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The Offering (2022)
Horror movie on autopilot
26 December 2023
This movie does not do anything new or interesting. It's exactly the same as every other movie that deals with this topic. As the title says, a horror movie on autopilot.

You can fall asleep halfway into the movie, wake up near the end and I am sure you could guess exactly what happened during the parts that you missed.

This movie also only relies on jumpscares with loud sounds for horror, nothing else. And it's even worse cause the audio mixing is trash. The dialogues and ambient sounds are so low, but the jumpscares can be heard in another city from my room when they happen.

In the end I just decided to volume down the movie to a point where I can barely hear them and just read the subtitles so that my speakers don't blow up from the plethora of jumpscares that are all over this movie. To make it even worse, the jumpscares are all so predictable and ineffective.

The characters in this movie are also dumb as hell just so that the plot can happen. Not a single intelligent person was detected during the entire runtime.
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Good movie ruined by the ending
24 December 2023
I was ready to recommend this movie to all my friends until I saw the last 10 minutes of it.

Those last 10 minutes ruined the movie for me. A typical example of the cliche trope of the main character making the worst possible choice even though he knows better, but the movie plot needs to happen so he has to do the worst thing imaginable which does not suit the character at all.

So if you can stomach a trash ending, then I recommend this movie to you. It has really good moments, but again, be prepared to have one of the most unsatisfying movie endings in any horror movie to date.

A shame really.
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Shouldn't have rewatched it
15 November 2023
I saw this movie in the cinema when I was a kid back in 2004 and I adored it then.

Haven't seen it since until today. I felt a bit nostalgic and wanted to rewatch something from my childhood and see how it holds up nowadays.

Picked The Polar Express and gave it another shot and oh boy I wish I didn't. The plot is all over the place, there's no time to let the movie breathe because everything happens to rapidly. We end one "tense" scene and instantly jump into another one. And that's the formula the movie uses until the very end pretty much. It's a bit tiresome.

The worst part of the film though is the art style. Especially the faces. They all look dead, specifically the eyes. It all just looks wrong.
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Not his best show
14 October 2023
I watched Hill House, Bly Manor, Midnight Mass and now House of Usher in that order and that's how I'd rank them too.

The worst of his shows currently. Only good thing about this show was the final episode and everything Carla Gugino related.

My biggest issue with The Fall of the House of Usher is that each episode is ~90% a standalone thing about the life of one sibling and their eventual death. And it serves no purpose for the actual plot.

Would have preferred if the show focused more on the actual story about the events that happened in the 80s and such instead of the background stories of characters that are in most cases utterly uninteresting and, again in most cases, die in such funny ways that I burst out laughing several times. Seriously, some of these episodes felt like I was watching a comedy show instead. Leo and Tammy especially.

Prospero had the coolest death, very Clive Barker. Sadly he died too soon for me to get to know anything about the character.

Camille was a cool character and her death was dull. Wish she stayed in the show longer

Leo, the only good thing about Leo was his looks. He is just my type so that's the only thing I appreciated about the character. Everything else was boring.

Vic had some cool visuals in her episode, but I feel like her descent into madness could have been done better.

Tammy, the definition of boring.

Freddie, forgettable character completely.

Juno and Lenore could be removed from the show and absolutely nothing would change.

All in all, if the show focused more on the events both younger and older Madeline and Roderick and kept the background stories of the kids to a minimum I would have liked this show a lot more.
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Just because you can, doesn't mean you should
28 August 2023
Last night I finished reading the book that this movie is adapting. Robert Harris' An Officer and a Spy.

As soon as I closed the final page, I got ready to see the movie with a friend of mine who doesn't know anything about the Dreyfus affair.

Both of us disliked this movie. He couldn't figure out what's going on because scenes are happening in rapid fire mode. It's one of those "blink and you'll miss an entire book chapter".

Scenes happen so quickly that events simply have no time to breathe.

I kept getting angry by how many things from the book are removed, and how many important happenings last for 15 seconds in the movie.

The only way to adapt this book is to make a TV show where each chapter is one episode that's between 40 to 60 minutes long.

A two hour long movie can never adapt the actual story of the Dreyfus affair.

This movie is literally the definition of TLDR.
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Samurai Jack (2001– )
Could have been perfect (last season)
23 August 2023
This was definitely rushed, not sure if it was because of budget or time constraints. Some scenes are visually so so beautiful with how they use with colors and the art style.

But a lot of the story feels so rushed and nothing has time to properly develop. Especially cause it feels like 40% of this entire season is just returning characters and locations for the nostalgia, instead of focusing on the story that's supposed to be told.

