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Heavy Metal (1981)
An nostalgic 80's rollercoaster ride
23 April 2022
Jump aboard into 80's animated rock nostalgia that takes you on an breathless ride with each segment accompanied with an great soundtrack into the Lexicon of fantastic animation and story narrative a must have for any nostalgic hardcore fan of 80's animation and music that had many influences in movies like bladerunner and the fifth element Including other anthologies like creepshow, heavy metal is one rollercoaster ride to remember forever And that's why I rated this an solid 9.05/10.
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Horizon Forbidden West (2022 Video Game)
Great premise but way too much cliches
8 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This game has an great premise sadly it has way too Many cliches that's been done to death like spoiling The reveal way to early like how Aloy explained to Varl fan favourite from the original game that she isn't created at birth but as some genetic experiment and the only hope of survival from the DNA of scientist Elisabet sobeck and how Aloy isn't the only clone but another one it sounds like you see in other science fiction stories about cloning others including way to Heavy on doing fetch quests then doing the main objective and relying on cartoon humour and yes Expect stereotyping of characters in this game and An long start for the story to kick off but very Disappointing story narrative great for Friday night When drunk.
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McKenna grace is excellent
8 April 2022
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McKenna grace really excels as the granddaughter of egon spengler and it shows how the actress channels the essence to an fine art and scenes with Logan Kim's Podcast was pure entertainment When testing equipment or making jokes especially When phoebe had confrontation with Gozer with witty dad jokes and photons at dawn during the climax and she was the standout of the cast in the film.
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marvel plays with audiences motions
16 January 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Many years ago amblin did this trick in E.T where they intentionaly killed the character and got impressionable young children crying as an way to say you thought we killed him Fooled you and brought him back towards the climax of the film and now both disney and marvel exects have done it with infinity war by trolling the audiences with fake deaths of treasured heroes when it's quite clear that Sam L Jackson already teased about the climax of Endgame about Captain Marvell is going to bend time the same trick was used in salkinds superman where the titular character reversed time to prevent current events from taking place because of generating concerns and complaints of parents that thier children is deeply upset and the all the avengers will return along with the rest of the guardians team going forward to guardians of the galaxy vol 3 that's currently on hold and what i have seen about this movie via reviews on youtube i can't deeply recommend this to young children both kevin feige and marvel should be ashamed for toying on peoples emmotions..
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Fright Night (2011)
80's remake fatigue
18 May 2018
The problem with Hollywood of today loves to throw nostalgia at peoples faces by remaking so many franchises that wasn't needed and remaking fright night not once but twice in a span of three years apart by setting the 2011 version in the city of sin where gambling and adultery is one of them but for the 2013 version set in Romania the birth of Dracula where the antagonistic vampire Jerry was gender swapped from male to female but was an direct to dvd in other countries in which both dreamworks for the 2011 version and fox studios for the 2013 version trry to cash in on an name but it didn't quite work out the special effects in the 2011 version was subpar made it look cheap and something out of an ps2 game with shoddy lit night time scenes an devoid of turning into bats and werewolves and an bland clichéd soundtrack but where as in the 2013 version the effects was way better other than that both versions will never be remembered by the hardcore fans of both the 1985 original and it's 1988 sequel plus tie in comics between both films that was lore enrich but some classics are better stayed buried until somebody respect the source material of the originals .

frankie croft smales
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Destiny 2 (2017 Video Game)
destiny 2 in an nutshell
17 November 2017
destiny 2 has an great story whereas it's predecessor was lacking of with no ingenuity when it comes to story narrative where characters either have very little or don't have time to explain down to lazy and poor scriptwriting but had an very solid loot system and grimoire you have to read via bungey companion but the loot system in destiny 2 is very worse then the first only way you can get loot mostly by either grinding public events or grinding for tokens and how easy it became to get items that was badly criticised via content creators on youtube who are destiny one veterans from d1 and it's pandering to those who has very little time to play and its single use shaders that you can use at one time not like in d1 where you can reuse them all the time and the other lazy concept of interesting villain's that uses the same tired trope of it should be me who has all the powers not you and I am going to rob you of it and Frank Langella was wasted by playing the second fiddle character not the big bad like he did in the he-man movie from 87 lastly the raid in d2 is the most hated in destiny history my raiting 8/10.

