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Don't misjudge - you get exactly what the title suggests
1 February 2008
Movie's like these require low expectations. I had such for Independence Day, and though I wasn't blown away, I wasn't disappointed either. Same is to be said about 'Snakes on a Plane.' The title didn't lie, there's not much more to this movie other than a pane and a whole bunch of poisonous snakes on board. Of course there is also Samuel Jackson. I enjoyed it very much and felt that there was nothing there below what I expected, and there was even some parts that I thought clever. Point is, if you pick up this movie, and your IQ is above 15 then you should probably know what you are getting in to. And you get it - in Spades. I found it a really cool, fun way to enjoy a movie. It didn't require much thought, just reaction. I think we all need that kind of a movie here and there just like we all need some junk food from time to time. Can't wait for the sequel, 'Snakes on a Train' where I hear they'll have an Anaconda the length of three train cars!

It wasn't quite Shawshank Redemption, but I am sure if Morgan Freeman was narrating over it, then it would have been close.
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Sexy Beast (2000)
David Mamet goes British.
30 September 2005
There's no way to write a review after only one viewing. Not for us who aren't British at least. I needed the subtitles on just to catch every fast and funny quip Ben K. passed by. But the second time, when I knew what to expect, and the plot could be put as a backdrop behind the incredible emotion of Kingsley. Wow! It's been said and needs to be said again. Regardless as how you feel about movies as a whole. If you want to witness some theatrical acting, go no further. A real David Mamet esquire script helped I'm sure but the acting across the board was finely done and shot. Just don't expect it to be a plot thing with twists and turns. Enjoy how it is an exposition on how people are actually capable of speaking to each other beyond the line. If gives you the same feeling as when you watch Glengary Glenross. It almost makes you want to start talking dirty to loved ones, just because it sounds cool. Worth renting, and if you're like me, worth buying.
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Sweet movie - BAD title!!
3 April 2005
This movie is very cool if you like alternative, angst ridden teenagers trying to do good. The title is awfully deceptive because there is nothing illegitimate about the "older guy - younger girl" relationship at all - here's a short synopsis: Alternative goth chick meets conservative store manager. Neither of them have a life outside of work so they slowly learn to hang out together. The rest kind of falls into place as they see how "the other half" lives, and make each other better people. Great movie to watch with your parents (no drugs or sex) and sweet for an pick-me-up kind of movie. The soundtrack is cool too - it has the great older tunes like Sinatra and such - along with some Marilyn Manson and then some reggae as well.
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Tough on the the outside, fleshy in the middle, and bloody all over
17 June 2004
An extrodinary film as it is Christopher McQuarrie's Directorial Debut. Filled with great long shots and an excellent eye, Christopher proves that he's not just a great wirter. Performances in this movie are fleshed out %100 by each actor, despite the script being a bit dry and quite shallow, it works with the overall mood. The first gun play at the beginning was amazing, well drawn out and executed. Tough guys, easy money, lots of guns and twists along the way. Topped with a Retro-Western musical score which brands this movie like a cow hide. Don't expect a morally happy movie that make's you feel like helping that old lady across the street with this one. But in its defense, the morals are polished just right, like a slow barbaqued steak. Tough on the the outside, fleshy in the middle, and bloody all over.
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Molding the original to the Current Horror Stereo-Type
15 May 2004
It was a well adapted script. It tried to link the original with its sequel. I have never seen part 2, but from what I gather this it fills in holes from the original. It holds weight with the classic landscapes and house shots - meat hooks and such. It was brushed with a Hollywood HairMousse and styling gel, but it remained true to the rust colored down home hick smoke flavored beef jerkey sustenance the original held.

I am still afraid of Texas, this movie only furthers it.

It was more fleshed out - no pun intended. There was a PHAT scene when leather face decides to change faces, I don't know if that's in the sequel - but DAMN!!! I got the chills. The plot built up in a more H-Wood sequence. The original holds weight because it is rather slow, methodic, mellow and gradual at the beginning. It really doesn't get completely disgusting, vulgar, and spectacular til the creepy end, then a short action sequence - she escapes. This movie held its weight as molding to the action movie mold where things always go wrong, everything gets worse synopsis. It's a different brush on an old subject - not the original, but it has merit by way of Blair Witch Folk Lore style horror films. I found it ironic how the creators of 'Blair Witch' were inspired by the original TCM, yet the remake relies on successful aspects and elements of 'Blair Witch.' Nice spin by M. Bay, overall not a bad rental or Halloween movie. Just a little too flashy for me to buy, the original definitely holds true to its merit, it is a movie you throw on when you want to go on a diet, as in, you lose your appetite for a month. The remake is more a gory horror classic, five teens surrounded by imminent doom - all die except one who escapes - type thing.

