
3 Reviews
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White Wedding (1989)
beautiful...very moving...
12 April 2003
now this was the vanessa paradis video i had been waiting weeks to see. i finally got my copy ordered off of ebay and i was so glad i did. in it, vanessa paradis plays a moody young teenager named mathilde who has no parents. she rarely shows up to class, and when she does, it appears as if she is just wasting her time. her philosophy teacher francois (played by bruno cremer), happens to stumble across her path and once he finds out more about her, is eager to help her learn more. he starts to come over to her house everyday going over her homework, and teaching her the art of the study.

now, eventually, mathilde starts placing little hints that she finds francois attractive. (if you didn't know, she is 17, he is 49) he tries to resist her, but he finds himself falling for mathilde as well. they soon blossom into a passionate love. they must keep their affair a secret from his wife and the school.

you can tell that mathilde was a person who was not used to anybody caring for her before, especially in that way, so she took the first chance she got. and fell in love with him. francois, on the other hand, really just got a little too involved trying to help her. i don't think he meant to fall in love with her, but it happened.

this movie shows the struggles between a student & teacher relationship. it deals with adolscents, anger, jealousy, love, and all these other elements. the cinematography is top notch. there are some beautiful scenes of vanessa paradis in them, especially one while she is sleeping and the light streams in on her fragile body.

most of you would probably go "okay that's just plain sick. he's so old! and she's so....young!"

and that's true.

but mathilde did say "old, sick, wrinkled, thin, fat, i don't care. i'll love you for any and everyway you are" she really did love him.

this was a beautiful and moving movie that actually made me cry at the end. it's a tragic story, dealing with a taboo love that just isn't allowed in today's world.

i would like this title to be realeased in america, so people can see this wonderful gem of a film. paradis and cremer both did superb jobs in their acting, as well as jean-claude brisseau in directing and writing the screenplay.

take a break from american blockbusters and see this tragic drama.

you may just like what you find....

final rating: A+
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Élisa (1995)
21 February 2003
after waiting days to see this film, because i live in the US, i finally got it in the mail. and let me tell you, i was very impressed. vanessa paradis, (being my favorite singer and actress) was simply lovely. i've never seen her in a better role (besides her stunning role in 1999's "la fille sur le pont/girl on the bridge")

this film had so many emotions in it. revenge, love, hate, friendship. it was all tied in it throughout the movie. the soundtrack was absolutely superb, and gerard depardieu's performance was excellent, as always. also, (i don't remember her name) the actress who played solange was very good as well. if you want to see a beautifully-crafted french film, see this one. US viewers will have to purchase it from either ebay or from a UK website (you'll have to get it transferred into NTSC format if you wish to choose that option) i just got mine off of ebay already subtitled, and in the correct format. i'm telling you, you will not be dissapointed!
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Bowfinger (1999)
Kinda familiar...
17 August 2002
this movie was very funny. made me laugh a lot. but i took quite a lot of notice that this movie is very similar to Ed Wood. cept i liked ed wood better. but yeah. heather graham did a good job. although she wants to be considered as a "serious actress" now. i commend her for her efforts though. oh yeah and steve martin and eddie murphey were hilarious.

6/10 stars
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