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More of a "Prometheus" sequel than an "Alien" prequel
17 May 2017

Alien:Covenant is one of the most anticipated movies of the year mainly because its part of the beloved "Alien" saga and because of its great director Ridley Scott, but does it really deliver?

As a fan of Ridley's Sci-Fi work (The "Alien" Saga, Blade Runner and The Martian), I couldn't wait to see this movie and I was almost sure that it's going to blow everyone away. But apparently, after reading most of the user reviews around here, lots of people didn't like it and called it the worst part in the franchise. But anyway, I just watched the movie and here's what I thought:

Alien:Covenant takes place 10 years after the event of Prometheus and I highly recommend that you watch it in order to understand everything going around.

Prometheus as a movie, divided its audience... Alien Covenant did the same here, it divided them too. The reason behind that is that the movie suffers from a forced attempt to link Prometheus with the Alien franchise, and that alone made the audience feel confused about what the movie wants to be. The result to this connection made the film looks different than the others "Alien" films.

The problem with the film was that it never felt like an actual alien movie, it focused too much on the unanswered questions that Prometheus left and sometimes totally forgot about the survival-horror factor.

However, that doesn't mean it's a bad movie.. After all, I have to say I enjoyed it nonetheless. We get to know more about how the Aliens were created and what happened after Prometheus, I think Ridley wanted to please everyone; the fans of the original Alien and the fans of Prometheus, and what you get here is exactly what happens when you mix both of them, and let's not also forget that Ridley's plan at first was Prometheus 2, later named Alien Covenant.

The movie is still worth a watch just for the decent visuals and the great soundtrack and the acting, as for the plot I have to say it's not Ridley's best.


In the end I would say that Alien Covenant deserves to be watched at least once specially if you're a die hard fan of the franchise, it's far from being a bad film as everyone's saying, but don't get your expectations too high.
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Top-Notch Entertainment !
4 May 2017

As a huge fan of the first film, I went to watch the movie as soon as it came out. And I have to say I wasn't disappointed at all.

Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol.2 Offers so much thrills and an awesome cinematic experience, The action starts right from the opening scene and it doesn't end until the last 2 seconds of the film. The people behind the movie just knew how to not make the audience bored, and they succeeded at that.

I have to say that 3D ticket here is worth the additional price, because honestly, if any movie deserved to be really watched in 3D it's this one,It adds so much depth to the scenes and makes the movie alive.

The plot is interesting enough to keep you engaged and the pacing never really drags even with the movie's long duration.

The soundtrack just fits right into its place and it really helped the background quality, providing the best classic songs. The movie is also really humorous and I found it as funny as the first.

Due to the movie's high budget, the scenery is Amazing! The movie feels like a very entertaining roller coaster, it was a joy and all the crowd were very pleased.

In the end, Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol.2 Is a MUST-SEE for fans of the first one and a VERY ENJOYABLE ride for everyone else. It's simply one of these movies that are always fun to watch.
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13 Reasons Why (2017–2020)
An essential watch for every teenager!
7 April 2017
Knowing nothing about this show, only heard about it from a couple of friends, I decided to give it a try, only to find it one of the most important shows ever made.

The first few episodes aren't hard to watch, It starts out simple; simple reasons and problems, you start thinking what could go wrong? the second half is very tense and I found it very hard to watch at times. But as tense as it gets, it becomes an essential watch for all teenagers for so many reasons:

1- How simple problems can evolve into terrible things.

2- It shows you how messed up the society we're living in is.

3- It begs us to treat each other in a better way.

4- We may think that others have better lives while actually we know nothing about their suffering.

5- We all can relate to at least one of the reasons from Hannah's tapes

and so many other reasons...

The acting is so good that we easily get attached to every character in the show, and after few episodes we become really concerned about what'll happen to them.

Won't spoil it, but as depressing as it is this show begs to be watched by everyone, maybe one day the society will get the point and we'll all change.

