
90 Reviews
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WALL·E (2008)
High Expectations, Good Results
10 April 2009
When Wall-E was released into cinemas the hype and reviews were all very positive. Everywhere I went, and anyone I talked to mentioned how great Wall-E was, finally I got to sit down and watch it. To start off the movie was good, it was a great ordinary Pixar tale with very detailed animation and a educated look into the future, but despite it's accurate animation and such the movie never really did bring the high enjoyment for me. The characters were great, Wall-E and Eve was lovely but all seriousness I can't see why this movie got raged so many positive reviews when it felt like another Pixar animated movie but with better animation and a realistic look into the future. No doubt it deserved Best Animated Feature at the Academy Awards, it was the best animation of the year by far but I expected something more magical and touching in Wall-E. Critics call it the Best Animated Movie Ever Made, that's a quote I strong disagree on. It just felt like another Pixar Movie. Sorry Wall-E fans but it's nothing that special.
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Too Much Hatred
9 April 2009
When I walked out in the cinemas just watching the remake from the 1953 version, I was exceptionally pleased. War of the Worlds is a thrilling dark action/adventure starring Tom Cruise about a supernatural piece of high destructive equipment decides to take over the planet earth, leading to a rampage of survival, war and justice. It's not just all war and violence, it tackles and illustrates deep emotions such as trust and family. Family is a big important issue in this movie as Tom Cruise's character has a weak relationship with his daughter and son, through-out the movie you see their relationship develop either for the good or worst. Spielberg's War of the Worlds has a servilely weak rating on IMDb, and receives far too much hate and hatred, it's a break-through for Spielberg and a highly entertaining piece of work. Each Spielberg and supernatural fan should give this a watch despite it's general criticism and shown rating. To me, War of the Worlds is a strong remake from a strong director.
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E.T. (1982)
Exceeded It's Limit
9 April 2009
ET was one movie I grew up watching and enjoying. I loved the characters, music and famous scenes that brought it back to cinema about ten years after. But, giving it a re-watch I realized the movie was on a very slow pace for a majority of the movie and there were only smalls scenes or such that brought high entertainment. The effects of the extra-terrestrial were just average, the character ET looked quite fake at times, but what can I expect it was created in 1982, there was no CGI or high powered effects. The movie exceeded it's limit and should of finished thirty minutes after, too much slow paced dialog and impatient waiting to see what's going to happen next. Apart from that, it's still just a good movie, the acting is okay, characters (apart from ET) are again okay, overall a nice family movie but with it's exceeding parts that slows the movie down is a high negative.
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Horror And Krueger
9 April 2009
I grew up watching this, and believe me it used to give me several disturbing and horrible nightmares through-out my childhood. A Nightmare on Elm Street is directed by horror legend Wes Craven, the movie is simply put and executed brilliantly. A mysterious, freakish looking semi-human being enters the dreams of the humans at night, violently attacking them, not knowing that the damage and suffering caused in the dream will affect them in real life. The make-up, music and horror is a big positive in this movie, as Freddy Krueger looks utterly disturbing, thanks to those who added the scars, and burnt effects to the character. The movie itself is fantastic, a real horror classic that has a villain that just can't be tracked down and defeated, Krueger is something that nobody else can get but those who suffer and witness his dreams. This movie created one of the most famous horror icons, a true cinematic achievement.
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Maniac Cop (1988)
Low-Budget Stupidity
9 April 2009
Maniac Cop is a silly, low-budget 80s horror flick with fake-looking killings, ridiculous dialog and a predictable plot, that guarantees no satisfaction at the end. Obviously this movie can't be taken seriously, but I guess it could be recommended as a fun horror with home-made acting. Sometimes you don't want to watch highly acclaimed movies and pay attention to it sometimes confusing plot, why not watch a horror with very little plot that filled and scared with killings, chasing and perhaps a little bit of laughter. A very fun low-budget 80s horror, but in general movie speaking, it is seriously a silly piece of film-making that has no improvement or statical change within the movie. I say give it a watch if you want to see very poor film making.
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Drugs And Violence
9 April 2009
To be honest, I expected more out of Pineapple Express. Watching it just felt like 111 minutes of drugs, violence and some comedy. Wait, this isn't necessarily a bad thing, it's sort of a good thing, I mean comical violence with weed is pretty fun to watch but the movie itself dragged on for way too much and it felt like the director wanted to take a risk, which is absolutely fine by me. But, by doing that he takes out all the modern humor and makes it into a comical action/adventure still with the typical characters and such, but by doubt the movie itself just got old half way through just watching it. Seeing constant drug taking and violence with no real plot-development isn't entertaining to watch, it's rather boring and that's what Pineapple Express felt like. Apart from that, it's quite funny, got some very quotable dialog but too much of the same thing turns it into a disappointment.
