
13 Reviews
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Anomalisa (2015)
One of the best films of 2015
7 January 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I am writing this because of the backlash that Kaufman is receiving right now.

Kaufman is a brand and his films tend to attract a certain type of audience, whether you consider it intellectual or pretentious is up to you. His movies do appeal primarily to the brain as they pose different puzzles that need to be solved in order to understand what is really going on and how one should react to it. At the same time, Kaufman's films tend to be quite heartfelt and human, so the final effect is of complexity and emotional weight.

The problem with Anomalisa is that the film is quite straightforward. Beyond the amazing puppetry, there is little left to discuss, so one either likes the theme or doesn't. Thus, if one does not think of Anomalisa as a single film but considers it within the scope of Charlie Kaufman films it might be weak, boring, the worst movie ever etc.

But Anomalisa is a beautiful standalone film. The stop motion technique itself makes the proceedings intriguing while never becoming too flashy except during the shower and sex scenes. The use of the puppet faces and Tom Noonan's voice is a masterstroke.

What really makes the film however is that it gives space to every single encounter and empty moment. You cannot make a film about loneliness and frustration unless there is some loneliness and frustration in it. That is exactly what one gets in drawn out scenes with taxi drivers, lift boys etc, and they are all infused with sufficient dry humour to avoid becoming overbearing.

I will not go further into discussing the exact relationships between the characters in the film. At the center of it all is a broken man who is looking for a cure but does not get it. I only hope it helps people in a similar situation cope with their predicament.

In conclusion, Anomalisa is a great film, one of the best films in 2015, but your mileage may vary and your perception will be heavily influenced by how you perceive Kaufman's body of work to begin with. If you are thinking whether to watch Anomalisa or not, maybe it's best for you to read the seven-stars reviews. I find them a good litmus test in this instance.
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Chappie (2015)
Not a masterpiece, but an entertaining blockbuster full of character
14 March 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Chappie is a sci-fi action film set in Johannesburg, South Africa, that works really well despite some obvious flaws that many critics have really taken to heart. Let me explain.

First, the milieu is authentic, and not just your generic Hollywood slums (see Elysium or Real Steel for the nearest comparison). The Zef design as implemented by Die Antwoord adds the film a ton of character and detail (pink-colored guns, mouth-watering graffiti), and the slang is so rich that certain characters need subtitles. Someone claimed that the film felt like a long video for Die Antwoord, and yes, in a sense it is, since their music is present throughout, and their characters are glorified, but I don't consider it a bad thing at all. Ninja and Yolandi Visser may not be great actors but they are fun and embody so much background influences (Aphex Twin tattoos, Tank Girl, kawaii, industrial punk, Lol from Shane Meadows' This Is England and Atari Teenage Riot, to name a few) that I would watch a film that is based on them alone just to see what it would look like. I mean, how many films are there in which a major character wear Pink Floyd shorts in it? And did I forget to say that some Die Antwoord portions are genuinely funny?

Second, Chappie works. The special effects are seamless - his presence feels 100% physical throughout. Sharlto Copley's voice work is spot on as well, giving soul to the metal and wires, which is very important in order to buy Chappie as truly sentient. By the end of the film, one does not think of Chappie as a robot or someone's creation but as a being of its own. OK, the writing makes Chappie evolve faster than expected (growing from a baby to a scientist that can codify consciousness in matter of days might be too much) but the alternative would be to stretch the film's budget and runtime so this is pure trade-off. The idea is there: Chappie, mommy, daddy, the Maker, and the Evil World in which dog eats dog.

Third, the AI and the codification of consciousness make the film relevant as we close in on as a humankind to the point where AI will be a reality. This film takes on this idea as a neat sublimation of previous films (including recent endeavors such as Transcendence), and pulls it forward towards a vision of future society in which mankind could go on to exist forever in a non-organic form while keeping the capability to reproduce by creating new AIs in their own image. I like that - a continuation of this particular story could be interesting.

Fourth, the action parts of the film are a blast. Hugh Jackman as the main villain sells the character in every scene he is in. His character might be a single-note one, as some have complained, but in the end you really root for Chappie when he breaks every bone in Hugh's body.

And yes, Chappie is a flawed film: 1. It seems to be too easy to abuse the security key and too hard for the Maker to take it back from Chappie in the early portion of the film; 2. Weaver's character makes no sense at all when she rejects AI (so what if they sell weapons? diversification and more patents NEVER hurt anyone) or allows the Moose to be used (it should be ILLEGAL to use it without proper council authority). But so what? Chappie is a genre film, which means that the ideas themselves are more important than certain aspects of traditional story-telling. Ultimately, there are so many things, big and small, that cover for these flaws.

