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Whole thing leaves bad taste in mouth
30 April 2024
I would classify my self center left political leaning. Previously I enjoyed some of Alex's shows, like the "Dark Secrets Inside Bohemian Grove", even though, from the get go, he was someone who propagated right wing conspiracy theories.

So, I mean it was clearly an over exaggerated comedy show, with anti-elitist tendencies. From there he just got more ridiculous as time went on. Alex's defence is, is that it is not his fault Americans do not know what to believe anymore. Lets face it, he has a point there!

He talks of political lies like WMD claims etc, made by the government. Again a fair point; a small fish, in a big pond full of lies.

Alex Jones seems to be a rare case, where the conspiracy theory became the main stream, and the authorities were having none of it. Of course he always knew it was not true in my opinion. I'm really worried about that 25%. He sees himself as a counter balance to the corruption, and the government corruption gives him the obligation he believes, to spread his own lies.

Am in UK and don't give 2 hoots about gun laws. There has been non-stop mass shootings since then in US, so must be like a shadow Hollywood industry operating on a large scale to capture all the coverage. Fact is if guns were banned, many kids may still be alive in US today.

Of course it is very upsetting to see the parents of these kids and how they have been affected. It's kinda of an incredible phenomena not unlike QAnon.

Alex Jones justifies himself on the basis of government wrong doing, and seems able to emotionally isolate himself from this. Obviously he knows its lies, but it part of his political agenda, and easily avoid accountability by flagging political scandals.

Although I was disgusted, there does seem to be a kinda method in his madness. Freedom of speech! I'm with him on that one. I don't hate him or think he's evil. He deserved to be taken to court but the fines were astronomical high. What's he paying out, $1billion? Come on, he's got more hope of alien abduction or something specifically rare than being able to pay that amount. It does state in documentary that the fines are designed to shut Info.wars down, rather than simply compensate the victims in the defamation cases.

Sadly, you are left asking who is this court case in the aid of-the victims parents, or the state. At least they can now start to put their lives back together in some shape or form-hopefully.
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Niche markets!
28 April 2024
Well we have all been waiting for that corner to be filled. Its a A24 movie through and through. Deep dark tale revolving around themes of female body building and domestic abuse. The director is moving in the terrain of Nicolas Winding Refn, David Cronenberg, & the more lately emerging female director Julia Ducournau. Proud to say a British director talent, which is a path firmly established between British directors and US productions. It doesn't classify as a road movie, but has all the hall marks of a bonny and clyde/ mickey & mallory vibe with its own twist. One of the more memorable movies I have seen this year thus far. Thinking outside the box.
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One for the punks
14 March 2024
It's these little indie movies that restore my faith in cinema. I'm sort of guy that trawls IMDB and Rotten Tomatoes looking for new movies, but there are always ones that fly under the radar. Looking at this movie being over 4 years old now and only having over 5000 ratings on IMDB is quite sad. No doubt it will gather an audience over the years, but someone should release it on a streaming platform or something to get it more exposure. Its basically a James Dean for the 2020's, but much funnier. Although rough on the outside it's actually a feel good movie. Was very impressed with the direction and the 2 main lead's. To be honest, thought they were better performances than those who just won Oscars this year.
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Every movie genre trope in the book
5 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
From the first fight scene where Whitman decides to go around and beat up a house full of transvestites for no other good reason than he is angry because his sister got murdered, you know your in for something special. Certainly outdated, and in many ways comes across as a comedy in the spirit of Naked Gun movies, except back in 76 this was a serious affair.

The fact he has taken on the case of his sisters murder, would be seen as a massive conflict of interest today, but back in 76 this was seemingly, again, not an issue.

It's very corny and predictable for the most part, but has all the signatures of various genres from this period we have come to love, such as poliziotteschi and giallo. Also a direct Dirty Harry rip-off to boot.

To finish things off Whitman single handily lures the suspect to a hospital where he nearly gets a patient the murderer already tried to kill, killed a second time. He then proceeds in endangering the entire hospital, including surgical procedures and a neonatal intensive care unit- before topping it off by blowing the suspect up in a helicopter over the hospital grounds with his 45 magnum.