WARNING: The show has some scenes that are very hard to watch.
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One of the most accurate portrayals of the devil
24 March 2017
The devil's candy is about a family moving in only to discover that they picked the wrong house, it's a place where Satan himself takes control. Does it pay off?

Well considering this is a low-budget film, it's very impressive to see it done that good. It's well crafted and has a very eerie atmosphere. You won't be thinking about heavy metal the same way again after seeing this movie. Although there are some clichés just like any horror film,it still succeeds in being different and unique.

The downside of this movie is the acting but it wasn't a big deal, won't ruin your experience.

It's better to see it without knowing much so definitely go see it if you're a horror fan, it's one of the few movies that actually portrays the devil in a realistic scary way, will creep you out.
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Life (I) (2017)
An enjoyable reminder of the "Aliens" franchise
23 March 2017
Warning: Spoilers

Judging from the trailer I could tell that this is another sci-fi/horror movie about survival in space, but luckily the trailer didn't spoil much.

So I went expecting nothing else, and I have to say I was very pleased by the experience. Let's start by saying that the tension in this movie is really high, as it gets more and more tense as it goes on.

The Acting is very satisfying and believable thanks to the great cast, which actually makes you care about the characters and their actions.

The Pacing: At first it introduces you to the characters and gives you a small background about them and then the action kicks in and the pace of the movie starts racing till the end of it, it's guaranteed to be thrilled with a movie like this.

The Violence: The film is very shocking and violent most of the times, there are no major jump scares but you're on the edge of your seat most of the time.

The Scenery: perfectly shot and visioned, it captures the vast terrifying space with all its emptiness and silence, along with some great zero gravity scenes,and the huge spaceship.

The movie reminded me a lot of the spectacular "Aliens" franchise, If you loved it then you'd definitely like this one.

Conclusion: Without spoiling anything, I Highly recommend this movie if you're looking for some good thrills, even if you think you've seen plenty of movies like it, it's still so good in its own way and highly entertaining.
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Drive (I) (2011)
When you perfectly mix Art with Action
17 March 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Nicholas Winding Refn is knowing for his hidden messages and his artistic style/vision in movies. And certainly it's well known that his movies aren't for everyone, but let me tell you "Drive" is one of those that people experience in totally different ways. So i'm just going to write my own opinion and my thoughts about the movie.

Let's say the movie is split into 2 equal acts:

The first one is the buildup, we're introduced to the main characters of the film including Ryan Gosling (A skilled stuntman who falls for his neighbor) and Carey Mulligan (A mother whose husband is imprisoned and she lives with her only son). Nothing big happens in that act except building up the characters and the events that will lead to the second act.

The second act is one of the most brutal, violent, gory and suspenseful you can see in any action film. It's filled with jaw- dropping shocking scenes, and it carries on that way till the last second of the film.

The ending of the film is open to the viewers interpretation, but that's the way Refn decides to make all of his movies.

Everything else in this film is great, from Phenomenal acting to beautiful scenery, also the soundtrack of this film is to be remembered.

The movie definitely left me thinking about it when it ended but that's just my opinion, so check it out and see for yourself, I'd definitely recommend it.
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The Monster (2016)
Drama, Horror and Plenty of emotions.
29 January 2017
The Monster (2016) from the same director of The Strangers (2008), my expectations to this film were limited, didn't know what to expect but a scary movie about a monster, fortunately the movie serves way more than this.

The movie discusses the relationship between mothers and daughters in a very beautiful way and how strong that bond is even at the worst times, then it uses the horror factor as a metaphor to show the real bond between them, and whatever problems happen between them just fade away when they're about to lose each other, So I thought this was smart and very nicely done.

The acting in this film is probably one of the best I have recently seen, I was very attached to the characters and actually cared for them, as for the horror there are some effective jump scares and the mood is very dark the whole movie, also the atmosphere of this film sucks you even though when there isn't a lot going on-screen.