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I Am Sam (2001)
Simple, But Good
7 April 2009
I Am Sam is a touching drama about a mentally retarded father who isn't capable of taking care of his daughter. The movie is slow-pace, touching and very simple. Sean Penn was terrific and I believe this is by far his best role in a movie (thus far). It's very shallow with the odd humor here and there and a terrific performance by a very young Dakota Fanning. Through-out the movie we see mixed emotions, decision making and heart-brake as Sam tries to get his daughter back. Those who have had a similar situation that Sam is having in the movie will touch you deeper and emotionally tear you apart. A very simple, original drama with great performances, the self-acclaimed modern villain and a terrific opinionated ending. I Am Sam is nothing particularly special, there's no massive stand-out as some elements found within were quite weak. But, a good movie that will touch different people in different ways.
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Dan in Real Life (I) (2007)
Wasn't Expecting What I Saw
7 April 2009
Steve Carell once again stars in a light romantic movie about choices, family and pressure. By judging on the plot and cover art of the movie I was expecting a flat-out comedy, lots of laughs and unrealistic elements, but I guess I was wrong. Sure the movie had some comedy, but it felt much more of a light Drama to me and Steve Carell once again gave a great performance. The movie itself really tackles true observations and that was a strong element I found. But, the ending felt a little bit rushed and predictable. Through-out, the cinematography was great, the acting was great and the message it delivered was obvious but yet still very important. Though, it came down to old, flat and predictable ending. I'd reckon if different choices were made at the end of the movie (perhaps for the bad, even) this movie would get better publicity. Still a fun movie.
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Disturbingly Beautiful
6 April 2009
To inform you, I gave A Clockwork Orange a view about a year ago, I didn't like it. In fact I only watched twenty minutes, my view towards all the sex and violence turned me off the movie completely. I just recently gave it a watch again, looking into the movie seeing the message it sends and how music and words can be so vital. A Clockwork Orange is beautiful. A fantastic movie that has all important key society elements transferred and directed by the famous Stanley Kubrick. Like 2001, the movie is set in the future and Kubrick along with the fantastic performance by Malcolm McDowell gives us a imaginative look on punishment and science. A Clockwork Orange is something very special, the sets, the acting, the violence and the disturbing scenes make it all into one fine movie.
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Nacho Libre (2006)
Not The Best
6 April 2009
Nacho Libre definitely is one of those comedies, when they just feel rushed and have the typical modern day comedy elements. Jack Black again didn't deliver anything fantastic, he just put on an easy accent and then there was all the stuff that we expect in a comedy like this. There's no real character development, but besides from all that it's a fun movie to watch. Half the reason why I wasn't particularly fond about this movie is because yet again they make wrestling look bad. The movie was supposed to be in Mexico where the finest wrestlers recruit from, but yet again they make such a tough and physical sport look so bad, which certainly does irritate me. Overall a small comedy, with a few laughter's but a multiple viewing won't be necessary.
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Duel (1971 TV Movie)
Spielberg's First Full-Length Movie
6 April 2009
Steven Spielberg came out of nowhere to deliver a highly entertaining thriller about cars, chases and suspense. Suspenseful through-out, the movie really captures deep emotions and has excellent screen-play due to the fact that 90% on the movie is on the road at high speed. This is officially Spielberg's first full-length movie and what a movie it was, his directory was fantastic and the suspense he built was fabulous. It's amazing on what one can do with such a simple plot or outline. Two cars on the road: look what Spielberg did with this simple plot turned it into something that is highly suspenseful with a terrific ending. The movie doesn't stand out for good acting or violence it's about characters, emotion and strategy.
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Rat Race (2001)
Total Madness
5 April 2009
Rat Race, 112 minutes of non-stop laughter, action and entertainment. A good comedy, with over-the-top characters, weird elements and well, mild acting. Nine Random people in a Casino are chosen to be contested into a race, the aim: to travel 583 miles for 2 million people with 1001 problems. Sounds exciting doesn't it? And believe me the execution is brilliant. Each character who are chasing and killing for the two million are different in each way, all the characters are unique and all have a story behind them - I guess that is what makes this movie so fun. Seriously, you cannot take this movie seriously but if you want a laugh watch Rat Race, it's gold.