If you were going to remake it, would you have it made any other way?
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Mister Organ (2022)
David Farrier is Louis Theroux's clone
29 January 2024
I don't know whether he's his doppelgänger or what's going on. Maybe its like a photon, he can exist in 2 different places at simultaneously-New Zealand being for all intents and purposes, the other side of the world.

I mean he looks like him, talks like him, does documentaries of a similar nature just like Louis Theroux. He's probably an inch or two shorter, but that might be gravity down in New Zealand. Put him on a stretcher for half and hour and can soon sort that out.

That said, he's a good documentarian if not an entirely original one, even if just by the hand of god he is unfortunate enough to be genetically very similar to his counterpart, and making dramatically similar movies and tv series.

Michael Organ was a mixed bag. Its a very watchable documentary, but all said and done, once its over, you are left wondering if this guy warranted a documentary.

He seems a small time crook with mental problems. If even that, as what he's doing seems pretty boarder-line illegal, although morally corrupt. The people brought forward to support the documentaries theory, that Michel Organ is the devil incarnate, all seem to be pretty crazy on their own, without anyone else needed to help them. Its pretty far fetched to seek to blame this guy for all there issues, although he's likely unpopular for good reasons.

It is pretty funny in a bizarre way and Michael manages to get Farrier's knickers in a twist.
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Finding its place
17 January 2024
Overlooked movie, with many qualities. This is my favourite Michelangelo Antonioni movie to date. Difficult to understand why it sunk at the box office. Definitely of the same brand of counter culture movie as Easy Rider which came a year or 2 earlier, but is also very unique. It is also a road movie (aeroplane movie even, how they filmed that sequence beats me) thing going on; think Badlands/ Natural Born Killers.

Most definitely anti-authoritarian, and most likely in ever anarchists definitive collection.

What transpired with lead actor Mark Frechette, when he came to (or continued to) embody the spirit of the movie, adds to the legacy of the movie in a tragic way.

Anti-commercialism and freedom of spirit are key themes, but also the unfortunate consequences of running against the grain.

Pink Floyd tracks were really something and some of my favourite early tracks, and the famous ending was filmed magnificently to one of those 2 tracks which made the final cut.

It crosses boundaries and plot spirals in a quite ethereal way. Striking cinematography and editing. A couple of hours well spend.
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7 January 2024
Read else where on IMDB director committed suicide the same year as this came out, leaving a suicide note behind suggesting the media was going to uncover an affair with a younger woman, so he was deciding to take himself out.

Ironically that is part of the story in this movie, and revolves around his real wife Nobuko Miyamoto who is playing the lead part. In that light, it is very difficult to believe this story.

As he had been attacked and threatened by yakuza a few years earlier because the content of his movies offended them, it doesn't stretch the imagination much to come to the conclusion he was murdered.

Makes you really angry. Such a talent and a very funny guy. His wife and him were an amazing team, and always brought so much to their productions, bring the best out in other cast members too. His earlier movie Taxing Woman has a special place in my heart.
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Embarrassing white wash
26 December 2023
The documentarians obviously had access to the body cam footage of officers on scene, yet it cuts off the moment the officer (Chauven) has his knee on the detainees neck. There are several scenes early in the encounter, where we are shown body cam footage of the officers backs who are in direct contact with George Floyd, but can not see what they are doing as he states repeatedly he can not breathe. Why not show us the body cam footage of officers in direct contact while George Floyd is still half way in patrol car.

There are 3 contributing factors towards his death in initial coroners report, the 3rd being described as "exertion caused by Mr Floyds encounter with the police officers". Sure, anyone who saw the 10 + min long viral footage captured on some member of the publics mobile phone, can testify to that.

I found it sickening that the police were painted as the victims here. Their criminal malpractice sparked the riot. This sort of police brutality is common place, and there are many other videos on line. Futher to this, the vast quantity of police brutality happens, behind closed doors. In police cells and alike, away from prying eyes. Many other people who have lived to tell the tale also carry the burden of this type of corrupt policing. What happened here struck a chord with a lot of people, which inevitably was the reason the incident sparked a mass uprising. Decisions were made to stand back from the rioters, as they wanted to minimise any further potential of loss of life. A wise tactic.