In a nutshell, the monster is definitely a great underrated Drama/Horror film that deserves to be watched at least once.
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Detour (I) (2016)
Not Your Typical "B" Movie
27 January 2017
From Christopher Smith, the director of "Triangle" a movie that I personally love and that was loved by many, I thought i'd give this movie a chance without knowing much about what I was going into.

And it was definitely a surprise, knowing that actually the budget of this film isn't high at all and won't hit the box office, I lowered my expectations but then what I got from the film raised them up.

The film is actually very entertaining and engaging, and there's a very cool plot twist almost in the middle of the movie, I felt like this movie interacts with the viewers in a really cool way.

What I liked the most about this film is that it feels unique, it shows you how simple decisions could change lives, and not to mention the cinematography was very beautiful.

Without spoiling anything, I thought this movie was a very cool underrated thriller that deserves to be more known than this, so give it a try with an open mind.
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La La Land (2016)
A Magical Masterpiece that shows how cruel reality can be!
14 January 2017
Warning: Spoilers
LA LA LAND! A Movie that broke the record and won 7 golden globes! What makes this movie so special and worthy to all of these awards?

The Music: La La Land is a musical, and despite I'm not really a fan of musicals and just by watching the first scene of the movie I thought the movie wasn't my taste, but by the end of the film I couldn't stop humming the theme of this movie, It sticks to your head in a beautiful way. The music in this film is really perfect and the lyrics are very deep, I'd say it's the kind of music that no one can say no to. You'll be tapping your foot and clapping your hands with this beautiful soundtrack.

The Plot: Simple enough, yet very complex and thoughtful. The main idea of this film is "Dreams Vs Love", and if you have a dream, are you willing to sacrifice? will you give up? I found it very inspirational and almost everyone can relate to it.

The Acting: Ryan Gosling and Emma Stone are just charming, they're the perfect couple in front of the screen, the chemistry between them is wonderful and their romance is very realistic. Whether acting or dancing, they're just gorgeous to look at.

The Cinematography: Very well shot, the colors really shine in the scenes full of joy, and a bit dark when it's sad, it just matches the film's mood. And the angles of shooting are very precise, the way they shot this film makes it very appealing to watch.

The Ending: My favorite part of the film, and without spoiling it I can tell you this movie will show you how reality works, and how life can hit you where you least expected, but in the end everything goes on.

All in all, La la land really impressed me and is definitely an instant classic, It has everything a perfect movie needs. Go watch this movie immediately if you haven't.
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A sad true disaster, that could've not been done any better.
27 December 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I've never heard about this accident actually, so when I saw a Peter Berg film that shows a sad disaster about oil spill in the middle of the ocean with Mark Whalberg and Kurt Rusell, I said this is going to be a good movie, I need to watch that.

And after watching it, I Have to tell you it's PERFECTLY made, from the acting to the action scenes.

The first 20 minutes or so of the movie just shows you how safe and peaceful the job is and how happy everyone is, until comes a discussion and there are 2 opinions, a careless one and a thoughtful one, and you know that they will just do something stupid that will result in a huge disaster. and Afterwards, It's just pure explosions you start seeing, and people dying, it becomes a tragedy. But also the good thing about this movie is that it feels soooooo realistic to the point where you actually think this is real life.

The only weak point to me of this movie was that it felt a bit rushed in the end.

Conclusion: It's a good action/drama about a true story that deserves to be told, at least to honor those who passed away. Don't miss out on this movie , definitely one of the best movies in 2016.
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Passengers (I) (2016)
A highly enjoyable ride that unfortunately got rolled over by the Critics.
22 December 2016
After the trailer release of this movie it became one of this year's most anticipated movies, but some people were expecting something entirely different than what this movie aimed for, and the result was their disappointment.