BOTTOM LINE: If you've seen the original, watch it openly as a new movie, not a remake. If not, watch the original first. And don't feel obliged to follow up with the remake.
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Willard (2003)
Tim Burton's take on Rats of Nym
29 October 2003
I would have to say this is one of the best thrillers of the year. Whether it be the Hitchcock camera shots, Crispen's amazing acting or the sequence using the Jackson 5's song 'Ben', you get to witness a great gothic film played like a Greek tragedy. Wonderfull lighting and camera angles gives you a mood resembling Disneyland's Haunted Mansion. The effect used for the rats was completely believable and really draws you in to the inside story. What really stands out though is Crispen Glover's character. Honestly, I would consider it Academy Award material, though we know it'll never get there. He gives such convincing angst and emotion you root for him all the way to the end. Overall the movie has a Tim Burton makes the 'Rats of Nym' vibe that horror and suspense fans will come to adore.
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May be good for some, but not for me
22 September 2003
Evry movie has to have a fan. Who is the fan for this movie? No one I know, or would want to know

Plot: A slutty brat tells a story about how slutty and bratty she is. Then mixed lovers happens.

The acting in this movie was at the same level of a high school play production. You really don't relate or feel for any of the characters except for her brother who gets screwed numerous times (you kind of wish he just goes postal on everyone). Lyle Lovett is a great singer/songwriter, but he can not act. On a positive note it addresses and deals with some very deep issues concerning sexual societies and homosexuality.

Bottom Line: I wouldn't recommend it, yet I feel that there has to be a certain audience that would like this movie, maybe bratty slutty teenagers.
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Three Kings (1999)
A different take on War
22 September 2003
One of the worst difficulties in film is getting the 'right' light. On the plus side, shoot a movie in the desert, and this will not be an issue.

PLOT: Guns of Navarone Gulf Soldiers of the first Bush era find opportunity to seize a piece of Arabian Gold. We are immersed in a feeble nation gone mad, surrendering to CNN crews. It plays just like a country song: Then the true meaning of liberation happens.

Well done movie. A war movie where the war is a sub plot. A heist movie where the war is the backdrop. Great acting by the cast, great directing and cinematography. Good action and plot twists. Ultimately you understand that the movie is not about the war, nor the gold, rather, culture conflicts in the desert. We get a cheesy Hollywood ending, but it is justified after what you go through during the rest of the flik.

Bottom Line: I would recommend it to anyone who likes war movies, heist movies, social commentary movies, or just people who like good films with a good all around cast & crew
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One of the Top Three Con Movies Ever made
14 September 2003
Weakness, greed these are the characteristics con artist look for in their mark. Be warned.

Plot: A career con Artist Roy(Cage) and his protege(Rockwell) are working their way up to larger scores. All of a sudden Roy is united with his 14 year old daughter who he has never known. Then obsessive compulsive weakness' happen.

Great movie, kind of a mix between 'Leon: The Professional' and 'The Grifters'. If you've seen the later or perhaps 'The Sting', then you know that con movies are truly the best for plot twists. I have to give kudos to 'Matchstick Men' though, it ranks in the top three con movies of all times. Send me a check for $50 and I'll tell you the other two.

Bottom Line: See it. Move to Provo, Utah. Start your own con operation. Realize that there are more layers to individuals then just the skin deep first impression.
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Que Bueno!
12 September 2003
After seeing the movie, look at the poster again, and you realize how the creeping plot really is background for the finale. Then you piece it all together and realize Robert Rodriguez has produced his grandest film yet.

Plot: Well it would take five pages to describe the plot. There are good guys and bad guys. There is a lot of ammunition. These two groups get to share the ammunition with eachother. Then los ojos happens.

To get the bad out of the way, this movie is kind of crammed with a lot of characters and sub-plots, it spreaded the story a little thin, and it was a little hard catching up. Also the sparks in the squibs were kind of annoying. Done. It would be best to pay attention to the Two million pesos at all times, which is actually the central prize. The other prize, as in the pre-quels, is revenge, and we get A LOT of it. It is a good movie and had many motives that I didn't expect, than I realized the title of the first two movies implies an individual, this title implies a story, and event, with many characters and... a lot of ammunition. It is not everybody's film, but for those of us who like this genre, it staisfies ten-fold.