frankie croft smales

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Saints Row IV (2013 Video Game)
an excellent nostalgic parody
15 November 2017
saint's row iv has all the popular franchises from various video games and movies plus television shows rolled into one great game with an comedic flair not bad for a game that takes place after the events of the third entry and with some Easter eggs including the clock tower from back to the future an reminiscent fight from they live where it had Keith David and Roddy Piper having a blast with that scene that I gave Keith David full praise for it when I met him in an convention plus other nostalgic properties including Godzilla and for the reanimated statue that was referenced in Ghostbusters 2 and the main focus is the matrix and nostalgic call backs to the original metal gear and streets of rage and Daniel Dae Kim reprises his iconic role as Johnny Gatt and great anthem from Aerosmith for their iconic theme from Armageddon but an all round entertaining game plenty of laughs and r rated humour my rating 10/10 .

frankie croft smales

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Michael Jackson: Thriller (1983 Music Video)
the very best of Michael Jackson
20 July 2017
Warning: Spoilers
this Spooktacular Halloween treat has being on the must see list amongst many fans since 1983 by blending this movie within an movie trope blended well and Vincent price really nailed his performance as the eerie narrator and the choreography had heart and passion the makeup By Rick Baker was great and direction from John Landis didn't disappoint and fans had real dedication by showing up at the set in early hours of the morning to see Michael in action I would rather re-watch this then moonwalker any time and thriller is better on laserdisc that I own but fell fowl to trashy porn parody titled driller a sexual thriller that released in 84 but with this an total delight top rating 20 out of 10 .

frankie croft smales

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Moonwalker (1988)
the title moonwalker is trashy
20 July 2017
Michael Jackson delivered us an glorified an 1hr 45min long compilation of various clips of his work and it bares no significance to the title and within it self didn't live up to the narrative that supposed to be the origin of his iconic dance instead of this slap dash mess of an movie where the main action doesn't heat up until the 45 min mark before then you would have fallen asleep due to the boredom of the first 2 acts of the movie where as his short movie thriller was pure magic that reduced to an mini clip but the montage sequence had armature photo shop FX and kids trying to be bad was awful with worst choreography but I couldn't watch the entire movie but skip to the 45 min mark there is no real redeemed quality what so ever If I want to see a film about moonwalking I'd rather watch Neil Armstrong actually doing it I can't rate it higher but giving it an 4 out of 10.

frankie croft smales
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Recruits (1986)
an cheap police academy adult spoof
14 July 2017
another fan favourite franchise can't escape of cheap imitations made by other countries by using cliché plots and characters of varied stereotypes like an butch horny female lieutenant an scheming captain with an hapless staff sergeant along with the racial stereotype comedic black man and others including an romantic slacker an drunken buffoon an horny nerd an heavy metal airhead an comic relief that all these stereotypes has being done to death in the 80's no matter on what they are spoofing it gets rather tired this is an fine demonstration that Hollywood can't come up with anything new instead of these lazy cash grabs by low budget film companies but Jon Mykl Thor feels like filming an hour and an half rock video but I only give this an 8 out of 10

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Resident Evil 6 (2012 Video Game)
my thoughts on resident evil 6
5 December 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I have seen tones of play trough's of this latest instalment of the cult survival horror series I must say it was berserk one minute it was a survival horror then first person shooters in the style of James bond and call of duty and the three main campaigns were an torrent mess there was so much confusion you don't know what kind of game you are playing the game was padded to the hilt with constant Quick Time Events and nauseating camera movements and having Helena Harper in an outfit that's similar to the absent Claire Redfield that insulted it's core fan base harper was cringe worthy and piers was great very well rounded character that help Chris to tow the line but can come up annoying at times the fourth campaign in which see Ada Wong playing detective by piecing together the evidence to clear her name via hunting down her imposter Clara that spends most of the other campaigns masquerading as Ada and Wong steals the show with corny one liners and batman-esque combat attacks and moves the her self makes flash appearance's in the game but with an 6th chapter in the series it deviated away from what Resident Evil stood for with no real story substance that lead to the mess that it received by most fans that it is worthy an 8 out of 10.

frankie croft smales.