Aku voice actor also didn't do it for me. I am not sure if it's the same guy but he lost the voice or someone else who doesn't do a very good job.

Overall I enjoyed it, but it could have been better.
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It was kinda fine, I guess
27 July 2023
Haven't read the source material by Adam Nevill yet, but I did enjoy his adaptation of The Ritual very much so decided to give this a shot too.

It's just an okay movie I suppose. If you have nothing better to do, this one will help you kill an hour or so of your day.

Not even close to The Ritual sadly. One day I'll read the book and see how it compares to the movie adaptation but from what I understand the ending in this movie was completely changed to what happened in the book.

Cool monster design though, the highlight of the movie for me. Everything else was borderline generic-y.

Thinking about it now, pretty much nothing in this movie was explained.
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Oppenheimer (I) (2023)
Could have been perfection
24 July 2023
This is more or less a feature documentary type of a movie made only for people who have the basic knowledge of Oppenheimer and the first atomic bomb.

The movie is NOT for people who'd rather watch an action-y type of a film nor for people who simply are not interested in this topic in general. The movie won't change their opinion.

As a person who knows enough about the man and the first atomic bomb and who knew that the movie will be in the style of a "documentary" I was definitely the target audience and I am glad I saw the movie in cinema.

With that being said the movie has no business being three hours long. There are so many scenes that kill the pacing and should have been cut. The movie should have been 2h30m maximum or they should have made a mini series if they wanted to properly explain all the "side characters" and certain events that happened during that time period.
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An above average movie that's been overhyped
22 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
As the title says, this movie is just okay. A textbook example of a movie that was overhyped.

The first third of the movie was interesting to be honest, but everything after it was just dull.

I think that we are supposed to be rooting and sympathetic towards Colin Farrell's character? But I was leaning more towards Brendan Gleeson character.

The guy just wants to be left alone and have some peace, but no, Colin's character constantly harasses him. He doesn't even stop when Brendan's characters starts to self mutilate in an attempt for Colin's character to realize that he is serious about wanting to be left alone.

An emotional vampire if I've ever seen one.

As I said, the first third was enjoyable, everything else outstayed its welcome by far.
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Scream VI (2023)
Great entertainment, hopefully they'll make another one
12 May 2023
I am so glad I didn't listen to all the negative reviews here and decided to give this movie a chance.

Came out of it very entertained. Is it a perfect movie? No. But does it entertain (which is the point of a movie)? Absolutely!

Last night I was in the mindset for a good slasher that is self conscious and sometimes breaks the fourth wall and I got exactly what I wanted.

There are flaws of course, but I didn't mind them cause there was a lot of good that kept me watching.

Two things I wish they fixed a bit if they decide to do Scream VII: 1. The characters treat stab wounds like it's a slap on the wrist. Make it more realistic in the future 2. Ghostface had inhuman strength in some scenes and speed, but when GF was demasked I was like "Wait, that character could do all that? Yeah, no.". So hopefully the future GF will at least be someone who is actually capable of all the things we see while they wear the mask.
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John Wick before John Wick
3 May 2023
Overall a very enjoyable movie if you are into this genre. But there are a few nitpicks that I have to point out.

First is the poster for this movie that says "1 ruthless crime lord. 20 elite cops. 30 floors of chaos" when it should be "1 ruthless crime lord, 18 absolute idi*ts for cops, 2 elite cops and 3 floors of chaos".

Most of these cops are so dumb that I am wondering how they ever made it into the force. They are supposed to be the best of the best yet they make the stupidest mistakes.

Most of the movie happens around floors 5, 6 and 7 so I am not sure why they advertised it as 30 floors of chaos.

As for the pacing, the ending felt very rushed in my opinion. The last 10 minutes are "blink and you'll miss the ending". Which is so odd considering that everything before was slow paces in comparison.

I assume this was an adaptation of some manga which probably doesn't suffer from these issues I stated here.

With all that being said, still an enjoyable movie.
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Last Sentinel (2023)
Good if you have nothing better to do with your evening
30 April 2023
Exactly as the title says, this is a fine movie if you have absolutely nothing to do with your evening.

I was entertained by this movie, but I can definitely see a lot of flaws. Especially the plot holes. There are so many holes in the logic of this movie that are more than enough to ruin your immersion if you think about them too much.

So I tried not to, shut down the critical part of your brain for two hours and you will get some enjoyment out of this.

The setting is nice, the whole one location thing is always a joy for me too, the acting is decent. Some people in cast are very easy on the eyes as well which is a plus too.
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Blank (II) (2022)
Went into it ready to hate it.
21 April 2023
Needed a movie to put on to fall asleep to, something silly and dumb. Saw the IMDB score of this (4.4/10 at the time of writing) and the poster and thought this would be perfect.