Bottom Line: Gun fights, explosions, Beautiful women, Sexy guys, evil villans, great director, great locations, and a great soundtrack. It's a 'Super-size' of a movie but well worth seeing a few times.
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May (2002)
Disturbing, but so is life and love... I guess
6 September 2003
This is a hard one to comment on, having just finished it. What can I say... it's not worthless. In fact it has much worth... scratch * scratch... looks like learning to sew pays off when it comes to friends.

Plot: Our May is a bit quirky, and has a hard time interacting with others. Through constant dismisal she finds her only friend to be her doll. The a bloody sewing circle happens.

Good cinemotography, and great acting by Angela Bettis in the lead role. Great directing, great... the writting kind of bugs me, but then again I just saw it... maybe in time.

Bottom Line: Not a family film. Not a date movie... unless... no, not a date movie. It's good though, look beyond what it may seem like on the outside, there is a beauty which lies within May.
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Arrrg! Dar be talent in dem Lands of Disney, matey!
5 September 2003
True to the ride I guess. I think we all wondered what the plot of Disneyland's ride was, considering there never was anything it was based on (yet it was one of the COOLEST)

Plot: First you wait in line. Then sail through lovely seas of the Caribbean. Then there's a skull saying something mean to you, your boat falls down and splashes. Things get dark. Then Pirates happen.

Like Disney's family ride, you get great scenery, you get some thrills, spills, and some good honest humor, particulary with Johnny Depp's crafty swaggering character. Bloom and Knightley fit in nicely when it comes to the tale of a damsel in distress and her true love saving her. Rush commands his army of pirates well with a matured manner, yet he can still be quite evil. What really deserves some credit is the Special Effects and the Pirates themselves. We get a good gathering of savages and thieves, giving the ride lovers what they wanted. Good swordplay and great ship battles, what more could you want? A less sappy ending I guess. I mean C'mon!

Bottom line: It has Hollywood branded all over it's filthy tooth smile but it delivers what one would want out of a Disney Pirate movie, much like the ride (before they took out the pirates chasing women).
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Head of State (2003)
Not Great, but a C+ for effort
4 September 2003
When I brought this home from the video store my room mate just moaned. I knew I done screwed up.

Plot: An unforeseen event in the Democratic Party's agenda forces them to shoe in a canidate who won't get ellected. They find an Alderman from D.C. who is down on his luck and mold him in to a possible canidate. Then Bernie Mac happens

Some parts of the movie are just horrible, particulary the dance scene with the old folks. It just doesn't fit, white collar people doing the electric slide... c'mon, it just ain't funny. However there are a few redeeming qualities that would make it a great 'Hungover on Sunday, what's on cable" movie. Bernie Mac does not get in to the movie for a two thirds of the film but when he makes an entrance I was rolling over in tears, he's just got that vibe about him.

Bottomline: All in all it isn't that good. With a plot kind of like 'Bulworth' meets Chris Rock's stand-up, there is no new territory covered here and it almost fuels the Conservative view that we shouldn't have only white presidents. A black or woman president should not be made in to a comedy, it should be explored as a serious possibility.
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Bulworth (1998)
Important film, mockery is predated truth
4 September 2003
To get it out of the way, W Beaty's raps could have been better. He should have spent a week with the Wu Tang or something. But in the verses he sprays, he delivers many many liberal shots at what's wrong with our society ahora. Props to keeping the message in the movies

Plot: Senator Bulworth is in a political rut and finds himself in an insommniac's dream. Radical ideals and bold statements spray like bullets across the media as Bulworth morphs in to a white-boy personification of 'Grand Master Flash'. Then cruel destiny happens

It almost plays out like a Greek tragedy. With slight skews in the characters to give it suspense. To get it off my chest, there are some blatant impossible scenarios introduced. Specifically the possibility that this Senator (one of two in California) has no bodyguard, that people can get in to all of his press conferences with no problem regardless that they are thugs, assassins and drug lords carrying guns. Sorry B, y'all missed it. Regardless the message is strong and solid, many argument against the Democrats & the Republicans that still need to be addressed, and so the movie is good. It is media - perhaps propaganda for a new era. I wish WB would put a little more in to the process of solving our societies problems rather than addressing them, we all know what's messed up in our world, the question is what do we do, who will stand up?

