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Star Trek: Voyager: Endgame (2001)
Season 7, Episode 24
A near perfect conclusion
28 April 2024
Star Trek can be very hit and miss with finales. Voyager, however, is the cream of the crop. It just has so much that works in its favor. Time travel shenanigans, action, drama, humor, a baby being born amidst the chaos, the return of Alice Krige as the true Borg Queen (thank god the other actress was unavailable, she sucked and Krige killed it as ever). The conclusion itself was extremely satisfying.

It just has one glaring flaw: a forced romance subplot that neither makes sense or works on a basic chemistry level. It comes absolutely out of nowhere and drags the story to a halt every single time they cut to it.

Bad romance aside, however. If you're a fan of Voyager, it will satisfy you on every other level. Kate Mulgrew in particular absolutely shines in a dual role.
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The best short cartoon ever
1 September 2003
The Cat Came Back has to be the best short cartoon ever. It follows Mr. Johnson and his pains to get rid of a cat who keeps coming back and destroying his home, despite his best efforts to get rid of it. Even if you have no appreciation for short animation, I am sure you will love this.
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The only laughs didn't come from Murphy
6 August 2003
I really don't know why Eddie Murphy signed on to do this movie. The script was terrible, and he didn't seem to be trying in the least. When I'm watching a movie that tries to be funny and fails, I can usually at least see where they were trying to make me laugh. He, however, I couldn't see one instance where Murphy was trying to be funny. I did laugh a few times, but it was at the surprisingly funny Randy Quaid as his robot Bruno, and the brief apperence of John Cleese.
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The Mansion Cat (2001 TV Short)
Just bad
3 August 2003
I thought Joe Barbera was dead before I saw this. I was watching Tom & Jerry on Cartoon Network late one night, and as I was about to turn it off and head to sleep, this caught my attention. I thought "Well this can't be an old one, it's too colorful and bright". So I had to stick around and watch, to see what year it was made in. Sure enough, it was made in 2000. Clearly the director is trying to make it as much like the old one as possible. He even asks Joe Barbera to do the one voice in the short cartoon. But ultimately, the bright colors and knowing the fact that it isn't the old version doesn't allow you to enjoy it.
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Pick Your Brain (1993–1994)
Gameshow trash
6 July 2003
When this game was breifly on the air, it usually aired at 6:30 on a Saturday morning. Not exactly prime air time. The only reason I even ever saw it was because it aired before Mega Man, so I would usually get up around 6:30 or so to wait and watch. (funny.....little kids want to always be up, while teenagers always want to sleep). Anyways, this was a gameshow with very low production values, stupid questions, and overly-smart kids. One question from this show really sticks in my mind for some reason:

Mark: "What common liquid do humans need to drink at least 8 glasses a day of?" Kid: "H2O" Mark: "Uh, could you be less specific?" Kid: "Water?" Mark: "That is correct! You win Pick Your Brain! You're prize is a $100 savings bond for college."

These kids are like 12-15. What is a $100 savings bond really gonna help them?
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The Godfather (1972)
The most over-rated movie of all time
4 July 2003
I will never, ever understand the love affiar people have with this movie. It is completely and utterly over-rated. Marlon Brando is not the god of an actor he and people make him out to be. Neither is Al Pachino for that matter. The acting is pretty stiff and unbelieveable. It was so freaking LONG. Ugh, I hate this movie.
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