
8 Reviews
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Skins (2002)
19 March 2005
I feel this movie was a good depiction of life in a poor small town (having lived in several myself.) I enjoyed that it treated Indians like regular folks just trying to find their place in the world. I am irritated by the person whining about Spike Lee and stereotypes. While Spike has contributed a body of work that provokes, he is not every black man.

According to his IMDb bio, Chris Eyre is Cheyenne and Arapaho. Those two tribes banded together with the Sioux to fight Custer at the Battle of the Little Big Horn or Custer's Last Stand. The reason for the movie's joke about the Crow is because they had been scouts FOR Custer.

The point of that history lesson is that Indians are no more homogenized than white folks. To imply that one person can speak for an entire race is just plain asinine.

In addition, there is a little bit of truth within every stereotype. Although alcoholism is not unique to Indians, Native Americans, natives, indigenous, aboriginals, etc... (or what ever the correct 'PC' term is this week) and I like how this movie dealt with it. I also especially enjoyed the cowboy boots with the football uniform...
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Mixed Nuts (1994)
Afterthoughts on 'Mixed Nuts'
20 January 2005
I saw this movie a few times when it first came out on video. I enjoyed that it was not all 'cheery and light' as much of the films (not all - thank goodness) with the name 'Ephron' attached to them.

People have commented on what a horrible movie this was. OK, fine this was not the standard cookie cutter romantic comedy and was rather flip about sensitive topics. It was even beyond borderline over the top. Thus, why I enjoyed it.

So why comment now? I was reminded of this movie as a watched the remake of the Manchurian Candidate. I knew as the drag queen titter, clad in his lovely black shawl, that he had that something to make it. Liev Schreiber has done just that with grace and an interesting body of work. It is always exciting to see that happen. I had that same feeling when I saw a performance in the Australian film called "Romper Stomper." Although Russell Crowe's fists have got almost as many headlines as his brilliant performances have.
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11 December 2004
Warning: Spoilers
This movie did not pretend to be anything more than what it was: a sugar coated sequel to a sugar coated movie. As for the person that insulted the director, I am confident Garry Marshall has been making movies and television shows longer than you have been alive. 'Evil Roy Slade' is one of my favorite movies that he's done to date - it's a fun take on all the stupid clichés that plague westerns.

The movie was a tad nerdy, but that's to be expected of a 'g-rated' Disney flick. I liked that the women did not cow down to men and stood by what they believed in. *SPOILER* I was also impressed that they did not go for the ultimate cheese ending of having the princess marry the love interest. However, they did push it with the queen and the head of security.

It is a nice example for the movie's primary audience of young women; especially since it did not involve singing animals, gratuitous violence or needless sex. As for anyone over the age of twelve, it is a little brain candy.
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I'm with Lucy (2002)
30 November 2004
I caught this movie on cable. I had hopes for it because the idea appeared fun.

I also was looking forward to Gael in an English speaking role. He was reduced to a stereotype. It would have been fun had they had him play the scientist and the Buffy actor (not David Boreneaz) play the playwrite. Go against type and show some imagination.

Monica Potter is a beautiful woman. However, the character of Lucy whined too much, was not kind nor did she inspire us to care for her. It was also surprising that she ended up with the 'nice guy' as he certainly was a lot more likable than her. At the end of the day, this movie re-enforces the idea that men will put up with just about any kind of behavior from a beautiful woman if they see even a glimmer of an opportunity to get laid.
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Alfie (2004)
17 November 2004
I saw a quote from the director siting the current political climate in America as to why this movie was tanking. After suffering this movie, I have to disagree. The movie was dull with no real character arcs.

The movie also failed if it was supposed to 'showcase' Jude Law as a leading actor. He was overshadowed every time he shared the screen; especially with Omar Epps. Omar is a wonderful actor with a great range that does not rely on his looks in the pathetic way that Law does.

Alfie was probably innovative when the original was done. Sometimes even there have been some remakes that are just as good or even better than the original. However, this was obviously about the paycheck and not an homage. Too bad, it had potential...
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Before Sunset (2004)
1 November 2004
What saved this cliché riddled movie for me:

The exchange rate of pesos to dollars and the Spanish subtitles. I saw this movie as a matinée in Mexico.

I saw the original and thought it was much better. The ending was a lot healthier too. You are left with hope from the original. This one leaves you with the idea that they are most likely going to commit adultery. I don't think this is a great start to a new relationship; even if they have a history.

I guess this movie proves yet one more cliché: we can't always go back.
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not rocket science... but not bad
28 October 2003
It's clear this movie is meant to be fun in a dorky sort of way. Others have written that this movie is tired - except that it's refreshing not listening to Paltrow cop a British accent or play a WASP and/or both.

I agree with other folks that Reese Witherspoon would have done a great job in the role but not for their rationale. Reese has a much larger range than the self-appointed "critics" give her credit for and should watch more than just "Legally Blonde" before making harsh judgments.

It was also fun to watch Mike Myers play a guy who is self-important and is trying to be funny in that pathetic way soooo many people do in REAL LIFE.

It's also really funny to read about how it's the script that failed everyone. I'm willing to bet that the original script bought was much funnier, but then the egos involved had to put their "signature" on it. How about blaming the director? Or the producer? Or the studio head? Or test audiences? Etc... There are so many variables that affect the end result. Therefore it's a cliche to blame the script and I'd say the "critics" that cited that should do as they rallied this film: HAVE MORE IMAGINATION!!
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The book
20 October 2003
I don't think the other reviewers realized that this movie is based on the book, of the same name, by Lawrence Thornton. The story lines even sound very similar.

Perhaps a quick read of the book will compliment the movie and give people a richer understanding of both.
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