Bottom Line: A left wing cry me a river wet dream. A liberal's reference point. A radical's fuel. An activist's fire. A period piece that we all hope, thirty years later, will make us remember when 'those were the times'
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Ch ch ch ch... Ah ah ah ah... Kill, kill, kill kill
26 August 2003
Warning: Spoilers
I remember watching 'Friday the 13th Part... 9 I think' (does it really matter) and at the end they showed the hockey mask being pulled in to the dirt by Freddy's glove. We all thought it would be cool if they matched these two 80's horror genre killers against eachother. They finally did it.

Plot: Going through an identity crisis, Freddy Krueger coaxes the ever returning Jason Voorhees to help bring Freddy's name back to Elm Street. Then Camp Crystal Lake happens.

Haven't seen ALL the movies, but I've seen enough. I've always hated Freddy's one liner hijinks, but at least he's creative in his death sequences. Jason, well he's just raw death, big, silent and deadly. I do find it funny though that in the stretch of time from start to finish(?) these movies have moved the audience from being scared for the victims to routing on the killers. In the theater I saw this in only laughs and cheers were heard, no screaming or grossed out 'Ew!'s. If they do not make any more of these, and let sleeping dogs lie, then this movie is deffinitely the best. We got what we wanted, a match made in hell. We get two royal rumbles, one in Freddy's dream world boiler room and another in Camp Crystal Lake. We get murders by both of the stars and references to the past movies for the fans. With the modern times we live in we get better special effects, better gore and better plastic surgeons (talk about defying gravity). I must say the keg party scene was the best outside the final battle royal. When it comes to the final fight, I was happy with the gathering tension and was very happy with the outcome (well not the final final outcome). Spoiler advice to many, leave before the last minute. When Jason walks out of the water, start leaving.

Bottom Line: It's good, a lot better than all of us expected since the succession of these movies has been rapidly declining in worth. You will get exactly what you want. You got Freddy, you got Jason, you got one liners, you got brutal machette deaths. You get drunk, naked, drugged out teens screaming and dying. You got a final match up and you get a winner

(Spoiler) ******** Now if they ended it with Jason returning in the dreams of teenagers to kill them, now that would be cool.
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After 15 years of Stigma(ta) what's the big deal
23 August 2003
Where's the Blasphemy? This movie was considered the devil's doing when it came out and my mother would never let me see it. Now, having seen the film, I find the ironies that exist in our organized religions.

Plot: Our hero, Jesus Christ, is seen in his last years becoming the savior that we know of today. Sentenced to death we witness the last temptation he encounters before being welcomed to the kingdom of God. Then Martin Scorsese happens.

A brilliantly filmed movie with an excellent soundtrack by Peter Gabriel (ironic when you consider the apostle Peter and the Angel Gabriel). Seriously, it is an excellent movie that I would assume make religious folks proud to be Christian. William DaFoe has a hard role to play out and if he slips a little forgive him (we are all sinners). The Biblical accuracy is authentic and the cast (of extras that is) is actually of Arabic decent. With directing by one of our generations greatest and cinematography that will take you back to these sacred times we have here a religious depiction that rivals all. Where is the flaw?

Bottom Line: All those religious zealots who shunned this movie over a decade ago should see it before making another comment. Those who are not religious will enjoy the cinema value as well as get a history lesson in the last days of Christ. Overall a well valued movie that, thank God, made it this far.
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Sid and Nancy (1986)
No one said Punk was Pretty
22 August 2003
Warning: Spoilers
I don't know if it's called a "Spoiler" when the facts are known to the general public, I mean I hope I don't ruin it if I tell you the Titanic never made it to the U.S., regardless, I don't want to spoil what really is the purpose of this movie. So you are advised.

Based on facts well known by Pistols fans and music buffs, 'Sid & Nancy' recreates the building romantic tension between these two lovers that eventually erupted in murder.

Plot: A frighteningly realistic portrayal of the 'Romeo & Juliet' love affair between the Sex Pistols' Bassist/Gimmick, Sid Vicious, and Nancy Spungen which ended tragically in late '78. Then Gary Oldman happens.