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5 April 2009
Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory can be summed up in one word: Magical. The movie is pure magic and very underrated here on the database and across the general film community. A true family classic. The effects they used were very modern and intriguing for it's time and that's only one element that makes this movie so fantastic. There is fantastic music, characters, actors and very quotable dialog. I couldn't of asked another living soul to play Gene Wilder as Willy Wonka, he was born to play Willy Wonka and he delivered fantastically. Overall it's a feel-good magical family movie with a hidden message that became an instant classic and upholds as one of the best tales ever told on film.
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Makes You Think
5 April 2009
An Inconvenient Truth is an Oscar winning documentary about the horror the Earth is facing which is: Global Warming. Big name Al Gore explains how this man-made disaster works, and how we can stop it. A very detailed and interesting documentary that gives you a brief, yet easy-to-understand speech, using simple charts and graphs followed by expert opinions. The future opinions and horrifying graphs are rather disturbing, knowing what will happen to our Earth within the next coming years. I myself find Global Warming a rather interesting topic, but everyone should give this a watch or be put on each school curriculum. It's easy to follow, interesting to watch and leaves you speechless at the end, because we realize what our Earth is coming to.
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The Departed (2006)
Scorsese Does It Again!
4 April 2009
The Departed is certainly classic Scorsese. Who'd thought that his movies today, can still live up to the standards as his others during his famous run from the 70s to the 90s. The movie has an all-star cast (Matt Damon, Leonardo DiCaprio, Jack Nicholson & Mark Wahlberg), followed by terrific acting, cinematography, music and dialog. It's a top notch suspense that keeps you hanging until the very end which does deliver on all defiant bases. Scorsese defiantly deserved the Academy Award for Best Director, as the movie claimed Best Picture. There was no better movie in 2006 then The Departed. Who would think after twenty years that Scorsese still has so much to deliver. A very suspenseful, highly entertaining piece of work. A must-see for each movie fan.
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Too Dark And Complex
3 April 2009
Sorry, but Charlie and the Chocolate Factory is one of lot of remakes that have failed to live up to the standards and one of those type of movies that is embarrassing when compared to the original. The original Chocolate Factory, was fun, it had great characters, excellent feel-good acting, wonderful music and certainly did deliver on all bases on what a family movie should be like. The recent was way too dark, Willy Wonka (Johnny Deep) played his character as way too confusing, complex and a intimidated negative role model. Like the average remake nowadays, they always add in the bit on how the main characters life was like before he did what he did to make him famous or known. This failed, full-stop. Bad CGI, bad characters and a unsuccessful remake. Tim Burton has shown he can do much better.
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Toy Story 2 (1999)
The Sequel That Out-Does The Original
3 April 2009
There's very few sequels that out-do the original, Toy Story is one of them. Toy Story 2 starring the voices of Tom Hanks and Woody Allen is close to a perfect animated masterpiece -- it's got all the characters from the original and some new debuts, too. Toy Story 2 is what a kids movie should be like, it's non-stop fun, action and adventure. Once again Pixar Animation Studious deliver a heart-warming animated movie that's highly enjoyable on all levels for all ages. It's got a terrific feel-good ending, dialog and characters that will make you laugh and also sends through a message about moving on, and strong friendship. A definite classic, and one of Pixar's best animated movies to date.
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Great Comedy!
2 April 2009
Sure Big Momma's House has the over-exaggerated characters, the typical modern crude humor and predictable plot - but I found the execution of the movie spot-on. It's got a very similar aspect as Mrs.Doubtfire, I think you can guess what that is, but despite the predictability, no character development and just mild dialog, I found the movie rather enjoyable because on how funny and well executed Martin Lauren's performance was. It's got all the same elements on the typical modern comedy, whether it'd be its crude humor, dialog or appeals but my opinion contracts it as a great comedy, that could easily be enjoyable on the same level of multiple viewings. It's very funny, got a good ending and also the little sad bit, a recommendation for every Comedy fan who wants a laugh but expect nothing special.
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Fine Thriller
30 March 2009
Dog Day Afternoon is edge-of-your-seat thriller that's based off a true story, when two former Vietnam War Veterans decide to rob a bank in broad daylight, the robbery should of only lasted ten minutes, but eight hours later it was the hottest thing on TV. Al Pacino again gives us a fantastic performance as a character whose mixed emotions leads him to the worst of actions. 120 minutes flies by whereas they're in the bank for 95% of the movie. It's a very suspenseful thriller, with intriguing characters topped off with some very memorable scenes. As this actually happened in the stages of reality, you appreciate the movie even more as it accurately displays the events the occurred on that Sunday afternoon. Dog Day Afternoon is a must-see for all Pacino fans as he delivers a fantastic performance.
