars 2 in 3D with 2D characters
23 June 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Cars 2 and is not Cars 1 and that is a bad thing

The only similarities is the same cast of characters with a couple of new ones.

However in Cars 2 they act completely different and get into different situations, Disney Pixar has changed it so much that the main protagonist, uh car is now a fan favorite.

I cant go into to much else without spoilers but i will say that this movie is mainly focused on pedal to the metal action in a similar style, nay almost a homage to old school James Bond films.

This movie may not have Pixar's darkest story, but in this case its a good thing, the movie feels fresh and is very well written, it will make you laugh but certainly not cry.

I would go so far as to say it is more adult than the first Cars, the kids might get bored (the little S*** in my cinema certainly did).

What makes this a real Pixar film is that it has a message.

As usual the voice acting, graphics and sfx are fantastic.

Just don't expect it to be anywhere near the level of past Pixar films.
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Unique and sick
19 June 2010
If you expect something that is intelligent please go back to watching your average cartoon.

Smooth, fluid and stylish animation does not hide this strange cartoons weird illustrations.

However the voice acting is fantastic, great timing and sense of style.

Fun soundtrack and zany visuals put this in a similar category to Drawn together and other dark parodies.

Some sections appear like they are straight from a underground forum or viral video's.

Rob Z has done a fantastic job.

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Avatar (2009)
Visually Spellbinding!
16 December 2009
I am sure my comment will be lost in a sea of blue but anyways here goes...

Just attended the Advanced Screening at my local "Event Cinema" BCC in 3D

Now this movies graphics are gorgeous, everything is so real, the 3D just adds to the effect beautifully without distracting you.

From a technical standpoint this movie is amazing, just the detail on the Navi's faces are amazing, they feel more real then their real life counterparts!

Without giving anything away about the story, the plot itself is very solid, very character driven and perfectly executed by Jim, safe to say this is his best original story since "The Terminator" and "Terminator 2" and is definitely one of his best movies, so good it ties with T2 which is my most favorite movie of all time...

So for those of you who have not seen this yet... WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?!

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Titan A.E. (2000)
A Cult Classic Cartoon
10 December 2009
Now i could write this review about what makes this cartoon stand out of or the rest, but if your reading this you probably already know that!

So lets get the obvious statement out there in the open...

Titan AE is a cult classic to me because it was the last animation by Bluth and Fox Animation Studio's its also the last hybrid animation.

On the technical side most of the 3D models are fantastic, especially the big ships and certain props are fantastically modelled, however you will spot some low polygon count rush jobs but it is best to just ignore them accept the movie as it is.

The story, while not original, is solid and if you see any problems or potholes, you should only blame yourself because i found the story to be excellent, its why i keep coming back!

Voice acting is really a standout, raw and uncompromising, fun and fantastic to listen too, the SFX are also excellent as well.

a Rare 5/5 from me
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Battle for Terra (I) (2007)
A true gem that has fallen through the blockbuster cracks
10 December 2009
Terra is one of those little movies that just delivers so much more then you, or i would ever expect...

Its sense of scale is amazing, truly natural and engaging cinematography, enormous color palate and beautiful soundtrack.

This movie is more a thing of Art then a Animation.

Still there is some rough visual problem's which give some scene's that 'unfinished' work print look, hence the reason why i am pointing this out, to elaborate further its only the terrain which comes off looking a little bland, but don't be fooled this movies graphics are quite detailed, still, most people would not notice and if you're watching this on Stream/VOD or DVD you are not going to notice those extra little touches unless you watch HD/BluRay

But if you can get past the minor visual niggles and that initial 'adjustment period' that happens when we are introduced to a new story, if you like fantasy's or are a fan of Sci-fi there should be no problem and if your keen you will notice subtle connections and what inspired 2009 movies like Pandorum and Avatar

Talking about the story... Well there is a deep and fulfilling back-story with excellent character development, brilliant plot and fulfilling ending, literally everything i look for when i watch a movie.

This movie really is a little gem.