The night in question is slightly obscure since the only people who really knew what happened are dead. However, I found the films version of it the most appealing, sincere, and more than likely exact. Many people think Sid violently assaulted Nancy, others still believe in conspiracies that he didn't even do it. But in the film we are given every ounce of their demented junkie/punk rock lifestyle, unveiling the true horrors behind Sex, Drugs and Rock n' Roll. David Hayman as Malcolm McLaren was perfect, though Andrew Schofield plays a horrible Johnny Rotten (with the exception of the singing). The true kudos go to Gary Oldman though. Probably one of the most challenging roles to play, he executes Sid's immaturity and obnoxious behavior honorably. The majority of the film is accurate though it tends to drag when they move to New York. Then again this movie is about the couple, not the Sex Pistols (check out 'The Great Rock & Roll Swindle if you want a movie on them).

Bottom Line: A must for die-hard Sex Pistols fans, psychotic lovers and punk rockers in general. For the rest of the public I would advise discretion, it might seem offensive and crude, but then again this is Sid Vicious we're talking about and the only woman insane enough to get to his heart.
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True Romance (1993)
Truly Quentin, Truly Classic
15 August 2003
Send in the clones, a new era is born. In one of Quentin's first scripts we find trace elements foreshadowing the next decade of film. Threads of romantism weave the fabric of this crime epic filled with some of the most quotable dialouges and monolouges since they added sound to film.

Plot: Cupid shoots an arrow in Detroit and sends a pair of young lovers to L.A. to make an early withdrawal from their newly found retirement fund. Then Quentin happens.

Risa Bramon Garcia & Billy Hopkins should be given Academy Awards. To assemble a cast which fits the script like a hand in glove. Slater plays our 'Hero' a comic book store employee who wills confidence backed by Elvis, his conjured 'Jimeny Cricket'. Patricia is our heroine with subtle glances, giggles and moxy that can beat a man to a pulp in ten minutes. Besides Christian and Patricia the rest of the cast is given very select supporting roles, with sometimes as little airtime as one scene. Regardless, every performance is truly memorable, whether it be Oldman as a Pimp City Wigga, or Walken as a ruthless Sicilian. Sizemore and Penn work magic together as Narcotics officers looking for the collar. Pinchot as the manic drama intern caught in the middle of the fiasco. Gandolfini as a ruthless thug who doesn't hold back when it comes to beating a woman. You really can not find a bad performance in this film.

Truly this is the case when the script moves the cast and vise versa. Tony Scott should not be ignored either, of 'Top Gun' status and forefather of post modern 'Hollywood' action flicks. He wagered against Hollywood odds by keeping as close to the script as possible. The steel drums on the sound track are placed so accurately it reminds the audience the title involves 'Romance'. The only problem I could have with this movie is the fact that it's filmed in chronological order unlike the script which segments the beginning in to the middle.

Bottom Line: A Must See! On my Top 5 List. This is a volitale movie, it combines scenes of simple social interaction with grave violence, you feel comforted and horrified at the same time. Overall you, when it is over you will find a new found love in cinema.
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John Woo - NO :: Mira Sorvino - YES
14 August 2003
One of the best sequences is when an 'innocent' blond soccer mom in a SUV gets caught and the cross-fire. They spend a little extra time showing her being blown away, which for 1998 is a bold statement against SUV drivers. Props.

Plot: CYF is a indentured hitman caught in a wicked contract with a Chinese mob boss. He decides to gain morality towards the last mark and creates a rumble with the mob. Two non-indentured assasins are then hired to finish the job and CYF. Then Mira Sorvino happens.

Antoine Fuqua was still a little fresh around the collar when creating this John Woo attempt, but he does a Grade B+ job. He has since then blown us away with 'Trainng Day' truly his cup of tea. However, this movie has many redeeming qualities, one being Mira Sorvino, I have a thing for sexy women with automatics (ugly women, well that's just plain threatening). CYF is a bad ass, always was, always will be. The villans I think destroy this movie, they are too 80's 'Lethal Weapon' type, very shallow, with no character, supposedly just plain evil I guess, but they aren't, they even pull the "Now I'll leave and let my henchmen kill you, and I'll assume that you will be dead." This didn't work for the Joker vs. Batman either.

Bottom Line: This is the kind of movie you would find on TBS or TNN but it would be ruined by comercials, so try renting it when you're in the mood for some solid gun play, and a very Sexy Mira Sorvino
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Bad... Real Reel Bad
13 August 2003
The fact that they make a reference to the movie 'Airplane' (one of the best spoof movies ever) is mockery. Avoid this movie.