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Scary Movie (2000)
The Start & The End
29 March 2009
Scary Movie is the only 'good' movie out there, that rip-offs all of the serious horror flicks. Movies like 'Meet The Spartans' and 'Disaster Movie', are utterly terrible in its own right. Scary Movie isn't. Sure they've got the silly, unspeakable characters, all the sexual, religious and racist humor; but it turns out to be quite funny and overall very enjoyable. The movie takes characters from successful horror flicks such as Wes Craven's Scream and the realistic Blair Witch Project, and semantically turns it into very silly and stupid characters. It's wickedly funny, rather stupid at times, but still overall enjoyable. Don't go about watching today's crap of character-stealing movies, go back to where it all started and finished - Scary Movie.
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Fast-Paced Entertainment
27 March 2009
Ong-Bak is surely one of the best material art movies I have ever seen. Not by plot wise, nor acting wise, just of its flat out, fast-paced entertaining fighting from one of the worlds top fighters Tony Jaa. Right from the very start until the very end, it's just incredible sets, fight scenes, villains and slow-motion. The ideal material arts movie. It's pretty amazing on how they shot and delivered these fight scenes, the stunts were very risky but amazingly breath-taking. The movie itself (plot wise, acting wise) was just average. This was more ideally shot as a awesome material arts movie then one that's focused on its dialog, acting and plot. Overall, each Material Art fan should give this a watch, you will not be disappointed.
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Brilliant Movie And Performance
26 March 2009
One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest is quite possibly one of the best movies ever made due to its stunning, emotionally catching performance by Jack Nicholson and excellent directing by one Milos Forman. Apart from those two strong contenders, the movie is backed-up by a fantastic supporting cast, who all played their role to perfection. Can you ask for anything better? Great directory, great acting, oh yea, lets add on; great ending. Surely One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest has one of the most memorable endings in film history, its truly touching and emotional. All around, One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest is surely one of the finest movies ever made (Easily the best of the 70s), and without a doubt deserved all the five Oscars they won. A stand-out that won't be forgotten, never.
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Scream (1996)
Entertaining Horror
25 March 2009
The first time you watch Scream, you'll be scared to the death from its suspense, phone calls, blood and twists. It surely is one hell of an experience watching it the first time, easily one of the most successful horror's of the 90s. After a second, third, fourth or even fifth viewing it doesn't have the same feeling that it did the first time. You know the twist, the ending, what's going to happen. Similar to Saw in it's own way, it still provides entertainment but not that scariness and thrills it did from the first viewing. No doubt it created a modern horror icon and was directed by a living horror legend "Wes Craven" (Nightmare on Elm Street). A very suspenseful horror loaded with plenty of violence, a twist and the typical but executed well elements. All in, a great horror.
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The Pianist (2002)
A Fine Movie
24 March 2009
The Pianist is a fine, realistic movie that accurately displays the Ghetto war executed by fine acting, excellent cinematography and disturbing scenes. I found the first thirty minutes of the movie; just excellent. It was on verge for an easy ten out of ten, but then because of the duration of the movie it can't be kept on that same, entertaining pace. It slowed down a little, which obviously put down the enjoyment. Certain scenes in the movies, I found rather pointless and not necessary, but that was all forgotten about after it's great ending. The Pianist is surely one of my favourite World War II movies, due to it's wonderful acting, music, and disturbing entertaining scenes. I reckon there was no better movie in 2002, a solid movie with all the important aspects. Definitely deserved Best Picture.
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Violence And Villains
22 March 2009
Kill Bill is defiantly my favourite from Quentin Tarantino (behind Pulp Fiction). It certainly is just a fast-paced, off-your-seat action entertainment that can be watched over and over again. Mastermind Quentin Tarantino and Uma Thurman re-meet after their grueling success of Pulp Fiction to deliver a well-based movie of revenge, belief, strength and human spirit. I can guarantee all, you'll never see the awesome sword fights and material arts anywhere else but in Kill Bill. Once again Tarantino comes up with a genius script about a Women who suddenly wakes from a Coma, releasing she has just lost her baby she goes out for revenge using her ridiculously powerful sword and material art skills. A must-see for each and every action fan. There's plenty of blood, loads of disturbing violence and a terrific ending.
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