A trash movie with a generic "the crazy AI is trying to murder me" storyline, just what I need to watch for 15 minutes to fall asleep.

Ended up watching the whole thing in one sitting. The acting was great, the atmosphere was perfect, it has layers to the story as well which I did not expect at all.

Honestly it was a brilliant movie.

Maybe because I went into it expecting trash and my expectations were low, but all in all I enjoyed this.

I absolutely hate the poster they chose for this and the thumbnail images, very misleading.
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Speak No Evil (2022)
First half is good, second half ruined it.
19 April 2023
The first 40 minutes of the movie are actually really good. It makes you feel constantly uncomfortable and uneasy. The tension is right where it should be and it keeps you on the edge.

But then the rest of the movie happens. And it completely destroys everything that the first 40 minutes of the movie accomplished.

It literally does a U turn and suddenly it's a generic thriller movie where stupid people make all the stupidest decisions and of course the worst things imaginable happen to them in the end. I hoped the movie won't end in such a predictable manner and it would have some depth or a plot twist, but nope.
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26 March 2023
I adore this franchise, but honestly I could have lived without watching this.

Expected this to be more focused on behind the scenes stuff, talking about never before seen/heard stories during the filming and such. That did maybe cover ~15% of this Special. The rest was just a recap of the franchise itself that we all know at this point.

Not gonna name names, but some actors felt very fake during this. If you've seen this, you know which ones were CLEARLY still acting during the Special and which ones were not.

I wouldn't even recommend this to diehard fans of HP. Only to people who are really bored and have absolutely nothing to do for the next two hours in their day.
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The White Lotus (2021–2025)
22 February 2023
Never saw Season 1, but I heard A LOT of good stuff about Season 2 so I decided to give it a shot.

Honestly I don't know what the hype is all about but I was for the most part bored.

The finale was especially boring and it only shows how misleading the intro was. Very manipulative in an attempt to create a "mystery" that'd make you to watch the entire season to see what the intro was all about only for it to be nothing of importance.

The acting (for the most part), soundtrack and certain locations were great so that's why I am giving this four stars instead of one.

I just expected something else... something more.
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Been a fan since DA:O was released
29 December 2022
I've been a fan of DA universe since Origins was a new thing on the block. To be honest with you all I went into this expecting to hate it. Netflix has disappointed me more times than it pleased me statistically.

Once the credits rolled after the first episode I was ready to stop and leave a terrible review. It really was bad.

The first episode is the absolute definition of RUSHED. The entire episode felt like a recap of the previous season that you haven't watched. The pilot could have easily been split into two or even three episodes to properly establish the characters and what the main quest is. But instead we just got a TLDR of who is who and what the main objective is.

Decided to continue anyway cause I had nothing better to do with my evening. And I am glad I did because the other five episodes are much much better. The pacing is perfect, the story is entertaining, the characters are somewhat fleshed out.

So overall I am glad I decided to continue after the horrible first episode cause I did enjoy this. Is it the best thing since sliced bread? No. Not even close. Is it a fun and quick watch? Yes, it is. Even for the fans of this universe.

I'd give it a higher score if the first episode was split into two or three episodes as I said. But if they only got 6 episodes to work with and something had to be rushed I'm glad they decided to rush the intro so that the actual plot can have the proper pacing.

Now for the cast and VA. I adore Kimberly Brooks (Miriam), but not in this. All of her lines were emotionless and disconnected to what was happening on the screen. It honestly felt like she was bored to be there. And that's sad cause her character is the "protagonist" here.

I checked out the Japanese VA after I was done and that one did a far far far better job than what Kimberly Brooks did here.

Qwydion as a character didn't do it for me. She is only there to be a comic relief and nothing more. Japanese VA sounded marginally better for me.

Lacklon was amazing and I preferred the English VA much more.

Roland I also preferred as an English VA as well cause he had that "vague" French accent that everyone from Orlais has, which the Japanese VA doesn't do.

Rezaren I absolutely adored! Both the character and his English VA. Japanese VA makes Rezaren sound like your generic pure evil guy, which he is not.

And speaking of that, I never saw Rezaren as the villain. In fact I found our cast of characters to be the bad guys in this situation.

They were such troublemakers and an annoyance to a point where Rezaren simply had to resort to "going bad" in order to deal with all the trouble that they have caused.

Rezaren did nothing wrong.
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Smile (V) (2022)
Could have been better
13 December 2022
Nothing really unique or original to see here. It's pretty much "It Follows" with a fresh coat of paint.

90% of the movie relies on generic and lazy jumpscares which don't work on horror veterans for more than a decade at this point.

