
22 Reviews
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Ted (2024– )
didn't expect it to be THAT good.
7 April 2024
I loved both the Ted movies, it's my type of comedy. But I never expected the show to reach or maybe even surpass those movies. But it truly did, almost every moment is hilarious and almost none of the jokes fall flat. All actors are great and I admire them for keeping a straight face.

The kid playing John in particular is amazing, he had a tough role to fill and he succeeded AND THAN SOME.

I'm just flabbergasted by how much I liked this. Haven't laughed at a sitcom this hard since Married with Children.

I just hope this gets a second season, it deserves a bigger audience than it has! It's crazy how I never heard anyone talk about this show. Go try it out!
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The Marvels (2023)
Why do they do this?!
12 November 2023
Whats happening here!? I used to at least be able to end a Marvel movie. This one I just walked out, I'm done.

As a HUGE Nick Fury fan. Nick Fury is supposed to be the best spy, the one who protects everything.......with some questionable tactics and sacrifices.

The MCU Nick Fury is a useless old man, a weak coward who is used for comic relief. Instead we get 3 incompetent 'heroes' with ZERO personal/character growth. And yet another forgettable villain no one cares about.

I guess the effects are good enough, the actors do the most with what little they get. It's just a useless story, with useless heroes, useless villains, in a useless universe, setting up new useless stories.
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Ahsoka (2023– )
Boring, more boring and most boring
1 October 2023
The episodes get more boring as the show goes on.

Thrawn is supposed to be the big bad guy of the new star wars universe, why you ask? Well thrawn has basic intelligence and isn't totally incompetent, making him the most genius strategist in the universe........yes thats how sad star wars has gotten.

The entire universe is so stupid that one man with basic intellect is seen as some god power intellect.

Actors try I guess, the locations look nice, the droids look nice, the action looks nice. If only it wasn't so EXTREMELY boring and slow.

I liked the character of Sabine in Rebels, but absolutely hate every second with her in this new show.....I guess the writers hated her.
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Another bad marvel show
31 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This show is bad, secret invasion? LMAO invasion?! For a technologically advanced race able to cross vast distances in space these Skrull sure are incompetent. Everything is just boring and predictable. Glad they killed off Maria Hill, that actress was not cast well for the role. Maria is a bad-ass in the comic, clearly a competent Fury replacement. But yea MCU movies ruin stuff, could've just remembered that lesson from she-hulk.

Turns Fury into a weak old man, ruins skrulls and super skrull. Agenda driven garbage. Classic Disney MCU of the last 10 years.

Why not just copy storylines from the comics.......the ones you owe your succes too.....those stories.
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Andor (2022– )
Why!? What's the use?
20 October 2022
Why is this series made?! We know the ending?!

Acting is good, writing is too. I liked it, story is a bit slow at times. But it's better than Boba Fett and Mandolorian due it having actual sets instead of that elaborate VR room they used for the other shows.

But why!? We know the ending. This makes it boring. I just do not care about any of the characters.

Just make a show that is IN the universe yet NOT tied to the previous movies.

Now they have to keep in mind so much of the existing lore and frantically try to push this in between. It's okay, but so much ruined potential.

It feels like Disney does not understand what fans want from their franchise. I wish we will see a god star wars show someday, but I seriously doubt it.
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8 September 2022
Everything about this is cringe. I know she-hulk did 4th wall breaks, but do they have to completely take me out of the series and be so horrible?!

Acting is cringe, story is cringe on episode 4 and still no cool likely another marvel story without a strong villain.

Everyone has to be a comedian in Marvel products, it's boring and actually makes things LESS funny.

I gave this a chance.....but 4 episodes in and I'm mostly bored and annoyed when I watch this.

Might actually be worse than Ms. Marvel series. Quite the accomplishment.

Also. Who is this for?! I can't imagine any type of audience liking this.

Originally I gave this 4 stars, but I've been lowering it every episode. I am at 1 now.

Truly a big insult to the character I loved a a kid.
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Dune (2021)
6 June 2022
Finally a 'new' franchise. Not some dime a dozen comic book movie but an exciting huge scifi movie.

Acting and visuals are amazing. Everything looks grounded in reality and alive, something that is rare for scifi movies.

Story can be a bit slow at times, but that gives you the time to take it all in. The movie has a lot of explaining to do about the world and does so in a fashion that does not bore.

Can't wait for the next part, hope they can continue with this level of quality.
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Yikes........what happened to DC animated?!
30 April 2022
I love the DC animated movies, I have liked every single one of these. Except for Catwoman: hunted.

