
89 Reviews
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The Abyss (2023)
Making men look weak
6 June 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Typical of movies they make now. This is all ran by some tough woman and all the men around her a weak and dumb. She thinks she knows everything and runs everything. She has a son that is weak also. But has a snotty with a huge attitude and chip on her shoulder lesbian daughter. They have to add this to all movies now. Who acts tough also but comes off as a snotty brat. She won't listen to anyone not even her mother. This movie is more about all this family not a disaster movie.

There are many other movies just like this one but with better acting. They should have just called this abyss there is already a much better movie called the abyss.
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All the cheaters caused their own problems
18 May 2024
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This was really lame. Everyone that ruined these peoples lives were theirselves. They cheated because they wanted to and they all knew what they were doing. Why even be in. Relationship if this is what you want to do?

I think its great the hack happened. What ever you do in the dark comes out in the light.

All these people that got caught cheating its their own fault flat out. If you did not want to be married then get a divorce.

I like how they try to blame the hackers for this coming out how about blame the people who decided to cheat and ruin lives in the process! I disagree with this show where they are putting the blame!

Cheaters never win.
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Home, Not Alone (2023 TV Movie)
10 April 2024
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What happened to lifetime movies wow they use to be so good years ago. But these over and over are just awful!. The mom and the daughter and the worse actors I have ever tried to watch. Horrible. The mother what a horrible actor this woman it lol its laughable. Then the dad shows up and he is just as bad at acting. How does lifetime pick actors? As chept as they can I think. Lifetime needs to work on making good movies once again with good actors. That would go back to worth watching.

They need to hire much better writers. You could tell what was going to happen it was no surprise. This type of movie has been done so many times.
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A Splash of Love (2022 TV Movie)
8 April 2024
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I was so excited to watch this one with killer whales. But this actress is just horrible what a bad actress how on earth did she even get this job??? Hallmark movies are usually so good I will witch them over and over but this one I couldn't even get through it once. Its filmed in a nice place beautiful in fact as most Hallmark movies are. I couldn't finish this its to bad I love Orcas. But they need a new director and lead hire a real actress for the part. She is horrible painful to watch.

Hallmark need to go back to taking time to hire good actresses and making the good Hallmark movies again.
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24 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This is a poor attempt at comedy its not even funny. Meg why did she plastic her face instead of aging gracefully. They are supposed to be around 50 they should have made them their ages in their 60s they look it. What is Meg wearing? Laura Ingalles night gown from Little house on the prairie?

Meg use to make the best romantic comedy movies. There needs to be some comedy there is none in this one.

There is no chemistry between Meg and David. David seems like he insn't even interested in being in the movie lol.

If so many flights were canceled in an airport there would be so many more people around it would not be this empty at all.
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boring designs
2 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Why is the husband even on the show? He just always stands around looking like he has no idea what is going on lol.

The horrible music on this show gets really old fast! This music gets worse as the show goes along.

The designs she comes up with are mostly so boring. It would feel so cold to live in those homes. I like homes that feel homey.

. I hate the horrible wallpaper she adds to most of the homes. I would rather have painted walls. The wallpapering got worse in season 2 adding really awful wallpaper to the walls why? I would not want that or any wallpaper in my house.

There are so many other shows that have better designers on them.
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If her mouth is moving she is lying
20 February 2024
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Why was this even made? Yolanda should have never been so involved with Selina what a mistake that was. This woman is a liar I believe nothing out of her mouth. Yolanda killed Selina for her own selfish reasons. She should have got the death but instead life in prison. They should never let this woman out of prison ever. Yolanda is lying about getting attacked. Yolanda had the gun and called Selina over to her hotel she knew exactly why she was calling her over. This was what Yolanda wanted was to kill her. She shot her in the back that is nothing but a coward. This woman needs to stay her days in prison.
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McLeod's Daughters (2001–2009)
Started out good
1 January 2024
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This show started out good the first 3 seasons were good. It was good while they had Clair the older sister on. It was good and in Australia I loved that.

They added Tess and she was so annoying always nosing into everyones business and never backing down until she figured out their business. I kept waiting for some to to tell her its none of her business. I could have done without her on the show it would have been better. She would be nosey then get upset if no one told her their private business.

But then the woman who played Clair wanted off the show so they killed her off. That is when the show took a turn it was so bad after that it was barely watchable. They should have just stopped it there.
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Furry Little Christmas (2021 TV Movie)
Just ok
29 November 2023
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Typical story line woman who is a vet from New York came home to see dad in Vermont. If anyone grew up in Vermont why would they move to New York??