People need to be aware that this movie is an ADVENTURE/ROMANCE and a bit SCI-FI. NOT A SCI-FI 2001:SPACE ODYSSEY KIND OF MOVIE.

I will start giving my own honest review of this movie. First of all, The acting in this movie is phenomenal, of course when you get 2 great actors like Chris Pratt and Jennifer Lawrence you know it would work in any kind of role, and it's true, the chemistry between both of them just works flawlessly and it's very gorgeous as they're both very handsome and it's just nice to see them on screen.

Then comes the VISUALS, which i consider to be this year's best ( Along with Dr.Strange ), The best way to watch this movie is at a theater with a huge screen and definitely better to catch the 3D version. I really don't know where to start with the visuals because the whole movie is just beautifully shot and the CINEMATOGRAPHY of this film is perfectly done, probably each scene in this movie is Iconic.

The Plot wasn't as good as the other factors but still it managed to keep the pacing of the movie going and I was definitely not bored, even though the ending wasn't spectacular but again this isn't Christopher Nolan's Interstellar, this is just a movie about 2 lovers surviving on a spaceship alone.

The best way to describe this film is to say that it's Titanic all over again but in space and it's beautifully shot, emotional, and overall an exciting experience.

It's really sad that people misunderstood the point of this film and were going for a complex space/time plot instead of a simple good-looking love story, but I know that moviegoers will definitely like this film. Give it a try and if not for the story then just for Wonderful scenes and for the link between the 2 main characters

Conclusion: Great, Simple, Gorgeous and Highly Entertaining are the four things you'll be saying after watching this movie.
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Surpassed My Expectations !
20 December 2016
After watching the trailer of this film i was just expecting another lazy cheesy horror film, and i knew it was a movie i'd skip. But after seeing some good reviews here and there about it, i thought i'd give it a try and watch it with an open mind.

Turns out to be one of the best horror films to come out this year (Along with Lights Out, Under The Shadow and Don't Breathe)

Just consider that this movie is not for the faint heart at all as it contains very graphic scenes that aren't suitable for everyone, but the title says it anyway it's an Autopsy.

What I liked the most about this film is that it has everything horror fans would like to see in a movie, it has very disturbing scenes, top- notch suspense , good scares , an atmosphere that will suck you in and a creepy enough story that'll probably keep you up at night thinking about dead bodies

The film starts slow with the horror but it never keeps you bored, it's always interesting and you always wanna know how things will go, and as you watch you'll notice it's getting weirder and weirder and then you'll feel so uncomfortable watching it until you reach the top speed of the horror and then it will come to an end.

The ending could've been better (thought its a bit cheesy) but it hasn't ruined the experience for me, it's still a good watch for fans of the genre.

Conclusion: If you're a true horror fan you can't miss this one, pretty sure it has many in it that will give you some good scares.
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Incarnate (2016)
Just another insidious-like movie that adds nothing new to the genre but still enjoyable
19 December 2016
After watching the trailer of the movie i wasn't expecting something special or amazing but instead a watchable horror film, and since I am a fan of the genre i decided to give it a go.

I'm not disappointed and not amazed either, i expected a 6 or a 7/10 film and i got one. It's a film where they try too hard to make it look like a decent film with a genius idea, but unfortunately it doesn't work as expected because it doesn't fill the horror factor, the movie isn't scary at all because you know it's just fiction.

The problem with this film is that it tries to put too much Sci-fi in it that eventually you even doubt you're watching a horror film, is it horror is it sci-fi, the movie doesn't know what it wants to be so it just mixes both of them and not in a good way.

The reason i give this a 7/10 is because it tried something new, and it was brave enough to do it even if it wasn't perfect, but overall it's an enjoyable flick that you could just watch when you're bored on a Sunday afternoon.
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Rupture (I) (2016)
Not the best, but better than many
18 December 2016
This is a totally spoiler free review because it's best to see this film without knowing what to expect.