To try and blame drug toxicity for the detainees death is also a sick defence. The footage captured by the public showed what happened to George Floyd in this instance, and that is why the officers responsible were sent to jail. For lessons to be learnt, the system has to admit its guilt, so things like this can not be repeated in the future. Unfortunately I do not see this happening here, and the whole documentary aims to diminish responsibility, and stand in the defence of police brutality and violence.

They use his under lying health conditions and drug use, as reasons to deny what evidently happened as the viral video showed. Physically George Floyd looked in fair shape, and with out doubt he would still be alive to day if the officer did not illegaly place his knee on the detainees neck for a sustained period of time, until he ultimately killed George Floyd. It is easy to pick events and facts when dealing with a criminal, to admonish the police of any wrong doing, and avoid taking responsibility. This is the case here. The detainee was very vocal about his concern that he couldn't breathe, and even bystanders tried to put the belligerent officer in line, and stop him from blocking Georges air way: to no avail! He didn't care, and he thought he had the right to kill him and nothing would come of it.

Violence begets violence, and the documentary is quick to point out criminals have killed cops. 2 wrongs will never make a right, and if this attitude prevails, police will continue to be put at higher risk of danger. The only person who can hand out a death sentence is a judge in certain jurisdictions, and despite George Floyds fallibility's, this would not have been on the cards here if the convicted officer hadn't taken the law in to his own hands. Handing in monopoly money at a shop is not a capital punishment effence.

It is well known that police coalesce with coroners to fake death certificates as routine, but this was unachievable in this case, in light of the video evidence which had already gone viral. Check out the "excited delirium" verdict for example, which is a cause of death which only ever gets recorded when there is a death in police custody. A phantom condition, and the cause of much controversy. Police and the state cover up these things, as it is bad for PR, and they desperately need the general public to support them which is apparent from what transpired. The police will do anything to avoid being pictured a perpetrators of crime, as there whole exsistance is dependent on that image. A Violent response is not the answer to every dilemma.

The Maximal Restraint technique, does not involve kneeing on some ones neck for good reason, period. Where is this lengthy video which circulated online? They keep referring to a still photo in the docu as if it doesnt exist, where as this video contains at least 10 min of every graphic detail. It is the one vital piece of evidence this documentary fails to produce. It shows a drawn image from a training manual for MRT, where a knee is placed between someones shoulder blades, not the detainees neck, claiming threy were trained to kill people by kneeing on their neck. It is completely biased, and immorally and unforgivably so.

With out admitting wrong doing, one gets the ominous feeling that history is doomed to repeat itself. Maybe in the not too distant future. This was an opportunity to learn and change things for the better, and we can only hope this is realised in full.

The city paid out $27 million to George Floyds family as a result of the viral videos, yet this documenatry team find that the police did nothing wrong. Anyone else see anything wrong here? Some kind of Trump conspiracy theory fable.

The idea that Black Lives Matter is to blame for Chauvins 19.5 years sentence, is lifting the mask of the right wing racist agenda the documentary supports. They want to void accountability and responsibility: do not let them! Chauvins defiance shown in the interview from his prison cell, should be enough to extend his sentence, as he has clearly has not learnt his lesson yet. Look at the harm he caused, not only to Floyd and his family, but to his country. To much to shoulder perhaps? In survival mode shirking responsibility?

They have various interviewees coming on stating that 2 of the 4 officers were from ethnic backgrounds (one is Asian, other mixed race). Well Chauvin who killed him certainly wasn't black. It does not need to be a racist killing neither, but the cover-up of these similar like incidents in abundance, and the right wing agenda media response inherent in this documentary certainly is.

Losing public confidence has consequences. A lot of police left their jobs after this, and its a good thing. They knew they couldn't get off with what they were doing anymore and suffered a guilty conscience for once. Best thing to do is clean the ranks, and make way for new socially responsible police officers of the future. Police should no longer have immunity from prosecution.

One female lieutenant police officer states, "I saw the video (the one they do not show), a lot of angles were excluded". The viral video was one long shot of the incident from every angle, where police were surrounded by members of the public begging for Chauvin not to kill the guy.