Plot: A serial murder tries to kill some local small town teens before they ruin any respect we may still have for comedy. Then Tom Arnold happens.

Avoid this movie, the title has twice the amount of humor that the entire film has. The best part was the ending credits, I doubt many people have gotten that far. Avoid this movie, I was filled with more joy the dya I was diagnosed with cancer.

Bottom Line: Tom Arnold came from under a stone in some remote swamp and continues to plague our media systems. He should be boycotted or thrown in jail for his attempts at acting, especially acting funny.
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A slightly different war epic (only slightly)
13 August 2003
When I first saw this film I was about the same age as Christian Bale's character. Now seeing it again after 16 years, I have a newly found appreciation for this epic.

Plot: A Chinese born boy of English blood is thrown in to Japanese occupation during WWII. We witness him mature and grow rapidly as he tries to survive and understands the burdens of war. Then John Malkovich happens

Many WWII movies focus on what happened in Europe and it's refreshing to indulge in an entirely different struggle as a backdrop. Christian Bale's performance is amazing, I had no idea til now that this was the same guy who gets cast in evil roles in such films as 'Shaft' and 'American Pyscho'. What really holds weight with this movie is the camera shots, some of the best Spielberg ever directed. Much of the movie relies on unspoken scenes which really gives the audience a break from mouthy actors distracting you from the overall concept.

Bottom Line: This is a good rainy day movie, it is not jam packed with action, though the action scenes are quite moving. All the elements are equally balanced giving you a feeling of completeness when it is over. Coming of age during times of war has to be the heardest thing for a child, let's hope Bush doesn't bring that burden on our future generation.
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Magnolia (1999)
Great Acting - But the frogs...
12 August 2003
I just finished this movie after seeing it a while ago in the theaters. I must admit that the cast throughout, even small specks of a role are very human and very believable, truly some of the finest collectively you'll find. The Frogs?

Plot: One full day in L.A. Parents, children, lovers and nobody's come one step closer to understanding the principles and complications of love and forgiveness. Then Frogs happen.

With one to five minute clips of each story passing through the day you don't get as bored as you think you might. What really will draw you in (if you are of the %50 who liked this movie) is the acting. Tom cruise is his typical cocky self, and we watch that character slowly breakdown to the persona of a little boy. To the contrary William H Macy is his normal wimp character who slowly gains confidence (a little at least). Jason Robards fits nicely in to the last breaths of a dying man role. Phillip Baker Hall, is quite frightening portraying the duality of appearance for game show hosts on and off camera. Julianne Moore gives us the full circle of guilt and how it eats at us. Philip Seymour Hoffman is still in his stereo-cast yet he has a hero-esque presence through the film. The true academy award, however, should go to John C. Reily. His role as your nice-guy LAPD officer is too funny to be fake, he had me the most engrossed with his cop mannerism, so text-book and clean cut. Even the supporting roles are executed as if they were at the same level.

Bottom line: Directing of course great with Paul Thomas Andersons' famous loud impacts to wake up the audience. The soundtrack cradles the mood too well. But mainly, the merit of the acting is far superior to most movies and deserves at least a once over by every movie connoisseur. Just make sure you don't ave a fear of frogs... or you'll be scared to death.
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Sincerely, top 20 of all times
8 August 2003
Plot Line: A good Samaritan rescues a kid from a near fatal situation. The kid now believes he is a sworn servant of the Samaritan, a samurai. The Samaritan is a member of the Mafia. Then urban life happens.

Bar none, one of the best films ever. Many might find it slow at times, too melodramatic, too urban, too black. To those people I respect our individual right to savor specific aspects of a film which please the senses. This movie, however, is more of a spiritual/psychological journey with close ties to that of a samurai.

Forest Whitaker portrays our main character, Ghost Dog. He is an assassin with ancient Japanese ambition and with monogamous loyalty through karmic intervention to Louie (John Tormey) who is but a mere thug in a literal 'Loony Toons' Mafia ring. This movie combines superb acting across the court filmed in close perspectives and with a soundtrack so appropriate (it tells the movie even if you were to watch with your eyes closed, I tried).

