
29 Reviews
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29 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I get that this is an origin story that needs to show why the kingsmen came to be... but (spoiler), it's just such a bummer when the son gets killed in the middle of the movie, because the father-son relationship was literally the ONLY dynamic that I cared about in this movie. Once he died, I didn't really care anymore what happened in the second half.
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Free Guy (2021)
Original and Fun
26 July 2022
What a fun, fresh, original concept. Loved this on both a fantasy level and on a character/friendship/romance level. The characters are well developed and you'll care about the ones inside of and outside of the game. Very funny too.
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The Last Duel (2021)
26 July 2022
I wanted to love this, but it was kind of slow and dreary and it never really pulled me in. It's also a little hard to buy Matt Damon and Ben Affleck in a period movie. I'm not sure if that's because they've done so many contemporary films or because of tabloid culture but I was never able to not see them as the Good Will Hunting BFFs.
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Great performances - wish script was stronger
26 July 2022
Jessica Chastain and Andrew Garfield were AWESOME in this. The problem is that this would have made a better limited series than movie, because the script tries to cover their entire life and the result is that you're left with unanswered questions as to exactly how and why things went down. It started to feel like one long montage.
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District 9 (2009)
Well Done
20 May 2022
This film does a great job of balancing the emotional and character side with the spectacle of CGI and sci fi world and action. Strong acting and complex flawed characters.
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Great effects for the time
20 May 2022
This film has some amazing visual effects, esp. For the time. It's a good adventure full of sci fi action and suspense. It's fun to go back and watch Bruce Willis's early work.
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12 Monkeys (1995)
Weirdly satisfying
20 May 2022
I saw this movie when it first came out and loved it. I watched it again recently to see if it would hold up, and I see the original appeal in it still. It's a dark, strange, fascinating, sci fi thriller and i love the moody vibe. Great musical score too!
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Deeper Action Flick
20 May 2022
This film was ahead of its time in some of its themes. You don't have to watch it as such though, you can just enjoy the action spectacle. It runs a bit long, but it's a great mix of suspense and action.
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Last Looks (I) (2021)
Quirky and Stylish but Lacking in Emotion
20 May 2022
This movie is a fun little caper, but it never really feels like the main character played by Charlie Hunnam ever cared that much. It hard to understand his motivation at times, so it feels like the movie meanders and floats to a degree. There are some fun elements of action and comedy though.
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Home Team (2022)
Middle of the Road family/sports film
20 May 2022
It's kind of strange premise in the first place to base this story on a football coach who was aware (possibly involved) in betting rings of his players trying to injure other players. Not really the stuff that heroes are typically made of, and the film sort of skirts the issue, alluding to what happened but never really addressing it fully. Still, Kevin James is likeable so it was a good casting move, and the first half of the movie is pretty good. It loses some momentum later, but it you're looking for a bland but sort of funny, clean sports movie, this one is alright.
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Hacks (2021– )
Funny, flawed characters
9 May 2022
A really fun series centered around two funny, flawed females. The writing is good overall with lots of funny moments. It's esp. Good if you're interested in show biz, stand-up, etc.
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The Mandalorian (2019– )
The main character is in a helmet
26 February 2021
I love the Star Wars universe and there was some great stuff that any Star Wars fan would appreciate, but I really have a problem with a main character who wears a face-covering helmet. Hard to feel something for a character when you can't see their face ever.
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Rebecca (I) (2020)
Eerie gothic romance
26 February 2021
Lily James is effervescent in any role, and this is based on one of my favorite gothic novels. The adaptation of it is pretty good with beautiful cinematography.
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Fun, intriguing classic mystery
26 February 2021
More like this, please! Agatha Christie is known for writing cozy mysteries and family-drama mysteries. She did have some darker books for sure, but her reputation is more of the "cozies." This has that classic mystery feel to it, but there's some added darkness too. Most of the story takes place inside a mansion, but it never feels stagnant. Great atmosphere overall and it will keep you guessing to the end.
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Candy Jar (2018)
Fun premise but clunky execution
28 December 2019
For the teen romance crowd, this movie has a good premise with two warring teens in the debate club who inevitably fall for each other. But it's actually so frenetic and fast-paced that half the dialogue you will miss as it whirls from one joke to the next. There's a rhythm to comedy and you have to let moments build and sit. This movie has its own unique rhythm to it, and it's fun in a lot of ways, but I just don't think it worked as well as it could have.
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The Aftermath (2019)
Historical drama with romance
28 December 2019
I consider this more of a historical drama that a historical romance. There is a lot of gray area for the characters and you may or may not like some or all of the main characters. I thought it was a thoughtful rendering of the post-WWII aftermath. Was it perfect? No, but I do wish there were more movies like this. Thought-provoking and complex and historical.
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Charming Christmas Movie
22 December 2019
I don't watch a ton of animation, but when I do, I'm usually pleasantly surprised, as is the case here. This is a sweet Christmas movie with good humor, and the main character is voiced by James McAvoy. If you're looking for wholesome Christmas fun and can't stomach the sap of a Hallmark movie, this is a great alternative.
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Quentin Tarantino at his best
1 December 2019
Tarantino was long-winded ONLY when it actually made sense - to draw out suspense and create intense mood. The dialogue didn't go on and on and on as it does in some of his movies. The acting was great as were the period set elements. Sometimes he's so stylized that I feel completely removed from the story emotionally, but not in this case. This one actually made me feel. This movie is Tarantino at his best!
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Captivating historical account
13 November 2019
This is an incredibly well done account of the Chappaquiddick incident that leaves you with much to think about. The cinematography and design were great - you could feel the time period. And the performances were nuanced with such depth that I felt myself feeling indignation, pity, sadness, anger, frustration, shock, and everything in between. This is the Kennedy story you might not know a lot about but you should. I won't spoil anything. Just watch it.
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Isle of Dogs (2018)
Different kind of animation
13 November 2019
Definitely different than your typical kind of animated movie. This is more for adults than kids. It's darker in content, darker in humor, darker in artistic rendering. It was also a little bit slow though, which is why I give it a 6. But I like its quirkiness.
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Decent crime drama
24 October 2019
This movie had a strong performance from the lead actress (who is best known for her role in the TV show Glee), yet I never really felt fully pulled into the stakes of the story. The film was in a similar vein to Winter's Bone in that a young woman is trying to hold her broken family together in an atmosphere of poverty and crime.

