
22 Reviews
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Megaforce (1982)
23 March 2024

This was one of the most BORING "action" movies I've ever seen! The fact that it was low budget and over (or under) acted wasn't a problem. I love a lot of cheap action movies from the 80s & 90s.

This one was particularly disappointing in many ways. I remember seeing it in the local video store when I was a kid but for some reason I never got around to it. So when I remembered it recently I gave it a shot. Disappointed. There's so many good actors in here but almost all of the voices sound overdubbed. The script is totally Saturday morning cartoon. It's not only creeping slow but boring. There's more action in a British gardening show. Avoid this like the plague.
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The Equalizer: Boom (2022)
Season 3, Episode 1
Excellent episode except....
7 October 2022
This was an excellent episode to start off the season. They've pretty much established the full "team" now. The acting was great. The music was well done. Lots of action and good storyline with no plot holes that I could spot. The ONLY two problems I had were minor, but still. The slow motion walk away at the end was a bit extra sharp cheddar cheese. And the big fight at the end would have been epic....except for the fact that it was clearly done on a green screen and the main bad guy wasn't even in the same scenes as everyone else. They should have waited until he was available. Anyway, well worth a watch.
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Hunter: Playing God (1987)
Season 4, Episode 2
Great episode! Except for one minor inconsistency...
26 August 2022
I'm not a fan of these yellow titles this season. Looks like a sad throwback to Kojak. Anyway, this was another great episode but there was one scene that didn't ring true. No spoilers here cause the killer is shown from the beginning. McCall has the suspects narrowed down to a handful including the guy she's talking to. He has conveniently forgotten beating a man nearly to death and also rides a motorcycle (tire tracks of which they'd just found at the crime scene). Yet she's not suspicious at all. No red flags. But when a show is this good, you kind of look over some of these things. 8 out of 10.
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Case 39 (2009)
Don't watch the trailer!! Totally gives it away.
18 August 2022
Other than that, a really good movie. There were a couple of elements I would have changed but overall it was a decent thriller. The kid's acting was not the greatest and the twist could have waited a bit longer. Worth watching though!
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Great action scenes, great acting, boring story
20 June 2022
Not a bad movie but painfully slow at times. The characters are good but what really stands out are the REALLY well done action scenes. Worth a viewing for that alone.
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Firestarter (2022)
Perfect soundtrack, terrible ending
30 May 2022
I'm okay with a movie straying a bit from its source (The Shining) and even though the original is still the best, this one was still entertaining.....until the last 30 minutes. #HowToMassacreYourOwnMovie. But the soundtrack is the best I've heard in years! John Carpenter and his kid doing the music was the absolute best part of this film.
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Scream 2 (1997)
16 March 2022
How ironic is it that a series that points out and makes fun of the dumb choices made by movie victims is full of dumb choices made by its own movie victims?
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Scream 3 (2000)
Scariest part of this is...
16 March 2022
...Courtney Cox's haircut. But seriously, I don't know why.people don't like this movie. I was actually looking forward to another take from a different writer. The first two were good but there were a lot of idiotic moments in them that took me out of it a bit. This one didn't have those. It was a bit more realistic and not as predictable to me. Loved the cameos in all 3. Watching 4 now before the new one.
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Wow! What an effed up movie!
11 December 2021
I remember as a kid seeing a picture of Jimmy McNichol in a teen magazine with a white shirt and a blood-streaked cut across his chest. I've always been curious what that movie was and I was finally able to track it down on the Shudder app. I thought it was great! It wasn't cheesy at all, had a good script, the acting wasn't bad (although the whacked out aunt was a bit over the top). If you want a creepy 80s slasher with some decent plot twists, this is a good one.
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Vega$: Ghost of the Ripper (1979)
Season 1, Episode 12
Best episode so far
11 October 2021
I'm watching these in order on the dvd box set. Haven't seen this show since I was a kid. So far, this is the best episode to me. It's not as cheesy and a bit disturbing at times due to the excellent portrayal of the killer obsessed with Jack the Ripper. The music isn't loud, ridiculous, and obnoxious as it usually is. It actually fits the creepiness of the story. Good episode!
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Carrie, anyone?
18 August 2021
I mean, really. How much more predictable can this show get?
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Tattoo Redo (2021)
It's not Citizen Kane, people.
