
10 Reviews
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Baby Reindeer (2024)
"I was just being polite!" Vs. Brutal Honesty
14 April 2024
Richard Gadd who plays the lead character of Donny is extremely charismatic and natural that it's impossible for any viewer to not follow his story, regardless of the theme!

I'm not sure about the ratio of dramatic effects vs. Real life depictions in this show, however it's pretty devastating to see all the horrible events that he has experienced and at the same time quite encouraging to see his success at the end of his ordeal.

Having said the above, something that this story is missing is delving a little deeper or at least providing critique for cultural nuances of why he had such a conservative attitude to sexuality that made him vulnerable? Why he was goading the stalker at times? Or even, why the stalker needed to stalk?

Looking at the social behaviours in UK from a Scandinavian perspective, it seems that British social norms are more based on saving face(fakery) than brutal honesty!

For example, it can be said that Donny was providing space for the stalker to continue stalking only on the basis that he wanted to be seen as polite!?

That is a mind boggling approach to go along with different rather life altering situations and experiences since you can't just say No! Donny's excuse with various characters who harmed him could be that he just wanted to be polite/people pleaser!?

As I see Scandinavian people tend to be direct even though seen as harsh, cold, etc., it seems that the main character's problems were more rooted in his social values(people pleasing,etc) than just another person's actions.
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Saltburn (2023)
What's the message?
9 April 2024
Talented actors, superb cinematography, easy on the eye settings and characters, bits of dark comedy, lots of perversions, and that's it!?

Very very poor plot!

Can someone explain why the main character(Oliver) was so keen on pursuing his plan? Was there an historical feud, extreme poverty and desperation, etc?!

In addition, what's the message? Only thing I can think of is that in England the more scheming and fake you are the higher possibilities you have to climb the social ladder!?

All the characters from the first scene were trying to outwit each other but for no apparent reason to viewers! What was at stake justifying their actions?
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Supersex (2024– )
Good actors, Poor plot!
7 April 2024
I watched the episodes in Italian with subtitles to get the feelings demonstrated by actors which were in abundance. As a result, one can say Supersex is a worthy drama when it comes to artistic expressions, however, sadly that's where my appreciation ends!

Plot of the show is rather convoluted with lots of inconsistencies which would definitely confuse an average English language viewer used to precise beginnings and endings in Dramas where a specific conclusion/cliff-hanger is given.

When it comes to storytelling, unfortunately, they've just mixed many often unrelated storylines, whether fact or fiction, all mixed in a blender which would just exhaust a viewer to distinguish heads from tails!

Of course, one could justify this mix of stories as nuances familiar to an Italian audience which in turn makes this show more suited for a domestic market rather than an international one.
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A philosophical drama with Queer elements
17 March 2024
Miracle Child/Blessed Boys is billed as a Queer/LGBT drama centred on a hidden/not acknowledged romantic feelings between the two best friends, however, by the end of the movie it comes to light that the above portrayal is a mere personal perception/wish of one of the characters, as are the "miraculous" powers of the protagonist's sister are perceived by a flock of believers regardless of its truth.

Pace of the movie is extremely slow at times and repetition of the scenes are often! Mostly without any major development in the storyline!

Peculiarity of the plot makes this movie worthy of international film festivals!? Though it is misleading to portray this film as a Gay love story.
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A modern-day Les Misérables!
8 March 2024
Fascinating movie!

It perfectly depicts the intricacies of an oppressed society and root causes of why Iran is ruled by pre-historic Ayatollahs as opposed to highly educated and intelligent young population of the country.

The story manages to focus on the crucial factors shaping an oppressed society such as nonsensical traditions, fundamentalism, patriarchy, misogyny, and misguided priorities in life, among others, rather than blaming all the chaos on the political class.

Laila's brothers would miss 2 stars in my review due its imposed Hidjab on family settings which are fictional in reality of life in Iran, but ofc this is due to the Iranian regime's influence in film making processes.
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Fake Profile (2023– )
If only HBO was making a racy telenovela!
11 June 2023
Easy to watch, if you're going into it with Telenovela expectations! Meaning the usual clichés of jealousy, revenge, sex, etc.

But much racier, with loads of unnecessary sex scenes! Probably to make it more of a "premium" show since it's on Netflix compared to a usual family friendly one on Telemundo/TvGlobo.

If you're into good scenery, high drama, unbelievable sequence of events(putting Bollywood to shame :D), eacort-looking characters having sex at every opportunity, then this show is for you! If you're expecting a sensible plot with a logical outcome, turn away now! As every other Telenovela, this show is aimed at women and gays :D.
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Uncoupled (2022–2023)
Could have been funnier!
30 July 2022
It could have been funnier with better lines but still funny enough to get 8/10

In terms of gay mens behaviours and obsessions in the show, it's pretty much accurate when it comes to risky behaviours(unprotected sex, etc)/ sex obsessed attitudes and the only character that in real life is scarce is the Neil Patrick Harris who doesn't know what is a Grindr! And wants a relatively "boring" heterosexual-like relationship as a middle-aged man.
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The Duchess (2020)
It had its moments!
13 September 2020
Not all laughter, but it had its moments! It was heavy on social/political messaging in regards to place of women and girls in our day and age, it was more of a Channel 4 kind of programming, which could be quite controversial.
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Love, Victor (2020–2022)
Great visual experience, idealistically narrated!
11 July 2020
As someone who haven't watched the original movie of this spin-off, I can tell that Love, Victor is really well made and easy on the eye with a great casting befitting qualities of the characters.

However, at times idealism/fiction took over the storyline especially in regard to presenting the realities of LGBT+ community to a younger audience! Starting with Victor's exclusive extensive daily communications with Simon (whom he's never met in real life!) to his sudden weekend trip to NewYork where he is accepted and welcomed instantly!

To the contrast of above fictional events, LGBT+ community (like any other) is painfully divided between the lines of race, wealth, beauty, and social class to name a few! Which one can experience online and offline.

Considering younger audiences need to come to term with their feelings as well as their desire to be accepted in the community, this type of unrealistic depiction of interactions wouldn't form realistic expectations for later stages in life.
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Hollywood (2020)
A MustWatch....if you're comfortable with Ryan Murphy's themes!
3 May 2020
I gave it 8/10 due to the fact that it may turn-off viewers in the general public who are not LGBT, Left-leaning, or in general comfortable with in-your-face constant stream of bold statements/actions!

Other than that, it's quite an addictive watch for a fan of Ryan Murphy's works. As I have followed most of his works throughout the past decade, Hollywood is yet another brilliantly made tv series with great visuals, casting, and lines.
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