
2 Reviews
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17 November 2004
Who directed this piece of crap and coerced such horrid performances from veteran actors? Is it just me or is Randy Quaid playing the same character he played in 'Independence Day'? The Dialogue is so laughable that I would rather the characters just didn't speak unless absolutely necessary because they have nothing worthwhile to say.

This movie surpasses 'The Day After Tomorrow' in the categories of "Tree Hugging" and "How Much Of My Political Agenda Can I Push On Other People?"

The plot is very weak. After two hours I am not concerned about the weather. Why is there anything with the power company in this movie. As if having power on when or even the couple of hours before the storm would have helped. You could not evacuate that many people in a few hours and if the storm was really that big the city would have lost power anyway. That whole part of the story line could and should have been omitted.

And what power company has no IT department but a single man that they contract work out to? PUH - LEASE!!!!!!!
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Setting up the Story for T4?
2 July 2003
The Terminator is back. Arnold fans won't be disappointed, this movie is action, action, action. T3 movies so fluidly that you don't realize you've been sitting in a theatre for 90 minutes, which is an ode to the talented James Cameron. Claire Danes has grown up and plays a good damsel in distress. Nick Stahl just seems to exist in the film only to give a body to John Conner, but with all the car chases, gun battles, and explosions most people aren't going to notice. Arnold has still got it. I was not disappointed. The action is non stop, the plot is pretty decent, and it has a twist ending that is inviting another sequel.
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