Animation was okay, it leaned towards anime and you have to like that(I actually do). But to me it felt out of place in a DC cartoon.

There are no fun twists, you could predict the entire movie after 10 minutes in.

I'm honestly shocked this is a DC cartoon, what a drop in quality after that entire DCAU.
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Seems like they try to hard.
6 February 2022
Everything tries so gosh darn hard to be cool, edgy and funny. That nothing is actually cool, edgy or funny.

Seems like a cartoon that doesn't know what to be, 6 episodes in and it's quite boring. Mediocre animation but the voicework is good.

Seems a lot of fanboys are giving 10's........imagine giving a 10 after a few episodes in.......fanboys ruin things.

But it's all kind of mediocre right now, hope it will get better.
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Santa Inc. (2021)
Had to check it out after all the outrage.
6 December 2021
As someone who frequently enjoys projects Seth is involved on I absolutely HATED this.

It's just unfunny. And I'm the kind of guy to enjoy Seth's series future-man.

I'm not Christian but even for me this isn't funny.
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Black Widow (2021)
Very mediocre
5 September 2021
Opens strong, with a flashback and a great action sequince.

Than it takes a HUGE dive in quality, turns into a mediocre action movie that is written around the action scenes instead of being written around the character.

Red Guardian is portrayed as an absolute idiot. Not just a patriot, no a VERY dumb patriot. For 'comedy' purpose I guess, but it all just falls flat.

Her lil sister is being set up as the next black widow.......yea we get it don't want the money to run out.....

And finally they ruined a favourite of mine; Taskmaster is being reduced to a mute with zero personality who just is there for plot reasons.

If we didn't have the Ms. Marvel movie, this would've been the weakest Marvel movie.
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Looks pretty, still boring.
5 September 2021
Visuals and acting are great.

Story is weird, vague and slow. Tries to be deep, but ends up predictable and boring.

Took a bit of effort to finish this one.
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M.O.D.O.K. (2021)
Breaking one of your limbs might be funnier than this show.
24 May 2021

People still talk about Marvel's animated cartoons from the 90's. That's 30 years ago, yet people remember these fondly.

So I've been holding out hope Disney sees this and finally understands we want serious adult animated Marvel content.

Instead we get this.

Low brow humor to appeal to the rick n morty fans.

I am actually a rick n morty fan....and american dad, family guy, bobs burgers, lower decks, archer etc,etc.

But this fails to be funny. Instead it feels fake and forced. Like your dad/uncle/grandpa trying to be cool.

I'm also a HUGE marvel fan, reading and buying comics since 1996. I've always had a soft spot for MODOK. This show does a GREAT disservice to the character of MODOK.

Boring bland Disney product for the masses. A huge insult to Marvels legacy.
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WandaVision (2021)
What happened here?!
31 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
As someone who enjoyed most marvel content I am shocked!

This was a new level of bad for MCU. First 2 episodes were boring. Misplaced "humor" we are supposed to accept because it is in the spirit of the time it is supposed to emulate. An insult to anyone with actual knowledge of those times. Casting of the neighbours is questionable. Story progression is too slow. Episodes are too short, take out the intro and outra and you are left with about 25 minutes of VERY mediocre content each week.

Episode 3 seemed to turn up the weirdness, which made it more interesting. Still very short and like a bad episode of twilight series or x-files back in the day.

Episode 4 should have been episode 1. Finally something interesting happens. Some fun side roles from MCU return. But turns out episode 4 is just a recap+explanation from the previous episodes so in the end it was kind of boring again.

I guess the MCU is burning up or fading out.
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Star Trek: Picard (2020–2023)
Guess the writers don't know what makes Star Trek different from other sci-fi
26 March 2020
In most sci-fi we see how humans have advanced technology and all the downsides to said technology. Or sci-fi go the route of apocalyptic futures. Star Trek however was different. It showed us a bright future for humanity with very little downsides to the technologies that the future brings.

Alas no one told the writers of Picard this.

The future is now a depressing place again. Addiction, poverty and classism are back in Picard. Everything the Federation has stood for since Archer took the first warp ship into space has been negated within a time span of 30 years.

We get treated to a myriad of inconsistencies with the old series. Old series often left me thinking about morals, spirituality and science after an episode. Picard just leaves me with questions on why they had to ruin a franchise just to make a generic scifi show.