To conclude, Neill Blomkamp was always going to have problems to get out of the shadow of District 9. But he continued to make sci-fi action films with heavy doses of cyberpunk and in this sense, he should be appreciated for the torch-bearer he is. And Chappie is a strong argument in his favor.
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Thesis (1996)
Irritating and empty
31 August 2013
Warning: Spoilers
The premise for "Tesis" sounds intriguing: apparently it's a film about a girl that is looking for academic answer to questions such as "Why is death and violence so fascinating?", "Is it morally correct to show violence in movies?" and "If so, is there a limit to what we should show?" Genre-wise, "Tesis" is promoted as a thriller offering that could potentially satisfy horror aficionados or at least the audience of the first "Scream" film, which was released around the same time. Also, "Tesis" is a film that is virtually impossible to avoid in any serious list of genre films in the 1990s.

Given this preface, why am I so disappointed in this little Spanish flick? I'll give three reasons:

1. It never bothers to answer or discuss the questions it raises. The main character, Angela, seems to be clueless about what her thesis is about: what does she really mean when she says "violence" and how does she intend to approach it? Is it enough to approach a random guy, watch a tape with him and then scribble random thoughts on what she has seen? Is it possible that she has not heard of snuff films before the events represented in "Tesis"? Why is she interested in this subject in the first place? At one point she says that she is interested in the subject because she doesn't like violence, but this cannot be true at any level unless Angela is fully retarded (does Angela write theses on everything she doesn't like??? like badly cooked macaroni???)...

2. Then again, it is quite possible that Angela is a special needs case given that she never contacts the police even though she is sitting on a pile of evidence that will completely unravel the thriller portion of the film. To make things worse, once she has everything she needs to deduce who the killer is, she does not bother to look at the evidence. I mean, you would like to know who it is that has been killing girls all around you, wouldn't you? Especially if the killer could target you next? And all you would need to do is just pop a tape into the VCR and watch for about 5 or so minutes. But of course, such an action would cut "Tesis" for about 20 minutes off its running time...

3. Scrap that. If Angela follows logic at any of the crucial beats of "Tesis", the film would never pass the 1 hour mark. In fact, "Tesis" might never take off without stupidity. Just why does Angela take the tape? When she finally watches it, why doesn't she hand it over to the police? Why does she ever get involved with Chema and Bosco? There are so many opportunities to get rid of both of these arrogant pricks, and that none of them is used is utterly insulting. If Angela is suspicious of both, she fails completely at self-preservation by associating with them, doesn't she?