Documentary keeps going on about the truth. This docu team wouldn't know the truth if is fell out of the sky and slapped them across the face.
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Movie about a nutter
11 December 2023
This is kinda pre-mental health, when mental health wasn't really on the table, and when the issue did come up it was overplayed to some extreme. The lead character is showing pretty accurate signs you would expect to see in his behaviour patterns.

Unlike other reviewers, the end threw me. To be honest I seen it in him all along, but you just kind of ignore it, and pretend that element of his personality isn't there. The violent and suicidal tendencies etc, but when I realised what he had done I was still shocked. The shock is really because, despite him being a unlikeable character, this all comes out of left field at the end of the movie. Its the hiding in plain sight sort of thing. You knew the signs were there, but you were too naïve to realise it. As a viewer you can't help but to feel fooled, in a manner of speaking.

It reminded me a bit of British director Mike Leighs movie Naked in some respects, which came out 10 years later to much acclaim.
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Disaster movie with psychological twist
9 December 2023
It is kinda like "Lord of the Flies", meets "I Am Alive: Surviving the Andes Plane Crash", meets a disaster movie.

Firstly, the effects are pretty good, and it is hard to tell what is practical and what is CGI for most part. There's not many studios out side Hollywood who can pull off these types of effects movies, and South Korea is certainly competing and catching up with them.

It is a psychological study of people in a crisis situation, and how you would react and what depths they would stoop to to survive.

It is well crafted, but there are some areas which you could only describe as major loop holes. I mean South Korea is a technically advanced nation, so where is the government within all this and the rescue operation. Even if the whole country was affected by the quake, there would be international aid. There is no explanation to why they are still in exactly the same position 2 months later.

Still, if you can put that aside, its an enjoyable disaster movie with plenty psychological twists.
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Makes you want to get a paint brush and paint yourself a different colour
9 December 2023
This is a great movie, and only Scorsese could bring in the audience it deserves in this day and age. Its sad to say, but we are in a repeating phase of history where white people are disinterested in the atrocities committed by their forefathers. In yester years these sorts of movies might have had more of an audience at the box office. We have right wing parties rising, anti-immigration agendas, and arrogance is rising at an unprecedented rate. This sort of movie has fallen out of fashion, and would usually be lucky to get a tv miniseries budget today. So I must appraise all those involved, and Martin Scorsese is showing no signs of wilting with age, knocking out this epic 3.5 hr movie. It is a master class in human depravity, and if you were born with a conscience, you will spend most of the movie in disgust at their callous acts. Its hard to imagine a movie with more reprehensible characters, and unfortunately this is a true story about the despicable things white people were doing to American Indians back in the 1920's to take their oil money. It is a very good character study, and an important movie others can learn from.
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Neon Maniacs (1986)
Its a real stinker
6 December 2023
Once watching it and then reading about production problems, that kinda explains things. It has qualities such as set design, effects, and actors. It is shown that they can act, but so many scenes are just off, and should have been re taken. Why the lead actress is smiling in half the scenes for instance after 6 of her friends just got murdered. It seems to be really badly written and scripted also. Like who's bright idea was it to invite a bunch of ghouls along to a monster themed part full of school kids so they could take them out with water pistols. Talk about taking lambs to the slaughter, that's culpable homicide right there. The side characters such as police and sidekick school chums are also desperately under developed. The final seems to just be missing also. Strangely watchable all the same. Could have been a decent horror movie, but is heavily flawed.
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Cant believe the UK banned this movie back in the day: ashamed
23 November 2023
Its as much a comedy as it is a horror movie. This movie made me laugh more than 90% of the comedies out there. Its a satirical take on penance and cardinal sin. The whole movie is funny from beginning to end. I see other reviewers state much of the first movie is recut and in the 1st half of this movie. I remember it being a decent horror, but couldn't remember its content - other than the obvious - for the life of me. This is probably why I allowed myself to enjoy this movie, and if I had watched them sequentially with in a short time period, I may very well have a lower opinion of this movie. Why on earth the UK banned this movie god only knows. Very shameful.
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1966 The best year of the western
20 November 2023
With The Good the Bad and the Ugly and Django also coming out this year, it was the pinnacle of the western movie. This movie is Hollywood movie, but you can see the Spaghetti Western influence seeping through, and this movie bridging the gap between the two sub-genres.