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Mirror's Edge: Catalyst (2016 Video Game)
a roller-coaster ride of fun
3 December 2016
this game takes the player through dizziest heights of gravity where from start to finish its constant insanity of fun but it's not a game for those who suffers from vertigo where it has tones of gravity defying stunts that pushes the boundaries and limits of video game logic the set creations of environments are amazing but the acting is sub par at best and filled with Easter eggs like the mark around faiths eye that bare similar to a clockwork orange and the surname Kruger from a nightmare on elm street if you are a fan of parkour then this game is for you and worthy of an VR augmented reality treatment but lacking the choices of unlockable costumes but the game slows down a pace with padded flashback sequences and fetch quests but the other flaw was the lack lustre combat mechanic that is ropy and an unforgettable villain that you don't take on at the end but more or less fun to watch or play 10 out of 10.

Frankie croft Smales

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Witchblade (2001–2002)
my fave show of all time
20 October 2016
I thoroughly enjoyed this show but was upset at the SCI-FI network for cancelling it after season 2 the show was well crafted and casted and it came at an great time when actresses started dominating in larger action roles including Angelina Jolie as Lara Croft the tomb raiding goddess and Milla Jovovich kicking zombie butt to cap it all off the star of drop zone and hard target Yancey Butler playing an detective by day and superherione by night as detective sara pezini who comes to terms of her new found abilities to wield the awesomeness of the witchblade an ancient artefact that magically found its way on to her wrist that each generation an new witchblade warrior is born and blending bullet time the effects used in countless of film and television commercials before Butler honed the role and I was impressed with her performance in the show and the soundtrack was amazing I am giving this an 20/10 .

frankie holtzmann smales

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Showgirls (1995)
exceeded all expectations
31 August 2016
Warning: Spoilers
showgirls exploited the show dancing scene in Las Vegas where it's not all glamorous as it seems where you are today's newest star to tomorrows has being and how vindictive it can be but it was a big challenge for actress Elisabeth Berkley known to many fans as Jesse Spano in saved by the bell but this time the actress swapped bayview high for the city of sin as Nomi Malone with high hopes of making it after she has her belongings stolen by the guy who gave her a lift by leaving Nomi sans baggage and money ends up being befriended by local exotic dancer Molly Abrams played by Gina Ravera that takes an distraught Nomi under her wing until she finds her feet the only way is by getting a job working as an exotic dancer whilst she was dancing she got spotted by veteran dancer Crystal Connors played by the ever talented Gina Gershon scouting for her protégé but for Nomi the reality sank in after she made the short list as the movie progressed it got serious after Zack Carey uncovered something Scandalous about Nomi's past before she embarked on an vendetta against her friends attackers but it ended up with Crystal in hospital and Nomi leaving Vegas for her next destination plus baggage and money but after years of being heavenly blasted by critics the film finally met it's calling by the fans that garnered it a cult classic that gave Berkley the respect that she deserved that's why I am giving this an 10/10 with and elevated 20 stars and leave your ambitions at the door.


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how not to respect the audience and source material
29 August 2016
this is what you get if you don't respect the source material by letting an different director having total control by not recapturing the brilliance of the previous film and not staying faithful in continuity and getting lost in the visuals where there was no narrative what so ever during the third act where they turned an 16 year old into a seductive madam of Sodom and Gomorrah that is off putting by seeing an vicar molesting an minor that felt insulting and the whole story and plot of this film felt flat from start to finish there is no redeeming quality about this film and this truly demonstrate of not respecting the source material or its fans of the original cult classic that's why my lower rating of 5 out of 10 .