The acting seems fine. Old characters seem out of character. Space battles seem boring, despite the modern special effects they never get suspenseful like the fights in TNG, Voyager or DS9. After watching 3 series with bad special effects lasers I was ready to finally see a faser beam tear across the hull.........instead we get all these quick flashy shots that leave you with very little idea of what is happening in the battle.

Star Trek Picard is just a TON of missed chances. They could've given star trek fans what they have been yearning for for over 19(?) years. Instead we get this awful looking future and boring spacefights.

Also..........Romulans now have a Legolas from's a thing.....I dunno how or why......

I started writing this wanting to give picard a 5 star review. But after typing it out,.......I'll give it 2 star......and still feel like I'm being generous.
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Star Trek: Discovery (2017–2024)
Scifi but not star trek.
8 April 2019
Gene Roddenberry said; "Star Trek was an attempt to say that humanity will reach maturity and wisdom on the day that it begins not just to tolerate, but take a special delight in differences in ideas and differences in life forms. [...] If we cannot learn to actually enjoy those small differences, to take a positive delight in those small differences between our own kind, here on this planet, then we do not deserve to go out into space and meet the diversity that is almost certainly out there."

But in STD humanity is just as it is now, petty, selfish, greedy and biased.

As such this does not envision the spirit of star trek in any way. It does give us some decent scifi stories I won't be giving it a one for that reason.
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Ruined Fury, Denvers and the Skrull in one movie.
1 April 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Mediocre movie. Doesn't do justice to the Miss Marvel character or the Nick fury character. Captain Marvel seems to be a boring expressionless "hero" who does not do anything heroic throughout the movie. Meanwhile Nick Fury get's the roll of quirky sidekick, totally ruining his entire character. Anyone familiar with the comics knows they TOTALLY get the Skrulls wrong and ruin potential for upcoming movies with skrulls.

The music is bad, REALLY bad."I'm just a girl" is an insult to Captain Marvel. Denvers is more than just a girl damnit! TLC........really???? So yea...........I had a hard time sitting through this one.
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Amy Schumer: Growing (2019 TV Special)
Just when you thought she couldn't get any worse.
20 March 2019
Worst comedy show on netflix. Disgusting woman who is just unfunny, no idea why she would get a special. Shame on you netflix.

To be fair, I did stop watching after 40 minutes in....... I just couldn't take it any longer. Check out Katherine Ryan, if you want to see a funny lady.
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27 March 2017
Amy Schumer has outdone herself with her latest special, I have never been so disgusted by just words. A whole new level of awful was achieved. Sexist double standards and just overall stupidity. And than there's of course the rumors she steals the jokes, although I doubt it. If a joke is worth stealing, it must be funny right?! And there are no funny ones in Amy's special.
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DC's Legends of Tomorrow (2016–2022)
The worst thing DC ever did
26 January 2016
It was painful to watch the first episode of Legends of Tomorrow. Plot holes in the first episode. Bad acting. Bad CGI and a boring story.

Took a lot of willpower just to finish one episode, DC should stick to animated movies...

The humor was predictable and childish. Rip hunter; I am from London oh and the future..... that is probably the worst line I ever heard in anything from DC. It was brought as supposed to be funny but was incredibly cringe worthy. White Canary looks ridiculous. As does Ray Palmer's suit.

Let's try and end with a positive note, I did like Randal Savage.
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Wtf did I just watch?!
1 July 2013
So normally I don't do reviews, but normally IMDb helps me when I decide to watch a movie. As with all movies I looked this one up on IMDb, saw it got a 6 and decided it would be watchable.

I was mistaken. This movie has some of the worst acting i've ever seen, there is no real story thats being told. No lessons are to be learned, you never once feel bad/happy/sad or anything for the characters. I laughed at James Franco like once or twice, not sure if that was the intention of the movie but I laughed.

And that was the only time some sort of reaction was triggered, well besides amazement about how this turd of a movie got a 6 on IMDb.
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City of Ember (2008)
Missed opportunity
18 February 2009
I went into this movie without knowing anything about it or about the book. It started of good in my opinion, a city under the ground because above ground humans made a mess of it all.... And that's about all I liked about this movie, you never get to hear why exactly they went underground which is a shame and why they have to stay there so long. Plus the story started real slow and never quite seemed to pick up speed, it was like watching a high speed chase involving snails and turtles. The actors were good but the story the characters had just weren't that interesting and I never had any feelings with them. It was like all the actors in the movie had an equel role in the movie and that role was not to stand out to much.. All in all a shame because I really liked the setting.
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