Like a Hallmark movie without the budget to be one.

She meets hot single Dr. Typical Christmas movie they are always hot and single still. And all the women in town love him but he is single.

But she is having a hard time thinking of moving back because she loves New York over Vermont.

This movie drags on and on very slow felt like it should be over but it kept going, Its the typical storyline so you know she will decide to be with the small town Dr

And yes thats how it ends she moves back to Vermont.
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Mr Christmas
28 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I would never live in a HOA to begin with. But I was on their side on this one with This so called christian Christmas loving lawyer Mr. Christmas. He came into this neighborhood planning on doing what he wanted regardless of what anyone said or wanted.

I would not want all that traffic and people in my neighborhood at all the lights the noise and all the people coming and going day after day no thank you I like my quiet life all the time.

I fail to see how this guy calls himself a Christian with the way he was treating the neighbors who lived there long before he came to live there.

I like Christmas but not like this!
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Never Been Chris'd (2023 TV Movie)
So bad
8 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
So grown women acting like 13 year olds for a guy from high school who is still single. Imagine that its horrible. They run around acting like little teens fawning over him. They even get to a bar and get to sit at the cool kids from high school table.

They run around giggling acting really dumb around him like teens do. But these are women who graduated and have good jobs well the movie says so, I cannot imagine anyone their age acting like they do in the movie. And imagine a guy like this is still single lol. They even act weird around their mothers like they are still little teens who have never grown up.
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Bad western
30 October 2023
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The queen of hearts, King of hearts, Ace of Spades, The Diamond kid bwhahahahahahaha. That was so lame. But when I saw the tent with hearts all over it. Good grief these were outlaws and anyone could have spotted that tent 100 miles away! So he married her and never knew she was an outlaw The queen of hearts. The sheriff has her wanted poster but never even noticed it was her before her daughter was kidnapped by The king of hearts! This movie is enough to make your head hurt bwhahahahahahahaha The acting is horrible the storyline is lame. I was hoping for a good western which I love but not this lol.
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Are you kidding me?
22 August 2023
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This movie is so bad! I am glad I watched it on Prime so I didn't pay to see it! The acting is so bad! The mother is just horrible. But the daughter mom mom mom mom mom I was yelling at the tv for her to shut up lollll. They start off arguing and keep going with it yawn.

Mostly all you get is family arguing and preaching their agenda of us destroying earth to you constantly.

And all the drama drama drama. There is very little of the shark at all usually shark movies you are afraid the shark. I just wanted away from this family! I wanted a good shark movie that was about the shark.

Waste of time!
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The Pregnancy Project (2012 TV Movie)
Old 17 year old
20 July 2023
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The girl playing a 17 year old looks 35. And we are to believe this. Why not get a teen to play this part instead of a girl who looks in her 30's? They do this so much on movies now. They need to hire teen actors for teen parts not people in their 30's. Her and her mom in the movie looked close to the same age lol

Its hard to believe teachers would just go along with this. I think it was lame to not tell his parents what was going on. I would be so upset when I found out the truth. No matter how they do this show most teen moms just go on to have more and more kids and never do much with their lives. That is just a fact of life.
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Campfire Christmas (2022 TV Movie)
camp cringe
2 July 2023
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This sounded so cute. But it was 30 plus year olds acting like they are in junior high. There is no Chemistry between anyone of the couples. No connection at all that would make you think they were ever a couple. Peyton and her ex have 0 Chemistry between them.

As soon as they get to the camp they are running around acting like they are in junior high instead of adults.

This could have been a great setting for a cute movie.

The idea of a cute camp like this was fun sounding this movie makes this so cringy I wasted my time watching this.

This one dident even have a cute dog to save the day.
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Feeling Butterflies (2022 TV Movie)
CGI Butterflies are awful
21 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This sounded like a cute movie. I have no idea if someone could actually make a living at releasing Butterflies. They were doing a butterfly movie and should have had real butterflies. These fake CGI butterflies didn't look good in this movie.

Why did they are add the other girl in competing butterfly business. Like a horrible Junior high rivalry. It was not cute in the movie at all. It did not add to the story line at all. This could have been so much better. This should of been so cute as butterflies really are.

You would not have a butterfly business and just let this little girl be there and just walk away that was so unreal.
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The lost child (2000 TV Movie)
could have been cast better
21 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The lead actress is a good actress but no way does she look Navajo at all! They should of had a Navajo play the part of her. Why didn't they hire a native to play this part? This could have been cast better.