I much prefer this style of western when compared with the John Ford The Searchers (1956) style which dominated during previous generations of this genre. It is a welcome change. Deeper, more action packed, and just an all round better western in my opinion.

A star cast and an unconventional ending to a Hollywood western of this time period.
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Horror not his forte
17 November 2023
After watching this, I feel horror just isn't David Gordon Greens genre. Sure, he's made some great movies in the past, but even his Halloween movies were a down turn. They are kinda meek, over sentimental, and don't really bring anything new to the table. There is staying faithful, then there is rehashing concepts but just not quite doing a a good job as the originals. Halloween and Exorcist the bar is set particularly high, being all time classics. Honestly, at times I felt I was watching a TV special, not a Exorcist sequel. Even the music and soundscape seemed well off over all. Found it hard to watch and took me like 4hrs in total to get through it. Remote switching.
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Was expecting Ed Wood comparable production.
1 November 2023
Was a better quality movie than I expected it to be. These movies influenced a lot of very successful Hollywood movies over several decades to come. The diner scene was reminiscent of the similar scene in Oliver Stones Natural Born Killers. A direct influence on Wes Cravens Hills Have Eyes and Last House on the Left could also be directly accredited. Horror and alike got more graphic and explicit it the following years, but the theme and carnage of this movie would level up with any of them. The filming locations and vehicles on display are likely to strike a nostalgic cord with anyone who lived through the 60's.

My main criticism would be the ending, as it stands out as iconic case supporting the need to hire a lighting department. As the camera movies around the final scene, it is evident that the shots were taken at completely different time of day lol. Must have run out of budget in last 5 min. Also some explanation is needed to how you can shoot someone face on, and the entry wound lands up being on the side of the persons neck. Thematically you have to wonder how close Adamson was with the Manson family, as he shot at their ranch, while they were active there. This movie shamelessly capitalises on it.
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Hobo (1992 TV Movie)
Life on the rd
24 October 2023
The stars and the scenery make this doc. Wish they remastered it, as the copy I got was missing some sound in some scenes. It reminded me of Jack Kerouac's book On the Road (1957).

It is not romanticised at all, and the participants still do a decent job of selling this lifestyle. The camera goes where they go: on freight trains night and day. Seeing America from this angle with excellent cinematography, while listening to their stories which drove them there, was powerful film making. Some of the scenery wants you to jump a train. That said it is a difficult life out in the environments, and as pointed out, a dangerous one. The price of freedom. Imagine these days will be much more difficult to ride freight trains for free (if not impossible), as they bring up that security was already being beefed up in 1990 when this doc was released. There was a character called Big Red who's foresight struck me, as his comments were quite prophetic, as it was if he was almost seeing in to the future of 2023.

Some nice tunes selected also for soundtrack.
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Motel (1989)
A time stamp
20 October 2023
Just watched this on youtube after someone recommended on the Incredibly Strange Film facebook page. The selection of interviews were interesting and personable.

You have to watch it to appreciate it, and I would like to spread the word about this doc so it is not forgotten. If it wasn't for the advent of youtube, it would have likely have been long ago.

It does have a feeling and style not unlike some of the best documentary film makers. Checking the bio, Christian Blackwood early death certainly stunted his career and wider spread acknowledgement. Well worth watching, and I think a delight for anyone seriously in to documentaries.
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One of the best movie making docs I've seen
12 October 2023
It really was an iconic sci-fi movie, and they truly just don't make them like that anymore. It rivals and surpassed the Terminator in a number of areas. Documentary is very interesting as so many of the cast and crew take part, and it virtually breaks down the movie scene by scene, giving you massive insight in to the production. The effects side of things I found really interesting, and just the thought and creative processes.

Like other franchises Robocop became diluted and virtually destroyed. Robocop was a raw sci-fi movie which did not hold back. It is sad but making a movie like that in this day and age is virtually unthinkable. You get adult movies, but they are small productions or art house-not on the scale of this block buster dark dystopian commentary on the future. Studios seem to scared to take risks, which is a draining the life out of cinema at the moment.