I watched this film with no expectations in mind at all, and i have found it watchable. Yes, it's nowhere near any of the best sci-fi movies, but it's an alright watch.

The dialogue of the movie is kind of lame and that's the thing that bothered me, but when it comes to the pace of the movie it's really good, i can guarantee you will not be bored. As for the plot, it's intriguing and I can't say you haven't seen it before, but i found it OK.

In the end, Rupture is a good watch at home when you have nothing to do and feeling like killing some time. Not great, not bad either, just mediocre.
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Arrival (II) (2016)
By far the BEST 2016 SCI-FI FILM
18 December 2016
I watched the trailer of this film and i didn't know what to expect except a movie that's similar to Contact (1997), about aliens and contacting them. So i went in with that in mind, and boy i was absolutely wrong.

First of all, This movie IS a slow burn so don't just go in expecting an action movie with aliens attacking Earth and our powerful army just send them back to space, YAAAY. NO, that's not it, it's a smart movie about Humans.

The movie starts slow, a professional linguist (Amy Adams) is being called for help when the army found a mysterious object flying in the air, so she tries to contact them and from there the plot starts to get going.

The movie raises many questions: Why do we always imagine the extraterrestrial as aggressive beings? Why do we human just terminate anything we don't understand? Why our ego let us control the fate of others? Why can't we understand peace?

The Acting, The visuals, the soundtrack, the story are what make this film this year's Interstellar

The pacing is a bit slow, but it's done to grab you into the movie then lets you enjoy it as it unwraps its secrets slowly in the end.

It's a twisted film about humanity and fate, go in with an open mind and just sit back and watch closely.. It's a beautiful movie
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Krampus (I) (2015)
FUN, yes perfectly described.
27 February 2016
Let me start by telling you that i watched this movie with negative thoughts because a friend told me he didn't like it.And now that i watched it, I have no idea why he said so.

In the beginning,the movie makes you think its your typical Christmas comedy family movie, but then after you get a few laughs, things take dark turns, and from there, it keeps on getting more intense and exciting.

What To Expect: A simple plot. Laughs. Thrills. Edge of your seat moments.

What Not To Expect: Your typical horror movie with demons and a straightforward film.

This movie is just good at grabbing your attention. I personally thought, it's one of the best mix between horror and comedy.

You'll Laugh.. But at the same time you're scared. It's an experience that you have to go through by yourself to understand. and the ending of this film is a bit open, and it leaves you thinking, and you decide to believe what you want to.

I don't want to spoil anything more than that, but an advice, whether you're a horror fan or not, if you want to watch a movie just for fun and to kill some time, definitely checkout Krampus.
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Poltergeist (2015)
"It Knows What Scares You" .. not the scariest but still decent
20 May 2015
First of all i'm a huge fan of horror films, so when i heard about a remake to the Poltergeist i was so excited and couldn't wait to see the trailer which actually surprised me. And I've went to the movies expecting to watch the old movie but with a few changes.

The thing is , they changed A LOT! So if you have the same expectation well it's not what you think it is. The pace of the movie was really fast in a good way but the only problem was the build up and that it lacked the feelings between the family.

The Scare factor: It basically relies on jump scares but i have to admit they were perfectly done and well timed . There were some clowns in a box which were sort of creepy. and also some edge-of- your seat moments. It's similar to "Insidious" and James Wan effects. So yes when it says from the producer of "Evil Dead" you know what to expect, But it won't prevent you from sleeping.

The acting was fine, CGI was okay and there were wonderful visuals. The 3D was mainly used for the jump out of your seat moments in a gimmicky way (Throwing stuff at the audience).

In the end, I had fun watching Poltergeist and it delivers a few thrills,Sam Raimi did a great job producing this film,for Gil Kenan (Director of Monster House) i think it's a huge step forward. But don't go in with very high expectations or you will be disappointed. Although you should watch it if you're a true horror fan and you're looking for some good scares.
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The Pitches Are Back With A Worthy Sequel
14 May 2015
Have you seen pitch perfect? who didn't? it's one of the most popular comedy movies in 2012. Did you like it? Well if you didn't, I advise you not to carry on reading this review because you probably won't also like the sequel.