When the woman's brother becomes the #1 suspect in a murder, she sets off to find him - and the truth. I think that some people will really love this movie, but it a little too slow and dreary for me. Overall, it was decent and it had a moody, atmospheric tone to it.
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Women will like this more than men
21 October 2019
Unique thriller with a good concept involving lost memories and an unsolved crime. I think this is a movie that women will like more than men in that it follows a female character, including her conflicted relationship with her sister, and there is also some romance thrown in as well with a good-looking male character. The main character was likeable and relatable.
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Very good for Lifetime
20 October 2019
Lifetime seems to be stepping up their game. They did a great job with the "Surviving R Kelly" series, and now they've released this TV movie. Is this movie perfect? NO. But it's a Lifetime movie, which are usually horrible and this is miles above their usual stuff.

The topic is fascinating - the horrors of an 1887 women's mental institution. Which is a terrifying premise given that back then women could be thrown into institutions for almost any reason, and with little to no rights, they were stuck there sometimes forever.

I'm not sure that they way the movie's story is structured best serves the story as there is a late reveal that might have been interesting to have known in advance and watched in real-time. I won't spoil that twist here, but I'll tell you that if you don't want to know, you should NOT read the movie descriptions in advance. Part of the problem is that I did read the description on my Comcast, so I knew way more than the amnesiac heroine and the late-story twist was no surprise to me. Still, despite that, I found myself entertained and there are plenty of small character twists to surprise you. Great performances from Christina Ricci and Judith Light!

After watching the movie, you can go online and read about the real Nelly Bly, and you'll discover that this movie veers pretty far off the actual historical events. However, it still makes for an interesting angle that is at least "inspired by" the real story.
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Gothika (2003)
Decent Enough Psychological Thriller
9 February 2019
Halle Berry gives a good dramatic performance in this eerie psychological thriller. Penelope Cruz and Robert Downey Jr. are also great. The first half is mostly in a mental institution and keeps you guessing with Berry unable to discern between what's real and what's in her mind. The second half takes a turn more toward classic real-world thriller. By the time the end arrives, you can see it coming, but it's still pretty fun.
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The Five (2016)
Stick with it
3 February 2019
This was a pretty decent limited series. At times, the mystery of the story got convoluted to the point that in later episodes, the characters were recapping with flashbacks as to what had transpired (thank goodness, because otherwise you'll lose track). A lot of convenient coincidences in the story, but the series built to a fantastic finale with a satisfying conclusion though.
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