+ Excellent original visuals/art direction (The sense of scale and particularity the battle scenes are 2nd to none) + Solid Voice acting (Luke Wilson is a surprisingly good voice actor) + Deep engaging, almost brilliant story telling (if you find any plot holes you obviously have not watched enough SciFi) + Soaring Soundtrack, a musical delight!

  • Visuals do hit rough patches, only in about 2 scenes (they will be noticeable to the keen eye'd)

Just one last thing i have got to say. I can not believe how this movie was not marketed?! Ususally this is when forgotten movies like this start to develop a cult following, only time will tell!

Also to those people who think disposable animated fluff like M vs. A are better, its not! Its Really REALLY NOT!
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Undercover Gem
5 December 2009
I am very excited to say that this is new shade of black... Comedy!

But not just in dark and or black humor, but in intelligent and deliberate mistakes in the editing and many other aspects of the film that just add so much charm.

The original musical score is a real standout, timing is perfect and the actors where perfectly chosen to suit the roles.

If there is anything i can criticize this movie about was its fatal lack of advertising and very limited release.

This movie has a wide audience appeal among adults and even late teen ages

Dust off your afro and headband on and prepare for a solid ride through the 70's, a flawless grind house spoof.

4 1/2 stars out of 5
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Fun, witty and original
12 September 2009
A great little movie about the Chaos Theory.

If you enjoy any SciFi (mainly DoCWho) you should give this little flick a watch if it ever pops up on your set.

Acting is very solid from Dowd who carries the film perfectly, the other actors keep pretty safe but Dowd really shines, Farris is ditsy as usual but is very cute and likable as a character (and a person) still.

Direction is quite minimalistic and just focuses on the chaos itself and hardly relies on modern visual effects, mainly great props and sets that set a surprisingly good atmosphere considering this is a budget movie

This little movie could have a cult following if it is received well.

8/10 -2 for been too short, but at least it leaves the possibly open for a sequel :)
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Transformers (2007)
A mature character driven movie...
1 July 2009
Totally what i was not expecting, yes it does have some kick ass action but it is MBays deepest movie.

Bee (the yellow autobot) is used to lever peoples emotions...

Somehow i expected a lot more out of this movie then Trans2, because it had to establish the franchise.

The movies pacing lacks a little but it makes up for it in a variety of ways, from awesome frantic action scenes...

To Megan Fox, looking hot but is a real thorn in this movies side, her character is a lot more believable in the sequel so if you have a issue with her in this, you always can go watch T2


Has some slow spots but it is a very solid action movie
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You Cant Mess with Zohan
21 July 2008
From a comedic angle its pretty much flawless, if you like Will Ferrals work or Happy Madison's previous flicks nothing would be stopping you from watching this.

Sure its brainless, stupid and immature, but its a lot of fun and few movies can pull of the crap Sandler does and make it funny.

If your some how offended by this movie, fair enough, but most of the jokes are aimed at everyone and anyone who will bother to laugh at them.

Now on to the films weakest points.

Plot, Accents and some parts of the humor, but i am not going to elaborate on that because if your cynical enough i am sure that you can find many more things wrong with the film and the world Truth is, you really cant mess with this movie, a solid comedy and one of Sandlers funniest in my opinion.

Expect to see the rest of the Madison pack, Fonze, Rob and the rest of the gang.

Also i will add this movie has a excellent musical score which sets the pace very well and is quite funny to boot.

Indeed turn your brain off and prepare to see 95% of Adams body, heh someones been hitting the gym, doesn't suit him :P
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The Nugget (2002)
A Australian Classic
11 May 2008

If you want to experience some Australian culture on your screen watch this movie.

It is a story of a bunch of local council slackers and their "discovery", a simple tale of fate and mate ship.

Direction, writing and acting is all very smooth, Australian, cut and very funny.

Feeling good the Aussie way.

Read below if want slightly more detailed information:

Eric Bana does very well in his role, it suits him down to the ground, the character he plays is very likable, a local council worker wanting more material things in life but does not have the money.

His friends are also very funny and there is many moments of funny interactions on screen.
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