Very thankful that they took the time to make this in depth documentary on one of the Sci-fi greats.
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6 October 2023
Paramount make these sort of movies, and hey are kinda wholesome and enjoyable. Not sure if this one was written by King, but it is pretty faithful to the other movies in style and tone. Its very cliched and fairly predictable, as you would expect. Over all though it is entertaining and has a fairly high production value. It is a lot better than many of the horror movies I have made my self sit through as of late, and they all scored much higher in IMDB rating pols. At least this movie has some jump frights and pacing.

For sure it could have been better. There isn't so many Pets in it for one thing. Should really capitalise on that aspect of the series, as it is an area of horror which could be certainly revamped and improved on. People love there cats on dogs, so play with their primal fears.
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Ahsoka (2023– )
Could so with a dark angle. Story about sorcerer and apprentice
5 October 2023
Not sure what British classification board are thinking giving this a 14 + certificate. The original 3 films have a U (universal certificate) and are much darker. From Luke getting his hand cut off, to the removal of Vaders mask as he dies, these were key elements which gave the original films such power to stick in the memory. These moments were pivotal moments, and don't think get enough recognition for making Star Wars the success it is.

From a visual perspective Star Wars has never been better. I mean the VFX is outstanding in this series.

There has always been a lot of violence in Star Wars, but its marketed audience is for children upwards. Being caught in this trap of lifting the age limit, while simultaneously toning down the themes, spoilt it a bit for me. Things like the imperial fighter aircraft can not seem to hit a stationary aircraft, or the Imperial Troopers who keep getting hit by light sabres but come back to life with out a scratch on them, does really rock the plausibility scale. The magicians trick it to deceive the eye, and on this level the action scenes fail.

If censor board are determined to drive the audience to an older generation, then why not settle for a 15 certificate and make the story and fight scenes involving.

I understand the position they are in, so still gets an 8 for me, but I cant help thinking how better they could have made it. Big budgets unfortunately come with a lot of red tape these days.
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Birth/Rebirth (2023)
Shudder is coming to life
28 September 2023
There was the movie The Influencer from Shudder I watched recently and now this one. Its cool to see the streaming service evolve over a short time, and now producing some of the best horror movies coming out in recent years.

The two things which sold this movie to me, was one the medical research detail, and secondly the special effects. Although bringing someone back to life is pretty implausible, this movie goes as far as it can do to sell the idea to those (like my self) who are not medically trained.

The medical sequences do look very realistic, and the story does get dug in to the science and procedures, where most other dumbed down horror modern movies fear to tread.
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New York Homicide: Greenwich Village Mystery (2023)
Season 2, Episode 15
cant believe he got off with manslaughter.
26 September 2023
This is about murder of actress Adrienne Shelly. Firstly it opens a lot of questions in to how police investigate suicides. It seems apparent, that the only reason they dug deeper in Adrienne's case was because of intense pressure, as she was a well known actress/ director. It makes you wonder how many other people are found with a noose around their neck, and called a open and shut case by police. This was 2006, so DNA would have been available, although no sign of it being used here. Focus on a foot print which is hardly the strongest of evidence.

Anyway, Adrienne was talented, and this parasite should never have gotten off with manslaughter. Enough said, as IMDB isn't appropriate place to vent of what should have happened to him.
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Influencer (II) (2022)
One best shudder movies
19 September 2023
Shudders low budget horrors are improving, and this may be best I seen. Have to say I was just a bit disappointed in the end because of its simplicity, otherwise I may have hit it with 8 stars. The cast and locations are excellent, and they are really utilised throughout. Its got some really cool unique architecture in it also, reminded me of that Brian De Palma movie. Honestly, there's so many horror movies which worked around social media and majority missed the marker completely. Concept movies that really never ascended beyond just that. This movie was however refreshing, well thought out and delivered. Thumbs up!
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A real vampire movie
31 August 2023
The monster is very similar aesthetically to nosferatu, in the original telling. It is a very faithful retailing, and I like how it focuses in on just one chapter of the original Bram Stoker Dracula book. Plenty of scope for sequels. The vampire effects are good. Not to over done, focusing on believability. Would be interesting to know what was CGI and what was traditional effects. The effects look good anyway, making it one of the best Draculas I have seen on the silver screen. I like that it was traditional, and setting the ground for further chapters. This could re-vamp the genre, excuse the pun.
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