
7 Reviews
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Bellflower (2011)
18 November 2011
Warning: Spoilers
We saw a few movies at the Seattle film fest and this was the worst of what we saw. I like the premise a lot but the actual story does not live up to its potential. It was directed amateurishly and worse is the cinematography. I know others like this but I don't get it. I thought the acting was weak and over-the-top in some parts. I really wanted to like this film but after 30 minutes I was so bored I couldn't take it. My wife wanted to leave but I gave this movie every chance and stuck it out. For those who think there's some sort of nuclear blast; there is none. There is Apocalypse or anything of the sort - it's just a character study and a boring one at that.
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Bully (I) (2011)
Well done documentary
15 November 2011
Warning: Spoilers
We saw this at the LA Film festival (we are big festival goers) and really enjoyed it. In fact, I was surprised there weren't a lot of reviewers here. There was a packed crowd where I saw it. It's sad that we really don't address the problem of bullying until the new millennium but folks should see this or at least show it in schools. We hear from parents whose kid committed suicide as a result of bullying and other kids who were bullied and how little is done about this problem. In this day and age when everyone gets a trophy and everyone is seemingly pampered, how can kids still have this happen to them? A well done film with a some brave kids.
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Jack and Jill (I) (2011)
Not good at all
15 November 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I'm a Sandler fan but I think we've reached the point where he doesn't make funny movies anymore. This is the type of movie he would have made fun of 15 years ago. He's not likable with either character here and there was nothing funny being said or done. Even on paper it sounds like an awful and clichéd premise and when you finally see the finished product, all your fears are realized. There were no laughs at all in the theater, however there were a few groans. I'm seriously not sure how this was greenlit or why Sandler agreed to do it. What Al Pacino is doing in this I do not know but I think his career is probably going in the direction Sandler's is. I hope we can get back to the Happy Gilmore days with Sandler but I think those days are done.
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Bad Teacher (2011)
Not as bad as I thought it'd be
15 November 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I thought this would be terrible but it wasn't that bad. The previews make it look really awful. I hated Bad Santa and this looked like that but it wasn't. I thought the characters were a little under developed and the story was forced in some parts but it was funnier than I thought it would be. Diaz was pretty good in the role. We laughed a few times and at one point looked at each other surprised that we were laughing. I know this did well so I suspect we'll be seeing a sequel. I guess this is the perfect type of film for a sequel. I liked Diaz far far more in this than that awful film she did with Tom Cruise where she was awful. This, not bad.
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Neighbor (2009)
Insulting, amateurish and poorly made
2 November 2011
Warning: Spoilers
The person who "directed" this garbage puts his name above the title. I find it hard to believe someone wants to take credit for this. It's terrible, like a Uwe Boll movie. Really, this is one of the most amateurish attempts at a movie I've seen in years but it comes across as so pretentious as if it was good. Forget that there isn't an original bone in the body of this clichéd waste of time, the fact that the people making have no idea what they're doing makes it worse. And if you're going to put references to actual good movies, it doesn't help when your movie comes across like an amateur video, which is pretty much what this is. I thought maybe the guy who "directed" this was some foreign guy I've never heard of since his name was above the title like that meant something but he's not - after looking at his IMDb page, it's just some guy who wants to break in the industry (but has no talent). So this makes it even worse. A terrible video made by a guy with a big ego who puts his name above the title. Good. I hope he does that for everything he ever does from now on - it will serve as a warning. Then again, the odds of this guy ever making another movie that gets on a rent-able DVD are nil. Nill I tells ya.
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Dubbed (2010)
Okay but not as great as people seemed to be saying
8 May 2011
We saw this at the LA film fest and it was okay but people seemed to be raving about it. It seemed to be getting big laughs but personally I just thought it was average. I laughed once and I can see why people would laugh at some of it but maybe I'm just jaded, I just didn't think it was all that great. I think it won an award but I'm not sure, there were a couple other films we saw that I thought were much better that didn't seem to get the same reception this film got but I guess everything is just subjective. Technically it was good but overall I don't think it's worth the praise it was getting. But that's just me. I like more obscure stuff so what do I know? I'm just glad there is a forum like this where people can voice their opinions.
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Paycheck (2003)
underrated film
8 November 2010
I don t know why people hate this film, it's not great but it's certainly not bad. I has its flaws but for a basic entertaining scifi thriller, you can't go wrong.

Ben Affleck is not bad either. I have read some of Phillip Dicks stuff and this is just based on the story (as is everything Hollywood makes of his) but nonetheless, it's entertaining.

There are your basic flaws and a couple "aw come on" moments here and there but not enough to go negative on the movie.

Now Daredevil, yes, you can complain about Affleck in that one. That was a stinker. Paycheck is okay.
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