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Ghostheads (2016)
an thrilling hard hitting doc about fandom
10 August 2016
this hard hitting doc about peoples struggles in daily life by turning to beloved franchises that makes them special just by turning up in tribute as one of their idols was heartfelt and made me very proud to help fund as for an resident of united kingdom I seen loads of hard hitting docs about peoples struggles it touches people but instead of franchises to turn for guidance we have self help focus therapy groups as for this doc it makes people from all walks of life come together in celebration and some of the stories are harrowing that this deserves an award an gem that with continue it's legacy for generations to come. 10/10 rating.

frankie holtzmann smales

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Flash Dancing Meets Martial Arts
7 August 2016
this movie came out during the Video Nasty culture in the united kingdom in the early 80's where clamping down on ultraviolence in distributing home videos with themes of ninja throwing stars and other implements that could lead to copycat violence but with this film it had an minimal release and had to atone it's violence right down and Menachem Golan And Yoram Globus had an notorious habit of jumbling releases of their films that lead to the confusion on this film by fans by making them believe that this was before Breakdance the movie (u.k Title) to say both feature Lucinda Dickey where as in this one she is an telephone Cable lines woman by day and aerobics instructor by night to say the actress looked buff for the role so you was convinced this came second after her breakdance movie but the whole premise of this movie is flash dancing mixed with martial arts and the exorcist and has veteran actor James Wong the Legendary Lo Pan from Big Trouble in Little China and the theme is amazing. it takes a ninja to kill a ninja and Dickey shows an new method of having foreplays with v8 juice but it did get an official united kingdom release in an Blu Ray Boxset available on amazon it's a shame that Dickey wasn't respected well to say that Hollywood execs are evil only the best make it but she still has her fans the world over today this movie a 10/10.


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Fright Night (1985)
pure timeless 80's cult classic
7 August 2016
the first time I have ever heard of this movie it was by reading loads of pulp horror magazines back in the 90's that lead me to be enthralled into seeing it and when I rented it on home video cassette I was amazed on how brilliant it is and the bonus was having the celebrated legendary late and great Roddy McDowall playing the formidable peter Vincent in which it was an combination of peter Cushing and Vincent Price and how it took the whole concept of voyeurism to the next level that's where Charlie Brewster played by William Ragsdale and girlfriend Amy Peterson (Amanda Bearse) comes in during an night of watching late Friday night horror films and love making that's where for Brewster his morbid fascination of peeping on the house next door begins by accusing neighbour Jerry Dandridge (Chris Sarandon)for being an murdering fiend which lead to an confrontation with him one night by warning Brewster of due to the abhorrent theme of the boy that cried wolf scenario with this movie with stellar soundtrack and effects aplenty this movie sure holds up today and ages well like an fine wine 10/10 rating.


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ghostbusters 2016 spooktacular in 3d
11 July 2016
Warning: Spoilers
this effort of bringing Feigs vision of ghostbusters in 3d was excellent the best 3d movie I have ever seen surpasses that dreadful jaws 3d from the 80's plus many others that failed but with this it was exactly that the director pictured it when he said that some of it drops over the bottom black bar on the screen and it did and heroes of the hour went to Kristen Wiig and Kate Mckinnon for their action performances to say this film was contrived by certain fans via the media but on the whole I have watched the hell out of it twice in a week and I still enjoyed it and Melissa McCarthy and Leslie Jones didn't surprise me and Chris Hemsworth rocked it and Neil Casey had an wild ride playing the main villain but all that bad karma towards the fans by shunting them with hidden jokes and abuse towards the no ghost and stay puft balloon by hitting them in the private areas could have left out but on the whole it was great but a shame to the poor turnout thou


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Wishmaster 3: Beyond the Gates of Hell (2001)
11 April 2011
wish master 3 takes an different direction in the third instalment of the wish master saga this time about a professor who wished for two exotic Egyptian harem beauties known as she-demons who seduces and kill men with looks to die for in return for the djinn to inhabit his body by wreaking havoc at a campus of high education only stands between him is a young student in the form of aj cook who known as agent jeniffer jereau in criminal minds who must stop the diabolical djinn from taking peoples souls and opening the gates of hell and a great climatic battle but actresses Ruth dubuisson and Angela Jackson steals the show as the devilish she-demons brilliant film 10 out of 10.

Frankie smales

(Frankie smales movie and TV review UK)
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