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So much potential...
9 September 2012
Warning: Spoilers
So, after watching the trailer for this movie I was rather excited. Despite bing one of those 'not very well known horrors' which I tend to avoid as 9/10 they end up being a disappointment, I figured the idea of a haunted hotel is somewhat unexplored in recent horror movies (a nice change from the possession/exorcism obsession which is dominating nearly all recent movies of the horror genre). Unfortunately this movie failed to live up to expectations.

Firstly, the plot development is infuriatingly slow. The first hour of the film contains nothing very exhilarating and merely centres around getting to know the two very boring and considerably annoying main characters. Dedicating such a long time on character development would have been slightly justified if they were just the slightest bit interesting.

Secondly, there are more holes in this plot than there is in the ozone layer. Things are made out to be important but just never explained. I will list a few examples 1) The woman staying in the hotel with her child, why was this even included? They had no significance to the plot in anyway that I could think of. 2) Why is the ghost haunting the hotel so angry? I understand maybe because her body was hidden (I vaguely remember them mentioning in the short description we had of why the ghost was there)but why did the ghost suddenly become so murderous? What did Claire do that deserved death? 3) The old man (who from mere guesswork I presume was the runaway husband) who killed himself, why did his ghost become so angry and murderous? He seemed to like Claire and I can see no reason why he would want to hurt her. 4) The actress turned physic (A rather odd and unexplained character I felt) speaks of three ghosts. Something that I thought would turn out to be an interesting twist. I thought wrong, it was never explained.

I could write several more things that were extremely disappointing about this films plot but for me they were the main issues, apart from the appalling ending of a slamming door. In conclusion, as mentioned before a huge waste of what could have been an interesting storyline. So underdeveloped and unexplained when this film finished I felt annoyed both at the writer and myself for wasting an hour and a half of my time.
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Star Trek (2009)
Exceeded my expectations
8 August 2010
I will firstly make it clear that I am female and in no way shape or form a fan of star trek before the release of this film. The fact I knew absolutely nothing about the star trek franchise made me a little cautious watching this film as I believed that I would be confused as I did not already have a background knowledge.

The film however did a great job of covering the basics of what needed to be known. The opening scene containing the birth of the main character (Chris Pine) was well tied in to the rest of the storyline and I did not at any point feel particularly confused by who anyone was or why anything was happening (which I expected) However One thing which I found particularly irritating about the film was the huge time gaps, at one point they skip forward 3 years and I think it would of been useful to include at least a brief showing of what this time period contained.

Aside from that though, I did find this film thoroughly entertaining, and found the cast, settings, music and storyline all very well constructed.

I will definitely be interested in watching a sequel if it is released.
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Inception (2010)
I didn't talk about anything else for days.
7 August 2010
Wow. Its not often that I walk out of a cinema after seeing a movie and feel the need to pinch myself. This film is so clever that I truly thought that it was out of human capability to come up with a story line so complex but yet fits so perfectly together.

When reading a description of this film in the cinema magazine that you pick up before you go in, I'm not going to lie I was terrified. Having already ordered my tickets and being unable to change my mind, the words "Hold on to your heads for a real brain bender" put me off instantly. This description of the film made me expect something along the lines of 'The butterfly effect' or 'Donnie Darko', neither of which I fully got my head around and mainly watched for the hunky male leads.

However I couldn't be more wrong about this masterpiece of a film, I cannot really summarise in words how much it will make your jaw drop continuously throughout and highly recommend that you see this.

In conclusion - Phenomenal performances from everyone on screen - Fantastic music - Fantastic settings - Pure genius of a story line - Flawless

Do not miss out on this, fasten your seat-belts to be truly blown away.
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Up (2009)
I felt like a completely new person, truly moving
7 August 2010
Honestly, I found the DVD of this film in my house and decided to give it a watch as I had nothing better to do. Truth is I really should have made the time before.

Although I enjoy all the other Disney/pixar movies, I am at that teenage age where I mainly seek Violence, sex and gore. Thankfully my teenage boredom did me a big favour in helping what this fantastic masterpiece. This film was so fantastically deep, meaningful and moving beyond relief, as soon as I switched it off I rang my grandparents to tell them I love them.

It should be made necessary that everyone everywhere should see this film and I think the world would be a much better place - it really is that good.

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