So, given these three points, by the last third of "Tesis" I stopped caring about the outcome, and it is quite possible that the director Amenabar had also quit at making any sense out of it while filming. My final question is: why is "Tesis" in such good standing despite its flaws? The only answer I can think of is that it's a Spanish film, which means that it is a bit harder to get to in America, and is therefore largely seen by genre fanatics that give it a pass based on its non-American origin. Some say that "Tesis" would have made a lot of money as American flick but there is also the possibility that the American production would have also brought a level of scrutiny that would have killed its cult status.
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Dust (I) (2001)
eastern western and the connection to tim burton
21 November 2003
the movies that manchevski writes and directs share some things with tim burton's movies. all right, their contents are completely different, BUT the style with which they are made follow similar patterns: 1. you ALWAYS have to read between the lines in order to get the whole story; 2. the characters are never the stereotypes of modern cinema - their real motives are hard to grasp, unless you think about it; 3. the visuals are stunning; 4. there are always time issues (in manchevski's films much more explicitly than in burton's films). ok, that said, you really have to see this movie in order to get how the concept of eastern western and subliminal time travel can be incorporated into one movie without the feeling that the connection has been forced. the acting is nice, not oscar material, but right on the spot in capturing the confusion of the characters (although the first 10 minutes have some genuine bad acting). overall, i would give this movie 9.5/10, because the idea is 11/10.
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between the lines
21 November 2003
It's a Tim Burton movie, folks! As such, you should know before you even see the opening credits that you will have to read between the lines. Burton is never concerned with stereotypes, he considers them as given. Instead, what he does is - he twists the stereotypes to their most nightmarish extreme. The perfectly incompetent secretary becomes a feminist anti-hero. The child that has been casted away wants to become the mayor by using his sad past. The cold power plant owner is a nice father. The millionaire is not only a superhero, but a superhero who is looking for a soulmate. So, give this movie a couple of chances before you decide about anything. I have seen it three times and I am still discovering new things in the abundance of information that this movie has to over. It is over the top, of course, but you know that Burton uses that approach in order to show something. Keep this in mind and enjoy it.
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Come on, the plot is not so difficult to understand!
2 September 2003
I mean, try "Lost Highway" as a decoding excercise and you will see that this film makes perfect sense - the biggest problem that people make is that they start to think from the beginning and not from the end. Yes, it is a dream, but the dream is not pointless, but instead tells us directly how our main girl has felt in reality. I cannot be bothered enough to explain my theory, because I've done it at least 5 times and I have succeeded in convincing my listeners each time. it doesn't matter, though. the bottom line is, i love this movie because it hurts me physically towards the end - it just makes me cry so hard for the way our girl feels... i have the soundtrack and each time I listen to Llorando (crying) i do cry... and I am a person that has grown up on horrors!
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Mis Ston (1958)
28 August 2003
yes, i am very surprised that a classic such as this one could have stayed here for so long without anbody commenting it. to make things even stranger, this is the first movie in macedonian production ever and still, it holds pretty well after all these years. the screenplay is based on a true story and unlike the american historic movies, this one holds pretty tight to what has been noted as truth. the camera work and the action scenes aren't that great, but the acting is, which can be especially felt in the end when some of the loveable characters die. i'm not able of commenting more, because i saw it for the last time two years ago, but still, if you like war movies or european movies in general, this one is for you, if you find it, that is.
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dead on
25 August 2003
sometimes i think it's a shame that movies like this one don't get the exposure that they deserve - that very few people will get to enjoy them... but sometimes, i think that the lack of exposure is what makes movies like this one - if indie was mainstream it wouldn't have been indie, would it?... so, the best thing i could say about "Zbogum na 20 vek" is a that it's a great movie, but it's not for everyone. the story is rather controversial, the level of blood and gore on screen is rather high (it makes the US horror flicks from the '90s look like kindergarten cartoons) and the editing... well, it's so uneven, that it might induce vomiting... however, if you have the stomach to go over these things, chances are that you will love this film, because it is indeed full of heart. if you don't love it, watch it again... once you know what's happening in the movie it will be much easier for you to pick up all the small details that not only make the scenes look cooler, but also deeper (i have a theory that the whole movie could be seen through symbols only, but it's too long to write it down here)... none of my friends liked it at first, but after two or three viewings, they find it at least respectable if not outright brilliant... so, to cut things up, if you can find this movie, see it by all means. 9.5/10
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a well-made reminder
25 August 2003
this movie is an important stepping stone in the history of macedonian cinema and it should be viewed as such. some of the scenes may seem strange both to people from the west and to people of the year 2003, but it's understandable as the setting for the movie is set in a time and place, which seem stranger with each passing day. that said, it's still a very well-made reminder that the human will knows no boundaries and no political regimes. 9/10
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better with each episode
9 May 2003
those who don't like the new "masters of the universe" haven't seen more than 5 episodes, which is shame, not so much for the series as for the viewers - for if they could stick a bit longer before giving judgements, they would be in for a great treat. of course the show will not be perfect when compared to the old cannon; the value of the original is never easy to compensate (true, the old series is very cheesy by today's standards, but that cheesyiness only ads to the series' feeling). however, the show does preety good job of getting on the old tracks. with the exception of several episodes ("siren's song" most notably) the series has been great so far in capturing the old feeling, and has offered some new elements to the mythos that were not present in the original. how many times did skeletor get into sword fight with randor in the original? well, in the new series, he gets to fight randor AND he-man at the same time, which is extra-cool. the redesigns and the new characters are exceptional, as well. the only disatvantage of the show is that so far it has been trying to deliever what the fans wante d (a pretty long list of wishes) and couldn't find a voice of its own for some time. this has been settled after some episodes like "the snake pit" and "separation", though. the first season will have its ending somewhere in june and a bit later on, new season with at least 13 episodes will continue.
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a very good laugh
14 December 2002
ok. "demon knight" is far from being a masterpiece in any genre, let alone in the overall movie industry. its plot is cheesy, predictable, dumb, and utterly useless. its characters (billy zane aside) are paper thin in the department of development, and on some occasions, paper thin is an overstatement. how can there be a good horror if the characters are hard to associate with? the directors must have thought that breaking bones and taking hearts out would do the job. of course, this notion is wrong. the movie could only get disgusting at some points, and nothin more. however, this movie IS NOT a wasted time. indeed, having sex would be much better spent evening, but in case you are alone for the period, you will get some good laughs from this flick. this is a hilarious one. billy zane is in shape, the dialogue is terrible enough, and some plot twists are so badly executed, you actually want to stay to see what other goofs will come along. overall, 4/10 as a movie and 7/10 as a fun product.
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Black Seed (1971)
weird thing
14 November 2002
how come this movie has not as many as 5 voters when it is 10 times better than anything sodherberg has done? well, probably because of the lousy distribution and the fact that it is Macedonian (maybe it's the same thing). however, this movie has been made out of a brilliant book, without any greater disturbances and it is worth the time you will spend with it. i don't believe that anybody will read this review, but if there is someone like that, consider that it was nominated for an oscar.
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this is not a serious movie, so why all that fuss?
14 November 2002
some people miss the joke. "from dusk till dawn" was never meant to be more than simple fun. people who like tarantino should like it. fun is the essence of tarantino movies. if you exclude it, what do you get? rubbish, that's what. tarantino's characters are as real as popeye. ok, maybe here the whole story has a bit out of hand, but what can you do? look on the bright side. if you hate it so much, you won't get another serving. now that it's been done, it is pointless to copy it. one other thing: as it is with all tarantinos, this is a great movie to talk about in companies. 8/10
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