It's a shame independent movies gather dust. Our next Otis Redding is serving us food at a two-bit Diner. Any frailties aboard this movie, though far from obvious, would only be on account of insufficient funds. The directing and cinematography is at times surreal and at other times, comic book. The proverbs inter-laced with Forest's dialogue gives the viewer a chance to breath-in breath-out and be ready for the next chapter

Bottom Line: Best Forest Whitaker role to date. A Meditation on film. Observe the maxims that lie within the movie. The brotherhood in honor amongst the harsh urban community, leads to the way of the Samurai.
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Damn Disturbing
1 August 2003
Many people agree, one of our biggest fears is clowns. Mine is Rednecks... Ghastly re-creations of your worst Redneck nightmares come to life in this chilling portrayal of inbreeding against God's will. Be afraid!

Plot: There is a sadistic cannibalistic inbred family somewhere in Texas (around Ft. Worth). Solution: Avoid Texas!!!

When I was young I was told by friends to see this movie and told by parents to avoid it. And now here I am representing IMDb's highest profile, a male, age 26. Seeing as there is a remake of the classic '74 flick in production, I felt I should contact the source. My mama was right, this movie is quite disturbing, not for the faint of heart. Now ranks in my top three horror movies - 'Night of the Living Dead' 'Halloween' included.

I expected cheesy acting and I got inbred family values to extreme, I expected gore, and I got suspense and quick willed slaughters. I expected closure and I got expanded horrors from within Texas. This movie disturbs brothers on death row. Beyond the reach of God we see how humans can go astray.

Obviously, we see inspirations for modern thrillers throughout (Blair Witch) but more importantly we see a peak monument in horror film genre, where the villain is not a zombie, or the undead - rather a deranged human being. There is no 'cut & paste' gore violence in this, only aesthetic serial killer violence. With much of the blood shed to be imagined in in-digestible ways. (The body twitching from the first kill is blood-curdling). Must see for murder enthusiast. Not a 'First Date' movie.

Bottom Line: Three words draw thoughts of horror and dread in my mind, "Massacre" "Chainsaw" & "Texas". Ed Gein never had it like this. But goddamn if he wouldn't enjoy it a a cent less.
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`You want sanctuary, you gotta pay the price.'
29 July 2003
Warning: Spoilers
Have you ever noticed that modern horror movies can sometimes run parallel with porn movies, containing horrible (yet sexy) actors with no purpose but to become eye candy as they are devoured? ‘From Dusk Till Dawn' is the Avatar which finally broke this new mold and raised the bar for future horror movies to come.

Plot: Two bad-boy thieves and a Faithless preacher's family become turbulently entangled on their escape to Mexico to seek sanctuary which will arrive at the break of dawn. All they need to do is make it through the night at what would seem to be the sleaziest bar in Mexico. Then Salma Hayek happens.

Robert Rodriguez and Quentin Tarantino are not amateur film makers. Harvey Keitel and George Clooney are not rookie actors serving lunch on Melrose for a day job. What we have here is a flimsy idea backed by Hollywood's finest. Tarantino's ‘Rebirth of Cool' combined with Rodriguez' flair for the dramatic gives the audience a joyride throughout. From every head gesture by Clooney to every `P^$$y' remark by Cheech Marin, you can tell the actors really had fun with this one. And let me tell you it's nice seeing actors having fun, for all of a sudden their true talent surfaces. Of course the soundtrack is more than adequate, only one more element drawing you in to this world of murderers and thieves. The film editing is actually very appropriate and only enhances the overall intentions of the film.


After watching the film a few times more I began to realize the story is more a fantasy, where El Rey is merely a mythical location for sanctuary. The subjects were put more or less to a test of faith. It is not uncommon for these movie makers to include some folklore and legend. This movie dives in to regions of the occult and makes reference to Anne Rice's idea of the Theater of Vampires. When Salma Hayek begins the body shot, the coin flips. The movie becomes Hitchcock morphed in to ‘Evil Dead'

*End Spoiler*

Bottom Line: What if Quentin Tarantino began drinking half way through his screen writing process and decided to make his action/comedy into a B-Movie Zombie Flick? Would it stand up in court? Answer: Yes it would. What if Rodriguez had to come up with a movie to rival ‘Desperado'? Would he sell out to Hollywood? Answer: ‘From Dusk Till Dawn' (Then Came ‘Spy Kids'). At a great pinnacle in their careers, QT and RR assemble an extraordinary cast to execute what some may call the worst movie ever and others may deem genius
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