1 August 2021
I love this show! The host is funny and gorgeous, the artists are beyond talented, and the guests are genuine people. You can tell the situations are real and it's not the average "reality" show. It's a great "watching a little something while you eat dinner" show. Some of the reviewers on here act like there has to be a stirring, dramatic plot or that there HAS to be a script for a reality show, which is why I hate those shows in the first place. This show is a lot of fun. There's no commercials, no replaying the same scene 8 times before you finally see the reveal, and no bleeps when someone tells us how they really feel. I only wish there were more episodes.
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25 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I feel like my dog just died. Not okay. I'm hoping this is reversed later in the season.
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Criminal Minds: Alchemy (2013)
Season 8, Episode 20
Suicide Minds
30 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I have never seen so many suicides in one season on one show in my life! They make sense and I guess that's the way it would be in real life, but damn. Btw this was a good episode. Using a girl to pick up guys at a bar would totally work...and that's scary. Glad I'm married.
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Criminal Minds: The Wheels on the Bus... (2012)
Season 8, Episode 8
Oh dear..
17 June 2021
I'm watching these in order for the first time so I've seen almost 200 episodes so far. This is by far the worst. It starts out good but when they introduce the gaming aspect, it gets really silly. Who would really believe that these guys would go THAT far? The kidnapped kids weren't much smarter.
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Criminal Minds: The Good Earth (2012)
Season 8, Episode 5
15 June 2021
I'm watching these in order from the beginning for the very first time. After almost 200 episodes, THIS has to be the most disturbing so far. Wow!
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Spiral (2021)
6 June 2021
Apparently I'm in the minority camp cause I loved this film. Everyone says the reveal was predictable but I really didn't see it coming. Before the film, I was not truly convinced I could take Chris Rock seriously in a role like this, but I think he did a great job! He was still funny but when he had to be serious he did that well, too. He had great chemistry with Sam Jackson and as far as the traps, I didn't think they were any better or worse than the other films in the series. In fact, the plot was a bit more developed in this one than most so it made the traps more exciting. (Is exciting the right word? Idk) Anyway, well worth a visit to your local theater to keep those guys in business. I would waste $20 on a home rental cause that's just silly.
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Chaos Walking (2021)
Why the hate?
5 June 2021
I really liked this film! It was well written (by Patrick Ness who created the Doctor Who spinoff, Class), well acted, and had really likable characters. My only problem was that the bad guys didn't get the comeuppance they deserved. I'm sure that's because they were hoping to film the other two books but it doesn't look like that will happen. Anyway, if you like sci-fi and you miss the big blockbusters of the 80s and 90s, this is worth a watch.
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Criminal Minds: Conflicted (2009)
Season 4, Episode 20
8 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I don't understand all the high scores and adulation for this episode. The acting was fine. Maybe even the writing. But the technical side ruined it for me. First off, this makes 2 out of the last 3 episodes where the witness is also the perpetrator. In the opening shot, it's clear as day that the person talking is a man in drag. You can see the "ghost stubble". A further away shot would have fixed that. It takes them 30 mins screen time to figure that out so there's only 10 minutes or so once you know. The other problem was the reveal shot at the very end. She obviously looks like a guy. What guy would fall for that, drunk or not? Not very believable. Reading these reviews looks like there's a few Twilight obsessors here. Nothing wrong with that. In fact that's great that this show may have gotten more popular because of it. I'm just saying maybe there's some clouded judgment.
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Criminal Minds: Normal (2008)
Season 4, Episode 11
4 April 2021
I first started watching Criminal Minds a few years ago from Episode 1 but stopped when Gideon left. I started again a couple of months ago and now I'm here in Season 4. This has to be my favorite episode so far. Mitch Pileggi is one of my favorite character actors (since Shocker) and I was surprised and excited to see him pop up. What an incredible performance. This episode was very well written. Lots of suspense, action, and even brought a tear to my eye at the end. A good script to me runs the gamut of emotions and this was it, even giving me a chuckle with Reid's "ooh ooh" when they were in the chase and the "gas" gag at the end. Fantastic!
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7 February 2021
I've heard about this movie all my life and never saw it until today. I saw the rave reviews on here and I really wanted to like it. De Niro is my favorite actor. The cast and the acting were great, but this movie was interminably slow. Three hours could have easily been shortened to about 100 minutes. The wedding scene went on for days. The Vietnam scenes were very good and the scenes with Nicky were great, but I could never sit through that again. I can see why Cimino had a reputation for indulgence.
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Mission: Impossible: Shock (1967)
Season 1, Episode 25
Creepy af
23 June 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I think if I'd have seen this as a kid, it may have given me nightmares. As an episode, it's pretty average but I thought very cruel of the team to put that guy through all that. And was he dead at the end? Surely not. Idk.
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