This was filmed at the base of the Superstition Mountains. Not on the Navajo reservation. Doesn't even look like the Navajo reservation at all. There are so many houses in this area now they wouldn't be able to film it there. But I guess only people from Arizona would even know this. Then when she gets a job at a store that is in Superior Arizona The school is also in Superior really far from the Navajo reservation!
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Hidden Murder Island (2023 TV Movie)
Bad story bad acting
8 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
What did I watch? I remember back in the day when Lifetime had good actors and very good movies. These days not so much.

The panic attacks were the worse acting even laughable I have ever seen lol.

A car drives by honks and she is having a panic attack good grief! She cannot even function in the world but wants to go to college. How would she even make it alone at college?

Guy is going to ask her out on a date oops another bad panic attack.

I cannot figure out why anyone would want to date her there is nothing appealing about her.

This is the most dysfunctional family I have ever seen. Lol.
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Bless This Mess (2019–2020)
This should of went past 2 seasons
22 May 2023
For some reason they take off the good shows always and we have crime shows instead. I like lake bell she is funny. They should have got rid of her annoying mother on the phone. That should not have been part of the show. There are so few sitcomes anymore. And I hate reality shows.

To bad this ended after only 2 seasons they could have really gone somewhere with this show. I am sorry I will miss where it went. All the people in this show added layers to this and had a lot of talent in this show.

This show is a little like Green acres. Which was on for a few years. I loved green acres and this show felt much like that.
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Outlast (2023– )
Good until episode 5
19 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This show was really good until episode 5. I was excited to watch this as it was in Alaska. Alaska is so pretty and so cold! Up until episode 5 this was good I love survivor shows. I will never watch this show again. I stopped after episode 5. How shameful Netflix let anyone act like Jill with no rules what so ever.

I have never seen such horrible greedy mean women as Jill and Amber! Wow that anyone lives their life as they do and can be as mean as they are! Wow that you would treat other humans as they did. I bet karma bites Jill in the butt all through her life and she deserves all it hands to her!!!!!!!
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One sided documentary
4 March 2023
This is a one sided documentary. Trying to make you think Caril Ann Fugate is nothing but a victim and so innocent. I still to this day do not believe she is innocent. I should have known this would be bad when its called the 23th victim.

She knew what was going on with her parents and everyone he killed. I thought this would tell us the true story not try to make us think she is innocent through the who documentary.

If this crime happened now she would have just been let off no matter what she did or killed. No one gets in trouble for anything now.

Caril Ann Fugate should have spent her life in prison never been let out ever.
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Could of been good
24 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
M. Night always does movies that are different that make you think. That are not the same boring remakes as everyone else does. I loved Old. But this movie was boring slow you knew what was going to happen from the get go. None of the people who came in were interesting didn't care if they killed themselves.

Very slow all along. Did not have many twists like M. Night movies usually do?? Did he forget to add that?

The only save for this movies was Kristen Cui

Wen. What a cute girl and good little actress he put in this part she was the only reason to even watch it. She was very good in this part.
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Women Talking (2022)
24 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I thought this was going to be good. But its so boring. Its mostly in a barn with these women talking. Or some with real attitudes. Made me not care at all what happened to them. This was bast off real life and sad it even happened it could have been done so much better.

I love francis mcdermott in anything but she was not on this much it was more about the ones I didnt care about lol.

This was so scripted it was not like real women talking like it should have been made. This was a good story and could have been so good if done right. But its so boring all I did was keep trying to fall asleep!
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Could have been better
20 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I say its people from there killing these women. Native on Native because they are the ones living there and with these women. This was someone they were with and knew.

All were at house parties out where none of their families knew where they were or who they were with. No one is coming in killing these its someone there and they are getting away with the killings because they just try to blame outsiders.

These girls are out for days with whomever. They are putting themselves in bad situations. Stop going off with random people to parties and I bet the amount of women missing or killed would go down.
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Mayfair Witches (2023– )
What a disappointment for such a good book.
16 January 2023
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Why did they pick Alexandra Daddario for this part she is annoying to watch. Did anyone read the book The witching hour was my fave book ever written by Anne Rice. They made this and its a hot mess nothing like the book at all so why bother?

I expected it to be like the book but its not. I was so excited to see this made into a series until I watched it. The cast is not what I would have picked for the parts they just do not fit with what Rice wrote. The jewelry was nothing like Rice described it in her book and that was an important part of this story. That was very disappointing. This was such a let down.
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