Pitch Perfect 2:

The Video: Thanks to its experienced director Elizabeth Banks, the video shines brightly. Even though it's a comedy, its really special: the parties, the performances and almost everything in this movie is captured to comfort your eyes and to prevent the audience from falling asleep. Basically, an eye candy.

The Soundtrack: The best thing about this movie is the non-stop flawless music. Das Sound Machine really rocked the movie and made it challenging for the Barden Bellas to win. Famous songs and a great track-list, thats all i can say.

The Pace: I have recently seen many movies this year that were good but there's always that moment in the movie where you feel bored. Gladly, Pitch Perfect 2 doesn't fall for that mistake and it never slows down, you actually never feel bored in the movie.

The Story: The usual story about the Bellas trying to win their competition. Except that this time, it's bigger, a World Wide Championship! And some side stories about each of the characters and what they're going to do after graduating.

Overall: As a huge fan of the first part, i found it very original to make a good movie about Acapella which is something new and could be a great advance in the music process of this generation,Pitch Perfect 2 doesn't disappoint at all.Everything we liked about the first part is doubled here.It's like they checked what part of the movie the fans liked and added more of it which means MORE SONGS,MORE FAT AMY,MORE CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT,MORE CHALLENGES and Definitely MORE LAUGHS!

After reading the review and watching the trailer you probably know what you're getting from this movie. Feeling into it? Then go watch it because you're surely going to like it

Final Score: 8/10
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Ted (2012)
Funny And Unique !!!
4 September 2012
After reading the reviews about the movie and what people say about it , that it's boring and awful i thought that the movie was gonna be stupid , but my friends told me that it's hilarious so i just went to the cinema and booked a ticket ! Really , i wasn't disappointed at all ! i almost laughed the whole time , the look of Ted himself while he's moving is very funny !! i can't stop laughing when i see him fighting or drinking alcohol !! and i learned a lesson , is to never trust people's reviews ! And it's not a children movie !! don't let your kids watch this movie because Ted himself is very impolite the whole movie !! Don't skip this movie it's a great one ! i really enjoyed it !
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The Masterpiece of 2012 !!!
16 August 2012
Today , i went to the theater and i had a fight with my friends because i didn't wanna see this movie. At the end , they insisted. What can i say ? I didn't want the movie to end !! it's already 2 and half hours but i wanted more ! i haven't got bored in a second ! Great Acting , Great Plot and Great Soundtrack. Really , Christopher Nolan did a great job there !

In every action scene , i was sitting on the edge of my seat and my breath was taken away !

There's something about this movie that's making me wanna watch it over and over ! If You're Free grab some popcorn and watch this movie. don't miss it.
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Selene at her best!
28 January 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I went today to the movie with my friend , i wasn't very excited,but i wasn't disappointed at all! and it was in 3D! the director did a great job on the 3D! there were a lot of scenes that have wonderful effect! for example: Selene throws grenade at ya , Werewolves jumping on you , fire , breaking glasses , the 3D was perfect anyway! it added a lot of depth to the movie too! I actually jumped in a lot of scenes. It worth the extra money! it's just 4 dollars or 5 in some areas! it added a lot of effect to the movie! As they say, the movie meant to be 3D!

Now,let's talk about the action in the movie, Selene and the others were perfect! Selene had special moves which popped your eyes. if you're an underworld fan you're gonna rate it as 10/10 and if you're not you're gonna rate it as 9/10 !

And Finally, The Plot , it was good but not as much as the action and the 3D! if u liked the trailer , you're absolutely gonna like the movie more than it! Now, Go grab some friends and popcorn and watch it, I bet you're gonna enjoy it!
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