The protagonist of the movie is a prime example of a character who uses critical thinking and should behave and act accordingly during the movie. But the movie needs to happen so she makes all the worst possible decisions and behavior tropes throughout the movie like a generic horror movie side character who dies in the intro.

That's the most frustrating thing about this movie, when alone she handles the situation logically. But when surrounded by others where she has a chance to prove her case, she goes full on insane mode for no reason other than it must happen. A complete disconnect.

Maybe if the movie was 30 minutes shorter I would have enjoyed it slightly more. As it stands, this is a creepypasta/short story idea bloated to reach that 2 hour mark that most movies suffer from nowadays cause it's the new "norm" for movie length.
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Barbarian (2022)
Do not waste your time on this
23 November 2022
First act was decent. Which was like 30 minutes long.

Should have been a YouTube short.

The rest of the movie is a disaster. I don't remember the last time I've seen something so bad.

No idea why this movie has such a big review score. Guess I should stop trusting IMDB ratings.

Now I need to type 300 more characters in order to post this review so I am just going to type trash cause this movie is not worth me actually breaking it down and explain anything. So yeah all in all if you value your time and your sanity avoid this like the plague. You'll thank me later.

Something something something.
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10 November 2022
Going into this movie I thought that this movie was really going to be "emotional" because every other reviewer said so, but it honestly wasn't.

Overall it was a rather mediocre movie when it comes to the story. Nothing of importance or interest happens in this installment. The entire plot is mostly pointless.

I am not sure how much money went into this one, but I have a feeling that not a lot? This is surely not the Marvel's most expensive movie by far.

Another trend that I hate is Marvel movies is that they are all drowning in pointless comedy. I'd be far more into this movie and the story if all the "funny" dialogue and scenes were cut out. Maybe then I'd actually feel the "emotional" side of this movie.
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Lily C.A.T. (1987 Video)
Alien meets The Thing
6 November 2022
I went into this expecting nothing. Saw this movie on some youtube video about horror manga and anime iceberg.

Noticed that it's only an hour long and long forgotten so I thought "why not? Could use it to fall asleep fast tonight".

Eh I had some fun with this. It's clearly a rip off of Alien and The Thing and I went into it knowing that so I am not disappointed.

A few cool visuals here and there for something so old, I do miss the old style of anime to be completely honest. And one monologue that the captain has about how they are just relics of the past after a few space runs, having issues to catch up with things after all those cryosleeps was cool. Never really though about it that in these situations some people can, in theory, be 250 years old. Or at least that much time passed on Earth so everyone they knew is dead. Culture has completely changed. Information has changed. Everything is different and you can not keep up the pace.

All in all, a fun little watch. You can definitely do a lot worse than this.
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Mother! (2017)
The stupidest movie I have seen in a long time
14 September 2022
I want the two hours of my life back. I don't remember the last time I felt so bored watching a movie.

This is one those movies that thinks its so clever and deep but it's actually so far up its own arse that it really isn't.

Apparently religious people dislike this movie or something based on other reviews? I am not religious and I still found this movie incredibly dumb.

Some people say that this movie made them feel disgust and delight? Where? I only felt anger and wanted to go into the movie myself with a flamethrower and end every one of the people in it.

I truly hope I never had the misfortune to stumble onto a similar movie again in my life.
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RRR (2022)
A decent comedy
16 August 2022
I do not know why this movies doesn't have a "Comedy" tag associated with it cause I laughed like a madman during the majority of this film from how utterly silly and dumb it is.
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I fell for it again
26 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I saw a horror movie with a score over 7 and I fell for it again.

This movie had so much potential, but that's about it.

Acting was great as well so it's a shame all of it was wasted.

Watching this movie felt like watching a 2nd movie in a trilogy where you have skipped the first one.

So many unexplained things in this one. Why does the sister have visions? Don't know. Oh it's apparently cause of her mom? Do I need to watch a prequel to see that story? Nah, just consume.

Why is the phone doing what it's doing? Is it explained in the prequel? Nah, just consume content.

Why is the Grabber doing what he's doing? What is his connection to the phone? What is the "game" he wants to play with the kids before he kills them? Don't worry about any of that, just consume.

You can literally remove the sister, the cops and the Grabber's brother from the movie and absolutely nothing would have changed in the ending. They did NOTHING of importance for the main plot. All of their scenes were just shoved into this movie cause the main plot would have been half an hour long.

A classical example of an overrated movie.
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Agora (2009)
17 June 2022
This movie is near perfection. Truly a "hidden" gem.

I'd say that ~80% of this movie is historically accurate. And things that are invented at least respect the facts.

Religion is truly the most dangerous weapon that humanity created.
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